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Eurogamer Expo 2013 is this month! - September 26th-29th


Neo Member
Best moment of Expo? Playing Helldivers. Me and friend trying to work out what to do. 4 pads available. Guy comes over asking if he can join. Yes we say, go ahead. He presses start and drops into the centre of the screen.

I am in the centre of screen.

Giblets everywhere. Guy looks horrified, me and friend collapse laughing. He left soon after.

Best games I played were Octodad (so much fun), Titanfall (not worth the queue but that game looks like it is getting six months of pure polish on it) and shockingly Lightning Returns (very small queues but plays really well).


I'm here! This is exciting. Waiting for a buddy out the front, so if you see a guy with specs, a beard and a skull on his T-shirt, come and say hi!


Ahh man, a GAFfer won the MK7 tourney?! That's awesome.

Congrats to Rory for his skillz on the mic, should probably start preparing jokes a bit earlier next year lad.

I'm in late today (10am) as i didn't set my alarm properly :( Hopefully i can jut walk straight through the front door.

I'm here! This is exciting. Waiting for a buddy out the front, so if you see a guy with specs, a beard and a skull on his T-shirt, come and say hi!
That could be any one of like a thousand people at #EGX :p


Actually in hindsight, there is definitely an element of manufactured hype to TitanFall, there is no way they didn't know they'd be stupidly popular but they've only got 24 terminals? And other games have so many? Yeah.

Plus the no photos/no videos rule too? Definite PR at play, they want those news stories of TitanFall having the busiest lines here.


Definite PR at play, they want those news stories of TitanFall having the busiest lines here.
Yeah i thought this as well. Just wait until next year where they will have dozens of terminals so that everyone can actually play it. Really looking forward to Titanfall after the brief demo, so they're definitely onto something.


Plus the no photos/no videos rule too? Definite PR at play, they want those news stories of TitanFall having the busiest lines here.

I concur. We were first there Thursday morning at PR refused to let people play till gone 10:15. At which point the queue was already unbearable. It feels very pre planned.


Didnt get to play Bayonetta 2. I thought MK8 was disappointing.

I really liked the new Mario game. Missed out playing sonic but it looked amazing!!!

I thought Titanfall was dope!!

Anecdotal I know but the amount of people you see playing on a vita compared to 3DS is crazy. I saw about two people playing with a Vita while in queues but 3ds's are everywhere. Even in the PS4 queue people just walk past the vita's on display.

Didnt get to to play PS4 either. Got past the queue but then had another queue for Killzone but wanted to play Bayonetta so bounced from their and then still missed out on Bayonetta anyway.


I concur. We were first there Thursday morning at PR refused to let people play till gone 10:15. At which point the queue was already unbearable. It feels very pre planned.

Definitely then. Queue for it this morning is already ludicrous, I'm actually glad I did it on Thursday and ONLY waited 2 hours and that was in the afternoon.

I'm at wolfenstein right now, feel sorry for Bethesda here, they're pushing it so hard and it's obvious no one cares.

Edit: I take it back there are empty terminals here but they're not letting people on, I think they want some sort of queue here cos otherwise this booth is dead.


Saw the Titanfall queue. Madness. Glad I got on it early yesterday.

Oculus Rift queue is at an hour now. Only 8 stations set up. Went straight to BF4 at doors and only had to wait 15 minutes. I totally understand the guy who said it looks like BF3.

Then I'm sodding this queue bollocks off and spending my afternoon with indies.

I'm going to need a pint of the good stuff by 7.


NFS Rivals 60fps? i thought it was already confirmed to be 30fps.

Loving the impressions on Tearaway, sounds like a no brainer for £20.

Also sounds Lightning Return's battle system is good which is the most important thing. I doubt anyone is getting it for the story.


Are the queues for Dark Souls 2 big? Is the demo a long one for it?

No but it's twenty minutes hands-on so it'll take longer than it looks.

In comparison, the Xbox One titles are ten minutes. Which isn't enough to get any real sense of what you're playing.

In short: need more floor space and stations.


No but it's twenty minutes hands-on so it'll take longer than it looks.

In comparison, the Xbox One titles are ten minutes. Which isn't enough to get any real sense of what you're playing.

In short: need more floor space and stations.

Maybe change venue next year(ExCeL London or NEC).

I hate Earls Court.
I was going to comment saying I was there when you won, but then that other guy had to swing in saying he was the frickin' commentator. Oh well, congrats on the win, looked like a sick race.

lol thanks. Did you race at all?

I changed my StreetPass greeting to "MK7 Trophy FTW!!" shortly have I left the Nintendo Life area. I originally had "GAF! Red Dolphin" Did you get my StreetPass by any chance?

Hahaha, that guy was straight up AWFUL. He was genuinely just driving headlong into walls and shit.

Were you there for the first heat? A guy in 8th position just stood up mid-race and left. I had to try so hard not to laugh. A proper 'fuck this' moment.

Yeah man, we're there all four days! Very busy bees. Hope you enjoyed it all and would love to hear any suggestions for improvements if you had the time. The twitter is @CoryRocker.

Haha, we've got a big stash of trophies - 4 days' worth. I so want one. The one you won is surprisingly very heavy! Wasn't expecting it to be made from metal.

Yeah I was in the first heat seated in the same place as I was for the final. I didn't notice that because I was concentrating too hard lol.

Looked for some tickets today but don't really feel like pay twice their face value to get in. So probably won't make it today. I'll keep an eye out for tomorrow though.



Do I need to have brought my 3DS with me to wipe the floor with everyone? If I do, expect me tomorrow.


Some more of our impressions from the show floor (via ShopTo/News)

I posted them here for you to see since the site is still banned :(

With Eurogamer Expo 2013 wrapping up and the dust settling to what was a frenzied first day, I have recovered from the shell shock to make an attempt to put down what I experienced in writing. As Joe mentioned the show was not the best when it came to organisation, pushing English sensibilities to their limits with far too much queuing and even a little kettling for old time’s sake, but putting that all aside, it's the games that we their for.

Splitting our focus, I went for the Xbox One area to get some hands-on with Microsoft's new machine. First up Forza Motorsport 5, but before I go on about the game I should mention the console and control pad as it was my first hands on. The console itself is really something you will want to hide under your TV as it is not the most beautiful looking piece of kit. Whereas in the past the Xbox 360 had its curves, this has more in common with the old top loader VHS players in bulk and presence. The Kinect also is pretty large; how this will fit on top of some of the thinner TV’s out there is anyone’s guess. The controller on the other hand is a vast improvement on previous iterations; the control sticks are very responsive as are the well placed trigger and bumper buttons and the size, though it is smaller, manages to fit well even in my spade-like hands. Back to the game itself and a bane of any new console quickly rears its head, loading times. They are everywhere, frequent and long, selecting your car then selecting your colours, each area leads to a long and impatient wait just to get to the track and even when on it I have to say I was a little underwhelmed, OK the cars look fantastic but the tracks and environments in the background felt a little “digital”(not helped with Gran Turismo 6 across the room that looked stunning). The controller was yet again the saving grace, offering tight controls and the rumble feedback being the best I have experience for a long time, really making it feel like you are working hard for those corners.

Next up was Ryse: Son of Rome, a game that after the recent expo’s didn’t get the best reaction Miscrosoft could have hoped for; thankfully with a hands on this now looks like it can be a real contender. The apparently overused button bashing moments have been put aside for a more God of War feel, this time with the game taking us through a two player co-op colosseum, fighting for the pleasure of the amassed crowds, with the visuals really showcasing what the Xbox One can do, taking in the scenery of the towering spectator areas before spotting the incoming warriors, looking to prove their worth by spilling your blood. The fierce action is quite simple in execution with you swapping from attacks and shield blows before wearing down the enemy for one of those visceral slow motion finishers. In co-op you need to keep an eye on your partner, teaming up to fight the many incoming enemies whilst also negotiating the many traps that litter the sand and blood strewn floor. Though not explained there was a crowd meter in the top corner that appeared to rise when you got into more fights or lower when you just wander around looking for something to do, possibly linked to a scoring system. With numerous objectives popping up during this huge battle and an awful lot to take in, the colosseum mode looks like it will be a treat to play come its final release.

Killer Instinct was also playable at the Expo, this hyper fast fighting game teaching me many types of humiliation, my arse being handed to me on numerous occasions with the games signature combos and over the top visual style looking great on the screen, the same can’t be said for my fighting skills. The overly large arcade fighting stick was however a treat to use and something I am sure dedicated fighting fans will want to get their hands on for future tournaments; will this replace the Street Fighter series? Only time will tell.

At this point the disorganisation began to wear my patience thin, with queues that did not want to move for Dead Rising 3, or a go on World of Tanks that was a five minute wait in an in game lobby, the worst experience has to go to Fable Anniversary, a game that's even though not finished, to meet the 2014 release and have a good game seems an impossible dream, playing like a ten your old game with slow and sluggish controls and graphics that look like they had just covered the old ones with a few new HD threads. The actual gameplay didn’t really showcase the game with a running battle though an enemy camp that got boring very quickly, just swinging your sword over and over again in different directions, now I can see why there was not a queue for this game.

Moving away from the Xbox One area I finally gave Nintendo some attention, with the new Super Mario World 3D on the WiiU looking fantastic, with four player co-op returning for some multiplayer mayhem, the standard platforming shenanigans making for familiar but fun gaming with plenty of new powerups to learn, with the cat power up looking particularly good, with Mario donning a cat suit that enables him to scamper up walls and unleash a claw attack. Mario Kart also gets an inevitable and long awaited Wii U title, incorporating many of the recent changes like hang-glider and underwater elements but also adding some F-Zero ideas with racers able to ride along walls and even go upside down on certain parts of the tracks, creating real rollercoaster races. Even with all of the new ultra powerful next gen consoles on show it goes to show that even having the lowest spec console on the market does not mean the Wii U can't create some stunning visuals.

Not one to sit in a queue for too long and opting for an over the shoulder approach to the final few games, Dark Souls 2 looks like more of the same punishing action as the previous games, with most of the players coming to some grisly ends and Destiny, Bungie's new title having a standout running demo that looks like everything that made the Halo games great, but with even more.

Queuing and disorganisation aside it’s the games that shone at Eurogamer Expo 2103, giving us all a glimpse of what to expect over the next twelve months and getting us all hyped up for what will surely be an insane and expensive November 2013.

Words by Ash Buchanan.

Edited On 28 Sep, 2013


My experience of that knack demo was at multiple points it looked like the framerate hit 20fps or less. Bit worrying for a game so close to release...
My experience of that knack demo was at multiple points it looked like the framerate hit 20fps or less. Bit worrying for a game so close to release...

Bit worrying for a game that doesn't look like a powerhouse and is under the direction of the man that oversaw design of the console as well. I wonder what is going on with this game...


I really like Knack. People can complain about the framerate but there is no telling how old this demo is. You can bet it's not one made for EGX, in fact it's probably the same demo they showed at E3, so I wouldn't go thinking this is a new build.

I'm pretty sure Knack will be a stunning launch game. The gameplay is very unique and the game itself is a lot of fun. It's aimed at 'the rest of the family' so I'm guessing they ain't too worried if a few picky gamers are geeking out about the framerate. My kids will love it.


Got the early bird ticket for tomorrow. Which places are most likely to get ridiculously packed up so I can visit them first? I'm assuming the exclusive PS4/X1 games and Oculus Rift? Probably COD and BF4 too but I don't really mind if I miss them tbh.

On my coach home now, first time I've been to the egexpo and doubt I'll return. I enjoyed the opportunity to get my hands on the new consoles but the event isn't managed particularly well and the queuing system they had in place was ridiculous. Sony booth was the worst offender. You queued up to queue for another queue which then led to a third queue. Queued for my vouchers then queued to get into the 'over 18's area' then queued when I finally got in there for a go on shadowfall. One in one out would have negated that final queue and the dickhead running that area needed a slap in the fucking chops for the way he spoke to some people there. They need a virtual queue system, take a ticket, get a time slot then turn up at that time. Also some booths needed more machines and some clearly had more then were needed (wolfenstein I'm looking at you).

Wait so do you queue up to get into the Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo sections then queue up for each individual game? Can't remember that being the case in previous years.
Got the early bird ticket for tomorrow. Which places are most likely to get ridiculously packed up so I can visit them first? I'm assuming the exclusive PS4/X1 games and Oculus Rift? Probably COD and BF4 too but I don't really mind if I miss them tbh.

Wait so do you queue up to get into the Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo sections then queue up for each individual game? Can't remember that being the case in previous years.

Over 18s area. BF4/Titanfall/AC4 had massive queues.


Went to EuroGamer Expo yesterday...

Overall if you wanted a nextgen consoles for visuals then your are going to be severely disappointed. If you have a PC that can play games on high or above. At this moment consoles are playing a catch-up game, even games like Killzone had visual problems such as terrible rain effects and slowdown in MP when things became too congested. Xbox One had other issues like no AA in BF4 Multiplayer although it was playing in a 64 multiplayer match at 60fps.

Oculus Rift is amazing, but the two problems I had were the low resolution screens inside the devices which hindered the experince, considering your eyes are so close to the optical device and screen you really do need a high density screen. I'm not even sure HD will suffice maybe 4k/8k. But for immersion it's fantastic, definitely a new way to play games



Wolfenstein, plays like a mixture of Bioshsock/COD, it's great as in the demo I was getting flanked by the enemy AI who went behind me as I decided to attack them from above, Seems like a very solid shooter.

This was the Minecraft tournament...


Dark Souls II was a lot easier to play with the regen mode., Devs are adding a more simpilifed combat mode as well.


I'm kidding.

Doom piano!


This was the playstation queue after 30mins...


Xbox queue


The new playstion controller is almost perfect. The triggers are miles better and tons better than the bumpers, not on par with 460 triggers imo, it's also very light and the trackpad is going to be great for PC gaming if it ever gets drivers.


If you liked the 360 pad you are going to love the new xbox pad, the Dpad is just fantastic to use, I might even say it's better than the current ps3 Dpad. the triggers are slightly bigger (same as ps4) and it's insanely light. My only gripes is the plastic they used on the front of thing as it fells really cheap.


Xbox One is about the same size as a VCR.


Ps4 looks smaller but wider...


Played Hotline Miami 2, it's amazing, the music is even better than the first game, gameplay identical to the first game. Rape scene is still in the demo build of the game.



There were a ton of new indie games as well, can't wait to pick them up on Steam, couldn't take photos of WatchDogs but it really is amazing.
Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Titanfall, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Zelda LBW, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Dark Souls 2, Resogun, Tearaway, Sonic Lost World, Hotline Miami 2, Wolfenstein, Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. What are the chances I can play all of these tomorrow? I don't mind skipping Titanfall.
Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Titanfall, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Zelda LBW, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Dark Souls 2, Resogun, Tearaway, Sonic Lost World, Hotline Miami 2, Wolfenstein, Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. What are the chances I can play all of these tomorrow? I don't mind skipping Titanfall.

Wahahaha good luck my man!


lol thanks. Did you race at all?

I changed my StreetPass greeting to "MK7 Trophy FTW!!" shortly have I left the Nintendo Life area. I originally had "GAF! Red Dolphin" Did you get my StreetPass by any chance?

Yeah I was in the first heat seated in the same place as I was for the final. I didn't notice that because I was concentrating too hard lol.

Looked for some tickets today but don't really feel like pay twice their face value to get in. So probably won't make it today. I'll keep an eye out for tomorrow though.

Not sure! I was the shitty looking Mii with the greeting "STREETPASSING!!!" or "Eurogamer!" :|
Had fun at the show yesterday.
Didn't get involved in too many queues, would rather play ten indie games than play something like Titanfall once, and my friend works for Sony so thankfully got ushered straight into the PS4 area.

Killer Instinct was my game of the show, it's awesome, shame I'll never own it.
Loved all the Vita indies on show. FFX HD looks surprisingly great. Lightning Returns looks cool too.
Octodad is hilarious, looks loads of fun. Knack is cool too.
Driveclub didn't thrill me in the slightest.


Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Titanfall, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Zelda LBW, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Dark Souls 2, Resogun, Tearaway, Sonic Lost World, Hotline Miami 2, Wolfenstein, Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. What are the chances I can play all of these tomorrow? I don't mind skipping Titanfall.
No chance. That's what you got.


My experience of that knack demo was at multiple points it looked like the framerate hit 20fps or less. Bit worrying for a game so close to release...

Also a bit worrying for a game that looks so bland and boring. Every time I see this game, there's hardly an enemy in sight.


I really like Knack. People can complain about the framerate but there is no telling how old this demo is. You can bet it's not one made for EGX, in fact it's probably the same demo they showed at E3, so I wouldn't go thinking this is a new build.

I'm pretty sure Knack will be a stunning launch game. The gameplay is very unique and the game itself is a lot of fun. It's aimed at 'the rest of the family' so I'm guessing they ain't too worried if a few picky gamers are geeking out about the framerate. My kids will love it.

I recall In an interview Cerney saying that the Knack team was very small so it's possible they just don't have the manpower to do an updated demo. I would be surprised if the final game wasn't a locked 30fps. I was down on the game initially but I have to admit it's grown on me. I still would like to see more variety in the gameplay but it's on my radar.
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