Thaddeus shakes his head. "I do not kill for my country or for my... for Heironeous. I only kill when it is absolutely necessary, and it is not a task in which I relish. The taking of a life is not something to be taken lightly, and if it must be done, it must never be through treachery or deception. Those are the tools of cowards and thieves."
He lights a candle, in the event that this conversation takes a while. "Moreover, you underestimate me if you think I look down upon you for being a 'commoner', as you put it. In Heironeous's eyes..." He pauses for a moment and blinks, then chuckles quietly to himself for just a second.
"In Heironeous's eyes," he continues, "All men are equal. And women, as well. No matter the station into which they are born or out of which they die. There is also always room to repent for one's sins, if one is truly sorry for what they've done."
He meets her eyes with his. "Your brother is a bad man. It is quite clear that he has been manipulating you, and you are not entirely at fault for what you've done. From this moment, though, you ought to know that it is your choice. You can continue on the path of villainy laid out by your brother, or you can turn the corner toward a path of righteousness."