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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
So, tonight we're going to test the hotjoining ?

Tonight we are going to test NORMAL joining first and hope that it flawlessy works now so we never need hotjoining again, leaving the thread title as an awful memory that fades over time.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Just wanted to say that I agree that modding the save should only be reserved for bugs - or it could quickly be a ton of mod-requests from various players not being able to get a session or feeling fucked by the AI or whatever.

About the changing nation when fucked-dilemma that Archnemesis just raised - I think it should be accepted in extreme cases when there is not much point in continue playing as the nation. KingSnake was in such a situation when he got annexed (lol), I also think Scotland is in such a situation. Sweden might have been playable, Im not sure, it was a border case. And my request to play as France was ofcourse only a joke.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is there a game going on right now? Could I possibly hotjoin as an out of the way nation to see how it works?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well, for future reference, how do I find the GAF game? Is there a password or something someone can PM me. An IRC, or a Steam Group etc etc.

I'm in the dark here! Like the Incans, unaware of the European menace lurking just beyond the ocean. I need to Westernize.


The world in 1502
AAR - 1499-1502 - Venice

Description of the actions during the session:
My plan to unlock a second national idea group didn't go as planned. A random event caused me to lose 177 ducats and 1 stability. Instead I decided to invade my eastern neighbor Hungary and her ally Serbia. After many years of dealing with rebels they only had a small army. I should be able to claim three provinces in the beginning of our next session.

I also hired my first level 3 adviser and now I'm losing money every month.

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original(8) + 10 (diplo-annexed Naxos, +1)
Allies: Bohemia, Athens
At War With: Hungary and Serbia


AAR - Poland - 24/09/13

Surprised we got anything done this evening, thanks mainly to all kinds of various error messages, crashes to desktop and game restarts.

Anyway, in the 3 years that we did manage to make it through I continued trying to lower the revolt risk in some of my provinces and got a 'coalition' CB on Denmark as a result of fanboi (Burgundy) declaring on Wink (Denmark). Having just come out of a regency council, and needing a few provinces from the south of Sweden in order to create at least a semblance of continuity between Poland and Scandinavia, I thought I'd have a look and see what I could do, just on the off-chance I might come away with something. Suffice to say that Wink was a lot more prepared than I was, and my armies got roundly beaten back by the Danes. Retreated back to Poland and accepted a white peace at that point, sensing that it could only go downhill from there, and not wanting to lose provinces in a war I started as nothing more than a 'what-if'.

That was about all there was time for tonight. Fingers crossed Thursday is a bit smoother :/

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: Previous
Allies: Novgorod (for the 15th time)
Personal Union with Lithuania and Sweden.
At War With: None


AAR - 24/09/2013 - Ming
Description of the actions during the session:
I did absolutely goddamn nothing. Thanks to all the server issues, I never got around to watching House of Cards either like I'd planned :(. Someone else should host next time so I have time to watch TV :p.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: The same
Vassals or PU: The same
At War With: None
AAR - 1499 - 1502 - Hedjaz

Nothing much happened in this short few years, I finished my war with Ethiopia and estabilished a beachhead there, and now I'm waiting for this sorry excuse of a King to finally kick the bucket. Also, Adal is not a vassal anymore.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: Allied with the Ottomans, Royal Marriages with the Ottomans, Tripoli, Swahili and Adal
Province Count: Hedjaz + 21
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: None

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
AAR - Novgorod - whatever the date is

Okay, so, cleaning up after the AI time. On the good side: I'm now rich! (something like 450 ducats).

On the bad side: I had 83 manpower, Novgorod had broken all of my existing alliances and insulted all my neighbours, gone to war with half of Europe including the Holy Roman Empire, converted back to Orthodox, fired two of my advisors, cancelled my mission, disbanded one of my fleets and re-arranged my merchants.

So, yeah.

Hopefully things should sort out okay. Just over 50% of my provinces are Catholic, so thankfully I can (just!) about convert to Catholicism as soon as I get Catholic rebels. That didn't happen this session, but the cumulative chance of a Catholic rebel group spawning in a year is 18.7% at the moment, so it's just a matter of waiting. For this reason, I'm keeping my stab at 0, no higher, no lower.

I hired two goods advisors. The first is a +morale +1MIL advisor, because with tiny armies every +morale counts. The second is a +5diprep +1DIP, because I need my diplomatic relations with everyone to heal quickly. So far so good.

I've started investing that gold in building a proper trade fleet in the White Sea again. Once finished, it should substantially increase my income and start paying itself off again fairly quickly.

Thankfully, Poland didn't dislike me too much. Our alliance was swiftly repaired. While Sweden might become a touchy subject in the future, if I have Norway as a vassal, Manik Sweden as a PU, and wink large amounts of extra Scandinavian territory, hopefully with nothing going free we can keep things amicable in the region. In the future, I'll be more than willing to sell any Norwegian culture provinces in exchange for Karelian/Finnish/Sami provinces, so I can consolidate nicer borders - an open offer for wink and Cazz.

Talking of which, I culture converted Kola and Karelia in a relatively easy 11 months. Nice bit of extra income.

In the aim of making Norway my vassal, I've declared war. It really shouldn't be difficult, I've already steamrolled 2/5ths of their possessions. They'll soon be under the suzerainty of Novgorod. I'm having to dedicate so few troops, my manpower has actually rebuilt to around a fourth of its full capacity, which is the highest I've had in about 40 years.

I hit admin level 7, and have changed my government form to Noble Republic. While I saw a small hit to income as a result of losing the merchant power bonus, I've gained the ability to Royal Marry and P.U., which is invaluable. The 8 year elections grant more stability, and once I unlocked Novgorod's 3rd unique idea, in 8 years I restore 16 republican tradition, meaning I can re-elect every single time and still maintain full republican tradition - this means really good leaders guaranteed for long periods of time. Should be fun!

I've also allied and royal married the OPM Ryazan. Holding them is one of the conditions for forming Russia, so I intend to diplo-vassalize them as soon as they hit max relations, which shouldn't take long at all.

One minor thing to be worried about: Muscowy has the mission "subjugate Novgorod". I suspect I'll be at war with them fairly soon. However, I'm not too worried given I'm almost ready to face them myself. Once Norway is under my control, my neighbours will be Norway (my own vassal), Sweden (a junior partner to Manik), the Livonian Order (my own vassal), Lithuania (a junior partner to Manik), Poland (Manik himself), Pskov (in an alliance with Muscowy) and Muscowy - so it's not like I really have anywhere else to go. Another few years to regenerate manpower and hopefully become Catholic, and I'll be ready.


AAR - 24/09/13 - Kingdom of Naples

Not much happening initially, recovering from the AI playing for me previously, reducing the inflation they racked up. Releasing Byzantium as a vassal was a no-brainer, I get more money from having them as a vassal and it means I can potentially just take their cores back from the Ottomans for free.

Got called into a war by France at the end, thought I might as well accept and then just white-peace out with fanboi, unfortunately my diplomats were both tied up and I couldn't ask for an offer over the broken chat. After Morfeo ruthlessly went after my tiny vassals, I decided I should join in with my small army. I guess I'll piss off quite a few former allies, but something had to happen to spice this game up after all the connection troubles.


I'm in two minds with what to do with Sweden, to be honest. I can see them being nothing but an absolute pain to keep an eye on, especially given my position in the European mainland as Poland. I'm much more partial to going southwards, towards Crimea.

I think perhaps wink, crab and myself need to put our heads together and work out an amicable solution - I'm open to forming some kind of mutual agreement between our 3 countries. Perhaps we need to get together at some point and come up with something.

Edit - Also, crab - Muscowy war - count me in. They're due some payback.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
AAR - 24/09/13 - Kingdom of Naples

Not much happening initially, recovering from the AI playing for me previously, reducing the inflation they racked up. Releasing Byzantium as a vassal was a no-brainer, I get more money from having them as a vassal and it means I can potentially just take their cores back from the Ottomans for free.

Got called into a war by France at the end, thought I might as well accept and then just white-peace out with fanboi, unfortunately my diplomats were both tied up and I couldn't ask for an offer over the broken chat. After Morfeo ruthlessly went after my tiny vassals, I decided I should join in with my small army. I guess I'll piss off quite a few former allies, but something had to happen to spice this game up after all the connection troubles.

Lol, they both entered my territory and i was sure you was going to go all out on me as well. I killed their armies, and then left when your army never turned up. Instead it arrived a bit later in Burgund to fight us there....But I agree the game needed some spice after those terrible first 45 minutes.


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR - 1499-1502 Austria

After all the issues at the begining of the session, I found out that the AI broke the alliance with my dear neighbour Venice. I was planning a quiet rebuilding session. I even sent out some troops to my small protegee Wallachia to clean up a rebellion, but instead of that Lorraine (?) decided to go to war with my ally Burgundy. And then my former ally (!) Naples decided to join the war on the other side and even attack us. So hell opened its gates from that point on. After initial victories (80 regiments against 65 at some point) Aragon decided that they fight in their own style. And then the session ended.

Other that that no major changes.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
AAR - 25/09/2013 - Savoy
Description of the actions during the session:

First thing I did was consolidate a bit after last sessions north african anti-piracy intervention, so I released Tunisia as a vassal. However, quickly after, I got called into the epic French-Burgundian war that lasted for the rest of the session. With allies at both sides, I decided to finally abandon my alliance with France and go with Burgundy, Castille and Austria. They were the defenders so that was better for my presige, and I also figured three humans would kill an alliance of myself and France anyways, so it would be better to join the winning team.

Assured we would win, I was quickly surprised by the great number of french forces, and the fact that Naples joined the war on the french side. The situation was incredibly confusing, and the napolitan vassals both entered my territory. Without a french army in sight, i quickly went down to stop Naples, killed the armies of his vassals and started to besiege their capitals, the renessaince wonders of Siena and Florence. However, when Naples never turned up with his army, I decided to retreat to more urgent matter in the north where France now was entering my land at Cuneo.

In a coordinated move, we met up with the burgundian forces in Dauphine, but by miscalculating the increasingly chaotic situation, we somehow managed to not only be the offensive power - we also was unlucky enough to get -4 on the dice (three for terrain and one for crossing). To avoid loosing my army of 35k and Burgunds at about the same size, we were able to summon both austrian and castillan forces for the battle as well, and at its max we fought with 110k against 70k or something like that.

We won - but our armies were in poor conditions so we decided against pursuit of the french army. Instead we regroped and decidied to try and meet the french armys in the western alps - on the defensive this time. We managed to get them to attack us in Bourgogne proper - and quickly sent our combined forces in and won another battle - but just a few days later the whole Napolitan army showed up and attacked as well! This fight was just barely won and Naples retreated south. My armies were now in such a poor condition that pursuit would be suicide without the others, and our combined leadership had some serious troubles, so we decided to let him flee, and I instead sent my army to the healthy swiss mountains to regain form and fitness. After getting some swiss reinforcements, I sent them down to regroup with our biggest reserves in the spanish pyrenees. I moved the reinforced army down to Toulouse where they once again where intercepted by attacking and limitless french forces. I think this battle was still ongoing when Ming decided it was time to watch House of Cards - and the neapolitan army was once again moving northwards - now in Liguria and going west to add up with the french - so it was really a terrible moment for the defensive-minded and manpower-starved savoyan peacelovers to quit. However, the game did get some spice as Fitz wrote - and it will definitely be interesting to see what happends next time - especially as Wink as Denmark just arrived in Holland with a huge army as well, killing of 30k polish expeditionary forces and moving forward to take down his burgundian nemesis once and for all (remember they fought when he played Sweden as well).

So - Savoy is in ruin, has lost its only reliable ally and most of its army - but is more than ever looking forward to how it shall reconquer the peace that it so desires, or as il nostro Papa Francesco said one of these days: Finisca il rumore delle armi!

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 20 (-3 from last time, +14 from start)
Vassals or PU: Tunisia, Swizzerland
Allies: None
At War With: France, Naples, Tuscany, Siena and a ton more.
After all the issues at the begining of the session, I found out that the AI broke the alliance with my dear neighbour Venice.
Our relations are strained due to border friction and aggressive expansion penalties. I just got improved relation up to +100 and I should be able to send you an alliance offer as soon as I'm done with my war.

So uh, who is hosting next time?
I can go back to hosting. The biggest issue is still getting everyone to join at once. If two people hotjoin after everyone else it is sure to mess up the synchronization process. I'm also hoping that our latest save is more compatible with v1.2.


AAR - 25/09/2013 - Burgundy
Description of the actions during the session:

Started of the sessions with going into war with Denmark (Wink) over my provinces in the Holland area. Everything went well until France declared war.

This war was something I anticipated, but what I didn't anticipate was how strong they where.

After what we thought was a deciding battle where we and our allies of around 100k army vs their 70k army won, we thought it would be a cake walk.

We forgot about the backstabbing Naples.

Now to seek peace...

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: unchanged
Vassals or PU:
Allies: Austria, Spain
At War With: Denmark, France, Naples, Tuscany, Siena and a ton more.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I don't suppose anyone has a fairly beefy computer with Inkscape or some other .svg processing programme, do they? For a little EUIV related project, I'm trying to turn this map into a png img but with a height of 9126 pixels (which I think produces a width of around 11737 pixels when scaled proportionately). Trouble is, my laptop can't quite cope with handling the file - it's fairly old and dies while trying to export the .svg. If someone wouldn't mind doing that for me and uploading it somewhere, I'd be pretty grateful.
I have Illustrator installed on my home computer. Whenever I try to use Inkscape it feels like I'm about to get an aneurysm.

Edit: Yeah, Inkscape needs 1.3 GB of memory to open the file and I'm currently using most of the CPU on my work computer for work-related tasks. I'll see if I can get an image out of this mess.

Edit 2: Inkscape just locks up for me. I converted it using Imagemagick instead. I'm not sure it came out perfectly, but you can download the result at http://dropcanvas.com/f2trk

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I have Illustrator installed on my home computer. Whenever I try to use Inkscape it feels like I'm about to get an aneurysm.

Inkscape's not too bad, but I won't pretend I'm not deeply envious. ;_;
Oh, and here is the "code" if you want to refine the image yourself.
convert -size 9126x11737 -background none input.svg output.png

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, and here is the "code" if you want to refine the image yourself.
convert -size 9126x11737 -background none input.svg output.png

I'm not particularly .svg savvy - I go as far as resizing them and converting them to .pngs so I don't have to deal with them. How do I apply that? Copy what you've typed, open up the image file in a text editor, and paste it somewhere in there?


Also, for tonight it might go better! 1.2.1 the savior?

Patchnotes 1.2.1
- Can no longer see destination of others shattered retreat using the low morale icon
- Fixed issue with changing side in the war when making someone your vassal
- Fixed chat where player would not show up i chat
- Warexhaustion now gives revoltrisk again
- Border friction is now entierly dependant on how much basetax you border them with
- Unions now end when the subjects dislikes the overlord, as the tooltip says
- Defender of tha faith now gives normal deus vult cb as well
- Fixed some hotjoin OOSes (Y_67 and others)
- Fixed bugs with unsynched pause during hotjoin

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I was wondering why going to war with Norway wasn't causing any Catholic rebels to appear. I hadn't even noticed that war exhaustion wasn't affecting my revolt rate.
AAR - 1502-1507 - Venice

Description of the actions during the session:
I claimed Serbia's only province and four provinces from Hungary. Originally I had planned to let Austria have the eastern provinces, but when Poland declared war I figured it was better to keep the provinces for myself.

Turning them into cores required a lot of administrative points, but five minutes before we quit I finally unlocked the second national idea group.

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original(8) + 15 (+5 this session)
Allies: Athens, Naples
At War With: None


AAR - 26/09/2013 - Ming
Description of the actions during the session:
I did absolutely goddamn nothing of any great importance. Again.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: The same
Vassals or PU: The same
At War With: None


AAR - 26/09/13 - Naples

Not a lot went on today, diplo annexed Tuscany, almost finished Siena, getting that inflation down. Looking to recover Greece for my esteemed Purple subjects.

Province Count: Previous + Tuscany
Vassals or PU: Siena, Byzantium


The Chuck Norris of Peace
AAR 26/09/2013- Savoy
Description of the actions during the session:

As written last time, the game started with the combined savoy-burgundian-austrian-spanish army against the french in Toulouse - and we were loosing! Lucky enough, the burgundians finally got France to accept a peace before the battle ended, helping my 35 regiments survive even though the army itself was now down to less than 200 men. This also ended the war with the junior partner on the other side, Naples, who then had to march his 25k army back down the peninsula where he belongs. With the peace which we so had longed and in a situation without manpower, money or allies, we decided it was time to use the truce-time wisely to rebuild manpower and boost the economic power of our country, so we spend our money on infrastructure and waited for the manpower to slowly raise.

As our alliance with France was now over, we felt incredibly weak and would have been an easy prey for aggressive neighbours - of which there are a ton. So we negotiated a bit with Burgundy, trying to put our old conflicts behind us, and spent time repairing the negative relations and finally entered an formal alliance after about a year. Its impossible to trust the war-mongering fanboi of course, but at least I know that his situation now is even more dire than mine - so none of us really have any other choice than ally in case of war. I also spent time rebuilding the relation with France, that succeded as well after some years, and I re-allied them - once again sitting me in the position of choice in case of a new burgundian-french war.

When the truce with France nearly ended, I decided it was time to distract them a bit in North-Africa to avoid getting into a new large-scale european war, so in the interest of european peace I sent my still pretty shattered army south and declared on Algiers and got France to join on my side - thus securing our neighbours from french aggression at least for some time. Tripoli joined on the other side, but it was still a walk in the park (seriously north africa needs to become stronger in future patches), and the war lastet untill the end with my side besieging all algerian provinces and one tripolitan. Will the Mare Nostrum once again become a pirate-free zone in the near future? And will the icy peace in europea last? Only time will tell!

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: 20 (6+14)
Vassals: Switzerland, Tunisia
Allies: France, Burgundy
At War With: Algiers, Tripoli
The new changes to border friction created a -200 relations penalty between Austria and I. That's a bit too harsh considering our history.


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR 26/09/2013 Austria
Description of the actions during the session:

Burgundy managed to make peace with France quite fast and this saved half of my army, but immediately they needed help in the war against Denmark. Unfortunately at the same time 2 army of 9 regiments of rebels rose in my provinces and Bavaria insanely declared war on me and moved 15 regiments in. I managed to handle the rebels and the Bavarian army and slowly occupy all their provinces. Meanwhile 51 regiments of heretics rose up in one province. My war exhaustion forced me to make a fast peace with Bavaria and my already huge overextension didn't allow me to take over more than a province. But I freed up Ansbach which is right between the two other Bavarian provinces, so the Bavarians look forward to a "bright" future from now on. Their agression will not be forgotten. Ansbach will soon reward my kindness by becoming my vassals. The rest of the session was all about fighting rebels either in Burgundy or at home. Unfortunately my alliance with Venice is just a verbal one for now, as the penalties are stopping us from legalize it once again. And we keep close to our hearts the brave Savoyan people, despite their bloodthirsty ruler.

One other surprise ally might come along soon enough ....

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: previous + 1
Vassals: none
Allies: Burgundy
At War With: rebels
A.A.R. Scotland

Since the game began England had the mission 'vassalise Scotland' and they have declared war every chance they get. Last session they managed to catch my main force in money saving mode and blatted them, peace left me with 3 provinces, 0 troops and 12 loans in deficit. Soon as the truce ended it was 25k v 3k and I got conquered ... will take Mali next time, as I've enjoyed playing them SP and it'll be nice to have no money worries, hopefully I can westernise before a Europower focuses on me :)
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