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Evangelion 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo |OT| :Q

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gat damn.

I am setting my expectations way low for this one..

He's right, it's pretty bad. Set them low. High point for me was the quality of the animation, which is really nice. The rest though...

Here's hoping Anno can salvage something good from the wreckage for 4.0.
Probably not :/
He's right, it's pretty bad. Set them low. High point for me was the quality of the animation, which is really nice. The rest though...

Here's hoping Anno can salvage something good from the wreckage for 4.0.
Probably not :/

At this point I'd be impressed if we even got 4.0 at the rate things seem to be going.


Haven't watched my copy that came the other day since i'm rewatching the series now, but I know there are two sets of subs for this. Which subs are people preferring?


We're lucky then that the outrage never reached here back then. Or that I was so young to be ignorant of that times lol.

But yeah, still the TV ending was pretty good, was then and still is. 3.33 is nothing compared to that.

I agree on the lucky part, because it sucked and was a very toxic fandom then. At the time I thought the final two were mildly disappointing since it was clearly part and parcel of the show's obvious budget problems that had been creeping in over the second half of the series, but I understood what Anno was going for and thought he more or less achieved it. The overwhelming reaction in the fandom, at least online and at conventions in California, was that it was a betrayal of all that was good and pure, and Anno had led us astray and had planned to ruin the show with two episodes of absolute wankery all along.

The first time I saw End of Evangelion was at Fanime Con in 1997, on a rainy afternoon when it was still tiny and held at Foothill College. It was, I believe, a DVD of the film provided by Gainax, and it had no subtitles, but it was the only way to see the thing in the U.S. at the time. When the guy introducing it mentioned that "many of you had some issues with the last two episodes of the series," the whole auditorium erupted in boos and hisses.

Nowadays it seems the fandom accepts the final two episodes as part of the whole package, and there are many who prefer them to the action-packed violence of the EoE movie. I suspect many of the latter are younger fans who watched the whole thing all at once. But believe me, back in 1996, when people thought that was it, and Eva was over, and the big finale was the cast applauding and congratulating Shinji in a group session, I would never have thought that possible.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I agree on the lucky part, because it sucked and was a very toxic fandom then. At the time I thought the final two were mildly disappointing since it was clearly part and parcel of the show's obvious budget problems that had been creeping in over the second half of the series, but I understood what Anno was going for and thought he more or less achieved it. The overwhelming reaction in the fandom, at least online and at conventions in California, was that it was a betrayal of all that was good and pure, and Anno had led us astray and had planned to ruin the show with two episodes of absolute wankery all along.

The first time I saw End of Evangelion was at Fanime Con in 1997, on a rainy afternoon when it was still tiny and held at Foothill College. It was, I believe, a DVD of the film provided by Gainax, and it had no subtitles, but it was the only way to see the thing in the U.S. at the time. When the guy introducing it mentioned that "many of you had some issues with the last two episodes of the series," the whole auditorium erupted in boos and hisses.

Nowadays it seems the fandom accepts the final two episodes as part of the whole package, and there are many who prefer them to the action-packed violence of the EoE movie. I suspect many of the latter are younger fans who watched the whole thing all at once. But believe me, back in 1996, when people thought that was it, and Eva was over, and the big finale was the cast applauding and congratulating Shinji in a group session, I would never have thought that possible.

I get that.

When we already know that EoE exists, the original TV ending can be appreciated for what it is. I only saw it for its experimental, philosophical aspects, and the fact that it was a cost-saving implosion of the original plan for the series didn't even matter.


I get that.

When we already know that EoE exists, the original TV ending can be appreciated for what it is. I only saw it for its experimental, philosophical aspects, and the fact that it was a cost-saving implosion of the original plan for the series didn't even matter.

And that's the way it should be, IMO. As much as I enjoyed waiting impatiently for each new English Eva release back in 1995 and 1996 and all the fandom cloak and dagger that went along with trying to see them as soon as humanly possible ("I know a guy who knows a guy who can get a fansub on SVHS next weekend of the episode that aired this week," "I imported the Japanese laserdiscs of the first half, let's rewatch," "I have an early copy of the new VHS release but it's only the dub version"), I will always envy the fans who either had no contact with the core fandom at the time or saw them after the finale/EoE debacle was dead and buried. Because in my mind there will always be that gulf between the last two episodes and EoE, and it will always remind me of that time period where everyone basically turned on the show and not a kind word was allowed about it. As someone who, at the time, would certainly have liked to have seen Evas kicking ass, but also understood why the show's ending wasn't about that, it was an awkward era.

Guess Who

Guess Who, a lot of things you are complaining about are things that didn't have exposition as its expected the discerning fan already knows this.

Answers to your questions can be found online or by re-watching the Eva series with the extended episodes and reading the manga.

Things like why Kaworu is the 1st angel is because he contained the soul of Adam. He is relegated to the last angel when he has lost the soul.
He realizes it all 3 times before he dies and the theme of choosing to die is due to being the angel of free will, Tabris.

The black moon, the white moon, the 2 lances, Adam soul (in tabris) and body (in gendo usually). Lilith soul (in Rei or Eva unit 1) and body (in terminal dogma usually). The lilem and the evas. All available knowledge before this movie.

This movie is fan service for the knowledge fan is probably best way to describe it. It also brings new things to the table like what an incomplete / rejected human instrumentality looks like. Unlike EOE where it was accepted and then reversed by Shinji.

The characterization is poor in this but the plot is interesting with the background knowledge.

I'm reasonably familiar with the Eva extended universe - I'm no walking EvaGeeks Wiki or anything, but I know enough to know that
the Spear of Cassius didn't exist before Rebuild and its history is totally unknown, that the role of Adam in Rebuild is basically entirely unknown (there's multiple Adams now? The embryo-Adam was replaced with Nebuchadnezzar's Key in 2.22? Kaworu's relationship with Adam in the Rebuildverse is entirely unexplained?) and that the Black Moon wasn't a fucking goblet.
The only question I raised in that post with any answer is
why did Kaworu put the choker on, the reason being that either he or Shinji would have to die if Eva-13 awakened to stop Fourth Impact, and he decided he'd take responsibility instead of Shinji. Though that still doesn't explain why he didn't take the choker off Shinji sooner.


Yeah the guy's high, you can't use Neon Genesis Evangelion to explain what happens in rebuild. The background and most elements of the story are completely different/unexplained. We don't even know if Eva units have souls or what the hell Adam is/where he comes from.

Nearly everything happening in 3.33 and before is left unexplained.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Re-relase of 3.0 with 30 minutes added at the end as the ending of the movie series!
3.0 + 1.0 is actually 3.0 with the entirety of 1.0 tacked on because the theme of Eva is that everything repeats. Trololololol Anno going in bold new exciting directions!
It'll eventually be released. Because money.


Really enjoyed it. Biggest plus is how amazing the animation looks.

As for why I liked it just totally balls to the wall different from the TV anime. While I think it would be nice visually just to get a modern remake of the TV anime, it wouldn't serve much purpose.

Doubt it will satisfy me as much as TV and EoE, but I just enjoy seeing something new. The wait for 3.0+1.0 will be painful.


First one to talk gets to stay on the aircraft!
If you watch the previews Funimation put on the disc, it feels like they were picked three years ago and they didn't bother changing them, like the Battle of Gods trailer rather than a Resurrection of F one. This whole release feels like Khara got way too involved, from the bizarre subtitle choices to the credits not even being translated. There's even a thing when you put the disc in that basically says "Hey man, this is how they wanted it, sorry if it's confusing."


Remember Anno said that one of the main drivers behind Rebuild was to streamline the Evangelion story and stop dropping esoteric, vague names and references for the sake of sounding esoteric and vague?



He's right, it's pretty bad. Set them low. High point for me was the quality of the animation, which is really nice. The rest though...

Here's hoping Anno can salvage something good from the wreckage for 4.0.
Probably not :/

Was finally able to watch it.

I... Don't know how I feel about it?

The animation and score were phenomenal though. And it wasn't boring or offensively stupid, the two biggest sins any film can have IMO.

But, yeah, it was just kind of.. spinning its wheels I guess? Things were obtuse for the sake of being obtuse. And what few answers we did get were pretty much copy/paste from the original Eva series. I still have no idea what the villain's motivation is or what the heck is going on with the angels, EVAs and whatnot. I kind of wish the film would just embrace it's core concept (Giant things breaking shit real good) and not try to over-philosophize everything. It just feels a little passe at this point.

The whole thing just feels like "what's the point of all this again?" If this is indeed some kind of parallel universe or sequel to the original series, I wish this film just fucking told you so. Stop being so coy about it. We're six hours deep into this, out with it already. It's doing that thing Lost did that pissed me off, where it talked around concrete answers instead of giving them to you intelligently. making something vague and mysterious does not necessarily equal intriguing or entertaining.

Also Shinji is the worst. If you're going to have this kid as your core protagonist, at least try to make him likeable. His victim schtick really does get grating. I do appreciate other characters call him out on this constantly.

Anyway, I was entertained by it, but didn't necessarily like it. I'll have to watch it a couple more times to see if I missed any answers or hidden meanings, but yeah, this was the worst of the Rebuild series by some margin.
Bought all three movies this week, never seen any of them. Really annoyed by each having a different packaging style (ordered from Amazon), but I hope to knock them out this weekend.
Watched this awhile ago, after watching 1.11 & 2.22 on toonami I rushed to view the eng sub online and damn...I want the 2+ hours of my life back...


not me
Near-Third Impact is a giant retcon of the end of 2.22, where Third Impact was stopped way before it could possibly have wreaked this much destruction.

Isn't it even worse than this?
There was another, totally offscreen Third Impact that happened during the timeskip which they refer to as "the continuation" of the Third Impact or something. So yeah the world ends anyway between movies. Cool story, Anno. Terrible.

At this point, it's better to just pretend 2.22 is the end and that the whole thing ends on a cliffhanger than watch 3.33.



I am now totally loss at to what actually happened between the end of 2 and the start of 3. We'll probably never find out either and instead be forced to watch
70mins of Shinji feeling sorry for himself, 5mins of "get in the robot" and the rest a fucked up ending where he resets everything anyway.
That is if the movie ever gets completed.


I loved it. It has flaws but it's something new and forwards the timeline in an interesting way. This reset Shibji has changed it up and we're going to real conclusion having seen so far 3 cycles of the lilem - tv, manga, and movies.

I wonder how many people complaining have read to end of manga including epilogue?

I'm not atypical fan though. I don't like anime. Don't care about fan service or giant robots.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I loved it. It has flaws but it's something new and forwards the timeline in an interesting way. This reset Shibji has changed it up and we're going to real conclusion having seen so far 3 cycles of the lilem - tv, manga, and movies.

I wonder how many people complaining have read to end of manga including epilogue?

I'm not atypical fan though. I don't like anime. Don't care about fan service or giant robots.

The manga ending is pretty much my Evangelion ending right now
2.22 was going somewhere interesting. 3.33 decided to throw all that out, skip everything that sounded interesting in the first place and give us a massive, convoluted and poorly thought out garbage pile.
I applaud the daring direction. I think you guys are way too hard on it. Do we want all 4 movies to be wash rinse repeat?

Its nice to mix it up a little, yet we are still headed towards a conclusion.
What exactly is risky about 3.33? People defend it by saying its different and not following the series as close as 2.22 and 1.11 were but those movies were good.

Yeah, it was a risk to just go bonkers and make a shitty movie.


I applaud the daring direction. I think you guys are way too hard on it. Do we want all 4 movies to be wash rinse repeat?

Its nice to mix it up a little, yet we are still headed towards a conclusion.

I can understand the sentiment, and I would say that 2.0 did manage to mix it up a little, and it was great.

3.0 however is a completely different animal. Can only be redeemed by 4.0, assuming it ever exists.


2.22 was going somewhere interesting. 3.33 decided to throw all that out, skip everything that sounded interesting in the first place and give us a massive, convoluted and poorly thought out garbage pile.

What's so bizarre is that the previous films were somewhat fitting for people who weren't into Evangelion prior. Then comes 3.0 that…practically requires hardcore knowledge to get the gist of what's happening.
3.0 however is a completely different animal. Can only be redeemed by 4.0, assuming it ever exists.

Can it? I see no route where they can make a passable sequel while also making 3.33 not shit in retrospect. That's not possible. They are taking so long and there has been no info on 3.0 + 1.0/4.44 because they are trying to figure out what the hell they are even going to do in this situation.
Can it? I see no route where they can make a passable sequel while also making 3.33 not shit in retrospect. That's not possible. They are taking so long and there has been no info on 3.0 + 1.0/4.44 because they are trying to figure out what the hell they are even going to do in this situation.

Evangelion 3.0 is a powerful, thrilling and occasionally traumatizing. Its something every anime fan should experience.


Can it? I see no route where they can make a passable sequel while also making 3.33 not shit in retrospect. That's not possible. They are taking so long and there has been no info on 3.0 + 1.0/4.44 because they are trying to figure out what the hell they are even going to do in this situation.

I mean, it's not out yet, anything can happen. I'd like to be optimistic about the direction of the franchise as a whole but 3 did put us in a pretty shitty spot.


What's so bizarre is that the previous films were somewhat fitting for people who weren't into Evangelion prior. Then comes 3.0 that…practically requires hardcore knowledge to get the gist of what's happening.

I think there were enough hints that we were going to get thrown a curve ball at some point. The Rebuild movies were never meant to be a retelling of the original.

They are taking so long and there has been no info on 3.0 + 1.0/4.44 because they are trying to figure out what the hell they are even going to do in this situation.

Anno's been tied up in severe depression and Godzilla since the release of 3.0.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Evangelion 3.0 is a powerful, thrilling and occasionally traumatizing. Its something every anime fan should experience.

That's more for End of Evangelion though.

3.0 was more like
I think there were enough hints that we were going to get thrown a curve ball at some point. The Rebuild movies were never meant to be a retelling of the original.

How can you say that when that's literally what 1.11 is? It started out that way, the staff may have changed their mind at some point.
But if this is the case, it makes even LESS sense that
everyone's blaming Shinji for it!

They're not so much
blaming him as much as acknowledging that he should REALLY not get in the robot. Like, lock him up throw him in a dark cell where no one can clone him sort of not get in the robot.


Hey I might be wanting to watch 1,2, & 3 with my folks this weekend, but I'm trying to remember is the Shinji
jacking off on Asuka
scene in any of the three movies? Or only in End of Evangelion?
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