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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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The Chuck Norris of Peace
Definitely. In which case, Novgorod will be sending lots of envoys to Hindustan asking them to play nice and leave the poor Timurids alone until Muscowy has been munched on. :p

EDIT: Having said that, if I was fACE, I would definitely be sending Spanish troops to liberate Africa from the Hindustan threat and prevent the villainous people of the Hindus from bordering peaceful European nations.

Just sayin'. :p

I have a simpler solution for the spanish player - just choose an afican nation like say - algiers?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
He will be moving in all directions, and I think we all know what that bodes for the last han dynasty...

Not sure what that bad, bad Hindustan is going to do that you are all so afraid of, but Vija is a nice country, I swear!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
AAR - 30/09/13 - Noble Republic of Novgorod

Started off feeling rather annoyed. I'd become Defender of the Catholic Faith in order to get the extra missionary to convert my mostly Orthodox nation as swiftly as possible. Unfortunately, the Protestant Reformation hit 12 years early, and I found myself unable to switch to Protestant due to being DotF - apparently, Paradox is unfamiliar with King Henry VIII of England. So, I gritted my teeth and went on with converting my population, at the same time coring Finnmark.

At that point, Pskov decided it would be an amazing idea to declare war. Initially, my thoughts were "lol, pskov". Then I realised that Pskov was allied with Muscowy. Then, my thoughts were "awwww shiiiiiiiiiiiit". Soon, Muscowite troops were pouring over the border. Cazz sent a Polish doomstack, which handled one of the Muscowite stacks before collapsing to the second Muscowite stack (they had 13 stacks of approx 18, 18 and 9). Meanwhile, my troops focused on sieging Pskov, the war leader, to end the war quickly. This was it! The Novgorod - Muscowite show-down that the last few decades had been building towards.

Unfortunately, having dealt with the Polish army, the Muscowite stacks started heading for Pskov. Successfully having seiged the capital of Pskov, my troops joined with Lithuanian, Livonian and Swedish forces to form a giant 36-stack, up against Muscowy's 24-stack. The battle lasted near to a month, and ended with the Muscowite stack shattering the Allied stack and forcing them back, but being left at an 8-stack with low morale. I tried negotiating with Muscowy individually at this point, but they were unwilling to concede - probably rightly, as at this stage I was beaten, hard, and Poland couldn't send troops due to a sudden upsurge in rebels in Pommerania and Prussia, plus nobles to the south. Thankfully, Pskov was willing to accept 96 ducats and the cancellation of my alliance with Ryazan (who I was working towards vassalizing in the hopes of fulfilling more of the Form Russia! decision), and thus the war ended. Not as conclusive as I was hoping for, by any means. While I'd only lost some ducats and Ryazan as an ally, given I was hoping to finally cripple Muscowy, this was not where I wanted to be.

Realising the dire position I was in, with only 5 years before Muscowy would probably come knocking again, I decided to take drastic measures. With Pskov only having a single 1-stack left, I declared war on Pskov, breaking the truce and plunging me to -3 stab, but sent mercenaries pouring over the borders. Muscowy refused to join Pskov, and in a matter of months Pskov was conquered and vassalized, removing a key Muscowite ally and shoring up Novgorod's strength. Overall, an excellent tactical idea, though - while I've (temporarily) lost Ryazan as an ally, I've gained Pskov as a vassal, and, unlike the Livonian Order, a vassal I'll be capable of integrating quite shortly.

Breaking the truce also had one key additional advantage: it removed DotF status from me. Unfortunately, I was unable to convert to Protestant because that required positive stability. However, I elected several admin leader and began pouring points into STAB. At the same time, my extremely expensive mercenary army, from the conquest of Pskov, was heavily occupied slaying rebels left, right and centre - not only in my own provinces, but also preventing Rigan nationalists and then heading down to Poland to help siege the Teuton nationalists and lend as much help as possible to Manik, who seemed to be struggling. Eventually, my own country and the Livonian Order were stabilized, and I converted to Protestant. As a nation with religious ideas and having flipped within 10 years of the Reformation start, conversion events kicked in rapidly and my country is now roughly a third Protestant, a third Orthodox and a third Catholic - Novgorod never really was very good at this religious unity business. However, that plunged me into negative stab again and once more I had to focus all my elections and points towards stability.

The result of this is that my tech level is now really suffering - I'm on 7/7/6, compared to Manik's 7/8/7 (I think?) and Muscowy's 7/8/9. I really need to be able to start electing military leaders, and I think I'm going to start draining my Republican tradition very rapidly soon, or I'm just going to get wiped out by a far superior neighbour.

Strategically, however, Novgorod has made a lot of important moves this session. Firstly, now Novgorod is Protestant, this should be the last major religious change. Provinces are flipping very rapidly and hopefully religious unity shouldn't be too far away. I'm not far from being able to afford my next religious idea, which is +1 missionary, and that will certainly help. Secondly is that Muscowy's key ally, Pskov, is now under Novgorod's control, meaning I now only have two borders to control and not one. Thirdly is that I've been making a lot of overtures to the Timurids to the south, who border Muscowy, and I'm not far from concluding an alliance with them. Hopefully, Novgorod will be able to go from having two fronts against Muscowy and friends to Muscowy having two fronts against Novgorod and friends.

So, where to go from now? There really are no other nations bordering me I am greatly concerned with, other than Muscowy, given that Norway is now totally irrelevant to everything and Pskov is under my control. My goals are to: a) make my nation fully Protestant, b) restore my shattered army (I seem to have this goal every session), c) focus on military teching, and fast, and then if I have the time d) vassalize those bastards Norway, who narrowly escaped my grasp a few sessions ago. I don't think many of those goals except c) and to a lesser extent d) are going to be that difficult, though, from the position I'm in. That means, ultimately, my end-goal will be the same one it has been for the last 65 years:

Ceterum censeo Moskva esse delendam.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Is there a form People's Republic of China decision yet? :+

Haha, maybe if we could transfer the save to vicky there would be :) But still, you need to form the Qing-dynasty first, and the only way to do that I suppose would be to let those northern barbarians conquer and destroy you - for then to change nation. Not sure if thats the kinda game you are looking for?


Haha, maybe if we could transfer the save to vicky there would be :) But still, you need to form the Qing-dynasty first, and the only way to do that I suppose would be to let those northern barbarians conquer and destroy you - for then to change nation. Not sure if thats the kinda game you are looking for?

lol fuck no. I should have gone Manchu from the start though, I tried it in SP, Ming AI is so stupid I was able to beat 60k of their armies with 20k Manchu troops because the AI doesn't understand the faction system.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
lol fuck no. I should have gone Manchu from the start though, I tried it in SP, Ming AI is so stupid I was able to beat 60k of their armies with 20k Manchu troops because the AI doesn't understand the faction system.

Yeah, I dont think I ever will play in the far east, but if I was, I would definitely prefer the manchus for Ming, especially considering their historical role in creating the last dynasty. I would also have thought it would be more challening, but maybe I was wrong? Can you form Qing with ManchU?


Yeah, I dont think I ever will play in the far east, but if I was, I would definitely prefer the manchus for Ming, especially considering their historical role in creating the last dynasty. I would also have thought it would be more challening, but maybe I was wrong? Can you form Qing with ManchU?

You can form Qing with Manchu yes, quite easily. And you would think it more challenging, and it would be if the Ming AI wasn't idiotic.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
AAR - 01/10/13 - Noble Republic of Novgorod

Pretty peaceful session. My manpower is back at full for the first time since the game started, I only have 3 Catholic provinces left, my stability is at +1 thanks to an amazing +2 stab event, I'm really close to vassalizing Pskov thanks to some improved relations, and I reforged my alliance with Ryazan. Muscowy didn't come near me when the truce ended, as they were involved in something in the Crimea - they appeared to be winning a battle against a Crimean-Ottoman alliance quite easily, but ended up signing a White Peace, so not sure what happened there, but not complaining - was terrified they were going to come after me when I was still recovering from the last time. Re-elected my leader so I'm on 5/2/2, but my Republican Tradition is still inside the 70s so didn't really have an impact. Teched up in military and took another idea from the Religious branch. To be honest, I think I'm always going to re-elect from now on in - my Republican Tradition can take it and I need the tech.

Things were going so well, and Muscowy seemed so occupied, that I did end up going after Norway. They were in no state to resist and I've rolled over them fairly easy. Should be my vassals quite soon. Really, pretty pleased with this.

Ceterum censeo Moskva esse delendam.



Save game


AAR - 01/10/2013 - Ming
Description of the actions during the session:
I finished diplo-annexing Champa (sadly only two provinces) and started diplo-annexing Lan Xang (only four provinces). I also won the war I had going with the Oirat Horde and gained the Mongol Khanate as a vassal for my efforts, which is pretty solid. Lastly, because I got worried about Toma westernizing and destroying me with Western units, I blackmailed him into giving me his province in Africa which I can hopefully use to westernize before long. Glad he was low on manpower and has an army that is half the size of mine at the moment, I'd be fucked otherwise.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: +2
Vassals or PU: Tiny Lan Xang, OPM Taungu, Mongol Khanate
At War With: None, for now. Depending on how long it takes me to westernize, I might decide to go for another round with Oirat Horde.


AAR - 01/10/13 - Kingdom Naples

The first part of today was finishing the war with the Ottomans, as usual though, smooth sailing turned to shit when a large stack of rebels and a couple of smaller ones showed up at the worst time. I had to settle for a slightly sub-par peace offer, but my primary goal has been achieved, in that the Ottomans have been neutered. After the war I sold (gave) Athens back to Byzantium and began the process of integrating them. Beyond that it's just been the usual post-war reorganisation, although I was delighted to see that the Ottomans ended up in a few wars after I'd finished with them.

Province count: Previous + Albania & Burgas
Vassals: Byzantium, now with all Ottoman held cores returned

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Just as a heads up, I might not be able to do the Sunday session. I know the answer to this is almost certainly no, but I don't suppose we'd be able to switch it to Saturday, same time? I'm really enjoying this and would hate to miss out on the fun. :p
AAR - 1513-1520 - Venice

Description of the actions during the session:
All my neighbors are sweeping up new territory so I decided to grab Bosnia since their total army size was 5. Their only ally was Wallachia with an army of 7 which made it a short and effortless war. Even with a 100% warscore I could do a full annexation and Bosnia's capital province remain independent, for now.

All my new provinces have a base tax of 2 and turning them into cores cost less administrative points than usual. My level 3 adviser died and right now I need to spend my money on other things. Parts of my trade fleet was destroyed by the Ottomans during our recent clash and I need to tighten up my trade steering.

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original(8) + 22 (+6 this session)
Allies: Naples
At War With: None

@Crab: I have plans for Saturday night and I might not make it back in time.
England absorbed the green part of Ireland. France finally integrated Brittany and they now have a colony in Africa next to Mali. I think the race for colonization is going to become a lot more interesting during our next few sessions. What happened to Benin? There is a new lightly colored nation there now, but the color doesn't match Hausa or Benin.


England absorbed the green part of Ireland. France finally integrated Brittany and they now have a colony in Africa next to Mali. I think the race for colonization is going to become a lot more interesting during our next few sessions. What happened to Benin? There is a new lightly colored nation there now, but the color doesn't match Hausa or Benin.

That'd be Oyo. And yeah, France has its first colony. Portugal still only has a few. Basically, the colonial game is still wide open, a European player controlled nation clever enough to take advantage could grow *very* powerful. Especially since England doesn't have exploration ideas yet. Burgundy, Morocco and I'd say Denmark are in the best position to make something like that happen probably.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'll do my best to get back in time. I may be doing a Sir Digby and arriving just as it starts, though.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I'll do my best to get back in time. I may be doing a Sir Digby and arriving just as it starts, though.

Dont be too Digby or you wont post any AAR until the game is over.


Oh, also want to urge everyone with a sluggish connection to download the save I posted earlier and put it in their my documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/save games folder, then when you join the game on Thursday, you won't need to wait for a save transfer and we minimize risk of that damn lobby crash bug.


New patch closed my only realistic avenue of westernization, I'm probably quitting the game now. It was fun guys. I'll probably participate in the next game if there ever is one.


Do you mean the 1.2 patch or is there something more recent?

Why can't you westernize?

1.2.2, came out just now. Coring time on the province I have next to Portugal is now twenty years (!), utterly insane. Given that Mleugi will take that province, that will close my only realistic avenue of timely Westernization. There is no point in continuing now. I don't feel like sitting around watching the shop waiting for Muscovy or India to come destroy me. So bummed about this, this was some of the most fun I've had with gaming period :(.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I don't see anything in the patch notes which would have increased coring time. Can't you simply get an agreement with Mleugi not to attack?


I don't see anything in the patch notes which would have increased coring time. Can't you simply get an agreement with Mleugi not to attack?

It's not in the patch notes, but i just ran it three times. Twenty years. Mleugi is already at war with Portugal, and occupies that province. He'd be a fool not to take that province.
You will still be in a better position than all of your other close neighbors and you can counteract India and Russia by joining a coalition against them together with other European nations. Giving up when you have a larger territory than any other nation just seems premature to me.


You will still be in a better position than all of your other close neighbors and you can counteract India and Russia by joining a coalition against them together with other European nations. Giving up when you have a larger territory than any other nation just seems premature to me.

Chinese units are feeble, I could join a coalition all I wanted, but even if I went in with gigantic stacks, they'd get annihilated like they were nothing. I don't want to continue a game where I'm just effectively watching the shop until someone inevitably comes along and smashes through my forces with me literally unable to do anything about it. Where's the fun in that for me?
I guess we have different goals when playing. Some of my most exciting games in EU4 has been controlling weak nations like e.g. Kongo. Of course you're not going to conquer the world, but doing better than history or better than what you expected is often rewarding enough.


I guess we have different goals when playing. Some of my most exciting games in EU4 has been controlling weak nations like e.g. Kongo. Of course you're not going to conquer the world, but doing better than history or better than the what you expected is often rewarding enough.

Yeah, agree with this.

But each to their own


I guess we have different goals when playing. Some of my most exciting games in EU4 has been controlling weak nations like e.g. Kongo. Of course you're not going to conquer the world, but doing better than history or better than the what you expected is often rewarding enough.

I've had a lot of fun as Kongo, managed to get that awesome achievement too. I see no possibilities for any fun to be had with Ming still. Most I can do now is expand a little into Ayutthaya and Oirat Horde, before I lose a war every five years to Muscovy and India steadily losing all my territory. That doesn't sound very fun to me. I have rich provinces and feeble forces compared to modern neighbours. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what will happen.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
You could take over Muscovy. Or Norway. Or the Ottomans, as they are weaker now.

We probably need to stop at one point to allow people to nation change constantly, because it affects the plans of the others nearby the new nation. I am inclined to not allow any nation changes anymore, now that most people settled in with their countries.


We probably need to stop at one point to allow people to nation change constantly, because it affects the plans of the others nearby the new nation. I am inclined to not allow any nation changes anymore, now that most people settled in with their countries.

Agreed, I don't think it's reasonable to switch at this point in the game. And to be entirely honest, my decision to stop is somewhat influenced by the times at which we play. The whole 11PM - Past midnight thing (and then always too eager to stick around to discuss things after) isn't working for me. I'm more of a morning person. I'd probably stick with it and try to work my way through things without that element.


AAR - Poland - 29/09/13 & 1/10/13

I've been a bit lax with my AARs due to real life busy-ness, so I'll try and remember what's happened over the last few sessions, though it can be summed up rather succinctly with a single word - Rebels.

Initially Pskov (along with the help of Muscowy) decided to declare war on Novgorod, so I sent a large bunch of troops over to help seige some provinces and, hopefully, seige enough provinces early on to get Pskov to bail out before Muscowy got their act together and annihilated us both. This tactic worked for a little while and we even had some initial success against smaller bands of troops from Muscowy, but it wasn't long before they decided to get serious and almost wiped my stack of ~13,000 troops out.

It was around this point that my war exhaustion tipped over the brink and several stacks of rebels popped up in Poland. I sent what remained of my army against them, but I seem to have inherited Crab's trait for getting super-rebels and my army was quickly reduced to nearly zero.

At this point, thankfully, Crab managed to squeeze a peace deal from Pskov and I had a little time to rebuild and try and get the rebels under control and convert to Protestant along with, seemingly, everyone else in Europe. That plan was quickly demolished however, as a notification popped up alerting me that Novgorod was going back to war with Pskov and asking us to join them. As I was in a panic at that precise moment (with almost no army and rebels popping up everywhere) I accepted without thinking and ended up taking a massive stability hit for truce breaking.

My plummeting stability did absolutely nothing to help my rebels situation as more and more popped up with each passing month. I was pretty sure at that point that I was screwed, and I was going to have to hand back large swathes of land to the Teutonic Order, the Ukranians, the Moldovians and everyone else and their mother who decided they wanted a piece.

Thankfully Crab ended his war relatively quickly, and sent a stack of troops over to help re-siege my fallen provinces, but my country was in a complete mess - I couldn't afford any advisors as I had to channel all funds towards hiring mercenaries, I had 200 manpower left so couldn't hire normal troops, and my tax income was pitiful.

It stayed this way for some months, but slowly slowly I managed to build up enough of a force to systematically take out the rebels. Lithuania were sitting on their own side of the border, doing very little to help out, which was rather annoying (though they did find it within their hearts to help take out a bunch of Ukranian rebels).

It took some time (and tons of cash) before all of the rebel stacks were defeated, and I immediately set to work converting provinces, building improvements to lower revolt risk and started coring provinces where I could.

After almost 2 sessions packed with rebellion and revolution, Poland is finally getting back on its feet. Revolt risk is the lowest it has been in a while, and I'm managing to build up enough money to buy a couple of level 2 advisors.

The short term plan is to continue lowering the revolt risk, with the longer term plan being to at least quell some of the threat posed by Muscowy - something which will require massive amounts of luck, planning and timing from the 4 countries (Poland / Novgorod / Lithuania / Sweden) who will potentially be involved.


Crab - Just read through your posts above (re Muscowy) and am in total agreement with you. It's going to take something completely out of the blue for us to be able to get anything more than a stalemate in a war with them, at least at the moment. It's only going to get worse with time too.

My rulers (and more recently, domestic troubles) certainly haven't helped matters. I'm currently sitting with a 3-1-1 ruler, and my heir is a 4-1-1, so my military tech (which is already lagging behind most of Europe on a 6/7) will continue to suffer. Currently sitting at Adm(9) / Dip(7) / Mil(6/7) as of the last session.

Kab - Man, that's going to suck if you have to drop out due to something completely beyond your control. I'd be more than happy to allow you to switch to another country, given that it's not your fault. Agreed about the time issue, though. It wouldn't be *so* bad if we ever managed to start bang on time, but there are always some issues that seem to stop that.


What about even just 20 minutes earlier? Most people are around by that point anyway and it would amount to, essentially, an extra 1hr session each week.

Or add an extra day a week?

Such are the joys of playing with a wide group of people, I guess.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Agreed, I don't think it's reasonable to switch at this point in the game. And to be entirely honest, my decision to stop is somewhat influenced by the times at which we play. The whole 11PM - Past midnight thing (and then always too eager to stick around to discuss things after) isn't working for me. I'm more of a morning person. I'd probably stick with it and try to work my way through things without that element.

I've been running some tests and I can reliably Westernize by 1550. If you want, you can Westernize off me - I'd probably reach you some time in the very early 1600s, and it's in my interests to have a stable ally in Asia. If you can hold out for about 50 years, Muscowy isn't going to be a problem - I have no realistic route of expansion except through them, so Muscowy will be very busy if I have anything to do with it.

Also, Manik, I've been looking at Muscowy and Perm's cores disappear in 1594. That means, if we want to cripple Muscowy, our war has to be concluded before that date. I say we start our war at some point in the very early 1580s, to leave some safe space. In all the tests I've run, they've never attacked either of us because we're sufficiently large. That gives us roughly 60 years to prepare, which is reasonable. We'll just have to remember that in the 1570s we should take things in a fairly stable manner and build up for a war.

EDIT: Out of interest, why don't all of us re-post the times we can and can't do, and see if we can't maybe negotiate slightly different slots and the like?

I'm okay between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM BST on week-days. Saturdays I can be a bit more flexible, probably from around 7:00 PM to 1:00 AM. Sunday, less flexible - 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM, as per week-days, but I will be absolutely rushing to make 10:00 PM.

This way, instead of suggesting "how about now", if we definitely know all the time-slots, we can actually pick some definitive times.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
What about even just 20 minutes earlier? Most people are around by that point anyway and it would amount to, essentially, an extra 1hr session each week.

Or add an extra day a week?

Such are the joys of playing with a wide group of people, I guess.

Nope, nope. Doesnt work guys.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I can understand why Kab wants to quit in the situation he is in, there is no point in sticking around just waiting to be slaughtered - and I therefore thinks he should be able to change. The ottomans are seriously weak now, why couldnt he take over them?

Also, there are other players tiring a bit of the game including myself, so could a solution be to start a new game for those players? Personally, I would love to participate in a game where most of the major european countries are player-controlled, so if such a game is upcoming, I would definitely leave my peaceful savoyan lands for a new game.

I also agree this is some of the most fun Ive had with gaming ever btw, just tiring of all the stupid things I did before I really learnt the game.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I can understand why Kab wants to quit in the situation he is in, there is no point in sticking around just waiting to be slaughtered - and I therefore thinks he should be able to change. The ottomans are seriously weak now, why couldnt he take over them?

Also, there are other players tiring a bit of the game including myself, so could a solution be to start a new game for those players? Personally, I would love to participate in a game where most of the major european countries are player-controlled, so if such a game is upcoming, I would definitely leave my peaceful savoyan lands for a new game.

I also agree this is some of the most fun Ive had with gaming ever btw, just tiring of all the stupid things I did before I really learnt the game.

If he took the Ottomans, he'd block off Fitz, which would seem unfair to do to Fitz with no warning. Kab's main worries are Muscowy and toma, and toma's only a worry if toma can Westernize. Surely the simply solution here is that a) me and Cazz are going to destroy Muscowy, and b) some European nation can just take toma's province from them. Hell, doesn't even have to be a European nation, mleugi is close enough and could do the necessary damage. That way, neither toma or Kab can Westernize ahead of each other, and Kab doesn't have to face a Muscowy. The balance of power is maintained. There's even a c), where Kabouter bribes mleugi not to take Portugal's province in the first place, meaning he can Westernize.

If he does have to change, I think the basic rule should be "can't be bordering a country currently controlled by a player"; otherwise that seems a little unfair to players who have settled in.

EDIT: What about Georgia? They're actually in a pretty safe place at the moment. They have very good relations with Muscowy, that red strip of discontinuous Timurid land has revolted to them within 10 years in all 3 test games I ran, and they can annex the Golden Horde very easily - they can probably be established as an 8-10 province minor power very swiftly. They're next to Muscowy for Westernization; plus in terms of later expansion, they can easily conquer Trebizond, and the Ottomans are currently in a death-cycle they could easily take advantage of, they have the Religious War CB to pursue against Shirvanshah, and the Timurids are very weak militarily. Beyond that, Georgia currently doesn't border any player.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
If he took the Ottomans, he'd block off Fitz, which would seem unfair to do to Fitz with no warning. Kab's main worries are Muscowy and toma, and toma's only a worry if toma can Westernize. Surely the simply solution here is that a) me and Cazz are going to destroy Muscowy, and b) some European nation can just take toma's province from them. Hell, doesn't even have to be a European nation, mleugi is close enough and could do the necessary damage. That way, neither toma or Kab can Westernize ahead of each other, and Kab doesn't have to face a Muscowy. The balance of power is maintained.

Seriously, fuck that Toma.
Besides, Ming already has the province bordering Portugal and that province is gone soon anyway.


Guys, I really have no interest in switching, and if I'm entirely honest, a lot of this is about the time of our game and this is sort of an excuse for me to back out. The time simply doesn't work for me. Good luck with the rest of the game :).


Also, Manik, I've been looking at Muscowy and Perm's cores disappear in 1594. That means, if we want to cripple Muscowy, our war has to be concluded before that date. I say we start our war at some point in the very early 1580s, to leave some safe space. In all the tests I've run, they've never attacked either of us because we're sufficiently large. That gives us roughly 60 years to prepare, which is reasonable. We'll just have to remember that in the 1570s we should take things in a fairly stable manner and build up for a war.

That sounds like a reasonable timescale for me. I should have been able to form the commonwealth by that point, so will be able to utilise all of Lithuania's manpower without having to rely on the AI. We'll have to keep a close eye on matters up until that point, especially if Muscowy have designs on taking over Crimea, though the white peace they just signed gives me hope that they might not take too much of it before we get involved.

Will need to hope and hope for a ruler that lets me tech my military up a little quicker than I can at present.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously, fuck that Toma.
Besides, Ming already has the province bordering Portugal and that province is gone soon anyway.

I'm only saying it because I'm terrified of the hordes of the Hindus swarming over proud Russian soil! Please don't hurt me... ;(

Guys, I really have no interest in switching, and if I'm entirely honest, a lot of this is about the time of our game and this is sort of an excuse for me to back out. The time simply doesn't work for me. Good luck with the rest of the game :).

Why not try time negotiation? I suggested in an edit a few posts up we all repost the times we can do, and see if we can switch things up a bit. :) It'd be such a shame to see you go...


Why not try time negotiation? I suggested in an edit a few posts up we all repost the times we can do, and see if we can switch things up a bit. :) It'd be such a shame to see you go...

Because we have three players I think not from Europe, at least one of whom literally can't make it before our regular time. I can't ask someone else to quit for me. So I'm definitely out.
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