sounds like someone's Mom and Dad commentating SFV
lol, chat agrees
sounds like someone's Mom and Dad commentating SFV
Another character with the same-looking fireballs. That is sure to bring variety.
I have to be honest I don't remember piccolo being sim-like at all.I'll take your word for it.
Thanks. Didn't know what The Jump Off was but it looks like an all things EVO roundup show. Tuning in now.He's been on The Jump Off on evo5 for most of the day today. He was the primary person marketing it iirc, so I would guess he's going to be there most of the time.
Kate's dress is straight fire.
I love her accent. LOL.
They aren't going to make Piccolo a Sim-like full on zoner, he is still an aggressive Z fighter like the rest.
He does have the Drill super though which is hype. Maybe they can make use of his regeneration abilities and such.
I mean I said before when people were coming up with their roster lists that the lists had WAY TOO many Saiyans in them. Now you know why that's not the best idea.
lol, chat agrees
You like her sounding like your third grade teacher eh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sounds like someone's Mom and Dad commentating SFV
Chat is losing it right now lol
Yeah, as a person who's only randomly seen clips of the show and only vaguely knows anything, I hope any future ones are much more visually distinct from the 3 clones we have right now (for example: Kale would be a Hulk-esque character and not run into the same problems.)They aren't going to make Piccolo a Sim-like full on zoner, he is still an aggressive Z fighter like the rest.
He does have the Drill super though which is hype. Maybe they can make use of his regeneration abilities and such. I do expect him to play different from the cast shown so far though, like a mix of Buu and Gohan maybe.
I mean I said before when people were coming up with their roster lists that the lists had WAY TOO many Saiyans in them. Now you know why that's not the best idea.
Madzin up in Injustice
chat is thirsty
He uses it in Super tooHe does not do it as much currently, but he has done it in both Dragon Ball and in Z (though less later on as the series progressed).
Though in the various games he tends to have moves where he uses the stretch limb trait that namekians have.
lol that SSJ3 super it gonna hit everyone online
Where are y'all watching DBZ?
Trunks and Broly/Califla/Gotenks should be fine to include even though they are Saiyans.
Trunks is a sword normals type character, put more emphasis on the sword for his combat to make him stick out more.
Broly/Califla could be the big body grappler Saiyans. This game definitely needs the grapplers and they can fill that role.
Gotenks is like a trickster character, I think they can focus on that and give him unique mechanics/abilities like summoning ghosts and stuff. Plus they can check off having a fusion character in the game.
yea, if it's so hard to block in local games, online is gonna be a nightmare.
Yeah her.Kale is the big body saiyan not Caulifla.
This is a Smash player's mom commentating?I leave for a few minutes and come back to Yipes being gone and replaced with some Smash player's mom and James Chen. I mean Skisonic is awful, but that was a bad trade.
No offense to Cujo Kate, but she's REALLY out of her element at the commentary desk when next to James Chen. Then again, just about anyone would be LOL.
Outside Vega and Karin, Alpha 3's OST is fucking terrible
Vegeta is the more prototypical rushdown type character where he has dive kicks and a more aggressive style. Goku is the Ryu of the game where he can do a little bit of do goku and vegeta differ?
This is a Smash player's mom commentating?
Does she play SFV?
I've never heard of this person before.
huh, ok. They looked more similar than that but I've only watched 2 sets.Vegeta is the more prototypical rushdown type character where he has dive kicks and a more aggressive style. Goku is the Ryu of the game where he can do a little bit of everything.