Too little too late.
Man I used to love Millia in GGX2, but this version of her is bullshit.
Should have listened to your master more Dogura.
Should have listened to your master more Dogura.
Woshige now murican
LOL. He found out his greatest weakness.
It's unsporting in the same vein as dancing at the end of a touchdown is "unsporting." It is what it is from a definition standpoint I feel (since regardless of the popoff, he was still fighting a dude who did not have his hand on the stick in a competitive environment).
Do I think Ogawa was wrong for it? Absolutely not.
lol, Woshige is pisseeeed
Is Evo sunday in a different room this year? Looks different from last year.
LOL! They finally did that huh, especially after the incident last weekend.
LOL! They finally did that huh, especially after the incident last weekend.
Classic it's a shame I missed it live
Hey look, he didn't stand up this time.