Having just bought this myself yesterday, my suggestion for this thread would have to be:
Nexus - The Jupiter Incident $2.49.
It is a tactical space combat sim that still looks good today and I thought looked quite interesting at $2.49. Maybe someone else here will appreciate knowing about it as well. 1080p youtube playthrough here.
BTW, thank you for taking the time to make this thread, MRORANGE!
I loved Flatout Ultimate Carnage when it was released. Turns you into a maniacal road rager as it's so satisfying to just nail people. Especially that tiny car. Don't know if you've seen Mr. Bean, but it's like that. If you like that sort of thing, or things like Destruction Derby with dynamic physics and crazy AI, you should probably give it a go. Just replace the soundtrack as it is so, so bad.Okay, I'm looking at the Racing games on Steam, anyone have any impressions (since mostly all I have is Burnout: Paradise)?
-GRID (still a daily)?
-Need For Speed games (which ones to get/avoid?)?
-Flatout: Carnage?
This is one of the best tactical space combat sims I have ever played. Get it.this seems pretty cool actually .... mmm
Torchlight is current $7.50 and it's really awesome. It's not as dark and brooding as Diablo but it's light-hearted nature puts it miles beyond Titan Quest. Quite a bit of replay value too.Anyone kind enough to recommend some Action RPGs a la Diablo or Titan Quest?
Shining Force 1 or 2?
Anyone kind enough to recommend some Action RPGs a la Diablo or Titan Quest?
This is one of the best tactical space combat sims I have ever played. Get it.
Torchlight is current $7.50 and it's really awesome. It's not as dark and brooding as Diablo but it's light-hearted nature puts it miles beyond Titan Quest. Quite a bit of replay value too.
I have Torchlight, thanks! Any other recommendations?
Syberia games, should I just get the first one or is the second one good as well?
Dungeon Siege 3 is kinda like Diablo.
i completed it a couple months ago and thought it was pretty good.
Just warning to some. Spritel graphics destroyed with forced ugly filter* and it has Secrom thrown in for good measure.
Are any of these GENUINLY worth the time?
Ignoring that they are cheap for a second, pretend they're 50 bucks or whatever would be normal value.
I don't want more shit to clog up my steam library, but with so many games listed in one thread I figured it's worth asking.
I heard good things about sanctum (weird cos at release everyone said it was a shallow game with no content and lame gunplay...) , is it worth getting? what about the dlc?
Wow, Dark Void for $3 is craziness. I know that game doesn't have the best reputation, but if you've ever thought you might be interested in a game about a dude with a rocketpack it's the best one out there. I think the controls in that game are just about perfect for that type of gameplay; you go from regular third person shooting to hovering to flying so smoothly and a lot of the combat scenarios are set up so that any of them are viable (I remember having great sniping fights with other rocketpack-clad enemies), and it has that neat vertical combat thing that Uncharted 3 stole. The gunplay and the feel of the weapons and the story and the graphics are nothing special, but I really enjoyed just playing that game.
It has as much replayability of The Graveyard. Don't waste your time.
So I'll probably try and snag DMC4. Does it have any major problems? The only two I hear about are Nero and backtracking, both of which don't bother me.
Beep looks really cool. Anyone ever play it?
DMC4 on PC is the best version. very well done.
no problems that i could see.
The Oddbox is on sale right now for $3.74. With the HD upgrades coming to Stranger's Wrath in a couple of months, it seemed like a good time to bite!
Alright, $6.14 left of the $60 I had in my steam wallet for the sale.
What thinks GAF?
So shmup fans how's that bullet candy?
Yep. It's not bad, but a little one dimensional. That said, I don't have much more to say about it other than that it was pretty decent.
You're better off checking out some of the gameplay here:
The game starts off easy and boring, but difficulty ramps up and gets much better.
For those who have an itch for dungeon crawling, Arx Fatalis is $2.49.
PC gaming cult classic by Arkane Studios
Dungeons of Dredmor $2.49
Long ago, the Dark Lord Dredmor was bound in the darkest dungeons beneath the earth by great and mighty heroes. Centuries later, the magical bonds that hold him in place are loosening and his power grows ever stronger. The land cries out for a new hero, a powerful warrior or a mystic wizard like those spoken of in the prophecies of yore.
Space Pirates and Zombies $4.99
At its core, Space Pirates and Zombies is an action based, skill oriented, top down space combat game. Its similar to the ones we knew and loved in years past, but now using full physics simulation and modern graphics for those oh so pretty explosions.
Are any of these GENUINLY worth the time?
Ignoring that they are cheap for a second, pretend they're 50 bucks or whatever would be normal value.
I don't want more shit to clog up my steam library, but with so many games listed in one thread I figured it's worth asking.
I heard good things about sanctum (weird cos at release everyone said it was a shallow game with no content and lame gunplay...) , is it worth getting? what about the dlc?