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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

The teenage girl naturally lashes out at the answer given, not appreciating some of the remarks given, "So I'm some kind of failure then!? I'm just another commoner girl for you to look down on with your noble upbringing and getting wrote off as 'being raised wrong'!?"

Her eyes wince, "Maybe I was right to kill you after all if you're that kind of person! I was just trying to make my brother happy! Killing to make others happy is perfectly normal isn't it!? How many men and women have you slaughtered to make the Queen or whatever your god is happy!?"
Thaddeus shakes his head. "I do not kill for my country or for my... for Heironeous. I only kill when it is absolutely necessary, and it is not a task in which I relish. The taking of a life is not something to be taken lightly, and if it must be done, it must never be through treachery or deception. Those are the tools of cowards and thieves."

He lights a candle, in the event that this conversation takes a while. "Moreover, you underestimate me if you think I look down upon you for being a 'commoner', as you put it. In Heironeous's eyes..." He pauses for a moment and blinks, then chuckles quietly to himself for just a second.

"In Heironeous's eyes," he continues, "All men are equal. And women, as well. No matter the station into which they are born or out of which they die. There is also always room to repent for one's sins, if one is truly sorry for what they've done."

He meets her eyes with his. "Your brother is a bad man. It is quite clear that he has been manipulating you, and you are not entirely at fault for what you've done. From this moment, though, you ought to know that it is your choice. You can continue on the path of villainy laid out by your brother, or you can turn the corner toward a path of righteousness."
She shakes her head and turns, "So why me? What made me different that I was okay to nearly kill? I wasn't even strong like those that were trying to protect me."

"I just want to see my brother again... I don't care if that makes me a bad person." She sniffs.
"I was never going to kill you," Thaddeus says resolutely. "My actions were unworthy, and I was amidst a moment of weakness, but I was never going to kill you."


"If you choose to be a bad person, then that is your decision. I hope you reconsider."

He lays back down and blows out the candle.
As the night ends, soon morning follows and you are finding yourselves slowly coming upon civilization once more, particularly a spaced view of wealthy homes at various points of the cliffside or near the shoreline.

Dorthlenne walks out onto the deck and opens up a box with five rings, "I hope you can swim, and if you cannot, you can just walk along the bottom of the sea floor like some kind of animated corpse. Make sure the girl has one too, and that she.. or any of you never remove it while still undersea."
((I wanted to make sure all the Thad/Lovegood stuff was done before posting, didn't want to interrupt.))

Upon receiving the upgraded caestus that lets him better attach bolts to it, Tiberious happily puts a hand on Curly's shoulder. "An excellent breakthrough! Now the Thunderfist can be used more easily. A man lives and dies by the variety of weapons he has access to, and you have just made that spectrum a little wider. When I punch people in the face while electrocuting them, I will remember this act of good will."

In response to Dorthlene, Tiberious says "I can kind of swim, it should be fine with the ring. Don't take it off you say? All right! I'll make sure no fish or anything rip them off our fingers."
Tiberious looks towards the others, and then towards the water. It's been a while since they've had a good assault, and entering a place through the sea seems like a good way to get back in the swing of things.

"Well, what are we waiting for, we've got a mansion to storm!" Tiberious makes sure his ring is on, and then, as usual, rushes off recklessly, jumping off the boat before waiting for any reply.
((Yup, my armor is a -1. It'll go up to -2 if I decide to equip my shield for some reason.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=75609]Swim: 1D20 + 4 = [12]+4 = 16
Tiberious treads water near the ship for a few moments, waiting for the others to jump in. He's clearly antsy and ready to rush towards their objective.

((EDIT: Looks like swim speed is half land speed for a full round action, quarter speed as a move action. Nothing about armor slowing speed, but armor check penalties to make the DC harder to hit.))
Thaddeus slips the magical ring onto his hand, and ensures that Lovegood's is firmly in place as well. "Only a short time until you see your brother again," he says to her.

He finds a length of rope and ties one end in a loop around his waist, and does the same to her. "This is as much for your own safety as it is for our benefit," he says to her. "It will be easy for you to get lost on your own down there."
<Sorry if I haven't been paying much attention to the game. My mind has been elsewhere lately.

Freedom of Movement doesn't seem to say anything about it making a character's land speed better, so even with the spell effect Thaddeus might lag behind the other characters a bit, especially now that he has human cargo on him.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone points a finger at Gnaw, who is quaking from sea sickness. "Stay," he commands. "I'll be back soon 'nough."

Instinctively holding his breath and squeezing his eyes shut, he leans back over the rail and plunges into the water.

Swim check:  1d20+6=24

((I'd think we'd only be moving as fast as our slowest member regardless.

For everyone's info, I'm out of town for pretty much the next two weeks starting tomorrow, and then NaNo is coming. I may be going light on the RPing in the meantime.))
Lovegood is hesitant to go on with jumping into the- she's pulled off the edge by Thaddeus jumping in and with a scream she crashes into the water.
Lovegood fumbles around in the water as she is pulled down, she panics as gills form at her neck and she struggles to mentally adapt to the changes that are underway.

Meanwhile, while Draco chooses to walk along the sea floor after drifting downward, he notices a clean, well polished, bronze metal.. something or other lodged into the sea floor's sand.
Knowing messing with strange objects underwater is never dangerous, Draco try to pull the bronze object out of the sand... if it looks like it might take awhile he will attempt to alert the others so they don't leave without him.
As Draco reaches to attempt to grasp whatever is lying in the seabed, his attempts to dig into the dirt only reveal more of the metallic surface, and where before it wasn't apparent due to the blurry vision of the water, the surface has a very rigid texture to it.

<Roll Stealth>
The ground below you erupts in a mist of sand obscuring the waters, thick chunks slowly collapsing over the true shape of the metallic object, a large lizard creature horned above the eyes and skin of bronze... As the screen of dirt fades back to the clear view, its eyes dart to the one that had touched it, and it speaks in Elven:
"Another thou'st fool me for vain riches; gaze upon scales of bronze, but mine temper like iron. Leave me to slumber lest thine fate the same as the fanged fish I devour."
The creature begins to walk off, presumably to seek a new spot to sleep.

<I was going to opt to have a sudden encounter because we haven't had a fight in awhile, but I just realized that not only am I tired currently, but I am going to be far too busy tomorrow to actually run the encounter.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone gapes at the aquatic beast, staying motionless as it lumbers off for fear it may change its mind.

When it has gone, he continues on, keeping pace with the slower members so that he does not lose site of them. His ability to see in the dark does not grant him the ability to see through the particulate muck in the water near the sea floor.
<I'm actually starting to consider planning a sequel to Excalibur, if only because I am determined to improve as a DM, I need another game to make more up to date art in (what I did make is usually garbage), and I actually have a gimmick in mind that will make it more than just a "finishing the fight" kind of story.>
As you regroup to match the speed of your slowest companion, and (hopefully) leave the bronze dragon alone, you can eventually make your way to the surface of the water leveraging on some rocks in the water.

You are able to see the house closer, but still not quite close yet.

<Yep, you can't exactly make out their descriptions just yet though, even with a high perception check (well, I guess I could give you the most shorthand of ideas), unless you had a telescope.>
Thaddeus speaks in hushed tones once the others have come up to the surface. "Shall we rush them, or do you believe you could pick them off from here, Dreadstone?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone chews on his lower lip as he considers the situation. "I may–may–be able t'take one of 'em out, but I don't think I can get 'em both..."

((How big are those rocks?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Thinking our hardest hitters behind the rocks, Dreadstone initiates combat (Assuming the muscle passes stealth checks to get in position) and grievously injure/kills one, the other two take out the other, and I guess Draco babysits Lovegood until the coast is clear?

How deep is the water we're in? Can Dreadstone even stand up and take shots anyway?))
Just as the party makes plans to begin setting up an ambush on the two figures in the distance, soon the figures begin moving to your right along the coastline.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone is torn. They should press their advantage, assuming it actually exists. This hole in security is so blatant, it seems to either be the mark of rank amateurs, or a master laying a trap.

Then again, it's only a trap if you're not expecting it.

"Move up," he grunts. "But stay sharp. This is almost to big of a mistake they're makin'. Gets my tail to twitchin' to see it..."
As Dreadstone keeps a low profile in the water, he can finally get an idea on what kind of people the two figures are.. One, an armored man climbs halfway up the stairs while another, one in garbs reminiscent of what Stricia would wear but more masculine and closer to local culture, looks up to the armored one up the stairs. These two men seem to be a Fighter and Monk duo patrolling the home.
As Tiberious makes an attempt to get closer while on the surface of the water, Dreadstone will notice one of the men looking over and then doing a double take, pointing over towards the sea. The Monk of the two looks out and shields his eyes, looking as well.
((Going to refrain from stealthing))

"We're exposed," says Thaddeus. "No way to silence them before they call for help. It's now or never, gentlemen."

He severs the rope tether and advances toward the guards.
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