crazy monkey said:
you can live perfectly normal and happy life believing in evolution does nothing to improve your quality of life or anything. Calling some one with any insult does nothing but creates wider gap between two group.
Yep, people can live ordinary and happy lives believing whatever mumbo jumbo they want.
However, as a whole, if we all believe in superstition and myths, this will only lead to a general decline in progress as people start to reject and fear logic and reason since their wold view is based on irrationality and anecdotes as it was thousands of years ago.
We're already seeing this, people who are afraid of vaccines and refuse to vaccinate their kids despite every bit of evidence in existence pointing to vaccines not causing autism. All because some guy did an obviously methodologically terrible study (not to mention unethical, drawing blood from children at a birthday party without consent or ethics approval) with the goal of helping his lawyer sue drug companies for a big payout. Then there is the huge and booming autism cure industry, all based on placebo or even worse, things that could harm those children.
The people who can't think logically about science are the same people who think that because we don't get measles in North America, it must therefore mean that the MMR vaccine is an unnecessary autism risk (despite no evidence despite repeated studies looking for autism risk). Now we're seeing a resurgence of measles, especially in California, where a lot of people have taken to irrational thinking.
Also many studies have identified that our brains are better wired to think irrationally rather than rationally since it was better suited for survival in hunter-gatherer nomadic life. The paranoid people who often (but not TOO often) thought they heard a cheetah and ran, were more likely to survive than those who waited for clear signs of a cheetah (which are hard to spot until it's too late), and more likely to survive than those who were constantly fearful and therefore didn't spend enough time doing things necessary to survive. So evolution favored a quantity of paranoia and believing things when there is no reason to believe them. Only in recent times have we been able to rise above this mental handicap and understand things that our minds are not well adapted for, such as physics (classic example is conservation of momentum, where a ball rolls down a spiral and when it comes out the end our minds expect the ball to continue to spiral) and things that exist but that we cannot detect with our natural senses.
The illogical world view permeates other areas of life and a shift back towards illogical thinking is only going to hurt society as a whole. It's so much easier to "believe" something without having to think about it logically or research evidence around a subject.