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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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2nd Episode of Umineko [Done]



Battler is still the greatest VN protagonist I've come across,
even though his "giving up" at the end of the episode made me lose a bit of respect I had for him. I expected him to endure and to not let Beatrice see him sweat.

Kanon = badass. Period.

Shannon & Genji also showed me some skills, so I like them much more than I initially did.

Maria and her "uu-uu" can still go burn somewhere.

Beatrice. When it comes to her, I can't think of a time when I hated an antagonist this much, I just want to see her lose. So evil and vindictive. Soo good.

Everyone else has yet to give me a real reason to like them


George & Shannon's tale was alright, but it dragged on much longer than it had to. Once we got past that and things started moving, it was very enjoyable. I especially liked seeing
Rosa take charge of the group, even if it did end up making her completely paranoid.Battler outwitting Beatrice on the first locked room murder made me want to stand up and cheer. Hated how she completely changed the game when she started refraining from answering questions. Such a dick move.

The "???" for this episode was awesome! When Berkastel said "~niipa"



Still great. The music that plays when someone suspects someone is especially good. I like how it starts out all whimsical, but ends up being this dramatic sounding thrill-ride type melody. Love it.

I plan on starting Episode 3 soon. Napalm, you better not be over-hyping it xD

I don't want to overhype it to be sure but I just really liked it. It's not ''WAYYYYY BETTER'' than the others but it is my favourite of the first 4 episodes. It kinda threw a few curve balls at me that totally took me by surprise.

Glad that you seem to be enjoying the VN.

Beatrice. When it comes to her, I can't think of a time when I hated an antagonist this much, I just want to see her lose. So evil and vindictive. Soo good.
Just wait till Ep3.
VN is another genre that makes waaaaay too much sense for iOS and we never see any. Free to download chapter 1 then pay a few dollars for each additional chapter or like 20 for the whole story
My guess is that few people want to try putting a VN out on iOS (or even Android) because most people supposedly wouldn't want to play "thinking games" that require reading.

That's why we see the passing and fading of various "fad" games like Temple Run and Angry Birds, or whatever else people tend to be playing nowadays... -_-

Then again, this is all speculation and generalization. I'm sure there are a bundle of good games on iOS, you just have to dig a little deeper to find them.


5 or 6 might have been mine. I really loved some of the hooks in Chiru.

Also, who's gonna play Phenomeno tonight? It's free and pretty creepy.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
guess i need to play the best of the best, even if it's on a PC.

what are my MUST PLAYS with no underage girls and featuring a top notch official translation? Exodus Guilty looks pretty interesting... like a JP broken sword. i also hear my girlfriend is the president is really good.

Try Tears 9 10, Planeterian, Steins Gate, Kira Kira, Higurashi and 999 when it comes out (Play the DS version if you can).

Tears 9,10 was a surprise for me, try it if you can.

made it about two minutes into tears 9, 10 before deleting the lite version. the writing & translation are awful...

My guess is that few people want to try putting a VN out on iOS (or even Android) because most people supposedly wouldn't want to play "thinking games" that require reading.

That's why we see the passing and fading of various "fad" games like Temple Run and Angry Birds, or whatever else people tend to be playing nowadays... -_-

Then again, this is all speculation and generalization. I'm sure there are a bundle of good games on iOS, you just have to dig a little deeper to find them.

i think people are averse to generic anime designs & poor amateur translations... most puzzle games require more thought than reading as well.
i think people are averse to generic anime designs & poor amateur translations... most puzzle games require more thought than reading as well.
You're probably right. I think I'm too quick to be harsh on phone games because of how I see some people play them...

Now that you mention it, it's incredible how something as simple as an anime art style can deter gamers from great games. It makes me wonder why there's such a strong stigma surrounding it in the west. (Yet there's still such s large audience!)


so i started playing saya no uta

what the fuck am i reading

It only gets more fucked up. At a certain part (you'll know when you get there) I wanted to delete it because it got so fucked and depressing. But if you stick with it it's worth it and you will experience many feels.


Can (or should) ever17 be played before the other games in the series?

I don't think the games have much to do with each other. So if you're going to read just one, go with Ever17. If you're planning on reading them all, might as well leave the best for the last.
I'm a couple of hours into Ep. 3 of Umineko........

I have no idea what's going on.....
Kumasawa(sp?) is the previous Beatrice and they just had some Fate/stay night type of battle with towers and statue/robots.

I'm hoping it gets better, because right now, it's just getting dumb.
I'm a couple of hours into Ep. 3 of Umineko........

I have no idea what's going on.....
Kumasawa(sp?) is the previous Beatrice and they just had some Fate/stay night type of battle with towers and statue/robots.

I'm hoping it gets better, because right now, it's just getting dumb.
Use the tubes bro!

You know nothing Jon Snow.


Rolling Girl
Well I just got done watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku - Outbreak and it seems like an interesting new branch of Higurashi. You should give it a watch if you like Higurashi.
I love that because I've played VLR, I get the Schrodinger's Cat reference. (Before they actually revealed it's name.) Things are getting interesting again.

EDIT: Aaaaannnnnndddd now we're back to just plain dumb.
Eva and Rosa find the gold, I got that, but this "second Eva" that became a witch doesn't even look like the same Eva. Her eyes are two completely different colors.

This is borderline stupid. Glad I set my expectations low.


Haha I guess the anime aspect is raising its head.

I'm still stuck on episode 1 but since Ghosts seems to be a bitter disappointment, I may get back to it today or tomorrow.
I love that because I've played VLR, I get the Schrodinger's Cat reference. (Before they actually revealed it's name.) Things are getting interesting again.

EDIT: Aaaaannnnnndddd now we're back to just plain dumb.
Eva and Rosa find the gold, I got that, but this "second Eva" that became a witch doesn't even look like the same Eva. Her eyes are two completely different colors.

This is borderline stupid. Glad I set my expectations low.

You seem to be one unable to believe in magic, you will not enjoy the rest of this game.
This is intentionnal BTW, it's even adressed in the answer games why those "stupid" moment appear...if you're a mystery kind of guy , maybe you should question why those stupid moments appear and try to enjoy it that way
EDIT: Aaaaannnnnndddd now we're back to just plain dumb.
Eva and Rosa find the gold, I got that, but this "second Eva" that became a witch doesn't even look like the same Eva. Her eyes are two completely different colors.

This is borderline stupid. Glad I set my expectations low.

she's supposed to be Eva when she was a kid, with her eyes being a different color because she's a magical being.

How exactly is any of this even close to stupid?
Played a little bit of Dmmd:Reconnect, last night. It seems like it just going to be a bunch of cutesy scenes that end in sex. So if you hoped that they would attempt to fix the plot by expanding on concepts you are going to be disappointed.

It seems that the routes are really short, I finished Noiz's bad ending in about 10 minutes. Noiz's good route, so far, has him being the perfect boyfriend, and yet Aoba's crying about it. I mean I get why, but it's just too much. It's gotten to the point where I am doubting that Aoba is actually a man or a 14 year old girl in disguise.

Though I haven't finished the route, so I'll see if things improve.
OK what exactly are you not getting?

I'm a bit baffled as it all seems straight forward.
If it was established earlier on that when you become
"magical" that your eyes change colo
r, I'd be on board, but for it to just happen out of the blue is stupid. There's a similar occurrence in Kingdom Hearts when your eyes change colors because of the "darkness" but it's established. In the first game.

I won't pass judgement until I finish this episode, but with
appearance, things have gone from silly to stupid.
It seems really bizzare to focus on something like that rather then
the fact that Eva has supposedly become a witch at all.

I mean,
shouldn't the whole Schrodinger's Cat analogy clued you in on how you're supposed to be interpreting that bit?
It seems really bizzare to focus on something like that rather then
the fact that Eva has supposedly become a witch at all.

I mean,
shouldn't the whole Schrodinger's Cat analogy clued you in on how you're supposed to be interpreting that bit?

I know, but it's at points like these in VNs where I realize "Okay, it's only going to get stupider from her on out, so I might as well get used to it."

In Virtue's Last Reward it was when
the golem was introduced, because at that point it stopped being about who Zero Sr. was and became "which one of us is the golem." which distracted too much from the main story.

In Ever17 it was when
Blick Winkel showed up. Thankfully that was toward the end of the game, so not much was soured.

I'm not saying that it won't get better, but I just have yet to reach the point where I accept the stupidity that is about to ensue. I'll probably be there bu the end of this episode or at the very latest, by the middle of the 4th.


It only gets more fucked up. At a certain part (you'll know when you get there) I wanted to delete it because it got so fucked and depressing. But if you stick with it it's worth it and you will experience many feels.

I am reading through Saya No Uta, but I am facing some difficulties reading though it. My problem stems from my only PC is in an open (no door) room on the first floor of my parent's place. And I have seen enough of the game that I do NOT want my parents to walk in at an...awkward moment.
In Ever17 it was when
Blick Winkel showed up. Thankfully that was toward the end of the game, so not much was soured.

Your definition of "stupid" is very strange considering this is one of the best parts of Ever17.

I just have to hear your reasoning on how things are getting "stupid" in your eyes in Umineko.

Genuinely curious, because I've never heard anybody say this sort of thing about Episode 3.
Your definition of "stupid" is very strange considering this is one of the best parts of Ever17.

I just have to hear your reasoning on how things are getting "stupid" in your eyes in Umineko.

Genuinely curious, because I've never heard anybody say this sort of thing about Episode 3.
I think he's confusing stupid with ridiculous. I'm not fully following the convo here, but yeah, the twists in these VNs can be pretty out there, but that's the fun factor for most people: seeing how the crazy stuff comes together.

It just might be everyone's cup of tea... *shrugs*

Das Ace

I like Grisaia, but damn if it isn't over written.

I think I read somewhere that all the routes together have a higher word count than MuvLuv Alt. I'd believe it.
I think he's confusing stupid with ridiculous. I'm not fully following the convo here, but yeah, the twists in these VNs can be pretty out there, but that's the fun factor for most people: seeing how the crazy stuff comes together.

It just might be everyone's cup of tea... *shrugs*

The real problem he seem to have is that he is unable to accept some events in the game because they come from nowhere when he should instead enbrace the "sudden event" and ask himself , "why this event is happening ?"

Umineko is actually forshadowing a lot of things properly , you just have to pay attention and ignore the things that don't matter ( and they are hidden on purpose )
3rd Episode of Umineko [Done]

With that in mind:



I honestly set my expectations low because whenever I take GAF's (or anyone else's for that matter) opinion on something being amazing I am usually let down. But this…. THIS. WAS. AMAZING! The beginning was a bit slow, and there were some parts where I was losing interest; but
towards the end when Beatrice turned out to be playing you even though she put on the façade of “good witch” Sh*t. Got. Real.

It was incredible that the writers were able to give Beatrice and Battler a common enemy and actually have me rooting for Beato more so than Battler. To have her set up as the good guy only to have her reveal her true intentions right at the last minute was pure “Beatrice”. Similar to the end of (SPOILERS FOR DmC: Devil May Cry) DmC where Virgil does something similar, I laughed for a good 10 minutes because of how much I both did and didn’t see it coming.

The only complaints I had were regarding
EVA-Beatrice’s eye color being different than regular Eva and the seemingly unnecessary Witch fight. The eye color threw me off because it seemed to be saying “This isn't Eva, this is an entirely different person.” Rather than “This is ‘magic’ Eva”. I can accept it if it happens again, because that would establish it as a fact, but as an isolated incident, it was a bit jarring.


Battler still has his spot at #1, but Kanon has been knocked down to #4 after
Rudolf & Kyrie. Their battle with the Seven Sisters was the highlight of the entire episode. Actually, scratch that, #2 goes to the girl Rika AKA Lady Berkastel.

So, those are my top 5 characters so far.

Maria can still ~Uuu Uuu~ herself into a coma.

Everyone else was pretty forgettable,
although I do expect Genji to show some of that power I know he has.

Eva has also fallen to the bottom with her actions.
And as always Beatrice is still the villain I love to hate. But with Lambadelta pulling the strings, it takes a bit of the sting out of her actions because she isn’t the big bad mastermind I thought she was. Even though her Teacher helping her out was to be expected, I would have liked it a bit more if Lambadelta was the spectator she said she was rather than the puppet master.

Was this the best episode so far?


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Voted yes right away.

Must keep voting Yes on every single VN to appear on Greenlight if it means we'll get one step closer to Steins;Gate releasing on Steam.

Still praying.
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