Evolution 2016 IOT2I Final day Final game - SFV Top 8 live on ESPN2


So what was the final verdict amongst the mainstream ESPN watchers? People hating on it or did people think it was cool?

I dont really use twitter so I didnt follow what was being said last night
So what was the final verdict amongst the mainstream ESPN watchers? People hating on it or did people think it was cool?

I dont really use twitter so I didnt follow what was being said last night

Was a mix of trolls, genuine displeasure, and mild displeasure that converted into positive opinion. Actually seemed like overall less talk than when the MOBA stuff was on TV. I can't prove that though.


So I went through the archives and checked about how long the Top 8s lasted:

Tekken 7: 2h:07m
Smash Wii U: 2h:30m
Pokken: 2h:55m
Killer Instinct: 2h:10m
MKX: 2h:30m
UMVC3: 2h:03m
Xrd Revelator: 2h:00m
Melee: 2h29m
SFV: 3h:02m

2 hours for Smash 4 and Pokken definitely wasn't enough time.

Dayum at Pokken.

SFV I'm not surprised. 3/5 matches and the top 8 tends to go to the wire often.


Was a mix of trolls, genuine displeasure, and mild displeasure that converted into positive opinion. Actually seemed like overall less talk than when the MOBA stuff was on TV. I can't prove that though.

lol gotta love how people act like espn is some holy channel that cant be tarnished with these competitive video games

get real people, they fucking show bowling and poker on these channels. hell, espn is even dabbling in WWE coverage lately. get off your high horse.
Just found out that my mom and sisters saw Evo on their TV listing and decided to see what it was about and watched the entire top 8.

They're now Fuudo fans.

I wish I could articulate how surreal and amazing this is to me.

Justin Wong mom liked Mika too. What's going on with Mika and female fans?
Justin Wong mom liked Mika too. What's going on with Mika and female fans?

Joshi are dope, and America is now taking notice in between video games and wrestling.

Just found out that my mom and sisters saw Evo on their TV listing and decided to see what it was about and watched the entire top 8.

They're now Fuudo fans.

I wish I could articulate how surreal and amazing this is to me.

My wife is now a Fuudo fan due to his "sweet face".


been trying to find it for a while. I saw the espn version but i need to show my friends the Eita entrance on that version because it was too funny lol.
Happy for Chris G winning Marvel and Infiltration looked like he couldn't be touched at times. I actually watched a bunch on the DVR on ESPN again. I fast forwarded the bits I to see the tit for tat damage at fast forward speed Nash players do.
Justin Wong mom liked Mika too. What's going on with Mika and female fans?

Same reason why women love Bayonetta. Once you get past the sexist fanservice, you are left with a woman who is confident, comfortable in her own skin and is having the time of her life doing what she is doing. It's infectious and women love it.

Cammy and chun Li are boring and serious in comparison.

Laura is a bit of both, at least when actually playing as her/seeing her being played.


Junior Member
Just found out that my mom and sisters saw Evo on their TV listing and decided to see what it was about and watched the entire top 8.

They're now Fuudo fans.

I wish I could articulate how surreal and amazing this is to me.
Rainbow Mika is a pretty cool character. Then again, wrestling in games tends to garner hype.

I wonder how people would react to Alex?
Made it through half of the SFV GF last night before I passed out... is there anywhere I can watch the final 90 mins (for free)?

Or at least the final?


Got to give to itabashi taking one of the worst/unused characters in the game and making it in the top 20 also beating chris t and ricky ortiz.
Is there anyway to see the ESPN coverage of top 8? I would like to see Mike and Seth's commentary as I could only watch the Twitch (no cable).


KI and Smash 4 got really fucked over in terms of scheduling. In the long run it isn't a big of a deal for the latter I think cause the massive crowd, top 8 and general scene life speaks for itself in terms of future sustainability, but I fear KI is on it's last legs. Now that it doesn't seem they're following it up with a Season 4 and the small player base, I'm worried the game won't be in another EVO unless Microsoft continues to pay for it - which is a shame cause the game is insanely good and fun to watch.

Pokkén felt like it ran on for way too long but I think a lot of that had to do with players managing to clutch into round 5 and bracket resets. I didn't mind the game too much, it was pretty solid. That said I think both it and SFV ran into similar issues where some uncharacteristically un-hype matches made it drag for a little longer. Top 8 was a bit of a slog for both these games, though in the case of SFV, both Fuudo and Infiltration were exciting to watch in action.

Glad Chris G finally came back on top with Marvel 3 but the game has still lost a whole lot of luster for me. Both it and MKX were okay. I'm tired of seeing SonicFox win though.

Revelator Top 8 made me pick up the game just now. Hope to see it back next year. I have my doubts though since BlazBlue Centralfiction will be out by then and I imagine EVO is going to favor the newer anime fighter title (especially since BB's EVO 2014 was easily one of the most legendary GFs of any game), but who knows, maybe with EVO Japan, they might move BlazBlue to that instead.

Even though Melee has become utterly boring to me in terms of Pools I have to admit that the Top 8 was pretty incredible in certain spots. Hungrybox earned every bit of that win, it was insane.


Unconfirmed Member
Been watching "I Got Next" again because of EVO and I can only recommend it. It features so many of today's prominent FGC personalities. LI Joe, Gootecks and Mike Ross are basically the main story, but there are also prominent appearances by Combofiend, James Chen, Justin Wong etc. It came out in 2009 when SF4 was pretty much blowing up.

Found a 720p version here for free:


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
With ChrisG finally winning Marvel, it really feels like the game can be retired finally. Or at least moved to Saturday.


Junior Member
KOF's gonna replace Marvel or KI or GG. Pokken's probably not going anywhere.
Marvel's likely staying (its numbers are becoming more stable & it still garners hype for spectators). KI has a 50/50 shot at returning, & GG may end up getting replaced by BlazBlue (if if gets the boot at all).

Sadly, unless Pokkén gets an NX port & TPC keeps the Pro Tour going, it's most likely getting replaced by KoF, next year.



They're going to have to make cuts, even if they expand to 4 days.

Marvel probably had the worst Top 8 of the weekend. A lot of 3-0's, including the GF reset match. That's really how cemented the game is right now. It's one touch = death, and there's very little chances for a comeback in that game right now. It makes for an uninteresting product.

KI is 100% down to whether or not Microsoft pays to keep it going. It does look like player numbers increased, BUT not enough to where I could say it could expand next year.

Guilty Gear...I dunno. I really don't. I simply look at it and think 'expendable' right now. MAYBE you keep it if they go to 4 days and you need 5-games for Saturday and Sunday, but I would not keep on Sunday if they do.


Anyone have a link to ESPN top 8 archive? Wanna hear Mike and Seth's commentary.

Came to ask this as well.

It kind of rubs me the wrong way for a self-proclaimed community tournament with strong international focus to make it pretty much impossible for European fans to watch the finals with their favorite commentators due to a deal with an American broadcaster. Nothing against James Chen but nobody beats Mike "Bot beater" Ross and Seth "food poisoning" Killian for me and I missed their voices.

Overall I've been enjoying EVO as usual (for SFV mostly, to keep it somewhat doable) but it's been a real struggle for me (again) having to juggle live streams with time stamp-less recordings spread across Twitch and Youtube without accidentally spoiling the results when searching for said videos or accidentally fast forwarding too much and spoiling something that way. And even then I frequently lost my way amongst the multiple channels and got confused where in the tournament we were per channel since commentators rarely bring up how far along we were and because no visual aids were presented either (like showing brackets more often).

I also couldn't avoid knowing most of top 8 beforehand and also who would be competing in the grand finals, which sucks after spending some many hours of watching the fights while being careful not to spoil things for myself. Finally, I wished they at least showed recordings of important off-screen matches as well, especially for people who had extra hype matches beforehand. PR Balrog for instance just vanished for me until I learned afterwards that Rom had eliminated him (I believe) - also a player whom I barely saw play by the way. Same for Wolfkrone.

It would have helped a lot if EVO would have their commentators frequently mention which stage of the tournament we're in, while using the same terminology as the official schedule (so no "top 32" when the schedule says "quarter finals" or something) and if they'd provide time stamps for the recordings so viewers like me can easily find a specific section within a multihour long stream. Again, this would be great to support the European viewer who has to swtich between live streams and recordings.

Capcom's announcements also disappointed a bit, again, especially the lack of a Sagat or Heihachi reveal as per Ono's Tiger tease. Was that just for Bison's remade Thailand stage or could it be for something else in the future still?

Great fights overall though - can't deny that!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Oh God please no. Pokken was the worst game to watch live. I'm hoping that the Wii U will be dead and they'll be forced to not include it due to the specific hardware needed.

They bust out gamecubes and CRT's for Melee, why would you think they'd have trouble getting WiiU's?


Just found out that my mom and sisters saw Evo on their TV listing and decided to see what it was about and watched the entire top 8.

They're now Fuudo fans.

I wish I could articulate how surreal and amazing this is to me.

japanese harry potter, man
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