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Ex-PlayStation boss doesn’t think Sony will ever do day one PC releases


It will happen its just a matter of time, games are to expensive to make these days for a single platform.

U need to reach new markets if you want to sustain yourself or stagnation happens.
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With SOME OLDER PS3/4 titles soon to release on PC theirs no indication of PS5 games releasing day one on PC.
Thank the heavens.


Tho I'm sure they'll do a few day 1 releases on PC, like they did with Predator.
GaaS or anything with Multiplayer in mind imo will be just like Predator (both platforms at the same time), the increased user base is probably enough to offset of the cons.
And if you asked him at the start of last gen if they would release PS4 games on PC he would have told you he doesn't think Sony will ever do that either...

Things change... they always do ;)


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Its more than likely they will eventually release Playstation 1st party game on the same day on both Playstation console and PC. Releasing their games onto PC has hardly affected their PS5 hardware and software sales, and their loyal fanboys will rather buy a PS5 even if PC is better in practically every way.
In general PC gamers aren’t interested in buying a Playstation. That’s where their strategy is failing. I don’t think they’re increasing their userbase much at all. They’re decreasing the potential for hype at launch, by not reaching out to more gamers, and they’re doing it so they can get a small amount of extra sales on what is essentially a definitive edition later, which lots of console gamers are double dipping on.
The question is, are Pc gamers that get a PS good customers? I don't think so. Why would they get Plus/Now or 3rd party games on PS? Worst case they only buy used disc games.
I bet Sony could make more money with day one Pc releases, because they spend insane amount of money on marketing and so they could kill two birds with one stone. Years later the marketing is close to nothing and many gamers only want to play the latest games.


For Layden, “there’s no losing in this transaction” as PC game sales aren’t coming at the expense of console software purchases, and ideally they might encourage PC players to buy a console down the line.

I'm so glad he said this so the psychopaths on this forum can stop with this garbage that all of a sudden Sony would lose customers. I wonder what their rebuttal will be now that one of their former Sony Lord and Saviors said this?


I disagree. I don't think shareholders usually keep an eye out on such minor details and how things are executed. They will be happy as long as PlayStation/Sony continues to be profitable, no matter how it achieves that profitability. Xbox doesn't reveal the division's profit numbers so there won't be any data to compare it with.
Microsoft's gaming division shares its revenue, which is more than enough for comparisons and discussions. There isn't an alternative reality in the metaverse where Sony's shareholders wouldn't want action if Microsoft's moves allow it to outpace Sony. Microsoft used the PC platform to claw back some measure of success after the Xbone imploded their brand, and now the Series X has demonstrated that this did not diminish the demand for their console hardware. Why do you think Sony has been testing the waters with PC releases and buying a PC porting company? Because Microsoft has demonstrated that its possible and potentially quite profitable to do so.


i think he is wrong (and he's not part of PlayStation anymore for good reasons)

Just in case. don't need =/= can't choose to have them
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Gold Journalism
Microsoft's gaming division shares its revenue, which is more than enough for comparisons and discussions. There isn't an alternative reality in the metaverse where Sony's shareholders wouldn't want action if Microsoft's moves allow it to outpace Sony. Microsoft used the PC platform to claw back some measure of success after the Xbone imploded their brand, and now the Series X has demonstrated that this did not diminish the demand for their console hardware. Why do you think Sony has been testing the waters with PC releases and buying a PC porting company? Because Microsoft has demonstrated that its possible and potentially quite profitable to do so.
They do share revenue, but shareholders are more interested in profitability, imo. Revenue does not benefit if the total is a net loss.

In terms of revenue though, Sony is way ahead at the moment with $25 billion vs. $15 billion for Xbox. That's before fully embracing the PC platform (only two big releases so in that period).

About Nixxes, they will port PS games to PC after ~2 years of PS releases. I don't think there was any argument about Nixxes.


Gold Member
Drip feeding PC gamers with games that came out on PS anywhere from 2 years (DG) to 6 years (UC4) as their current strategy shows that head office thinks there's more to lose (PS gamer going PC) if all games are day one.

The view is "1. If PC gets a 3 year old port, it might tease PC gamers to buy a PS so they can play that game on day one instead of waiting" and "2. It prevents PS gamers going PC".

So one angle is is pull strategy (get PC gamers). The other is a sandbag strategy (prevent people going PC).

1. I don't think the typical PC gamer is going to pack up his PC, buy a PS and join the ecosystem (with PS+ fees if MP) just because a handful of Sony AAA first party games (that come out maybe 1-2 times a year tops) come out to PS years earlier. PC gamers are a patient bunch to begin with. If they havent bought a PS system already with exclusive games for the past 25 years, I dont think a drip feed of Uncharted 4 from 2016 is going to make them buy a PS5 for Uncharted 5.

2. Same goes for PS to PC gaming IMO. If Sony AAA games launch on PC day one, how many of you PS only gamers are going to go buy a good rig, ditch your PS4 or PS5, and be a PC gamer? I dont think that many. If you already are a PS/PC gamer who currently buys Sony first party games on PS but still plays a mix of PS and PC gaming, are you really going ditch your PS profile and system and only focus on your PC going forward?

Some people will say (as they brought up), it's more than losing game sales. A PS to PC gamer, Sony loses out on ecosystem revenue for PS+, digital cuts etc....

True. But who says a gamer will fully transition? That's an assumption a guy playing a day one Sony game on PC is going to sell his PS gear and go full PC. Who says so? Maybe he sill supports PS, but cherry picked a Sony game on PC because his PC can handle it. But he still plays shooters, sports and Street Fighter on PS and all the mtx that goes with it and PS+.

Nobody knows really what the PS to PC effect will be. But what is known is the PC market is 100s of million of potential copies sold. Of course no game will sell that, but a day one launch of PC could be reasonable at maybe(?) 5 million copies? I dont know. If a AAA Sony PS game can sell 15-20 million. I think it can do a solid 5 million on PC. Thats a lot of PC revenue which can outweigh whatever is lost from any gamers going 100% PS to PC.
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PC releases of PS exclusives are 100% targetted at deeper penetration in China, non-Japanese Asian markets, and other growing important foreign markets like India.

It's the same with Capcom and almost every other mainstream publisher that sees the amount of potential money that can be made in those regions.

That's exactly what it is.

And that's also the reason why day one sony games will happen.
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"We need to go to where they are because they’ve decided not to go to come to my house so I’ve got to go to their house now.

And what’s the best way to go to their house?"

This is the critical flaw in their thinking.

They had just started a house party, and got to about 12 or so guests, and then shit the bed and moved the party elsewhere for people who couldn't be bothered to leave their own houses.

I find 'strategy' an odd word to apply to all of this, because they gave up on having one. Isn't dragging people towards a PS5 their actual goal? Isn't this why The Plus Collection carrot exists?

What they should have done is waited until the party had about 30 more God Of Wars and Bloodbornes and Tsushimas, then - I'm sorry, I don't care how ardent you are about your Steam account - you were coming to the party. When their library becomes undeniable, so does a hardware purchase.

Regardless of how you feel about 'Who plays what', as a business move, they should have waited. They're not desperate for the PC revenue. Start of a new gen, build your library up, and watch for movement towards the end of the PS5. They've only just started to build this enticing library, and launched a new system, and they start porting before most people have gotten a PS5? LOL

They've spunked their advantage. Does that honestly sound like a 'strategy'?

The arms-folded immovability of Steam account users really is overstated, tantrums aside. When the PS has a shitload of Bloodbornes, IDGAF who you are, if they aren't porting, you're buying.

'Strategy'... Disastrous battle plans have been labelled same, I suppose.


True. But who says a gamer will fully transition? That's an assumption a guy playing a day one Sony game on PC is going to sell his PS gear and go full PC. Who says so? Maybe he sill supports PS, but cherry picked a Sony game on PC because his PC can handle it. But he still plays shooters, sports and Street Fighter on PS and all the mtx that goes with it and PS+.

Especially that Sony doesn't have MP games and people are paying for PS+ to play CoD, Fifa, GTA5, Destiny, BF etc., so really, with people who play on both PS and PC Sony loses absolutely nothing by releasing their SP-only titles on PC. OK granted, maybe there's a bit less profit given games on PC don't have the infamous 70$ next-gen tax, and some of that revenue has to go to Steam or EGS instead of Sony directly, but all and all, Sony are just testing the waters as of now with their PC ports, and no one knows how the sales would translate if they released the games on day one on PC, maybe it would hurt the profit in the grand scheme (doubt), maybe the PC sales would skyrocket driven by launch hype instead of being LTTP, nobody knows unless they give it a try.


Gold Member
Sony are just testing the waters as of now with their PC ports, and no one knows how the sales would translate if they released the games on day one on PC, maybe it would hurt the profit in the grand scheme (doubt), maybe the PC sales would skyrocket driven by launch hype instead of being LTTP, nobody knows unless they give it a try.
And thats a good point.

I know in the past people have brought up Horizon PC sales are crap compared to PS4 sales. Well of course. It came to PC at full price 3 years after PS4. Right now, it's probably $10 on PSN. The hype is over.

I guess Sony is thinking because Horizon is on a new PC platform, PC gamers will buy it like it's a launch day release? No way.

All gamers feel this way. If a 3 year old game finally came to your platform, is anyone going to be just as amped up to play it knowing the game is old, you probably already read about it and the publisher is trying to sell it you for $60 when the game on the other platform is already bargain binning it to $20? Not me. I wouldnt touch it. I dont think I'd touch it even if it was $20. Old news. I'm not someone who typically buys old games, unless it's a $3 GOG game from 1999 for nostalgia.

But if it was launched at $60 3 years ago with the other platform, you'd get a ton more people jumping into hype at full pop.
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Gold Member
That proves what all more reasonable commentators were saying - last-gen porting is just a way to sell more current-gen consoles and pull people into the ecosystem. Next up is God of War 2018, in time for Ragnarok.


Neither do i , cause the day sony starts doing day one on pc as there consoles will be the last day i own a playstation id just play the superior version on my pc
No they don't. They have completely different goals to what Microsoft are doing and that's ok.

This is what they want from PC gaming as outlined in previous quarterly earnings calls:
  • To port over titles that have flatlined in sales on the PS platform, the port allows for increased revenue with very little additional outlay (this is why they acquired Nixxes).
  • To seek out and capture new potential playstation hardware and ecosystem customers - for example if they port across the first 2 spiderman games prior to the sequel releasing there is an increased chance someone who enjoyed the first 2 games on PC would potentially buy a PS5 to get day one access to the next game - this is why the quality of the ports are of paramount importance, they want new customers to have a good first impression. Its worth noting the expectations are not huge for this point, it's very much "bonus" territory.
They want people buying their hardware and they want people in their ecosystem, everything they are aiming to do on the PC complements that. It's a different strategy to what Xbox are doing in that they don't care so much about people buying hardware, they just want people to subscribe to their services.

There will be exceptions to the rule of "port later", primarily with any future multiplayer games (or multiplayer components of games) but the primary strategy feeds in to the more traditional console model that's served them so well. They were keen to reiterate the fact that they are not willing to compromise/dilute brand identity (which is centered around the console experience) while embarking on this initiative.
Basically this. Saves me the time of typing out the same post. The strategy Layden lays out there seems to be the best way to maximize sales for both hardware and software. Sony and MS simply aren't doing the same things, and they don't need to.


Gold Member
Sounds like a sound strategy IMO. I’d suggest 2-3 years after the PS5 release to be a good timespan. Having anything earlier than 2 years negates a lot of the benefits of developing for a single spec and lets PC hardware mature enough to brute force past and provide a even better experience. Everybody wins.


With SOME OLDER PS3/4 titles soon to release on PC theirs no indication of PS5 games releasing day one on PC.
Thank the heavens.
Did you miss the Geforce NOW datamine? The one that revealed Actraiser, Outcast 2 and probably a few others ahead of release? It featured most of the PS5 games and a few PS4. It did not feature a single PS3 game.
I fear Sony is being stupid and don't think there is a market for LBP, Killzone or Resistance collections on PC because they're OLD. However, being on the list only means the title is using Nvidia APIs. Days Gone & Horizon: ZD were not listed.


Sounds like a sound strategy IMO. I’d suggest 2-3 years after the PS5 release to be a good timespan. Having anything earlier than 2 years negates a lot of the benefits of developing for a single spec and lets PC hardware mature enough to brute force past and provide a even better experience. Everybody wins.

I'd say a year-year and a half is IMO enough for both PS sales to saturate already and the hype still being moderate for a PC release.


I just need Sony to be consistent. If every PS5 game gets ported to PC 3 years later but it will definitely that would be enough for me to migrate to PC. Problem is nothing is for definite yet, we have some games that have never been ported yet, we have Horizon that got ported a while later, but then we have Days Gone and Death Stranding that got ported but not as long as Horizon. If they were consistent and we know every game will get ported and the time frame is 3 years it would be enough for me to migrate. I'm the sort of person who doesn't play games day 1 anyways, I finished God of War last year and just started Horizon now. Let's hope we have a better idea what Sony's intentions are with ports and by the time PS5 Pro or even PS6 releases it will be clear if it's worth migrating to PC for me.


Gold Member
If that's their plan, which it very well may be. It's dumb. Very few people are gonna be so enticed by Days Gone that they drop PC gaming and buy a playstation to buy multiplats there. People like me are probably not that valued by Sony. I bought a ps4 last gen and played bloodborne, god of war, spiderman, odin sphere, a few other things. Never bought PS+ and never bought anything multiplat. THey are not making money selling hardware, or very very little. The money is in software sales and services. MS is making money hand over fist on steam and obviously Sony sees this.

I predict by the end of the gen we'll either get a Sony launcher and day/date releases. A partnership with Epic to make EGS a second home for their stuff. Or they just end the PC ports altogether. I really doubt they continue this slow trickle they're doing now.

They are not expecting lots of people to drop PC gaming and move over to PlayStation, especially not for old games that get ported. I outlined that in the post you quoted.

As far as they are concerned your purchasing habits are an outlier, look at the software attach rates for the consoles they sell. For them selling hardware is a gateway to future revenue.

Regarding how well Microsoft are doing on Steam comparatively, I'd suggest you look at the data we have available on steamspy, based on what you've said you might be surprised. The slow trickle through the already established third party PC storefronts is what they will continue to do, it's worked so far for them and they are happy with the results to date.
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It will happen its just a matter of time, games are to expensive to make these days for a single platform.

U need to reach new markets if you want to sustain yourself or stagnation happens.
I disagree. Sony has their own platform. I don't believe most of their revenue comes from first party game sales, I believe it comes from their slice of sales on their platform. Pushing the lesser aspect of your business to promote a 3rd party platform, only makes sense if the increase in revenue offsets the loss of revenue due to diminished stature of your platform.

Sega the hardware company was much larger and better funded than Sega the software company. Sony needs hardware, as it is what helps fund their game development. They need hardware far more than MS does, so I don't see them going down the path as you suggest. Not unless they plan on pivoting from consoles to VR. PSVR2 or PSVR3 might be their own standalone platforms that are compatible with PCs, in which case going same-day at launch makes a lot more sense, as they can still generate license fees for proprietary hardware.

All IMO.


I would blindly believe in Shawn. But Hermen? No way. The guy already proved himself to be a liar.
That's exactly what it is.

And that's also the reason why day one sony games will happen.

I'm not seeing how your second statement follows logically?

China probably doesn't even have access to western gaming media (because of the national Firewall), so It's not immediately clear why that market will care if the PS games launch later than in the west.


I disagree. Sony has their own platform. I don't believe most of their revenue comes from first party game sales, I believe it comes from their slice of sales on their platform. Pushing the lesser aspect of your business to promote a 3rd party platform, only makes sense if the increase in revenue offsets the loss of revenue due to diminished stature of your platform.

Sega the hardware company was much larger and better funded than Sega the software company. Sony needs hardware, as it is what helps fund their game development. They need hardware far more than MS does, so I don't see them going down the path as you suggest. Not unless they plan on pivoting from consoles to VR. PSVR2 or PSVR3 might be their own standalone platforms that are compatible with PCs, in which case going same-day at launch makes a lot more sense, as they can still generate license fees for proprietary hardware.

All IMO.

Even if all of their VR games are exclusives to ps vr2, They better make ps vr 2 compatible with pc or else its growth will lose a free boost in hardware sales. 3rd party Developers are not dedicated to it like normal consoles. So the vr hardware needs more wide uses and wider support. What is better than pc and discord support ? :p

If they want to win me, this is a requirement alongside next gen vr exclusives.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Well, they said they're planning on a lot more PC releases. That's for sure.

Never said anything about timing, like if PC will be day 1, specifically.

"Release both on and off console" is too vague to know if they mean "on the same day" or just ya know, a bit later.

You are right; but it'd be really silly to have a GAAS game be staggered like that.

John Wick

Just like some people a couple of years ago that swore that PS exclusives would never come to PC...

....yet here we are.
Games getting released 2-3 years later isn't day and date is it?
Releasing old games on PC is free money on the table for Sony.
If they release day and date with PC then what's the point of PS consoles?


Releasing their games onto PC has hardly affected their PS5 hardware and software sales
Maybe didn't affect PS5 hardware and software because as he said they released the few PC ports when the games were old enough to have sold all the units they could on console before releasing it on PC, and they only released a handful of releasing all their exclusives.

Doing it in this way they get extra profit from the PC versions without negatively affecting hardware or console sales.

I would blindly believe in Shawn. But Hermen? No way. The guy already proved himself to be a liar.
When did he lie?

Did you miss the Geforce NOW datamine?
The one that said Bayonetta 3 or Scalebound are coming to PC?

Isn’t the uncharted collection releasing almost at the same time for ps5 and pc?
It will release in 2022, one 6 years after its original release and the other one after 5 years.
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If they lose the dominant position for hardware sales (of high end consoles) you never know what they may change up. But unless that happens I cannot envision them devaluing their own eco-system. They make way too much off from their cut of 3rd party sales to devalue their market.


Did you miss the Geforce NOW datamine? The one that revealed Actraiser, Outcast 2 and probably a few others ahead of release? It featured most of the PS5 games and a few PS4. It did not feature a single PS3 game.
I fear Sony is being stupid and don't think there is a market for LBP, Killzone or Resistance collections on PC because they're OLD. However, being on the list only means the title is using Nvidia APIs. Days Gone & Horizon: ZD were not listed.
Uncharted 1-3 is PS3


A Sheep
No reason to release it day 1 on PC unless Bill Gates is going to throw Sony some money! A year after release. Sure why not. Bank that cash.


Uncharted 1-3 is PS3
Those aren't coming or haven't been announced for PC (yet), it's only #4 and Lost Legacy in Uncharted: LoT Collection coming next year.

The one that said Bayonetta 3 or Scalebound are coming to PC?
Technically it only lists games & applications using Nvidia APIs, explaining why New Mario Bros for Shield is there. If anything that could be a smoking gun for a DLSS capable Nintendo device, that or they just negotiated a PC release.
The Scalebound entry is there because the database haven't been maintained, it's just garbage data left from a canceled project.


It will release in 2022, one 6 years after its original release and the other one after 5 years.
Correct me if I am wrong but pc release will get same versions as ps5. I am not referring to original games release dates, just the fact that ps5 version of the collection will release very short time before pc release.


Those aren't coming or haven't been announced for PC (yet), it's only #4 and Lost Legacy in Uncharted: LoT Collection coming next year.

Technically it only lists games & applications using Nvidia APIs, explaining why New Mario Bros for Shield is there. If anything that could be a smoking gun for a DLSS capable Nintendo device, that or they just negotiated a PC release.
The Scalebound entry is there because the database haven't been maintained, it's just garbage data left from a canceled project.
I thought it was all of the Uncharted games?


They will never release day and date with PC. I get the impression the PC crowd don't mind waiting anyway so that's good.

I wouldn't think they would be that stupid. A game like Predator is different because it's not UC, SM, TLOU, or any other heavy hitter.
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