2nd Episode of Umineko [Done]
Battler is still the greatest VN protagonist I've come across,even though his "giving up" at the end of the episode made me lose a bit of respect I had for him. I expected him to endure and to not let Beatrice see him sweat.
Kanon = badass. Period.
Shannon & Genji also showed me some skills, so I like them much more than I initially did.
Maria and her "uu-uu" can still go burn somewhere.
Beatrice. When it comes to her, I can't think of a time when I hated an antagonist this much, I just want to see her lose. So evil and vindictive. Soo good.
Everyone else has yet to give me a real reason to like them
George & Shannon's tale was alright, but it dragged on much longer than it had to. Once we got past that and things started moving, it was very enjoyable. I especially liked seeingRosa take charge of the group, even if it did end up making her completely paranoid.Battler outwitting Beatrice on the first locked room murder made me want to stand up and cheer. Hated how she completely changed the game when she started refraining from answering questions. Such a dick move.
The "???" for this episode was awesome! When Berkastel said "~niipa"
Still great. The music that plays when someone suspects someone is especially good. I like how it starts out all whimsical, but ends up being this dramatic sounding thrill-ride type melody. Love it.
I plan on starting Episode 3 soon. Napalm, you better not be over-hyping it xD
I don't want to overhype it to be sure but I just really liked it. It's not ''WAYYYYY BETTER'' than the others but it is my favourite of the first 4 episodes. It kinda threw a few curve balls at me that totally took me by surprise.
Glad that you seem to be enjoying the VN.
Just wait till Ep3.Beatrice. When it comes to her, I can't think of a time when I hated an antagonist this much, I just want to see her lose. So evil and vindictive. Soo good.