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EVE Online |OT| of Internet Spaceships

Funny thing is, a couple of years ago the tutorials used to be way worse.

This UI isn't that hard to get a hang of, especially since you can't really mod it with addons like WoW (dear god there would be shitloads of "mandatory" addons if it were the case).

Overview settings can be tricky yeah, they really should have an in-game tutorial for that, but there should be a few articles online for unfucking it. Search for "overview settings eve" or "overview fix eve" or something similar.


Oh i remember playing EVE trial before the tutorials were updated.
Don't think i got past them.

And the UI.... well, it works, once you get overview settings sorted out. Which is not easy.
I think i got decent settings now for general playing, not ideal for PVP, gang actions or whatever specialized work but good enough.

EDIT everyone's talking russian in the starter corp channel :/


And another issue with tutorials: They don't give a proper direction afterwards. Sure, EVE is a sandbox but i'd like there to be some suggestions and/or examples, clearly labeled so. And perhaps a simple guide: For X, buy these or equivalent and do Y.
For missioning or for pretty much anyone, that Sisters of EVE epic arc would be a good suggestion.
PVP: A corp or faction warfare.
And so on.

I wonder whether i should do the Sisters of EVE epic arc. I've done it once before but i can't remember much of it.
Or just dive into exploration once i've trained some skills? Or do the arc while training skills...
And another issue with tutorials: They don't give a proper direction afterwards. Sure, EVE is a sandbox but i'd like there to be some suggestions and/or examples, clearly labeled so. And perhaps a simple guide: For X, buy these or equivalent and do Y.
For missioning or for pretty much anyone, that Sisters of EVE epic arc would be a good suggestion.
PVP: A corp or faction warfare.
And so on.

I wonder whether i should do the Sisters of EVE epic arc. I've done it once before but i can't remember much of it.
Or just dive into exploration once i've trained some skills? Or do the arc while training skills...

They have to stop holding your hand at some point. The tutorials are there to explain the basic systems of the game, not to teach you how to play. Most handholding is left up to the players of the game. Google anything related to EVE will tell you to join a new player focused corp and from there get your bearings.
honestly, i learned more in the first week of Brave Newbies Incorporated than i did in my 1st month of EVE.

you kind of have to.

It's a learn-to-run-before-you-crawl environment where you are barely out of frigates and have to learn about safe spots, instant dock/undocks, and gatecamping cause there's a 20 man cap wardeccer sitting outside your station.


They have to stop holding your hand at some point. The tutorials are there to explain the basic systems of the game, not to teach you how to play. Most handholding is left up to the players of the game. Google anything related to EVE will tell you to join a new player focused corp and from there get your bearings.

Then integrate these suggestions to tutorials properly so you can keep your precious cut-off point. (They do actually hint toward these but the way the tutorial is made (a lot of text in a small box that appears depending on what you're doing) makes it easy to miss and/or misunderstand this).
And there are no suggestions for those who wish to solo* for a time (yeah, sure, joining a corp and soloing are not mutually exclusive strictly speaking). Or those who want to form their own corp... though admittedly that's not ideal for a new player.

No matter how hardcore a game is, it should be accessible, something you can learn to play without having to resort a million guides in the internet. (Or guidance of others)

And i'm not really talking for myself, because i read and learn BEFORE i play. But i don't like that i have to do this (and learning by playing is a no-no in EVE as it is, or would be because i'd be demoralized by first major loss, if i didn't have 50 million ISK stashed (was basically a donation a year back, i got to salvage all the valuable stuff while a couple of guys did a mission)).

*I don't mind interacting with people but i'm way too paranoid to join a corp right away. I expect the worst of people in EVE. I do things on my own terms.
*I don't mind interacting with people but i'm way too paranoid to join a corp right away. I expect the worst of people in EVE. I do things on my own terms.

oh don't be so paranoid :p having people to talk to makes the game more enjoyable.

i honestly believe that all corps, aside from the roelplaying or hardcore SOV corps where you have to keep a certain kill efficiency, tends to show the ropes willingly to newbies. Corps tend to be newbie friendly since they don't want to allienate players away from the game.

the more people you can trust in your corp the better. NOW, other people outside of your corp? yeah always keep a safe spot handy in any system. in fact, i always prepare myself for a gatecamp in any system below 0.7.

when i'm on, just look for Aldek. :D
CCP will never actively encourage a player to solo. All of their player retention data points to having players join corps and form social bonds.

*I don't mind interacting with people but i'm way too paranoid to join a corp right away. I expect the worst of people in EVE. I do things on my own terms.

That's going to get you nowhere real fast. Taking basic life precautions will let you avoid any real danger. Let's assume, for instance, you decided to join a randomly advertised corporation that was actually a scam front.

No one can force you to undock anything or give up your assets. Anything but the most well thought out scams can be spotted a mile away. Additionally anyone putting forth excessive effort into a scam is going to be going after something like a supercapital, not a 3 day old player's mining frigate.

If you let risk aversion rule you, you'll still be in hisec two years from now "training up your pvp skills."


I guess I'll touch on soloing for a bit. For PVE, the tutorial covers everything there is to know. Run missions, explore, trade. There's not much more to soloing PVE content that isn't covered.

If you're inquiring about solo PVP, there's an internet of information. Check out twitch nearly anytime of the day to catch a stream. Killboards aggregate all the losses in EVE, which means they also help you find amazing fits. The key to EVE is that none of this information is handed to you. In the vein of Dark Souls, you need to work for everything. From blogs to wikis to forums, the information is out there. You just need to do some work to sift through it. Your first ten frigates will probably die immediately. The next ten might scratch the other guy. Eventually you'll find that sweet spot spiraling toward your opponent with your afterburner screaming.

I'll be the first to say it's incredibly rewarding the first time you kill someone else by yourself.


I prefer to know people first, then see about joining a corp. Doesn't work otherwise well, in my experience (previous EVE experience, and other MMOs and even other non-MMO games. Brief stint in RVB showed i should've known someone in the place before joining). "Know people" can be as little as a bit of discussion beforehand, something that establishes i can work with them at least, and perhaps tells something real about the corp (and then i'll check out the corp proper).

I'm not risk averse, i'm people-averse because 99% of (randomly met) people online are idiots, stupid, annoying or all of these. (And yes, i still play MMOs. Nothing better than killing those fools.)

As for the tutorial, they suck even for PVE. Basics covered... LOL. They're incredibly vague and leave out important details. I was semi-surprised how different actual hacking was from what was in the tutorial, reading about exploration proper helped but didn't quite prepare me.
Forcing people to rely on the internet for proper information and even for learning is shitty design and presentation.
A game should be either intuitive or guide the player properly to be able to play the game, even if they will make mistakes. EVE is neither, basically dumping the responsibility for players alone.
I'm not saying individuals shouldn't learn some things alone or by finding out them by themselves, i'm saying basic should be taught properly. Solo or not.
And don't think i want a hand-holding tutorial either, i can't stand those.
Somer blink is having an event where if you had an account before this years xmas you can find 3 gift boxes in random spots around the site and have a chance to win plex/astero/gnosis/ credit to spend on somer blink.

its free and all it takes is a few minutes looking around the site.

well at least 2 of the boxes. the last one for me was found in the page where you claim winnings (i.e. had to win one ship to get the gift)

but still 2/3 chances at free stuff aint bad.


-change password page
-GTC/plex markee dragon page
-start a new blink window
-if you put mouse cursor over an item, it brings up an item description. sometimes its hidden there.
-click your character icon for your stats page
-this week's winners page
-gigablink page
Drone Interfacing V finished on my main! :D

Fantastic value skill.

Wanted something short for the moment, so I tossed in Propulsion Jamming IV, and then I'll figure out what I want to do next.
Drone Interfacing V finished on my main! :D

Fantastic value skill.

Wanted something short for the moment, so I tossed in Propulsion Jamming IV, and then I'll figure out what I want to do next.


also, for the love of jebus go to somer blink and speak to staff to change your password! its free ships/isk ;-;

if you dont want em at least give em to meeeeeeeeeee!
Cruise Missiles V!

now i can justify training for my Golem!

but since rolling around in my Heavy Assault Cruiser with Heavy Assault missiles, i have learned to love the speed and power of short range weapons in PVE. so much power and pew-pew and fast reloading times! snap!
Drone Interfacing V finished on my main! :D

Fantastic value skill.

Wanted something short for the moment, so I tossed in Propulsion Jamming IV, and then I'll figure out what I want to do next.

Prop Jamming V is pretty great. Access to Hictors can be helpful when you see that Aeon trying to take a gate.
Heavy Drones V at just over 5 days left. Alt has 11 days on Gallente Cruiser V and will be able to at least sit in an Ishtar pretty much after that.

Will actually have to play and grind some Incursions soon since my coffers are running low and my sub time runs out late Jan/early Feb on both accounts. Probably after my drones here finish since I'll have those shiny T2 drones to use. Forget if I have to have an extra level of drone spec over what I already have trained or not for heavies though.
finally got my hauler alt into a legion.

then i learned legion is the redheaded stepchild of T3 cruisers. typical decision choice for me.

i put in all the skills i want to learn into eveMON and still gives me a 280 day training regimen. i think i will have to bite the bullet and just do a reskill. and also start using drugs.
Heavy Drones V done. Needed a drone spec 4 though, so training Gallente up now. Queue was empty for like two hours because I forgot to refill it earlier and couldn't be arsed to get out of bed to do it late last night. But no real harm done.

Really need to get back into some incursions but I've gotten into WoW again and that's taken up most of my gaming attention. Will definitely make time to farm some up once I get my T2 heavies though.

And I only skimmed the blogs so far, but some interesting new deployables coming in the next patch.
I tried to pimp out the Neogaf channel a little bit in the Massive Battle thread, but I continue to be the only one in the channel.


Sorry I haven't been playing much. My Gallente Drone Spec 4 finished yesterday though so I'll be getting back into some incursions here for some PLEX with my shiny new T2 heavy drones.

Just caught the WoW bug again so playing EVE hasn't interested me that much.


That last Eve thread got me interested getting back into the game so I subscribed for one month. Any gaffers still playing?


Neo Member
Been tempting myself to get into Eve for years now, but always worried about the time commitment. Picked it up on Steam yesterday and started to work my way through some of the first batch of tutorials (mainly mining and trading so far).

Enjoying it now I've had a few hours to get my head around things. Got a few skills queued up to hopefully start on a mining/manufacturing/trading spree for this first month and hopefully build up some ISK before my first month is done with. Seems like if I work my way through all these tutorials I'll have made a decent start and have a nice collection of starter ships.

Anyone else out there just started? Always willing to team up/help out :)


Neo Member
I would definitely suggest anyone that doesn't have somewhere to go to try joining Brave Newbies. It's a pretty good entry-level corporation to teach you the ropes.

Would you recommend leaping straight in to Brave Newbies, or finish off the tutorial missions first? Finished off Industry, and halfway through Military and Business at the moment.


Bought Eve Starter pack in steam. I should have bought the starter pack during winter sale that a $2 below price dem.


Is there a neogaf eve corp?
I play for a month or 2 once in a while. Applied for eve uni twice, both times stopped playing before I got to an interview.
Would you recommend leaping straight in to Brave Newbies, or finish off the tutorial missions first? Finished off Industry, and halfway through Military and Business at the moment.

its recommended just for your own amusement and benefit so at least you have some basic idea of how to do stuff. BNI has guides and classes. But here what i warn people about BNI

it's hectic and always something to do. But this is a double-edged sword. yes there's always someone doing something, but that can mean anything from going into wormholes for loot, to getting instant blapped by 5 titans outside of dock keeping your holed in the station for sometimes 3 days in a row.

it can seem a little overwhelming at first, specially if you are a newbie who wants to move past the free frigates that BNI gives and need steady income that won't be interrupted by a hotdrop at any second.

BNI WILL teach you survival tactics as fast as possible though. Trust me, i joined BNI in my first week and had to learn things like mwd trick and making safe undocks right off that bat just to survive.

eve university also provides their classes for free and accessible to anyone. i would save this page for quick reference.


also if you do missions of any type, this is also a MUST:


Is there a neogaf eve corp?
I play for a month or 2 once in a while. Applied for eve uni twice, both times stopped playing before I got to an interview.

there used to be but everyone moved on i hear. we have a neoGAF chat channel where gaffers pop in once in a while. i always keep that open.
Would you recommend leaping straight in to Brave Newbies, or finish off the tutorial missions first? Finished off Industry, and halfway through Military and Business at the moment.

Finishing the tutorial gives you a pretty good grasp of the mechanics of the game, so I would suggest finishing that before doing anything else. After the tutorial there is an optional questline for the Sisters of EVE that acts as a capstone to the tutorial. It's optional, but if you still want to hone your skills a bit, it's a nice finish to the whole tutorial.

After you finishing getting accustomed to the game, definitely look into joining a corporation. I would suggest avoiding directly joining EVE University, since it teaches pilots to be risk-averse. They have recently made a portion of their classes public to all pilots, which can be helpful. Unless you have some other corporation lined up to join, Brave Newbies serves as a good starter corporation that accepts all pilots.
Today's exploration haul, all in 1 system done with an Assault Frigate:


I have noticed the longer i play the smaller ships i fly. I love my collection of battleships but the warp nerf they all got seriously warped my appreciation for the bigger ships. the mission hubs i use to frequent take almost 1 whole minute to warp to from gate to gate or station. it really adds up in the long run.

I love my tengu and it's hella strong and i don't have to worry about dying, but when 3/4 of the sites i find through exploration don't allow T3s it also grinds my gears cause that means i have to travel back to the station i got it from, switch to a heavy assault cruiser, and come back to the same site. and by the time i come back someone else found it and is running it.

Assault frigates are strong enough for 4/10s and thats the highest level i usually ran them at anyways. I think ill go down in size to T3s/HACs for lv 4 missions and when i decide to wormhole.

plus if i lose the ASSAULT frig it's only a 30-40m hit as opposed to 500m+ bling tengu and lose skill points on top of that.
Little over 3 days left on Advanced Weapon Upgrades V.

Not sure how it will immediately help me, but I'll have it done!

Do need to grind some incursions though, as I've run dangerously low on ISK. Especially if I lose a ship.
Little over 3 days left on Advanced Weapon Upgrades V.

Not sure how it will immediately help me, but I'll have it done!

Do need to grind some incursions though, as I've run dangerously low on ISK. Especially if I lose a ship.

i got awv and i gotta say, it has saved my butt a couple of times when fitting ships. i have been able to eliminate some Power grid modules on some fits, and even avoid expensive implants.

training Large Hybrids V for T2 blasters finally. I said to myself i wouldn't hit the incursion circuit again at least until i have a fully t2 fit vindi to justify flying that beauty. also cause i might roll it out for l4 missions.

that and aw5 opens up marauders. and i got that shiny kronos/golem waiting for me. but not before my black ops WIDOW rolls out.
won 2 plex on the bonk runner-up in somer blink 1.5q celebration. damn. if my name had been called earlier i coulda won in the bonk. it's like the heavens know i don't want to go back to incursions and keep sending me a lifeline.


I've just passed my 900k sp yay

First mistake i did was sending my exploration hunt in a low sec with FW being held lol. I loitered too long in a moon then the POS killed me. That's 7m isk in the drain :(
Alright, so I need to sub for the monolith thing, but I don't want my current character name on it...

Do I need to delete my character in order to rename? Is there another way?


Alright, so I need to sub for the monolith thing, but I don't want my current character name on it...

Do I need to delete my character in order to rename? Is there another way?

What monoliths? Why don't you just make a new character instead of deleting your old one. I don't think you can rename your characters.
What monoliths? Why don't you just make a new character instead of deleting your old one. I don't think you can rename your characters.

Wait, you can make more than one char per account? Man it's been too long.
I was talking about the Real Life Monument, not monolith lol.

I also might buy a new account altogether. It's only $10, right?
CCP generally considers a primary character the one with the most SP. This has been used in the past to distribute certain items and such. It will most likely be the way they automate the process going into the monument.

It will be interesting when some people have tons of accounts in numbered order for things like mining. They may have significant portions of the statue dedicated entirely to themselves.
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