Got to disagree. I liked 3.0. Its not as polished as the 1 and 2 but thats because it wasn't essentially a retread.
Tbh 3.33 is on the level of the star wars prequels and matrix sequels disappointment level
Got to disagree. I liked 3.0. Its not as polished as the 1 and 2 but thats because it wasn't essentially a retread.
Can't wait!Tbh 3.33 is on the level of the star wars prequels and matrix sequels disappointment level
The level of vitriol toward this movie is hilarious and, I imagine, not that different from the initial reaction to the tv ending. (Well, probably much less severe, unless anyone's mailing death threats to Anno again!)
In 20 years you'll all be singing this movie's praises!
The level of vitriol toward this movie is hilarious and, I imagine, not that different from the initial reaction to the tv ending. (Well, probably much less severe, unless anyone's mailing death threats to Anno again!)
In 20 years you'll all be singing this movie's praises!
Fake Edit:The level of vitriol toward this movie is hilarious and, I imagine, not that different from the initial reaction to the tv ending. (Well, probably much less severe, unless anyone's mailing death threats to Anno again!)
In 20 years you'll all be singing this movie's praises!
Can you explain what you mean by this? I can only read it as something like. "Because it was all new content in terms of story, it wasn't as tested" Actually I have no idea what you mean by polished. No vitriol here, I really don't understand your post.Got to disagree. I liked 3.0. Its not as polished as the 1 and 2 but thats because it wasn't essentially a retread.
The level of vitriol toward this movie is hilarious and, I imagine, not that different from the initial reaction to the tv ending. (Well, probably much less severe, unless anyone's mailing death threats to Anno again!)
In 20 years you'll all be singing this movie's praises!
Where was the hate on the TV ending? A lot of us local fans back then liked that for what it was. It even popularized a pop culture of some sort (the bumping into a running girl with bread loaf on mouth thingie).
Well, I wasn't watching Evangelion in Japan in 1996, so I have no first-hand account of it. But, by many other accounts, the hate was pretty widespread, to the point -- like I said earlier -- that Anno was sent death threats by fans over it (messages that he inserted into EoE during the real world section of Third Impact). I mean, the impetus for doing EoE at all was in response to the vocal negative reaction toward the tv ending.
It even popularized a pop culture of some sort (the bumping into a running girl with bread loaf on mouth thingie).
That was around way before then...
I loved 1.11 and 2.22 a lot, I've never seen the originals, will I like 3.33?
I loved 1.11 and 2.22 a lot, I've never seen the originals, will I like 3.33?
Looking forward to rewatching it with Funimation's rumored-to-be-redone sub/dub efforts.
I know I'm deeeeeeeeefinitely in the minority, but 3.33 has been my favorite rebuild film. I can see how it's a huge disappointment for most after the character breakthroughs in 2.22, but an intimate story that felt true to the original series.
I knew ahead of time that the film was rewritten after the devastating tsunami, and I feel like it definitely shows in the final product. Moreso than the previous two, "You Can (Not) Redo" is the thesis written into the fabric of every decision Shinji makes. Blindsided by the timeskip, I'm still haunted by the music that plays on the bridge as you feel as disoriented as Shinji. Every accomplishment from the previous films are ripped from him. The only people that showed any affection towards him now seemingly hate him. The world as we know it is seemingly ruined beyond repair. Shinji relapses worse than ever, and at one point is even shown nearly catatonic.
Kaworu the savior shows up out of nowhere to slip him some sweet BL, and says he has a master plan to fix everything. Kaworu is played by like a damn fiddle by Gendo, and Shinji loses the one bit of hope that he had. Everyone harps on Shinji for making bad decisions, but that is the point - he's driven to delusion that it's still somehow possible to 'Redo' everything instead of moving forward. I felt it complete true to his character and true enough a desperate reaction to the terrible world he's forced to live in. Then Unit-02 turned into a cat for some dumb reason. The three children are reunited again in as complicated and tenuous a professional agreement as ever, and there are mysteries that can be solved through wiki-diving and ones that you have to swallow until the next installment.
Instead of doing something straight forward and predictable, Anno pulled an Anno and carved out something that seemed extremely personal, regardless of how unpalatable it was received by people wanting more 2.22. To me, it definitely felt like putting on a pair of familiar clothes that smell like the general tone of episodes 18-22.
I hope Anno continues to take his sweet time to find his finale, and I'll enjoy his inevitable eccentric take on Godzilla in the meantime.
There's definitely a difference, as you can choose between Theatrical or Home Release subtitles. I haven't watched the blu ray yet so I'm not sure how exactly they differ.Looking forward to rewatching it with Funimation's rumored-to-be-redone sub/dub efforts.
Tbh 3.33 is on the level of the star wars prequels and matrix sequels disappointment level
I loved 1.11 and 2.22 a lot, I've never seen the originals, will I like 3.33?
I loved 1.11 and 2.22 a lot, I've never seen the originals, will I like 3.33?
By the way, here is an incredibly comprehensive FAQ for the scant answerable questions in 3.33.
Just like old times.
Where was the hate on the TV ending? A lot of us local fans back then liked that for what it was. It even popularized a pop culture of some sort (the bumping into a running girl with bread loaf on mouth thingie).
Will 4.0 ever come out? Lol
The hate for the original final episodes was legendary. It was all anyone talked about in the fandom at the time, in my experience. On Usenet if you even breathed a positive word about the final two episodes you'd get shredded and branded a pariah for a time. It was possibly my first real glimpse of fandom gone insane.
Weird... I adored the ending upon my first watch in 2004.
Now the Endless Eight in Haruhi... that I'd get the ire for....
oh god it's all coming back to me
The hate for the original final episodes was legendary. It was all anyone talked about in the fandom at the time, in my experience. On Usenet if you even breathed a positive word about the final two episodes you'd get shredded and branded a pariah for a time. It was possibly my first real glimpse of fandom gone insane.
oh god it's all coming back to me
Weird... I adored the ending upon my first watch in 2004.
Now the Endless Eight in Haruhi... that I'd get the ire for....
Weird... I adored the ending upon my first watch in 2004.
Now the Endless Eight in Haruhi... that I'd get the ire for....
oh god it's all coming back to me
"Kyon-kun, Denwa!"
I skipped that shit, watched the last one and read what was the differences.
I loved 3.33. It's my favorite of the reboot movies and FINALLY took the story somewhere new. I didn't love how Asuka had no development in the x years since Shinji was captured, but whatever.
I think the best part of the film is Kaworu's comment that alludes to the movies taking place in a parallel universe to the original series. That was dope.