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Ever buy a game due to its high reviews and hype and just aren't motivated to play?


When I bought my Xbox this spring, I immediately went and bought the top 3 or 4 games for it at the time which were Halo, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, and GTA: Double Pack... My main game genres that I like are Fighting, Racing, Sports, Action, and maybe every now and then the occasional RPG

Well I have really enjoyed playing most of those games and so many more and am really glad that I got the system, especially with what is coming out. However, I still have KOTOR in plastic and don't really have the motivation to play it... I am not the biggest RPG fan, but still have played through a few of them in my time (Skies of Arcadia, anything with Final Fantasy in the name, all the old SNES Square titles) You would think that after numerous GOTY awards, I would be motivated to play it, especially when I am hyped for Fable and Jade Empire, among a ton of other games of other genres....

I wonder why I can't get motivated to play it? I am worried that when the onslaught of games comes out this fall, it will fall even more into the pile and I won't get to it. Maybe it will end up like a forgotten gem that I find years down the line and then wonder why I didn't play it right away. Or I wonder if I should just trade it for something I know I would play right away...

Mr Gump

Jak II and Beyond Good and Evil.

Jak II i like but cant be bothered, while BG&E is crap.

I usually lose interest in games about halfway through.


Cubivore got high reviews and hype?

Sweet, since I just got it in the mail today (eBay).

I bought Tales of Symphonia recently, and have only played at least 2 hours worth of game time in it.
Splinter Cell

I'll probably finish disgaea sometime, I think I migh have just burned myself out on that kind of strat game...though I am currently hooked on Front Mission 4. Splinter Cell...meh.

Those are the only two which stick out in my mind right now.


Hates quality gaming
Venus & Braves is a more recent example of mine.

I'll get to it eventually, I think.


Champions of Norrath
F-Zero GX (though its probably due to the insanely steep difficulty.....I'm weaksauce)
Splinter Cell (I'm so sick of goddamn stealth games)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Great topic!

right off the top of my head Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell pops right to my mind!
Started Splinter Cell, loved the setup and the style, fascinated by the training, began the first mission, bored by the first enemy, haven't played since. I got free with Prince of Persia, so it's not a big deal. I rarely like games where you use guns, and what I played felt like it was on rails compared to Metal Gear.

I have been attempting to finish Onimusha ever since it first came out. I like it, but I got more than half way through and never played more. F-zero GX was awesome, but I didn't have the time to memorize the game, so I loaned it to my nephew and he unlocked most of it. I loved the Viewtiful Joe demo and got the game at launch, but I haven't finished it yet.

I am also trying to finish Front Mission 4. I have to send out a review tomorrow, so I should probably write it tonight.
This generally happens with games that I buy due to others' enthusiasm but that don't click with me for whatever reason. I've taken it as a sign that I should stop listening to other people/reviewers when it comes to games and just try things for myself. :x
My friend can't get past Murai in Ninja Gaiden. He's since lost all will and desire to try anymore.

In his defense, he's a casual gamer who works a lot and has two kids (one a newborn). I've decided to go over to his house Saturday and clear the first level (and maybe the second as well) for him...
thanks Wazzoo! I completely forgot about Silent Hill 3! I bought that game for 20 bucks a couple months back, and started playing it. I couldn't believe people found running around hallways checking doors to see if they'll open to be fun. I think I got to some subway station before I said to hell with it.
SyNapSe said:
Viewtiful Joe.

It looked so cool, so SOOO COOL! But then I bought it and basically had no interest..

I agree. The game has its little hook but I've played the equivalent of that game before.


Tales of Symphonia
GTA Double Pack
Splinter Cell

EDIT: Damn, did anyone play Splinter Cell, or did we just buy it and stick it on the shelf? (I got it free with PoP, anyway, but still.)


pretty much anything I buy these days.

I'll play it enough to see how it works and how the graphics look, but I rarely go back.

Working all day with games doesn't make going home to play games that fun :(


the original metal gear solid. i wasn't into it at all. i tried, but gave up on it. i've actually never beaten it! i still own it, though.
ferricide said:
the original metal gear solid. i wasn't into it at all. i tried, but gave up on it. i've actually never beaten it! i still own it, though.
I'd advise you to play through MGS:TTS on Easy mode, if only because you'll get to shoot me in the face/crotch/whatnot before you're done.


Kobun Heat said:
I'd advise you to play through MGS:TTS on Easy mode, if only because you'll get to shoot me in the face/crotch/whatnot before you're done.


I kid I kid. :p I actually own it and strangely enough have the same issue... I just don't get the motivation to finish it. Something like this happened with MGS2 as well, though I did beat it eventually.
Call of Duty. The demo(s) rocked but the full game seemed incredibly boring for some reason or another. I kept playing until I got to the supposed crown jewel of the game - the assault of Stalingrad at the start Russian campaign and was totally dumbstruck on how incredibly lame and short it all was. The level was over in what seemed like a minute. Total disappointment.
I actually had the opposite reaction to Cubivore - I played and loved it so much that I actually forced myself to stop "for a few days" for fear of finishing it off too fast. And then I never played it again. :(


I don't buy games based on what people say, but I did tire mighty fast of stuff like Tales of Symphonia, Disgaea, Ninja Gaiden, and Jak II


Well I didn't just buy KOTOR because of what someone told me... Basically I have a rule that if a game gets GOTY recognition by multiple sources, then if I have the console it is on I will try it out. This is the first instance that it has ever happened to me... I suppose that I will eventually get the bug to play it


Zelda OoT - but I never really bought it. I played it until the Zora temple, but it there wasn't any fun coming out of it.


Unconfirmed Member
You know, I have two different versions of Shenmue II (DC and Xbox), and I've only played about 45 minutes on one version and none on the other. I've actually been thinking of starting up a game. Actually about a week ago I decided to get started on my backlog and had it down to Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and Shenmue II. Flipped a coin. Dragon Quarter won. So far I have not been disappointed with the results.

So yeah, it happens to me sometimes, but it usually has little to do with the actual quality of the games themselves.


Happened to me with PGR2 & Splinter Cell: PT.

I never really played PGR2. Played SC maybe a total of 3-4 times online/offline combined.


RE:Zero - I gave up right when I saw the leech zombie..I'm not going to play a game where it's obvious that even the creators stopped giving a shit

Blackace said:
Great topic!

right off the top of my head Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell pops right to my mind!

agreed agreed agreed

although i finished the game I realized at the CIA that i was really bored of this game that apes Thief and succeeds at nothing but looking better than it

F-Zero GX - didn't like the N64 F Zero but gave this game a shot...was starting to enjoy it when I realized that every time I tried to save I got a DDE...returned it and got the same thing on a different copy...returned again and tried a new copy...same thing...only GC game that ever gave me that...oh well


Pikmin.. let it sit for about a year and a half or two; finally got around to it and totally loved every second of it.
I mostly play long games, so I often end up taking breaks after about 30 or 40 hours, but I do get back to them if they are worthwhile. I finished Valkyrie Profile, Grandia 2, Golden Sun: the Lost Age, and Fire Emblem after taking months off on each.

I am currently getting back to Front Mission 4 after taking time off for Tales of Symphonia and life. Record of Lodoss War (DC) and Advance Wars 2 are waiting to be completed as well.


Kingpen said:
When I bought my Xbox this spring, I immediately went and bought the top 3 or 4 games for it at the time which were Halo, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, and GTA: Double Pack... My main game genres that I like are Fighting, Racing, Sports, Action, and maybe every now and then the occasional RPG

Well I have really enjoyed playing most of those games and so many more and am really glad that I got the system, especially with what is coming out. However, I still have KOTOR in plastic and don't really have the motivation to play it... I am not the biggest RPG fan, but still have played through a few of them in my time (Skies of Arcadia, anything with Final Fantasy in the name, all the old SNES Square titles) You would think that after numerous GOTY awards, I would be motivated to play it, especially when I am hyped for Fable and Jade Empire, among a ton of other games of other genres....

I wonder why I can't get motivated to play it? I am worried that when the onslaught of games comes out this fall, it will fall even more into the pile and I won't get to it. Maybe it will end up like a forgotten gem that I find years down the line and then wonder why I didn't play it right away. Or I wonder if I should just trade it for something I know I would play right away...


Ikaruga (which is still factory shrinkwrapped)
Skies of Arcadia


Oh and I bought Eternal Darkness the day it came out, played it for like 40 minutes and havent ever touched it since. Oh well.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Disgaea - I really wanted to like this game, the art is great and the characters are cool... but a couple of battles in and I found out that this game is for people who like to obsessievly level up/power up your stats, as well as not having too much of a story.

Viewtiful Joe - The graphics look great and I love the whole style of everything, but going into slow motion to defeat enemies gets old real fast and breaks up the action.


Gas Guzzler
La Pucelle Tactics: I am sure it is awesome, and I loved Disgaea. I just am getting tired of the entire RPG genre and I don't have time to sit down and play these games lately.


Metroid Prime (beat it in January 2003, bought it in November 2002)
GTA VC (bought it in October 2002)
Jak II (bought it in October 2003, beat it in November 2003, reluctantly)


Kingpen said:
I still have KOTOR in plastic and don't really have the motivation to play it... I am not the biggest RPG fan, but still have played through a few of them in my time (Skies of Arcadia, anything with Final Fantasy in the name, all the old SNES Square titles)

I wonder why I can't get motivated to play it?

Because you fail to realize that the RPG genre is like the racing one? ...there are simulation racing games and there are arcade ones...traditional console RPGs (SoA, FF games, SNES RPGs) are what i would liken to arcade racers and KOTOR would be a simulation (my reasoning being that in KOTOR you actually choose the role you play)...KOTOR has more in common with PC RPGs than anything else and when you realize that it's really a whole new type of game then that motivation should come

that said, I enjoy both styles of RPGs for different reasons
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