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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of fanboi needing to speaka da English

Who will be the first backstabbing victim?

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Also, now that I'm home, I can finally post an image to properly celebrate Kabouter's day of birth.

My favorite birthday comic!

Happy birthday Kabouter.


Won't stop picking the right nation
This is true
That plan didn't work out very well last time (blame fanboi).
Indeed. Gamma was unfortunate enough to get one of those "let's fuck Ming totally" events (Paradox™ game design).

Basically he had a 0 skill military ruler which he couldn't get rid of, which on itself was enough to build up a disaster leading to a Civil War. The Civil War ended pretty quickly, because of relatively high legitimacy, but there's a lot of cleaning up to do.
This is the first time I've heard that a 0 skill ruler will add to the progression of a civil war. Is that new for 1.10? I'm very lucky then, because earlier in the game I had a 0/4/0 ruler with around 50 legitimacy, if I remember correctly (he only ruled for a few years).
This is the first time I've heard that a 0 skill ruler will add to the progression of a civil war. Is that new for 1.10? I'm very lucky then, because earlier in the game I had a 0/4/0 ruler with around 50 legitimacy, if I remember correctly (he only ruled for a few years).

Not new for 1.10, has been around for a while iirc.
But yes, a ruler with a 0 in any stat gives you progress for Civil War. Luckily Regency Councils don't count.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
This is the first time I've heard that a 0 skill ruler will add to the progression of a civil war. Is that new for 1.10? I'm very lucky then, because earlier in the game I had a 0/4/0 ruler with around 50 legitimacy, if I remember correctly (he only ruled for a few years).

Not new for 1.10, has been around for a while iirc.
But yes, a ruler with a 0 in any stat gives you progress for Civil War. Luckily Regency Councils don't count.

I think it's a particularly silly modifier, since unlike stuff like legitimacy, stability and prestige, there's basically nothing you can really do, in terms of game mechanics, at least which I'm aware of, with a poor ruler. It's a die role. You could be stuck with one for 70 years. So unless you implement some coup d'état or assasination mechanism, the only thing you can do is make him a general, drag him onto the battlefield, and hope for the best (which Gamma did to no avail).

On the other hand, you need to be below 75 legitimacy for the build up to initiate, so there's at least that.


I think it's a particularly silly modifier, since unlike stuff like legitimacy, stability and prestige, there's basically nothing you can really do, in terms of game mechanics, with a poor ruler. It's a die role. You could be stuck with one for 70 years. So unless you implement some coup d'état or assasination mechanism, the only thing you can do is make him a general, drag him onto the battlefield, and hope for the best (which Gamma did to no avail).

On the other hand, you need to be below 75 legitimacy for the build up to initiate, so there's at least that.

I once had a 0/1/0 female ruler. Who lived until she was 83. It gave me an achievement, but it was nonetheless unpleasant :p

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I once had a 0/1/0 female ruler. Who lived until she was 83. It gave me an achievement, but it was nonetheless unpleasant :p

basically the female version of this:


But like most crap rulers, he didn't actually rule, or at least not for a long time. So there's a lot of historical precedence in favor of adding a "put him in a mad house or jail, or let someone rule for him" mechanism IMO. Just make it a bit costly (like a fair amount of monarch points or whatever), so it's not overused.

Make it happen beta man!


Monarchies get personal unions and royal marriages. Turning them into 'super-republics', with more control over the monarch's stats, could very easily become overpowered.

Giving your advisor's more effects, however, would be interesting. Like in the civil war example, having a powerful advisor might stop the monthly progress from having your monarch's adm/dip/mil skill being less than 1. But having a powerful advisor should lead to it's own problems, if you have a weak ruler.


The Birthday Skeleton
A strong admin advisor and a weak king should lead to administrative monarchy for example. A strong military advisor and a weak kind should lead to some kind of puppet monarchy.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
In Victoria there was this great mechanic where you wanted to industrialize to keep up in tech, military etc, but industrialization led to the formation of a proletariat which was very critical of your rule - so you basically had to balance progress with just staying in power. I think they should try to do something similar in regard to bureaucrazy and bureaucratization in EU4. Improving your state administration would gain you more points - but also more internal opposition. Then they could make monachs less important over time.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
So we basically wants Paradox to combine all their grand rts:es into one game? I could deal with that.

Yes, please.

Also throw some Cities Skylines Road Management in there for micromanagement :p


Hearts of Iron sure could benefit from CK2's character focus. Rivalry amongst Hitler's inner circle, SHAEF and STAVKA would be cool to model and deal with!


In Victoria there was this great mechanic where you wanted to industrialize to keep up in tech, military etc, but industrialization led to the formation of a proletariat which was very critical of your rule - so you basically had to balance progress with just staying in power. I think they should try to do something similar in regard to bureaucrazy and bureaucratization in EU4. Improving your state administration would gain you more points - but also more internal opposition. Then they could make monachs less important over time.

I think the incoming parliamentary system is a step in that direction, making larger realms harder to govern as you'll have more seats in parliament with their own various agendas. No idea how effect that system will be though, not in the beta, and of course it'd only be for England and constitutional governments. Probably the closest we'll get to Vicky's political system for now, about as close as I'd want personally, best to just give a bit of flavour to most government types and leave it at that I think.


I think the incoming parliamentary system is a step in that direction, making larger realms harder to govern as you'll have more seats in parliament with their own various agendas. No idea how effect that system will be though, not in the beta, and of course it'd only be for England and constitutional governments. Probably the closest we'll get to Vicky's political system for now, about as close as I'd want personally, best to just give a bit of flavour to most government types and leave it at that I think.

At the very least it should make England significantly more interesting to play. For the rest, yeah, constitutional governments come so late in the game that by that point I'm usually done.
I've seen just about any monarchy or noble republic that can have good relations with Burgundy get the inheritance. You know you played this game too much if you've seen Novgorod or Serbia inherit it.
I did.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Both of those are close to impossible. If you look at the event code for the Burgundian Inheritance, the order goes:

1. Emperor if not at war with Burgundy and if they have 8 provinces, or have 6 provinces and are Austria.
2. A neighbour with a royal marriage and at least 3 provinces who is independent and part of the HRE.
3. Any country with a royal marriage and at least 3 provinces who is independent and part of the HRE.
4. Spain or Castile if they have a royal marriage with Burgundy and are independent and NOT part of the HRE.
5. A neighbouring monarchy who is independent, has a capital in Europe but is NOT in the British Isles.
6. A neighbouring non-monarchy who is independent, has a capital in Europe but is NOT in the British Isles.

Neither Novgorod nor Serbia can become the Emperor by the time the Burgundy event has to have fired, because prior to the League Wars the Emperor must be Catholic. Neither of them are HRE members and the AI won't add them because it is hard-coded not to. They're (obviously) not Spain.

The only way that can happen is if a) a Catholic nation conquered and then had knocked out of them a Catholic Novgorod/Serbia, who then became Emperor (lol), b) the Emperor conquered all of Novgorod or Serbia, had them added to the HRE, then got them knocked out of them, all before the Burgundian inheritance deadline (lol) or c) either Novgorod or Serbia conquered a border all the way to Burgundy (lol). Otherwise this only happened as a result of your interference; and heavy interference at that.

I know this event like the back of my hand, I abuse poor Burgundy every game I can.
I don't remember much about the Novgorod one, that was fairly early into the game's patch history (so it might've even been a bug), but with Serbia, iirc what happened there was that I think Austria or Poland forced Catholicism on them, but due to weird alliances, they ended up with a province in Italy (one of the Venetian ones I believe) but lost the main Serbian lands, after which they entered the HRE I think, and then they married Burgundy.
It was really strange.

Edit: Actually, correction. I think I remember what happened now.
Serbia gets this Italian province, and managed to core it - they actually blobbed a bit so they have that sea zone border. It's an HRE province. That province gets taken by Tuscany, while the main Serbian land gets annexed by the Ottomans. Tuscany gets OPM Serbia kicked out of them, which autojoins the HRE, since it's an HRE-province OPM (that was how it worked, correct?). They marry Burgundy, the inheritance fires for them.
Again, it was a really strange situation.

I think something similar also happened with Novgorod and a province along the German coast.


Can you even release a country when there are no own culture cores available for that nation? I know you can't when it comes to releasing vassals anyway.
Perhaps it wasn't the event that fired, but they inherited it through a PU. In both games, I was playing outside of the spheres of influence there and didn't pay much attention (the Novgorod game I was playing as Portugal, the Serbian one as Sweden), I just saw it happen lol.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
My strangest Burgundian inheritance sans interference was Lithuania, who had become emperor because AI Austria actually managed to get themselves into a coalition war despite being lucky and ended being hated by all the HRE. I was playing Tunis. I also had a game where I think Brittany must have had it, though I'm not sure how. I was doing a Qing game, got to Europe 1620ish, and found Brittany which had eaten most of Northern France and had the southern Burgundian lands. The Dutch bits were split between a strangely shaped Netherlands and Holland. One of the most weirdly successful AI nations I ever saw, that Brittany - it went on to form France around 1780. For some reason whenever I play outside of Europe and then get to it, it looks crazy and France has collapsed nine times out of ten, but whenever I play in Europe, France continues to be Le blob.
If I had to guess, this happened: Brittany and Provence ended at war with each other, and Brittany took Barrois from Provence, resulting in bordering Burgundy.


The Birthday Skeleton
That happened in my current year. France was fucked because of the Burgundy-Castile alliance, but inherited back the the lands from Burgundy.


Burgundian Inheritance is so funny sometimes.

Pff, in one of my Papal States games me and Castille attacked France, who was also under attack by Burgundy who had already occupied like 75% of land. Then the Burgundian Inheritance fired... I never have been so angry at a game as that moment.



Aragon attacked me, bringing with him the full might of the French army, which I was not prepared for. I got ruined, but I managed to peace out for two provinces and some money because KingSnake didn't transfer the war goal to Aragon and therefore Aragon saw no reason to continue the war. I got lucky, but I doubt I will be this lucky again.

Also, I got the drunk explorer event, which seemed to me like a great moment to finish up a bottle of wine I had lying around from my date last week. So, the rest of the game I was slightly drunk. Good times!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
what happened Morfeo lol

I fucked myself.

Edit: I was in a war with a coalition, and ottos at the same time, and while I didnt really loose that much in the war, the rebels that spawned managed to break my country, so I am back to four italian provinces and Corfu.


I think you should continue playing and try to recover all your cores.

I agree. Still tons of cores, easily reclaimed.

AAR for me:
Got a regency council towards the end and didn't expand as much as I like. Did grab a few provinces before then, but nothing amazing. I think I gave more to Steeven this game than I took for myself :D. Did manage to take Denmark as a vassal though :). Oh, and Lutherans are predestination denying scum who need to get the hell out of my country.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
To expand a bit on what happened. I did take a lot of land, and just decided to no longer care for the AE since Austria and the Ottos hated me anyways, and hoped my alliances would keep them at bay. Which they did, untill today. In the ottoman war, I actually did decent for a long time. I sunk their whole fleet, which must have been about 100 ships, and I retreated my army into Italy where I fought Naples, Papal States and Siena at the time - a war I won and gained Naples as a vassal from. Then the coalition war happened, and since Kingsnake was kind enough to intervene, that also didnt go too bad. What did go bad though, was the rebel buildup, and this is where I really did the biggest mistake. There was simply too much going on at the same time, so I wasnt able to keep them in check, and eventually rebels was revolting everywhere. Of course its a bit fun seeing them fight off the ottomans, but I understood then that my game was basically fucked as there was no way I was able to kill them off. There were 58k wallachian rebels alone. Now just imagine the croatian, hungarian, greek, imeretian and italian lol. I dont know how many it was in total, but 150k is probably not an understatement. So I decided to try to save as much as I could, even though my war score against the coalition was positive, and I had sunk the ottoman fleet (where the war score probably was like minus thirtysomething), I tried to strategically cede the provinces with the biggest rebel stacks, however, it was the croatian rebels that finally broke me since they rised up in the provinces I had ceded to hungary as well, for then to cross the border to my land.The last battle I fought was against 60k croatian rebels in Lika which wiped half my army. Then it was only a question of time, and my country fell soon after. Then of course, I had to quickly disband the rest since my economy could not take it.

So the situation now is no army, half the navy I had, 5 provinces and one vassal with 100% liberty desire. And 150 aggressive expansion on Austria and most of my other neighbours. I doubt there is much point in continuing.


Morfeo, as a fellow rebel survivor you have my sympathies, it's tough to go on after such an ordeal, but have faith, there's a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of poorly ranked superpowers.


Morfeo, as a fellow rebel survivor you have my sympathies, it's tough to go on after such an ordeal, but have faith, there's a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of poorly ranked superpowers.

Yeah, like that's going to happen again after you conquer half the world in this game :p

Map: (wasn't able to get player map mode because a few people disconnected before I was able to)

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Fitz is already close to late-game MGO from last session


Japan AAR

Keeping it real with our Ming pals, beating up them rebels all gangsta style.

Other: Hippie life in Frisco bay, some Indonesia colonizing, reclaiming some Korean stuff.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Morfeo, as a fellow rebel survivor you have my sympathies, it's tough to go on after such an ordeal, but have faith, there's a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of poorly ranked superpowers.

Or poorly ranked players! I think I deserve a kingsnakian rating now, after getting destroyed by the ottomans two games in a row.

Anyways, one thing I wonder. Do the game spawn more rebels now then it used to? Can not remember seeing so many rebels in those regions before. I guess it makes sense, considering how they now let you spend mil points to reduce the build up (which I failed to do in the midde of everything).


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR France:

After a quite start of the session (and still coring last session's gains) I had the surprise of being invited by Aragon to a wonderful party (a little trip to Portugal). In the end it wasn't as fun as it seemed at the beginning and I returned home only with two souvenirs (Galicia and Burgos).
I wasn't paying attention to the war target being busy kicking Portuguese army's ass.
After seeing British soldiers being such lazy fuckers who don't enjoy traveling South as their grand-grand children, I declared war on Provence and took Barrois and Bourgogne and then enjoyed the peace (and some casual fights) until the end of the session and Venice. It's nice to have followers like that.

Provinces liberated: Galicia, Burgos, Barrois, Bourgogne


Question for you guys, do you think having a human vassal count as a human ally for rule purposes? I vassalized Denmark, and would be fine offering Rick Decker Spiegel an opportunity to remain in the game by him playing my vassal, but I already have two human allies (KingSnake and Steeven) and can't do without either, so...


Question for you guys, do you think having a human vassal count as a human ally for rule purposes? I vassalized Denmark, and would be fine offering Rick Decker Spiegel an opportunity to remain in the game by him playing my vassal, but I already have two human allies (KingSnake and Steeven) and can't do without either, so...

No since you subjegated him, and I assume he want to undermine your lordship :p

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
As long as his real life liberty desire is >90%, that's fine by me!

If neighbors protest too much, I could let him play the glorious Far East vassal Chukchi.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Question for you guys, do you think having a human vassal count as a human ally for rule purposes? I vassalized Denmark, and would be fine offering Rick Decker Spiegel an opportunity to remain in the game by him playing my vassal, but I already have two human allies (KingSnake and Steeven) and can't do without either, so...

No its not a human ally, its a human vassal. The vassal would help you anyway (as opposed to an ally, which is not as controllable)
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