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Eurogamer Expo 2013 is this month! - September 26th-29th


Anyone got any views on Ghosts??

I did, just cos I won a prestige edition. I didn't enjoy it and most people I talked to felt let down with it actually.

Matt Lees is always hanging around the white sofas if someone wants to say hello.

Dammit I just left :(

That's me done now for the weekend, going to get a train gone and I'll post detailed impressions then :)


I didn't queue for more than an hour for anything this year. You've just got to walk around a lot and eventually you'll learn what a good size queue is for some games, then you can jump in (lol) to the queue without wasting time. Even the Call of Duty queue was only an hour or so at some points during the day yesterday, and I walked straight into some Xbox One titles yesterday evening, so it's about picking the right times.

This weekend I learned that super pass holder should just walk up to the front door at 10am on subsequent days and stroll on in. No benefit to queueing at all.


Won a Forza 5 art on the Xbox stage. I was the guy wearing glasses and a Ryse shirt. Some guy tried to buy it off me immediately after walking off stage.

On the train home to store it.


Anyone been to the Rezzed area? More specifically the Indie Arcade? Messofanego mentioned it was quite narrow there but I haven't heard anyone talk more about it.
Like many here I'm considering cancelling my PS4 pre-order now. I feel like I might want to wait 4-5 months for the catalogue to fill out more as the showings at Eurogamer were rather disappointing.

However on the plus side: Dual Shock 4 felt amazing. Despite having tiny hands I've never got on with the Dual Shock 3 even with add-on convex stick covers and trigger covers.

My favourite things at the show were Vita games: Velocity 2X and Tearaway. They held my interest far more than the next gen showings. A+ Vita devs!

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate was better than I expected but felt a bit limiting in the demo version. There was a lot of running and pressing right trigger to grapple up.

Witcher 3 dev talk was pointless as it gave out no real new information. I hope there's the odd thing out in the world between these quest zones otherwise it could get a bit WoW Cataclysm-esque and make you feel like there's no exploration. Just a quest hub, then another quest hub, and so on.

Watch_Dogs had a little presentation which was disappointing. The graphics weren't particularly fantastic (particularly in comparison to the reveal demo) and the gameplay soon dissolved into crouching behind waist height crates and shooting at people.

What's the difference in launch and 4-5 months away besides Infamous SS? I think people are expecting too much from a launch. Ps4 is in a far better place than the Ps3 was for sure.


How good is the DS4, seriously, in my opinion a huge improvement over their last offering. It just feels right like the Xb1 controller. Can't decide which one I like more.

I agree, I think both are a huge step forward. DS4 checks all the boxes on fixing things I didn't like about DS3. Likewise with the xbox one controller. D-pad infinitely better, face buttons don't bulge out as much, analogues are tighter, triggers are nice and springy. Pretty lightweight overall.

Both are really great.
Only came for this afternoon so not wasting any time queuing for stuff, but enjoying watching everyone else playing the games. Already got a few on my to buy list, and have landed quite a bit of swag. Good expo this year.


This expo has been swagtastic. I'm having one last go at Nintendo's swag wheel after Oculus Rift and then trying my luck with the fabled Xbox One hoodie.


This expo has been swagtastic. I'm having one last go at Nintendo's swag wheel after Oculus Rift and then trying my luck with the fabled Xbox One hoodie.

Someone right in front of me won the grand prize, which at the time was a portraited animal crossing tee of Elizabeth, signed by the creator. I got some Zelda stickers, and my friend got a Pikmin plushie xD


It was a decent day, but I spent far too long queuing. I really feel I shouldn't have bothered queuing for the PS4 section since I found the amount of time playing the 2 games pathetic, it really wasn't worth the hour plus waiting to get in.

Also was I alone in being disappointed in Super Mario 3D World? It felt really clunky to me, sadly. The other Nintendo games were great though.

Rocksmith was good fun, but I found the experience quite jarring since it was like looking into a mirror. I was constantly fucking up because of it, despite being a guitarist myself.

How good is the DS4, seriously, in my opinion a huge improvement over their last offering. It just feels right like the Xb1 controller. Can't decide which one I like more.

I feel the PS4 has better buttons and d-pad, but the rumble triggers on the X1 is a nice touch.

I've managed Pikmin plush, keyring and stickers. Didn't know a grand prize existed.
I tried to get a Pikmin plush, but I only managed to get stickers. :(

What was the grand prize?

In total I managed to play:

  • Rocksmith 2014
  • Wind Waker HD
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Zelda ALBW
  • Forza 5
  • GT6
  • Driveclub
  • Octodad
  • Need for Speed Rivals
  • Mario Kart 8
  • War Thunder
Shame I didn't get to play with the Oculus Rift. :(
For those with superpasses and managed to get passed the 2nd challenge, what were the other challenges?

I didn't care about the prize, but it looked fun.
Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Titanfall, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Zelda LBW, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Dark Souls 2, Resogun, Tearaway, Sonic Lost World, Hotline Miami 2, Wolfenstein, Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. What are the chances I can play all of these tomorrow? I don't mind skipping Titanfall.
People said there was no way I could play them all, but I did everything except Dead Rising 3 and Mario Kart 8 (which looking at up close was enough for me), and I played Dark Souls II twice to get the shirt, if not for that I probably could have. I lucked out on Titanfall though, only queued for 30 mins because I went at the end played in the last batch.


Oculus Rift wasn't the 1080p one. That was slightly disappointing, but the thing was pretty cool.

Immersion up the arse, man.


Resogun from Housemarque has been getting a whole load of praise at EG Expo. Eurogamer for instance say that Resogun is the best looking next-gen game seen so far.

It's such a fun game and really addictive to play. Best of all it's free on PS Plus at launch.

I couldn't put it down at EGX. Anyone else played it? What are your thoughts?
I MET MATT LEES! BEST LAST HOUR EVER! Not sure who was the girl at Esdevium Games but I need to thank her for helping me pass my last hour quickly! :D

EGX REDEEMED. Excuse me while I go pass out.

Sheeeeit so jealous, did he do the lunge test?

Or look up a statue's pants to see if they have...


thanks for the laugh
ouch, PS4.

modest F2P games like warframe and blacklight retribution struggling to break past 30fps,
driveclub paling in comparison to just about every other racer in the building (anyone else notice they were using awful 120hz motion interpolation to fake 60fps on the 60" showcase screen?), killzone looking unrecognisable from its february reveal.

knack was the biggest offender, though. i don't think i've read a single article which illustrates just how badly the framerate tanks during some of the more intense moments.

oh well, there's always resogun.
ouch, PS4.

modest F2P games like warframe and blacklight retribution struggling to break past 30fps,
driveclub paling in comparison to just about every other racer in the building (anyone else notice they were using awful 120hz motion interpolation to fake 60fps on the 60" showcase screen?), killzone looking unrecognisable from its february reveal.

knack was the biggest offender, though. i don't think i've read a single article which illustrates just how badly the framerate tanks during some of the more intense moments.

oh well, there's always resogun.
Exactly my thoughts after my visit in Thurs. Even Resogun stutterered slightly, even if it was mostly 60fps. Just baffled really, here we are with x86 tech and you'd think it was PS3 and development difficulties all over again. XB1's showings weren't any better, although at least Forza was smooth. Meanwhile Wii U's stuff was slick polished and smooth.

Hopefully it was just down to old builds.


thanks for the laugh
Exactly my thoughts after my visit in Thurs. Even Resogun stutterered slightly, even if it was mostly 60fps. Just baffled really, here we are with x86 tech and you'd think it was PS3 and development difficulties all over again. XB1's showings weren't any better, although at least Forza was smooth. Meanwhile Wii U's stuff was slick polished and smooth.

Hopefully it was just down to old builds.

i think it's because there was so much creativity and so many new mechanical ideas on display at eurogamer - even at the AAA end with which isn't something i'm used to - that the amount of time i wasted with the PS4 felt particularly egregious.

to make matters worse, it was sorely outshone by its older brother. GT6 looked a better game than driveclub in every way. if only it was DS4 compatible.


I'm definitely dropping for a super pass again next year to make it 5 years running that I've gone.

Hopefully I'll win another random Xbox thingy.


Had an awesome weekend. So so so so so so so so so tiring. But so good. Met some awesome developers and played some awesome games


Had an ace time at the expo. Went for all 4 days this year. Deffo going next year if only to see the cosplay parade again. Who won the best cosplay? Does anyone know?
Hopefully it was just down to old builds.

Rushy confirmed they were using the old Gamescom build. I visited Guerrilla one time and they had tons of builds, multiple new ones on a daily basis. I wouldn't worry too much about the technical side of things, these last few months of polish will make a massive difference.

That said, it's the indie stuff I'm most excited about by far. First AAA game that is really on my radar is inFamous. That and The Order.
I met Matt Lees too. Cool guy. Somehow ended up talking about Mass Effect 3 with him, which is a subject that I thought I'd never want to hear about again, but it was actually a fairly worthwhile conversation.

Oh, and Rami's Vlambeer panel was cool too.


Today at about 1pm.

Here's a picture of it on my gender appropriate bed.

Awesome, that's a really nice image on the print! Glad you managed to get it home all ok, did you have far to go?

I helped run the Forza 5 stage shows on Thurs/Fri so thought maybe I was the one who might have given you the artwork.

Hope you've got a nice spot on your walls to put it up on :)


I had a pretty bad time as a whole, and virtually everything I saw was underwhelming.

However, the Rift? That thing is legitimately incredible, the most important accessory for the future of the industry since the Dual Analog pad. That current version is ass, but the potential is very clearly colossal. Stunning.
My 2 day experience of the Expo.,...

Day 1

Firstly, the queues for the PS4 section :sulk: Titanfall was about a 2 hour wait too so i wont bother with that. Watched it though, it is Call of Duty, with extra mist and faster pace, not a bad thing though. Looks V good. Even the menus looked like COD!

First played Forza 5, when waiting and watching it looks a bit meh, but when you look over at GT6 opposite, Forza 5 suddenly looks 2 gens ahead.

Plays well, looks good and that was just the Laguna Seca track. The new tracks will look even better.

The Xbox pad.......felt a bit wierd to me, sticks noticeably small in size and movement and lighter to push. Pad is lighter too, bit smaller. Not sure i liked the changes, very surprised that i have come away a bit worried about the pad. My big hands felt a bit too big for it, felt like i was needing to push shoulder buttons with the middle of my fingers instead of the tip.

But the biggest problem i found was the triggers, when fully pressed, the inner edge of the casing was slightly elevated above the trigger, i found this annoying.
So i am a bit concerned!

Especially when i got to get on the PS4 pad with Ass Creed 4.......it is a massive improvement i have to say, really comfortable and the triggers felt good. Still think the sticks are in the wrong place though. But impessed overall.

Ass Creed 4 is about 7 billions times better than AC3 , but thats not hard. You start in a naval battle which i find boring, so unlike everryone else i deserted the seas asap for Havana and let loose in combat. It is very good. And i got good 'oooooo' reaction from people watching me when i did a double take down off a roof :smug:

Lastly got to play BF4, Xbox One Pad. And the game is good, very good infact and looked good too. There were reports of it looking muddy and dodgy, no idea where that came from. Seems solid enough to me anyways.

Going back tomorrow and will a bit more time so hopefully get to play more Xbox One and PS4 games. But want to get some indie action too.

Honestly did not think i would come away with Xbox pad concerns. Hopefully it is just a case of getting used to it.

2nd day at the Expo.....

It was noticeably busier than Friday and a lot more kids flying about. so based on I was hoping there would be less people in the over 18's section to have a go on Titanfall, I was wrong, still queues for nearly 2 hours so I didn't even try to play it.

Had another watch of it though, and it does look so much fun to play. I think the hype is definitely justified. It is going to be perfect for people burnt out by COD.

Had another go on BF4 as the queue does move quite well with big change over's between games. Didn't have to wait too long. This is one of the games I feel is worth it for the new consoles at launch. Graphics consolewise is a huge step up from BF3. BF3 does look decent on current consoles but everything looks so much clearer, especially at distance and its ultra smooth.

About the Xbox One pad again, on Friday I felt it was a bit odd with the triggers fully depressed as you could feel the casing stick up a bit....it actually does not stick out at all (of course), but I noticed when comparing to the 360 pad is that the casing is wider on the 360 at the inside of the trigger and It is just the difference I can feel, I'm not worried about that now, just a matter of getting used to the different touch.

The sticks being smaller, with the slightly smaller area of movement makes everything feel more sensitive, again just a case of getting used to it all over again. The rumble triggers on Forza felt brilliant, the feedback is very impressive. Didn't feel it much on BF4 though, but might be because I was concentrating on the game.

moving away from that area of games, I had my time there. I spent a lot of time in the indie section, starting with Octodad :eek: What a brilliant game, so simple, so stupid, but an absaloute joy to play. Will be a deffo buy when I pick up a PS4 sometime next year.

Again the PS4 pad is brilliant, so comfortable to hold. If the sticks were Xbox placed then I would probably prefer it. I remembered to do the thumb to thumb test, and I can happily report that my thumbs no longer knock into each other like on the abysmal PS3 pad when the sticks are pushed towards each other.

Next up, Velocity 2 on the Vita, and it will be on PS4 too. While waiting I was talking to one if the debs about it, telling me how Sony asked them to make a sequel and you could see how passionate they are about the game. Anyway, my first time using a Vita and I'm not really digging it, I don't find it natural to hold, I feel like my thumb is too hunched when going for the buttons. Sticks are quite good though.

Anyway, the game itself is very good it is a top down shooter with platforming sections that reminded me of Flashback. Solid game with good use of quick teleportation when the levels move fast. I liked the mix up of top down and platforming.

Next was Resogun.......this is a special game, fast fluid energetic side shooter with 3D elements that opens up the game and sets it apart. There is so much going on on-screen and not a hint of slowdown. I very nearly completed the 1st level, on the the boss, this huge wheel like thing, I almost had it with only a few hits left to kill, stupidly went in for the kill and blew myself up. This game is another example of next gen launch purchase at day one, its only a indie game but there's no way a 360/PS3 could handle it this well. The new consoles are going to make all games nicer to play, not just visually.

Played a few other small games on tablets, nothing to write home about. But I did spot a PC game where you build your own prison to keep criminals in. I forget the name hut it looked fun.

I seen knack though next to Resogun in the Virgin Media section. It must have been an old build, it looked choppy and rough. I'm sure it will be a decent game overall though.

Headed back over to the Xbox section, I really wanted to play some DriveClub and Killzone but the PS4 area queues were huge. It was One big queue to get access to all games whereas the Xbox One was individual to each game. so sadly did not get on them.

Watch an event for Kinect Sports Rivals, and looks decent. They got a few people in the crowd to play it. They went on jet ski racing and it looked nice, water looked lovely, environments very nice. Gameplay looked fine, was trying to spot input lag from the players and it is very very minimal, most of the time I couldn't see any at all. Obviously I will have to see for myself in November properly.

Xbox guys on stage started throwing out t-shirts into the crowd, got my hand on one but some lanky wanker had a better grip on it :wave: :wave: :wave:

Had another go on Forza 5, reaffirming that it looked good and felt good.

Wanted to get to play Dead Rising but this was the most popular here so I left it, I hate queueing :wave: so I'll be fucked if I'm waiting an hour or so.

So popped into the Killer Instinct queue as it happened to be small as went past, excellent timing as it built back up after after :cool: I was not planning on playing KI at all as its a F2P at launch.....but I am so glad that I did. I don't tend to like fighting games much and I'm rubbish at them.

I had the choice of using the Pads or the fighting sticks designed for the game, went for the pad as I want to keep trying it out. Was paired with another random and straight away I was loving it, I can't explain what it was but this game was amazing. It looks superb, plays wonderfully. Players have tons of health unlike Tekken and Street Fighter and this really helps the fights to be really compelling trying to beat the shit out of the opponent with 10x combo's etc.

Again visually it might not be the most stunning game but trust me when I say you can't get this good looking on current gens at all. and again, its so smooth, no hint of slowdowns at all. I got beat 2-1 in games by the randomer but I came away massively impressed. Sabrewolf is going to be my character of choice :eek:

Not much else after that as I had a train to catch but had a look at NFS rivals which looks nice. Had a go on World of Tanks on 360, which was meh. Quick go on Zoo Tycoon too which again was meh, I did actually fancy this game but it doesn't seem very in depth as Tycoon games go, I'll have to give it another go on a demo in future.

So in conclusion. Good experience but was dissapointing not get on Oculus Rift, Main PS4 games and Titanfall due to ridiculous queues. Hopefully if I go again there will be better systems in place for queues, like tickets at times etc.

Re the consoles buying at launch...I will be buying my Xbox One still, PS4 next . No doubt about it. But even though there are some games with graphics that are not mind blowing exactly, however most are noticeable enough, some than others. but the biggest aspect is how well the games play, more games at 60fps or at least locked to 30fps is much more important than graphics at this stage. the big graphical jumps to come soon enough (some are big like BF4, NFS, DR3) but the solid frame rates will massively improve gaming experiences for us all too and after the Expo I need the new consoles now!

The End.


Awesome, that's a really nice image on the print! Glad you managed to get it home all ok, did you have far to go?

I helped run the Forza 5 stage shows on Thurs/Fri so thought maybe I was the one who might have given you the artwork.

Hope you've got a nice spot on your walls to put it up on :)

I live near a DLR station, so it was only a few changes - maybe just under an hour. I got a few weird glances on my run home, but otherwise it was smooth, haha.

I've got an empty spot above the fireplace and I'm hoping I can get it up there somehow, but I'll probably need a frame or something.


I live near a DLR station, so it was only a few changes - maybe just under an hour. I got a few weird glances on my run home, but otherwise it was smooth, haha.

I've got an empty spot above the fireplace and I'm hoping I can get it up there somehow, but I'll probably need a frame or something.

Yeah, it definitely warrants a nice frame imo :)


Got back oop North tonight.

Amazing weekend with some great friends, as always. Absolutely overwhelmed by Titanfall. Was totally sold on it after about 10 seconds.

Quite a few disappointments though. I was pretty underwhelmed by a lot of the stuff in the PS4 area, although I'm trying to remain pragmatic about it in terms of the age of some of those builds. I just don't know why you turn up to a consumer show 2 months before you want those same people to go out and spend £350 on a new console, and show off something as ropey as Drive Club looked. Killzone was apparently Alpha code as well however and I thought that looked pretty good. Clearly not final either, but some really nice lighting and effects. Resogun looked ace though.

I thought Battlefield 4 looked absolutely atrocious, but again, Alpha build wasn't it? I suppose being sat 3 centimeters from a 42" HDTV didn't help with the image quality of that either.


Back home, what a long journey D:

Summary of my experience, with impressions:

Day 1:

Ran in first straight up to Call of Duty: Ghosts and managed to snag a Prestige Edition copy :D In hindsight this event was kind of funny, but also an accident waiting to happen; people shoving each other out of the way running full blast, security in vain telling people to slow down and everyone slamming into the booth wall as they got there. As for the game itself, I don't know what it is but it was really disappointing, and I didn't have high expectations for it anyway, and this was a running theme I noticed amongst many people I talked to at the expo. Played it on the XB1, the controller didn't feel right to control another feeling I heard amongst other people at the expo.

Next, Dark Souls II which seemed to be more Dark Souls and that's not a bad thing. Didn't even make it to the boss personally, don't worry this game is no easier.

Then, TitanFall, the big kahuna of the show. I waited 2 hours to see it and from the sounds of things that was a short wait time D:
It's great, it is really good, I described it to my friend as if CoD had a mech baby with Mirror's Edge. I don't typically play MP shooters much but I really enjoyed this, and even did quite well in the match :p

Wandered over to the Rezzed area, and played Sir, You Are Being Hunted which seems cool, but is the sort of game that is hard to judge from only 10 minutes. Hotline Miami 2 was more of the same, and still had a great soundtrack but wins the honour of worst organsied booth there, the guy running it just clearly didn't give a fuck and let people play as long as they wanted when there was only 2 terminals.
The Room Two was also more of the same.

End of the day, I seen The Evil Within dev panel, which was really disappointing; all they did was show 2 short gameplay videos. Game looks very RE4 with a few Silent Hill monsters thrown in for good measure.

Day 2:

Queued 2 hours for the PS4 to play KIllzone: Shadow Fall, it's basically just Killzone to be honest =/
Also tried Resogun, it's neat but ultimately not my thing.

Afterwards, tried out Volume, from the creator of Thomas Was Alone, my other contender for game of the show. It's basically as if someone decided to make the VR missions of MGS 1 nowadays, but with the witty writing of TWA, loved it :D

Batman: Arkham Origins
is just more Batman, wish I took the time to try the side stuff as the demo was super short otherwise.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is a pretty standard hack and slash game, the demo is of the scene at Dracula's castle that's been shown off and was basically a huge rip off of GOW2's opening but also with very noticeable and irritating hand holding.
Assassin's Creed IV was pretty bad, it was just more AC but it was very poor choice of demo, all it was was plopping you in the open sea in your ship and just told to go explore with no direction, not great. The other PC demo of the game was a little better, it gave you an actual mission but still with no hints on how to utilise your ship best, and the PC controls are awful on m+kb.

Lastly, Oculus Rift, this was so cool! I wish I played a better game, I was stuck with War Thunder =/ But I was impressed with the headset. I wasn't surprised by the IQ, as some people mentioned, you are basically sticking your face up right into 2 screens.

Can I take another post for Day 3 and 4?


Foundations of Burden
I visited on the Thursday with a 11am ticket, first went to the woeful recruitment area, waited for about an hour and a half to play Dark Souls II then left the show. Going for a day isn't worth it unless you buy a 9am entry ticket. Also, having just one single escalator for accessing the upper area was a unnecessary bottleneck for crowd flow. I'm always impressed with the amount of games that are on show but Eurogamer get worse with their floor plan every year. They should move to a bigger accommodating venue like ExCel.

Here's a HDR pic of the view from the upper floor.


Day 3:

Started with Dying Light, it was only a 6 minute demo :O From such a small time I can't make much judgment on it but simply it did seem mostly like Dead Island with Parkour really.

Wolfenstein seemed pretty solid, I haven't kept up with it so it surprised me to see that is does seem very old school inspired. Felt kind of bad for Bethesda on it though, they're obviously pushing this game so hard and no one cares.

I know Payday 2 is already out but I hadn't played it before, I didn't like it. The heist immediately went to shit cos we didn't know what we were doing and everyone died except me I was the last one standing, ran out of ammo and didn't know how to get anymore and still even then I almost finished the heist and collected 5/6 jewellery bags needed to finish. I think that says more on the game than my skills.

Shadow Warrior was really fun, the katana is cool and the gunplay quite fast, I may pick this one up now :)

Went to the Witcher 3 planel, was interesting. They basically kept taking pot shots at Skyrim the whole time, and it's obvious they are aware of the challenge of building an open world but trying to produce a great story at the same time.

Beyond: Two Souls left me cold, the controls are awful and already the story seems plain dumb, I expect this to be another David Cage classic where you can drive a tank through it's many plot holes.

Bayonetta 2 was more Bayonetta really. Dead Rising 3 surprised me it was very much playable and I only experienced one moment of slowdown (though that was in a 10 mins span), the wackiness of the others is definitely still here. It may not look it from the aesthetic but it definitely still plays like Dead Rising.

Day 4:

Last day, I just walked straight on to Battlefield 4, really fun, in fact reminds me more of BC2 which to me is great, so it's back on my radar actually.

Elder Scrolls Online was bad, so so so bad. Watching the Witcher 3 panel about not wanting to create repetitive fed ex quests made this all the more apparent. As a disclaimer I've never played an MMO before.

Graphics ain't great, but that may be part and parcel of MMOs, combat was awful more so than Skyrim, AI was non existent practically, I ran around one enemy waiting for him to react. And the quests of the demo were just nothing but fetch quests. I queued an hour for this and it was a complete waste of time.

Seen the Peter Molyneux panel on Godus, very interesting watching him speak. For all his hyperbole and criticisms, this is a man who obviously loves what he does and seems quite humble with his fans :)

Last thing was Thief. I don't know, it seems solid enough from the demo but there was still nothing shown that assuaged my fears that everyone else on gaf have already expressed on this game.

Phew, done :p


I am within walking distance of the ExCel. If they put the expo there, that'd be the most convenient shit ever.
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