The funny thing about the whole Tebowmania is that the kid literally NEVER gets out of his lane. He doesn't do any talking or proselytizing about his faith (not in the way people like to suggest), or talk about how awesome a person or player he is. He just plays football, leads, fucks up (often - he's a young QB in the pros, right?) and wins.
I like Tim Tebow, and naturally as a Patriot hater I hope he wins. I hope he keeps developing as a pro player and eventually can be taken seriously as a QB in the pros. I've never seen such vitriol for someone kneeling down ever. Nobody says shit when players thank God, or when teams do prayers in the huddle or after games. There are players in these pro sports who are ACTUALLY ministers and shit...but only Tebow is beating you over the head with his faith by not talking about it unless asked.
ESPN is mostly to blame. They sensationalize things and when it gets to be too much, they slyly back away and act as if they weren't the ones that created the whole mess. Just like what happened with LeBron James: they saw an opportunity to create a "villain" and they did just that. After the backlash that James received after the whole "Decision" nonsense (which aired exclusively on ESPN), they seized on the opportunity to insist that James was receiving unwarranted coverage. And just who were the ones giving him all the coverage? ESPN. There's just no culpability.
This just goes to show how much ESPN devotes to "entertainment". In the sports world, they're both the gossip columnist and the investigative journalist, all wrapped in one. And I feel dumb for getting caught up in their nonsense. I shouldn't dislike Tebow but since I have no interest in him, I can't stand it when they shove him down my throat. He hasn't done anything offensive, but seriously.....who wants to hear about an unaccomplished person 24/7? And most of the time, it isn't even about his accomplishments. It's just soundbites about praying and Tebowing and miracles and whatnot.
I guarantee that if the Broncos get slaughtered by the Patriots, ESPN will in turn slaughter Tebow. They will spare no expense to ridicule the crap out of him.