No story mode for me.
YesssssssssEntering the shop hit me immediately with feelings. EO2 might not have been the best EO game, but I always liked its soundtrack the most. FM, of course.
DLC in EO... somehow this pains me.
nice OP
Flavio's name in the pics is misspelt tho
I need to go to bed, but I'll fix it tomorrow.
EO2's soundtrack is the best. Cherry Tree Bridge, Heaven's Rock Seat, great themes.
Taking a rest. They'll return for V.No more Fight and Heal puns in the OT subtitle??
I can also go NG+ from classic to Story Mode, right?
This the kind of game you can pick up and play or do I need to have played some previous Etrian Odyssey games?
This the kind of game you can pick up and play or do I need to have played some previous Etrian Odyssey games?
I need this now. Is it on the eshop yet?
The Etrian Odyssey IV demo didn't click with me, as I don't usually like dungeon crawlers. I really want to try this one, so I guess I'll check the demo. Is it available on EU eShop yet?
Since this game has auto-mapping, I guess I can give it a try. Mapping a game by myself is something so tedious I don't want to bother trying.
read the FAQ in the OP
oooh man I'm gonna have a template for this
read the ______ section in the OP, there we go
Actually I did read the OP. I must have glazed over that answer in the FAQ. It was a lot to read, and I'm distracted often.
Sorry to upset you so much.
Wanted to get the game on Amazon......... the game is $60 CAD 0_0 .
I'm going to a convention this weekend and will probably spend a lot so Il wait next month to get this .
Huh?Edit: a full page of Shishou. Zweizer pls
That seems really low it's less than a gig. Can anyone else confirm?Just checked, game is now available on eShop. Downloading now! If I'm not mistaken, its 7126 Blocks. I quickly moved past the screens due to excitement lol.
Haven't played the original version of II and want to reserve judgment on Untold 2, but I'd go:Can someone rank all 4 EOs?
I played 1 and 4 but suffered fatigue midway through in both games sadly. I'm not sure if I could just get into EO IV again if I booted it. I was in the 3rd realm if I'm not mistaken (the ice landscape) but I dunno if I should just play EO Untold instead and start fresh.
Me too man...edit: I'm like the most casual ever. Story mode and let the game handle some of the mapping for me.
That seems really low it's less than a gig. Can anyone else confirm?
Haven't played the original version of II and want to reserve judgment on Untold 2, but I'd go:
IV > III > Untold 1 classic mode > Untold 1 story mode > I
Can someone rank all 4 EOs?
I played 1 and 4 but suffered fatigue midway through in both games sadly. I'm not sure if I could just get into EO IV again if I booted it. I was in the 3rd realm if I'm not mistaken (the ice landscape) but I dunno if I should just play EO Untold instead and start fresh.
Can someone rank all 4 EOs?
I played 1 and 4 but suffered fatigue midway through in both games sadly. I'm not sure if I could just get into EO IV again if I booted it. I was in the 3rd realm if I'm not mistaken (the ice landscape) but I dunno if I should just play EO Untold instead and start fresh.