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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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I believe that Scotland will win and is doing fine due to the fact that France (and whole region) is in war with England, I, as Burgundy, was also in a war where I took out around 20k units from them.

So I Believe they dont have the Manpower to conduct so many wars.


Unconfirmed Member
Would it be possible for the game to output world events (which are visible globally*) in chronological order, It will be a good read.

More specifically highlighting
- Human vs Human interactions
- Human player interactions against AI


Would it be possible for the game to output world events (which are visible globally*) in chronological order, It will be a good read.

More specifically highlighting
- Human vs Human interactions
- Human player interactions against AI

Not sure about this.

You get a logbook at the end of the game detailing what have happened with your country, not sure if it highlights though.


Well I can tell you what I've done. I play Ming, and I've secured myself to the north a bit by taking a few provinces from Korea and one from Manchu. Currently at war down south with Dai Viet, which was being a bit aggressive towards me with spies and had taken territory from some of its neighbours. Don't know what, if anything, I'll end up demanding from them though. Only interaction with players I have is seeing what they do, which is a lot more than me. Mgo (Japanese daimyo) has more than doubled in size and Toma (Vijayanagar) is plowing through India like a madman.


AAR - ??? - Burgundy

Description of the actions during the session:

Glory of a new day!

It all started with securing a few allies and Royal Marriages. As time went on I watched France (and their allies) battle against England, for the costal provinces that is own by England, and how it turned out. As soon as I saw that France was winning, I declared war with casus belli for claim on Calais.

I moved in swiftly to secure a siege on said province, but to make them more "eager" to accept my peace, I also moved on to Picardie and laid siege (like Morfeo did earlier that evening).

After a while, England saw reason and accepted my peace offering, with me gaining both provinces.

Peace lasted (for me), until I gained conquest casus belli against Barrois where I took the opportunity to move in, currently winning the war favorably.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: WAR
Province Count: Burgundy + 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: Bar and Provence


The Chuck Norris of Peace
AAR - ??? - Burgundy

Description of the actions during the session:

Glory of a new day!

It all started with securing a few allies and Royal Marriages. As time went on I watched France (and their allies) battle against England, for the costal provinces that is own by England, and how it turned out. As soon as I saw that France was winning, I declared war with casus belli for claim on Calais.

I moved in swiftly to secure a siege on said province, but to make them more "eager" to accept my peace, I also moved on to Picardie and laid siege (like Morfeo did earlier that evening).

After a while, England saw reason and accepted my peace offering, with me gaining both provinces.

Peace lasted (for me), until I gained conquest casus belli against Barrois where I took the opportunity to move in, currently winning the war favorably.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: WAR
Province Count: Burgundy + 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: Bar and Provence

Lol this made me smile :) Wonder if anybody understands what you mean.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Can not sleep after this lol, only thinking about what to do going forward. A tricky nation to play, Savoy!
If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa to extend your control over Italy (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.


If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.

GL with that.


If I were playing Savoy, I'd probably try to vassalize Milan and Genoa (the argument against this is that it might also put you in conflict with the other Italian players). The other major step I'd take is to form an alliance with fanboi to block France's expansion before they extend their greedy tendrils into northern Italy like they always seem to do. In my experience France sometimes receives a subjugation mission against Savoy which might make them particularly aggressive toward you.

Don't forget getting Sardinia for Sardinia-Piedmont formation :p

GL with that.

Yeah, you can't be double allied.


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR - Date - Wallachia

Description of the actions during the session:

As I have a warning from Ottomans as soon as I started the game, I can't declare war without fearing they will crush me. The only opportunity is if an ally declares it or the Ottomans are too busy with revolts. They had some issues with Bulgarians early on, but I was not prepared back then (no claim, poor army). So meanwhile I went for alliances and royal marriages and I got both with Austria and Bosnia and an alliance with Crimea.
I tried to be friendly with Poland :p but I got brutally rejected, so I am improving my relations with Bohemia meanwhile. I also sponsored some revolts in Hungary to keep them weaker and got claims on two provinces from them.

I already have a good plan for war on Sunday thanks to a great leader in Europe. :)

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: Allied with Austria, Bosnia, Crimea. Royal Marriages with Austria & Bosnia
Province Count: 2
Vassals or PU:-
At War with:-


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Session 1:

Overview said:

Naples broke free from Aragon and conquered Messina and Urbino
Venice conquered Ragusa
Novgorord took Tver
Burgundy took Calais, Picardie and was about to take Bar and maybe more from Provence
Savoy got stuck in an endless war with Castille over Liguria - still open how that goes.
Castile is currently winning a war against Aragon (in the absence of the player)
Scotland is fighting a war against England, but open still.
Vijayanagar annexed Malabar, Kochin, Venad, Cylon and vassalized Ahmadnagar
Ming annexed a few provinces in Manchu and Korea.
Poland vassalized the Teutonic Order
Georgia lost a war and is basically dead (Player will pick another nation next time)
Hosokawa annexed 4-5 other japanese provinces.
Wallachia didnt do anything.

Individual reports:

Novgorod/Crab: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80203773&postcount=136
Burgundy/fanboi: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80282617&postcount=155
Wallachia/KingSnake: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80298189&postcount=164
Hedjaz/Sickboy007: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80352093&postcount=169
Vijayanagar/Toma: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80367593&postcount=171
Ming/Kabouter: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80385345&postcount=173
Venice/Archnemesis: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80445937&postcount=174
Poland/Manik: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80470409&postcount=175

I'll add the rest if someone still writes his post.
AAR - Hedjaz

I picked Hedjaz on a whim and I discovered that they're pretty much the only ones on the arabian peninsula to have a tribal government. So, my mid goal for this run is to reform the government. First things first, I had to court the Ottomans and ally with them to cover my back from the Mamluks. After that, I set my goals on Yemen. The war wasn't planned that well and I'm now submerged by debts, but Yemen is fully besieged and I'm going to vassallize them as soon as the next run starts. After that, long years of grinding for ADM points await me.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
AAR - 05/09/13 - Vijayanagar

Description of the actions during the session:

I immediately pushed towards Bahramis because they had a core of mine and managed to snag away my core and the province needed to form Hindustani later. Additionally, I got a vassal out of that war. While being in that war, I created claims for the 3 small nations + Ceylon on the western coast and annexed them afterwards as well. It was smooth sailing so far, with the exception of Ceylon being 61 distance away and me only being able to core up to 60 distance :p

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Vijayanagar + 6 provinces
Vassals or PU: Ahmaragni
At War with: -


AAR - 05/09/13 - Ming

Description of the actions during the session:
I took three (poor) provinces from Korea, one of which I got a claim on from a mission, I took another from Manchu (sadly also poor) after a surprisingly tough war. Currently at war with Dai Viet and another nation (I forget which), they were messing with me through spies, and I got a mission on them so I figured I'd go settle things there.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original + 4
Vassals or PU: None (I can't have any diplomatic relations without it costing me diplo points)
At War with: Dai Viet + 1 smaller ally

Algeria or Morocco would be fine

Then I'm fine with it if the others are. It'll be good to have another Muslim player-controlled nation in the game, only had one so far (Hedjaz).
AAR - 1444 to 1452 - Venice

Description of the actions during the session:
I started out using the mission to conquest Ragusa since they only start with one province with an army of 3 compared to the stack of 13. Since all my neighbors are tied up in large alliances I decided to not invade anyone else at the moment. Instead I focused on trade and tech. With four merchants I'm making enough money to hire two advisers and I'm currently earning 9/9/8 tech points per tick. I've leveled each tech once to 4/4/4 giving me my first idea (Trade) and the ability to build marketplaces and docks.

I'm a bit worried about my militarily strong neighbors, but at least I have an alliance with Bohemia to keep Austria friendly. The Ottomans are about to absorb Serbia which will make them my new neighbors.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original +1
Vassals or PU: Corfu and Naxos are vassals
At War with: None


Venice and vassals have yellow outline. Allies have green outline.


AAR - 05/09/13 - Poland

Description of the actions during the session:
Started off by taking the mission to form an alliance with Lithuania, so that was almost a free 50 diplomacy points, then opted to take the 'Lithuanian Personal Union' mission. This was surprisingly easy, needing only a stability of 1 and a couple hundred diplomacy points.

Union complete, I set my eyes upon reminding the Teutonic Knights just where they belonged in the scheme of things, and quickly ignited a war. The majority of their allies chose not to join them, consigning them to their fate, and their armies were quickly picked apart by the newly united Polish and Lithuanian armies.

Settled down for a bit of peace and teching, after that, whilst I ponder my next move.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original
Vassals or PU: PU with Lithuania. Vassals of Teutonic Order, Mazovia and Moldovia.
At War with: None

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Livonian Order and Riga gonna go down hard.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Thanks for the advice regarding playing Savoy. I think that as such a small nation, the most important thing is to be opportunistic - take the chances whenever they open up, and dont stick to much with a pre-determined plan - so that is how I play. Last time that meant getting into conflict with Genoa and Castille and since that war is still ongoing, we will see what the future brings for Casa Savoia. Cant wait t start todays session!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Lets say we have a... surprise for you later.

:( Be merciful! Has someone allied with either of them? Is it a Muscowy-shaped surprise? I hate Muscowy shaped surprises! Also, what time zone is 11:00 CET in BST? I only just arrived back in the UK and my knowledge of what time it is where is all out of whack. I think that's midnight, right?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
:( Be merciful! Has someone allied with either of them? Is it a Muscowy-shaped surprise? I hate Muscowy shaped surprises! Also, what time zone is 11:00 CET in BST? I only just arrived back in the UK and my knowledge of what time it is where is all out of whack. I think that's midnight, right?

Its a sweden-shaped surprise.


We could tag-team the Mamluks and be BFF!

Haha, who knows if that'd be his plan. If he goes with Morocco, he might instead choose to go south to the riches of the Mali and those trade nodes rather than east. That's definitely what I would do anyway.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
About to starrrrrrrrrt.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So what happend today?

- Castille ended the war with Aragon, for some reason not taking any provinces. Then declared war against Granada, not sure how that goes.

- Burgund took two (or three?) provinces from Provence including Bar, but lost four provinces and went back to zero when dealing with the Austrian-led revenge troops from the HRE

- Savoy ended the war over Liguria by annexing the province, and also took Parma from our ambrosian neighbours - while vassalizing Milan as well. Burgundy refused the call to arms when entering the war which could have been tricky, but at least Hungary dishonered MIlans call as well, so the war went easy. Also participated in a war over Mantua, started by Ferrara where also Venice participated, and at the end joined Austria on a crusade against the swiss (which is pretty open), and declared war against the newly-formed barbarians at Sardinia.

- Napoli took Rome effectively replacing the papacy to Bologna. I think he also declared war on Aragon to get Palermo - not sure how that goes (but my guess is fine since Aragon seems to be falling apart.)

- Venice participated in the northern italian crusade against Mantova - and then declared war on Hungary, busy with Austria, over Istria - a war that looks like its going well.

Thats more or less the summary from the italian and surrounding theatre.


AAR - 08/09/2013 - Castille

I ended the war with Aragon without taking provinces because I'm stupid like that, took Granada and entered allied myself with Burgundy and Navarra.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Annexed Granada
Vassals or PU: None that I know of
At War with: None

Fairly uneventful day, mainly because I'm a beginner and don't really know how to do much in this game.


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR - 08/09/2013 Wallachia

I was attacking Serbia (attacked previously by the Ottomans) when I was attacked by Hungary. That war went for most part of the game and ended in a white peace. It took some time to recover from it, but now it seems that I have the perfect opportunity to get my revenge on Hungary that it is busy fighting both Austria and Venice (and quite losing both).

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: None


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
AAR - 08/09/2013 Wallachia

I was attacking Serbia (attacked previously by the Ottomans) when I was attacked by Hungary. That war went for most part of the game and ended in a white peace. It took some time to recover from it, but now it seems that I have the perfect opportunity to get my revenge on Hungary that it is busy fighting both Austria and Venice (and quite losing both).

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 2
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: None

Your Wallachia game is so hardcore, lol. How many armies are you fielding?


The Birthday Skeleton
Your Wallachia game is so hardcore, lol. How many armies are you fielding?

Edited: I read it wrongly.

I consumed 10 regiments in the war against Hungary. I am rebuilding now (3 + 2 in the making). I have a little over 10k man power.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Yeah, the Wallachia-game is seriously hardcore, heads up to you KingSnake! Makes playing Savoy look like a total walk in the park by comparison.

I will rewrite my summary about myself into an AAR as the others did.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Edited: I read it wrongly.

I consumed 10 regiments in the war against Hungary. I am rebuilding now (3 + 2 in the making). I have a little over 10k man power.

You have 2 provinces and can field 10 regiments? Or are you like 5 regiments over the max?
A crusade against the Swiss sounds fun!

AAR - Hedjaz

I finished my war against Yemen, took a cored province and vassallized them. After that, I took some time to recover from my mountain of debts (21), disbanded my troops, and just waited for the loansharks to come knocking. Oman was particularly active and attacked and partitioned Najd with its ally Haasa while I was recovering, but lost it pretty quickly to a rebellion. I seized the opportunity, attacked the newly reformed Najd and now I'm just waiting for the sieges to end.
My economy is still in shambles (13 loans now) and I have a smaller army than my vassal, but all in all it went pretty good.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: Allied with the Ottomans, Royal Marriages with the Ottomans and Yemen
Province Count: Hedjaz + 1
Vassals or PU: Yemen is a vassal
At War with: Najd

Anyway, why doesn't the game display whether an ally will aid you in a war or not?

Shouldn't it say YES or NO?


The Birthday Skeleton
You have 2 provinces and can field 10 regiments? Or are you like 5 regiments over the max?

I can keep up to 8 regiments during peace time on 0 (or close to 0) maintenance. At the beginning of the game I kept the army pretty low (4 regiments) so I gathered some money. Right before I enter a war I up the maintenance to the max and then I raise war taxes shortly after starting it. I had enough diplomatic points to manage the war exhaustion. I built 2 additional regiment at the same time (when I saw Hungary declaring war on me). Unfortunately I did a wrong move so I did not manage to reunite the 8 with the additional 2, so Hungary with 8 killed both my armies.
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