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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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I'm not ready for an offensive war either. I have my fingers crossed Denmark will be content with annexing parts of Pommerania and end the war. Then I'll have a long road ahead of me stabilizing my economy before I even think of attacking Norway again.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I'm not ready for an offensive war either. I have my fingers crossed Denmark will be content with annexing parts of Pommerania and end the war. Then I'll have a long road ahead of me stabilizing my economy before I even think of attacking Norway again.
Well it's not you they attacked in the next 5 years according to two simulations :p The next session is certainly go to be interesting in Scandinavia.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Well it's not you they attacked in the next 5 years according to two simulations :p The next session is certainly go to be interesting in Scandinavia.

In general, Eastern Europe and the Nordic Arc seems to be interesting. I think I set something off.


Man, I tried an SP game as Korea to see if I'd chosen the wrong nation in the far east, and damn, it's a lot easier as Korea. Not having those dumbass modifiers helps a ton, I managed to take much of Northern China and then start colonizing. I did make a huge mistake however by wasting time on Asian colonies when I should've moved towards the Americas as fast as possible. Colonizing shit in Asia cost me wayyyy too much admin points, as did conquering for that matter. When I stopped playing I had a pretty nice empire, but also had 7 admin tech, where I was at 15 for diplo and military ahahah.

Right move for Korea (and Japan I guess, since they share the same trade node) is definitely going straight for America since you can just pump the trade from there into the Nippon trade node and become filthy rich. I think you could go for an Asian empire with a smaller nation, but for that I'd say something like Aceh is better since you can lock down the Malacca trade node fairly early on which can draw in trade from all of East Asia. Not to mention that Sunni Islam is much better than Confucianism, not least because you get that delicious holy war casus belli.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
That didnt look to hot for my poor Savoy there, seems like I havent done a good enough job with creating neutrality zones around my border - something which should be fixed next time. Really looking forward to that btw!


That didnt look to hot for my poor Savoy there, seems like I havent done a good enough job with creating neutrality zones around my border - something which should be fixed next time. Really looking forward to that btw!

French-Neapolitan alliance really dominated Western and Southern Europe in that simulation. Seems unlikely that'd be quite so successful in our MP game, not least because Burgundy won't be inherited by Austria (with French lands going to France)


AAR - 12/09/13 - Kingdom of Naples

What happened?
The wise and benevolent King of Naples decided that with his Kingdom's freedom secure from the Aragonese barbarians, he was ready to sleep with his ancestors and leave glorious Naples in the capable hands of his 5-year-old son. Despite the obvious readiness of the new King to dominate world affairs, he chose to be munificent in his foreign policy, taking the advice of his councillors and spending some years in relaxation before the trials of adulthood.
Whilst some pass it off as a simple mid-life crisis, others attest the King's changing personality to him growing into his fathers boots, nonetheless, at the age of around 10, the King had become restless with his period of tranquillity and decided it was time to try his hand at the art of war. To this end, under the guise of a rowdy bartender, he incited a local rebel leader into gathering his followers and attempting to storm the newly built royal retreat in the Roma province. Brining an absurd request for reduced taxes, as well as a band of several thousand "soldiers", this provided the young King with the perfect chance to test his mettle.
The battle was of course over swiftly, leaving the young King's thirst for combat sated, but his desire for experimentation in the field of wider politics had grown as a result. It was with this new-found enthusiasm that he put forth a request for the Prince of Sienna to bring his lands into the domain of Naples. The rational and prudent Prince readily accepted the demands proposal, vastly grateful to be under the protection of glorious Naples.
At the age of 15, fully experienced in all possible worldly matters, the King was ready to step into the limelight.

Province Count: Unchanged from previous session + Sienna under vassalage

tldr: Vassalised Sienna, 10 year regency.


AAR - 15/09/2013 - Ming
Description of the actions during the session:
I effectively did nothing, only excitement was listening to what was going on in Europe and watching stuff in India and Japan.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: The same
Vassals or PU: The same (Dai Viet/Korea/tiny Lan Xang as vassals)
At War With: None
World map - 1479


AAR - 15/09/13 - Castille(!)

What happened:

I entered a PU with Aragon, helped them in a war against Granada and accepted a Royal Marriage proposal from Naples.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: +2, if I recall correctly
Vassals or PU: Aragon(PU)
At War With: None
AAR - 1472-1479 - Venice

Description of the actions during the session:
Corfu was finally annexed and as a nice bonus that also got rid of the four rebels that were sieging it.

My fabricated claim on Zagreb finally came through and I could invade a defenseless Hungary. A large stack of rebels halted my progress a bit, but I still came away from the war with twice as many provinces as I had hoped for. Four instead of two, yay!

The Ottomans are occupying Serbia, Bosnia, and Athens which means I will be the next course on their menu. Hopefully Naples will be able to kick their ass. I'm too weak to win against them head-on, but I think I'll devote some money to funding Greek or Croatian rebels.

State at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original(8) + 7
Vassals: Naxos
Allies: Ferrara, Bohemia
At War With: None


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR - 15/09/2013 Austria

Quite a change of pace from the small Wallachia. I gained immediately a Casus Belli against Switzerland (the scum one), so entered a war against them and quickly took 4 provinces. While I was still at war, Venice decided to take another shot at Hungary and it was not polite to let them do all the hard work, so I opened a second battle line in the East. Ended up taking another 4 provinces from Hungary. Meanwhile all the Swiss provinces are now either core or in the making. Handled two small wars of the allies and watched all the fun from Italy. Next session with brave Naples against the Ottomans should be interesting.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: +8
Vassals or PU: None
At War With: None

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
AAR - 15/09/2013 - Novgorod

Okay, so started with a Norwegian invasion. Not unexpected, so I sent my army up to Kola and beat them back once, with the intention of restoring wink's province to him. Then, the Livonian Order attacked. Initially, I thought this was fine. I'd been wanting to vassalize them for a while, and this seemed like the opportune moment with Cazz backing me against Norway. I fell back and started seiging Livland with Cazz moving into Norway, before I realised that Livonia had been in a coalition with Muscowy, which meant I was at war with Muscowy. Again. Thankfully, this was only a coalition, so despite very rapidly losing 3 provinces to Muscowy, after taking the Livonian capital I forced a white peace, and just after restored wink's province too him. Unfortunately, my army was shattered and for the second time this game, at an incredibly inopportune moment Orthodox rebels spawned in the same province as my army and butchered them. I had managed to get a +2 missionary advisor and was finally able to convert Novgorod to Catholicism, when these Orthodox rebels swept down towards Novgorod. Unfortunately for me, they were super-rebels, destroying Swedish and Polish stacks with ease, seemingly against the odds. Without much choice, I was forced to convert back to Orthodox. I had managed to convert two of my provinces to Catholic though, so hopefully I can get some Catholic rebels later and convert back. I also managed to core most of Livonia, so I'm no longer over-extended and my tax is starting to pick up. Generally speaking, things are looking okay, now.

My goals for the future: vassalize Livonia. My neighbours are now Livonia, Muscowy and Muscowy's vassal states, Pskov, and Norway. Pskov has good relations with me, no claims on my territories, and generally I expect no attack. Norway is currently engaged in war with Denmark. Muscowy is still far too threatening for me to be able to deal with. However, Livonia is both a) beatable, and b) a nuisance. They shall fall.

Aside from that, wait for Catholic rebels, and then convert again. It's going to be a long and difficult process, but I want to remain competitive a few centuries later and part of that involves Catholicism and Westernization.

Super-super long-term? Fuck Muscowy over. At the moment, that's just a distant dream.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: Truce with Livonian Order, Yaroslavl, Muscowy, Ryazan, Norway.
Province Count: No change.
Vassals or PU: None
At War With: None


The Chuck Norris of Peace
AAR - 15/09/2013 - Savoy
Description of the actions during the session:
I lost my king, saw a ton of comets (four), built some improvements, and fighted a few revolts. Then Burgundy declared its hostilty by fabricating claim in our savoian homelands of Vaud - and just after declared war on my ally the french. As a faithful and peace-loving ally, i joined them, and we progressed surrisingly well untill my troops were wiped out and I got a favourable "concede defeat"-peace. I then spent the rest of the session beating a few more rebels, negotiating with my neighbours, and not a ton more.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Allies: France, Provence
Province Count: The same (12)
Vassals or PU: Milan as vassal
At War With: None


Won't stop picking the right nation
After an uneventful session last time, this one was much more interesting. I celebrated the end of my ten year regency by unleashing a reign of terror across Japan that was felt all across Asia. Even toma over in India has an aggressive expansion penalty against me.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
After an uneventful session last time, this one was much more interesting. I celebrated the end of my ten year regency by unleashing a reign of terror across Japan that was felt all across Asia. Even toma over in India has an aggressive expansion penalty against me.



Won't stop picking the right nation
I played ahead by several years in the save file because I was worried that the war for the emperor CB would be bugged. The way that Paradox has designed it (or perhaps not intended it at all) is that the daimyos have to annex the shogunate in a single war or else remain a daimyo forever. It turns out that the total war score of Japan's provinces is 116%, but apparently it is still possible to fully annex them all at once. It must be the only exception to that rule.


AAR - 15/09/13 - Kingdom of Naples

What happened?
With the recent coming of age of The Ever Pious and Magnanimous King Filippo I, the Prince of Tuscany arrived at the Royal Palace, eager to offer his realm up as tribute to Glorious Naples. The King reluctantly accepted this offer, keenly aware of his duty to protect the children of Italy.
In further celebration of the King, the finest ship-builders and artisans from throughout the land were commissioned to expand the Royal Navy, considerably bolstering the fleet back to a hundredth of it's traditional size. Along with naval armaments, new advances in limber-technology straight from the University of Napoli were put to good use in the creation of Naples' first artillery regiments. Despite the glory of the Neapolitan armies, some brave men did occasionally find themselves injured, these men were sent to the artillery regiments were they could continue to serve the realm, away from the slaughter of the front lines.
With the fighting power of the nation rearing for an opportunity to show their worth, a training ground was needed where the whole might of Naples could push their combat capabilities to the limits, alas no such place existed within the confines of the Mediterranean. The King was forced to choose the nearest backwater available, the lands of the Ottoman Turks.

Province Count: Unchanged from previous session
Vassals: Siena, Tuscany
AAR - 1472-1479 - Hedjaz

My efforts at stabilizing are starting to bear some fruits, the annexation of the once mighty Najd came along very smoothly and I even had some time to prepare for the looming war against the Mamluks. I played some cat and mouse games with them when the war eventually broke out, moving my troops around using my ships and evading combat in general before they had to route to cover their northern possessions being besieged by the powerful Ottoman armies. That war is still going on but I don't think I'll be seeing any Mamluk soldier on my territory for its remainder. Since my troops were fully mobilised I found them something more productive to do, and declared war against Oman after Vijayanagar had broken their backs and morale. Ethiopia became the war leader against me, but my navy blocks their efforts to cross the straits that separate our lands. I'll deal with them later, their territories are going to feed a new hungry little friend of mine, Adal.
As war planning was in full swing, news broke out of a distant upstart trying to best the Sublime Porte. We'll see how that goes.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session: Allied with the Ottomans and Adal, Royal Marriages with the Ottomans and Adal
Province Count: Hedjaz + 17
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: The Mamluks, Serbia, Bosnia, Athens, Hungary and Cyprus, Ethiopia and Oman, Naples, Siena and Tuscany


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So yesterday KingSnake suggested I change to France, and even though it felt like a joke by then, my difficult way forward as Savoy makes me consider this seriously - it definitely would be an easy way to grow in power (and get my revenge on all my enemies!). So what is peoples view on this?


So yesterday KingSnake suggested I change to France, and even though it felt like a joke by then, my difficult way forward as Savoy makes me consider this seriously - it definitely would be an easy way to grow in power (and get my revenge on all my enemies!). So what is peoples view on this?

Eh, I don't see why. Even though you are somewhat boxed in/have trouble growing much further, you're hardly crushed like Georgia and Wallachia were. Plus, if you played France you'd be at war with another player right away and you could do enough damage to make him have an actual legitimate reason for wanting to switch/quit/whatever. So nah, bad idea. Try to make it work as Savoy.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Eh, I don't see why. Even though you are somewhat boxed in/have trouble growing much further, you're hardly crushed like Georgia and Wallachia were. Plus, if you played France you'd be at war with another player right away and you could do enough damage to make him have an actual legitimate reason for wanting to switch/quit/whatever. So nah, bad idea. Try to make it work as Savoy.

Definitely agree. No chickening out. And France would be probably among the worst choices atm anyway together with Ottomans and England.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Eh, I don't see why. Even though you are somewhat boxed in/have trouble growing much further, you're hardly crushed like Georgia and Wallachia were. Plus, if you played France you'd be at war with another player right away and you could do enough damage to make him have an actual legitimate reason for wanting to switch/quit/whatever. So nah, bad idea. Try to make it work as Savoy.

Definitely agree. No chickening out. And France would be probably among the worst choices atm anyway together with Ottomans and England.

As long as there is no other views contrasting this, I am fine continuing as Savoy ofcourse!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So gaf is really watching me? Now I got commercials for hotels in Savoy on this very site lol. Evillore trying to tell me not to chicken out?


I don't accept this scepticism from Morfeo as anything other than the ruse that it is! Clearly you're about to unleash a tide of destruction upon the world, and are merely trying to lull us into a false sense of security so that we drop our guard. I know your game!


Neo Member
I wasn't able to make it for the last session. Looks like Morocco lost another three provinces... anyone know what happened.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I don't accept this scepticism from Morfeo as anything other than the ruse that it is! Clearly you're about to unleash a tide of destruction upon the world, and are merely trying to lull us into a false sense of security so that we drop our guard. I know your game!

Shit you are ruining my grand plan to rule all of Europe! Be vary of the huge savoyan armies who will run all over Europe during next session - muhahahahaha!


AAR - 1472-1479 - Burgundy

We have become to cocky.

Soon after the truce with France went out (and Austria left the coalition) we declared once more against France... easy victory since we 5 years earlier we took on both France and Austria and almost won.

We where so mistaken.

France with superior tactics and leadership annihilated our armies (after some where close battles).

Now to seek peace without losing lands... to the Iron Banks.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Unchanged
Vassals or PU: None
At War with: France (+minors)


Venice is staying out of most of Italy, but how is Savoy vs Naples going to turn out?

I shouldn't think we'll be at war any time soon, there's still a buffer state between us and we've both got room to expand in opposite directions. Pax Italia! Also I don't think anyone in general wants to be the first to strike a blow in direct player v player.


AAR - Poland - 15/09/13

Continued vassalizing the Teutonic Order during which time Novgorod (Crab) declared war on Norway, meaning that, as allies, I was also called in to help out. Sent troops over to seige some Norwegian provinces, with the aim of forcing them to return some cores to Sweden (Wink). The war was going fairly well until the Livonian Order stuck their noses in, and declared a separate war on Novgorod. This wouldn't have posed too many problems, save for the fact that they themselves were allied with (long time nemesis of Crab) Muscovwy, who jumped at the chance to skip out of honouring their truce and also joined in.

Thankfully Crab quickly managed to turn his attentions to beating the Livonians into submission and, quickly thereafter, with a positive warscore against Norway, brokered a peace deal that included the returning of Sweden's cores.

As the Polish army made their way home they detoured to take out what should have been a fairly standard bunch of rebels who had sprung up in Novgorod, and with a 13-9 advantage, it should have been fairly straightforward. It wasn't. Somehow the single stack of rebels fought off everyone who came against them - be it Poland, Sweden or Novgorod.

A defeated Polish army then slunk back home, as Novgorod was forced to reconvert their country.

The rest of the session was fairly standard - more provinces improvements, switching one of my merchants to the Baltic trade node and concentrating on boosting my administration.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: Original + 8(ish)
Vassals or PU: Moldova as a vassal.
At War with: None (except annoying rebels)
A.A.R. Scotland at war with Norway, England, Denmark and Hansa

Scotland is not a happy haggis at the moment. England have managed to get Norway in an unholy tag team. They are taking turns declaring on me, meaning I'm getting about a year of truce to recover from each. I'm drowning in debt. Currently occupying Orkney, Derby, and Lincoln, Lancs will go any moment (which will let me peace out @ 12% for Orkney and 11 ducats). England seem to have exhausted their manpower and 1k pops somewhere every month, normally I'd take 3 stacks of 3 and leapfrog to 100%. But it's Norway's d.o.w. and a combo of everyone's navies means I'm stuck with the O's. England won't peace out separately until I've taken most of the country, and I've played the savegame and I bankrupt in 4 months or so which is NOT GOOD.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Lets see how many people join today on the GTA release date :p


AAR - 17/09/2013 - Ming
Description of the actions during the session:
Finished diplo-annex of Dai Viet, vassalized Champa (sadly only two provinces due to stupid Ayutthaya), at war with Bengal

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: +5 I think
Vassals or PU: Korea, Tiny Lan Xang, tiny Champa
At War With: Bengal
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