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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((with only 2k gp, not much for me to buy... other then maybe a scroll or two. Not sure how much other people are carrying around though.))
As you depart, Arianna stops Thaddeus for a second, and explains to him, "All of this... everything that is happening right now is very strange.. perhaps it was cruel what I have done, but I hope someday you'll find your true self admist the cruelties of life." Her face moves closer slightly as if considering something, but decides to retract herself.

The next day you will wake up safely in your inn rooms at the Golden Griffon, and meet Dorthlenne outside, and Curly's wagon. Dortumn is there too. He says, "I don't like this new setup you have yourselves, but if this Dorthlenne fellow tries to pull a fast one, remember that you've killed him once, and you're even stronger now than before. Thaddeus, I'm gonna talk to the Queen for you, Forrester's gonna take me there and we'll make sure she's safe. Curly volunteered to take you on your new missions."

Curly adjusts his goggles, "The time it will take to fare the sea will allow me to rig a new device to help you with your specific task. You will also need me to drive you to Northport." Dorthlenne can't help but ask, "How did you manage to build a mechanical vehicle anyhow?" His answer is met with, "I reverse engineered the technology of a wheel chair engine and applied it at an enhanced scale. I already have a patent awaiting approval for such a concept, if that is what you're thinking."

Looking disappointed, Dorthlenne quickly shifts his face back to a busy state and says, "I will come as well to make the arrest official. I won't be bringing any guards, you four should be enough."
Thaddeus regards Arianna skeptically. "Well, you're halfway to an apology. I suppose I'll congratulate you for the effort. Excuse me."

He climbs into the mechanical wagon and situates himself. Once everyone is present and accounted for, he looks at Dorthlene. "Mister Variel," he says, "I am quite curious as to how you're still alive, after what happened on that island. You've hinted that you are immune from death, and I should like to know what machinations are in place to assure that."
Dorthlenne wags a finger at that question, "My secret! I'll tell you what though.. I'm sure your half-elven friend will guess correctly eventually."
"You can do anything you like with the proper resources, friends and/or power. Avoiding death is honestly not all that impressive, when you consider some of the other stuff that is possible."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone steps up into the back of the mechanical wagon. "Folk used to cheat death all the time, back before the Fall. It was just a matter of how much money you had left on yer corpse an'how trustworthy your friends were," he says as he chews on the end of a lot cigarette.

"Now switchin' species an' doin' it all without a god's help... That's some dark arts, even if it's cloakin' itself in th'guise of science. Don't go writin' any checks you can't cash, now."

As Forrester and Dortumn prepare to depart, he nods solemnly in their direction. "Nobody go gettin' theirselves killed, now."
Dortumn nods to Dreadstone once more, "Once you get that info on Excalibur's whereabouts, the Keep will want to know. I'm gonna try and do my best to get somebody... anybody to pay you mind.. Could be my swan song, but it's the best I can do."

Seeing as the group have come to understand how such approaches to faux immortality come about, Dorthlenne mentions, "You have it half figured out. Regardless, I prefer to keep the resources and methodology non-compromised." He then nods at Dreadstone, and... after tilting his head the direction of Thaddeus for a brief moment, he looks back to the Tiefling and mentions in a lowered voice, "Dark arts..? I'll admit as such. Perhaps it would be best not to convince your friend the same, however."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone considers the import of Dorthlenne's words that have gone unheard by the paladin. "Perhaps yer right on that count," he mutters. Thaddeus being as wildly unpredictable as he is of late, it seems best to not provoke him.
The events leading up to Northport are fairly peaceful compared to recent events., no doubt large in part thanks to the help from an unlikely figure in an unexpected role.

Northport over the years has grown larger but not fancier, having become a hotspot for Dwarves from Iron Hill to trade for sea food caught by the workers in the town. It is here a fishing boat is rented and enough supplies to make it to Emerald Bay are purchased. It will be the 2nd time you see yourselves out at the sea, under very different circumstances and this time not far from land. You'll also be given the rings and explained that they allow underwater freedom move movement and swimming.


During one night, days later as you grow closer to making it to Emerald Bay and circling around the small continent, the girl that you keep with you gazes out to sea quietly and passively.
Tiberious has spent most of his spare time the last several days furiously practicing with the mace and spear bestowed upon him. It turns out that using two weapons at once is a whole different beast than just using a bunch of weapons one at a time. He can't tell if he's making any progress, and the whole thing has left him frustrated, not to mention all of the other stuff going on.

He's prepared to cease for the night when he sees Lovegood looking out at the sea. As the only person in the party who hasn't stabbed her, strangled her, or otherwise physically assaulted her, he figures he might have a chance at seeing where she's mentally at right now. At the very least, he may be able to make sure she won't sabotage their attempt to deal with her brother.

Tiberious walks over to gaze out at the sea by her. "It's pretty vast, isn't it? Last time we were on a ship like this, we spent most of the cruise expecting an attack from some kind of nightmarish sea monster. We should be getting close to your brother's place soon. I can't imagine you've enjoyed this past bit of time any more than we have, but hopefully this hectic little chapter will be done for all of us soon."

((I'm not sure if you actually intended for anyone to talk to Lovegood or not. If you didn't, just ignore that portion of the post))
She turns her head away and draws a heavy shawl closer around her, "If a monster came and killed us, it might not be so bad. All you want with me is to just use me to get to my brother.."
Tiberious can't help but let out a short laugh at her aloof response. Still a little amused, he says "You know, I could tell you some stuff about how that's not true. I know a bit about putting on a performance myself, so you might have even bought it. But why deny the obvious? You pretty much know what's going on here. Of course, we don't exactly have a lot of choice. We got pulled into a fake rescue, you burst a trap on us, and once that went crazy, your brother put a hit out on all of us, so you're pretty much our only shot at ending all of this."

Attempting to sound consoling, he says "Hey, we've all lost a lot in the past few weeks. Sure, you're assumed dead and part of a crazy kidnapping scheme now, but Draco's pretty much lost his life's work too. Same for Deadstone, that's a good forty years of building a good reputation and convincing people he's not a scary monster down the shitter. I think it's even longer for Thaddy. That and he had his dream of being a normal elf ripped from him. I still don't think he's taking that too well. As for me, now I have to honor a manly sacrifice made shortly after we ran off with you. I don't blame you for that, it was his decision to make and..." Tiberious trails off for a minute. "Holy shit, I got off light. I mean damn, did you hear all those other things? What am I even mad about? Huh."

After a moment, he looks down at Lovegood and says one last thing. "But really, wanting to get killed right before you're freed and reunited with your brother? I know this has sucked, but come on."
Her head spins, "All of those things were what my brother wanted! He did everything for me and gave me a life of a singer! I felt like I should repay him any chance I could, and now I've disappointed him and because of me once more I'll just be used to take away everything he's ever accomplished!"
Tiberious looks at her sadly. "It sounds like we're not the only ones using you. Well, hopefully this all ends happily. If everything goes well, you and your brother can live out the rest of your lives without having to deal with us again, and vice versa."

((Now that I may need to roll a bluff for, since there's probably no way it's resolving peacefully like that.))
((It was roleplaying, but I see no harm in trying to get her to buy it. Worst case, she doesn't buy it.))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=75523]Bluff: 1D20 + 12 = [20]+12 = 32

((Well, there's my good roll for the week))
"I don't see why not. Our real quarrel is with a woman named Excalibur and her group. The Thieves' Guild just happened to start assisting them, and are putting a bunch of resources into trying to have us all killed now. If we can get them to stand down and stop working against us, and even better, strike this whole mishap, we have no reason to harm you or your brother. Now, I and the others may have to act rough to get him to agree to that, but I don't see anyone getting hurt or taken away if your brother comes around."
"So.. if I can help my brother help you.. we can both be safe?" She seems deluded by the thought that Tiberious had put in her, but as she says it she begins stepping away from the railing of the ship, closer to safety.
Tiberious beems at Lovegood's apparent understanding. "Now you're getting it! It's late, so I'm about to go call it a night. If you have any ideas for getting him to come around you feel like you want to discuss right now though, I can stick around a while longer."
"All right, sounds good!" Unless Lovegood has anything to say before he leaves, Tiberious retires for the night.

((I can't think of anything else to add unless the others are awake. Then he can tell them of how he duped Lovegood, but that's all I can think to do otherwise.))
Thaddeus's excitement wears off as the tedium of travel overtakes him. Once the adrenaline has subsided, the drow's face seems a great deal paler, and his face looks much older than it did a few weeks ago.

He keeps to himself during the wagon ride to Northport, spending many of his waking hours staring at the sky sadly. He's not ignoring the others, exactly (except for Lovegood - he is ignoring her), but they're not particularly interesting to him.

When the boat is boarded, Thaddeus withdraws even further. Noting the edge of the ship where Lovegood has chosen to settle herself, he takes the furthest possible position from her. Finding a barrel or some other elevated precipice, he has a seat near the edge of the boat and stares at the ocean and the sky. The look on his face states it plainly: He is lost.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone turns the enchanted ring about his finger as he stands at the prow of the fishing vessel. Even knowing the protection it affords him, the dark waters before him still impart a feeling of menace. The only swimming that went on in Ruby Keep was convicts floating down the Redrun River after being cut down from the hangman's noose, and those folk didn't have the benefit of learning from the experience.

Well, with the one notable exception...

Banishing those memories of darker times, he turns his back to water and surveys the deck. Leo seems to have made some inroads with the Lovegood girl. Gnaw looks a funny shade of green as the seasick dog whimpers from his makeshift bed in a coil of rope. Draco is nowhere to be seen. Thaddeus has a thousand mile stare into the undulating empty waves off the side of the boat.

Leaning against the rail next to Thaddeus, the tiefling wordlessly offers the drow a cigarette.
Mood music

Thaddeus's eyes trail from Dreadstone's face down to his hand. He sneers reflexively at first, but the expression is fleeting. He shrugs and accepts, lighting the cigarette and puffing like he's done it before.

"Dreadful habit," he deadpans through pursed lips.

There's a not-uncomfortable silence, disturbed only by the rhythmic lapping of gentle waves against the hull. Finally, with his cigarette nearly depleted, Thaddeus removes it from his mouth and looks at the Tiefling.

"Where do you come from, Mister Dreadstone?" he asks. "I've heard as many origin stories about you as there are stars in the sky. Some say you're a demon risen from hell, to carry sinful souls back to where they belong. Others think you're a mere human in a mask. Some believe the mantle of 'Dreadstone' belongs not to a single man, but to an entire organization of bounty hunters. I could rattle off a hundred less plausible tales."

He takes one last drag on the cigarette. He holds the breath for a good ten seconds before exhaling and flicking the butt into the water.

"We both know none of that is true, of course. Perhaps you've kept the truth a secret up to this point, but now that the end appears to be near for all of us regardless of how this mission fares, will you indulge me?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Since it's doubtful I'll ever get around to writing the additional chapters of Dreadstone's back story beyond the Father's Day thing...))

Dreadstone cracks a small grin, pungent smoke curling into the air between his pointed teeth and out the upturned corners of his mouth. "'Dreadstone' is a scrivener's error, if y'can believe it," he begins. "My given name's Darren, but there's hardly a dozen people left who know that anymore. Back when I struck out on my own, got myself some callin' cards to be all professional an'such. S'posed to have been 'D. Redstone,' but they cocked it all up. I was gonna get it fixed, but my... someone close to me at th'time convinced me t'keep it."

Side by side, the two dark-skinned men stare off into the water as Dreadstone thinks how to best word his thoughts. "I've lived my whole life in Ruby Keep," he says at last, "born an'raised in th'Narrows. My ma was a wretched woman who never missed an opportunity to tell me how much she hated me an'everythin' I reminded her of. I got tough skin though, so she couldn't hurt me to much, but that only seemed to make her angrier. I never even saw another of my kind until the day she took me t'see th'man who sired me.

"Bartholomew Redstone, a tiefling with a broken horn. Never did know if that was his real name or if it was just 'cause he was red as brick. Got to watch him dance on the gallows fer rape 'fore they cut him down t'take a swim in the Redrun River. Ma made us get dressed in what passed for our finest clothes, too. Like it was a special 'cassion."

Dreadstone pauses as he rearranges his arms on the rail and adjusts his balance with the rocking of the waves. "The woman loathed me so much she gave me her rapist's surname as my own," he says quietly.

Standing straighter, he continues in a louder voice. "Th'closest I ever had t'a real father was a member of th'city guard by th'name of Gladwell. Th'only person in th'whole city who ever showed me a lick've kindness. I idolized that man, wanted to be like him in every way possible. He taught me t'shoot a bow, gave me th'drive t'enlist in th'ranger corps.

"For a while... For a while, things were good. My unit was good folk, an'we were servin' under Gladwell, who was the best man in th'whole military structure far as I was concerned. We were close. Like a family I'd never had before. Some of us... some were closer than others. We wouldn't get married for some years, but that was how Dawn an'I met."

A dark expression falls over the tiefling's silver eyes as he continues his tale. "You heard'a th'Rune Killer, I'm sure? Most folk don't know it, but that bastard was carvin' up people in th'Narrows since I was a lad, just nobody paid attention t'it until he started gettin' brave enough to venture out into the more well t'do parts'a town. I was on the special investigation, along with Dawn an'our friend Rotorson. We were good--we were damned good rangers, but th'Rune Killer was a crafty bastard. Like tryin' to nail a slime t'a wall.

"I met someone durin' th'vestigation. A witness, she came from someplace far oversea. She had skin almost black as mine, an'she'd never known what a tieflin' was, so she saw me without all the baggage. We... she... I... I wasn't faithful. T'Dawn, I mean. I loved Dawn, woulda done anythin' for Dawn, but I loved Lunice too. A man is only afforded a certain number of loves in this life, an'th'gods saw fit t'give me both mine at once.

"Everythin' started fallin' 'part when Rotorson got promoted. It shoulda been me, we all knew it, but Gladwell blamed it on the politics. I'd been passed over fer promotions 'fore, but never for someone like Rotorson. Man was like a brother t'me, but he was soft. Came from a rich family, all that. It was easy to read into it. All these years later with th'benefit of hindsight, I see what Gladwell was tryin' t'do. I was a field agent, Rotorson was a bureaucrat by birth. It only made sense, but I didn't see it like that. I was upset. I quit. Went solo.

"But th'Rune Killer wasn't havin' none of that."

The dark ranger is falls silent again, as though that cryptic statement were the end of the tale. "I quit bein' Darren Redstone, started bein' Dreadstone. Whole black getup an' everythin'. Makin' a new name fer myself, bringin' in the trash. Meanwhile Dawn an' Rotorson were still workin' th'Rune Killer case with the rest of the unit, an'he was goin' on a rampage almost since th'day I quit. Markin' his kills with that symbol no one could understand."

Dreadstone traces his fingers in the air to outline the familiar rune etched into his memory in illustration.


"They wanted me back, but I was stubborn. Had other things on my mind. Dawn was pregnant and suspicious of what I was up to, an'I had t'make a decision an'put an end t'things with Lunice. I thought that was th'end of things, but..."

Dreadstone's voice chokes with emotion. "I came when they called me when they found Lunice. For her, I came. I wasn't so good at composin' myself when I saw her like that... Dawn was a detective, for gods' sake, it didn't take'er long to put two an'two together."

Steel returns to his voice as Dreadstone digs his clawed fingers into the railing of the boat. "But it was then I finally saw. I saw the message th'Rune Killer'd been leavin' for us--leavin' for me th'whole time. Th'streaks of blood on the wall, we always thought it was it was from the struggle, but it wan't. It was a map of th'Narrows. The whole time, the bastard had been tellin' us where to find 'im. I was th'only one who would have known, but I was blind."

Dreadstone's voice drops low as his chin falls to his chest. "I found 'im right where he told me he'd be. Said he'd been watchin' me fer years, that he didn't like it when I'd quit and he'd decided t'make it personal. He taunted me t'try an'kill 'im if I could.

"He told me he wanted a son worthy of his name."

Almost absentmindedly, Dreadstone runs his hand across his throat. "I mention my kind has tough skin? Turns out we don't hang so easy as other folks. I don't know if he made some sorta deal on th'other side or if the bastard had just enough life left in 'im t'crawl out the river an'start a new career as a butcher, but I s'pose it don't matter none. That rune we had so many people tryin' to research? Wasn't ever a rune at all. It was his self-portrait. Just signin' his work so we knew it was 'im."

Another long stretch of silence as Dreadstone stares at the dark waves. "I didn't kill 'im," he says at last. "Dead gods know I wanted to, dead gods know he deserved it for what he done, but I didn't. Just beat him senseless 'fore dragging his sorry hide through the streets in manacles.

"Everyone knows that part, how the great an'terrible warden of hell earned his reputation. But not many know how much it cost me."
<Awesome to finally see a backstory dump from Mike M. I wish I had known about Rotorson, I probably would have used him at some point in the game.>
Thaddeus is either unable or unwilling to hide the shock on his face as Dreadstone lays his cards on the table. "Perhaps I should have offered a cigarette to you," he says.

He takes a deep breath and looks back at the ocean. After few beats, he asks, "How did you go on? To experience so much trauma in such a short time... to lose everything you ever knew..."

Thaddeus shakes his head and leans on his elbows over the railing. "More and more lately, I'm beginning to think I'd be better off dead," he says quietly. "Not immediately, mind you; there is still vengeance to enact. But once that's all said and done, if I'm still alive... what place is there in this world for someone like me? Like as not, no matter how successful we are at defeating Excalibur, my name will forever be besmirched, as will my father's legacy. My faith has failed me. My career is over. I have no wife or children. I am... I'm worthless." His shoulders slump as he finishes the thought.

Mike M

Nick N
((I had planned in doling these out in vignettes, but I never had the time since : (. I think Dreadstone's actually a way better developed character than Val, but Val got it all out on paper. I may still write it all out someday, who knows.))
<My biggest regret is not being able to incorporate everybody's backstory into the game as well as I should, and I often have to improvise. I tried to do something with Draco's backstory but it just led to a bunch of awful things I've done that really hurt the party as a whole just to try and screw it in there. The only reason I was able to do something with special with Lone Wolf was because he had sent in a character sheet while I was still planning and there just happened to be an event I could develop him for. Not only that but I focused way too much on the villains of the game.

I still wish I quit earlier because my mistakes as a brand new DM have stacked up.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I would think everyone’s first time is rough. I’m thinking I may actually have a campaign in mind for the one after next. I don’t expect it to go smoothly at all, but I still want to give it the old college try. We’re almost on the final leg of this one, right? Power through it!))

“Won’t say it was easy,” Dreadstone exhales. “Mostly just amounted t’waking up the next mornin’ disappointed I didn’t die in my sleep durin’ the night. But eventually the scar tissue covers it up. Y’always feel it there below the surface, an’it don’t feel like it used to, but at least y’ain’t bleedin’ from the wounds anymore.”

Sighing heavily, he adds an epilogue to his tale. “I came home from that mess t’find Dawn had packed up her things an’left. Didn’t take much effort t’find her, but I’ve kept my distance all this while. Figure when she’s ready t’talk, she’ll make it known. Got a ten-year-old daughter named Lorie I ain’t never met, but she’s… y’know.” He waves his hand over his horned countenance. “Like me. Only at least she’s got a mother t’love her. That’s why I keep on keepin’ on, I’m tryin’ t’make a better world for my little girl even if she don’t know it.”

A small smile graces his dark face as he achieves a small epiphany. “I guess that’s the secret then, ain’t it? The world takes away what you’ve got t’live for, but leaves you behind. So you just gotta find somethin’ new t’live for.”
Thaddeus stands up straight suddenly and face Dreadstone with a stern expression. "You've a ten year old daughter you've never met?" he says. "By the gods, man, what are you doing out here?! So you cheated on your wife - that's no reason to extricate yourself from your child's life! Children need their fathers!"

He faces the water again and squeezes the railing hard enough to turn his knuckles white.

"You MUST make amends with your daughter after this," he says urgently. "Survive this battle and put yourself back into her life. Take it from a man who knows - a good father is a priceless treasure, and I know from traveling with you that you would be a great one. Promise me!"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone straightens his posture and puts on a more defensive tone. "I didn't do it willin'ly!" he protests. "Ain't nothin' I wouldn't give to have them back in my life, but Dawn still wants no part'a me. I send Lorie trinkets from time t'time, gods know if she ever gets them..."

His voice trails off as he considers Thaddeus's demand some more. "It 'currs t'me that I... may have afforded Dawn more latitude than required..." he says contemplatively. "We come out the other end of this alive, I swear I'll at least make the effort t'patch things up 'tween us 'nough t'be part of Lorie's life."
Thaddeus nods and relaxes a bit. He squeezes the bridge of his nose, then chuckles. "Look at me, giving others advice on how to live their lives, after how I've been acting as of late. I believe it's time for me to start taking my own advice."

He stretches and rolls his neck. "Thank you, Dreadstone. Or should I say Darren? You have given me much to think about."

He retires to his bunk for the evening. In his room, he deliberates for a long time. Eventually he decides to say a quick prayer, and then he sleeps peacefully for the first time in many nights.
Just as Lovegood is about to enter the interior of the ship she is stopped by hearing the conversation about family by the two dark humanoids... it is soon that she retreats as the Drow moves to the door.

<I take it Draco doesn't need to do anything?>
Later that night, Curly steps out to visit Dreadstone and Tiberious out on deck. He moves to Dreadstone first, presenting a knife, "This was the best I could do on short notice for the mission profile. This weapon you see here is intended to portray the illusion of a threat of violence should you feel it necessary," he slides the blade across his own throat, but it only glides over his skin safely, "As you just witnessed, the edge has been rounded off and made gentle. In addition..." He reverses how he holds the blade, the pommel pointing outward, and then points the back end towards his half-orc assistant, and the tinkerer continues, "There is an alternative defense mechanism installed should you find yourself in danger.". Flicking away a release, a bolt soon darts out and hits the half-orc, making his body tremble and fall over onto the deck, paralyzing him.. soon he shakes himself awake and begins to get up once more, "But the effect is small, and easily resisted, try not to rely on it."

<You get a knife, which is only capable of non-lethal damage and is considered an improvised weapon. The dart attack is a ranged attack (also improvised) which does no damage but will ""cast"" hold person (caster level 1, still has will save and spell resistance).>

Curly then moves over to Tiberious, "I had some spare time, so I figured I would make your feeble attempt at an invention more of an actual one. Here, I modified your Caestus to allow installation of bolts to become a claw weapon. Keep in mind there was nothing I could do to solve the issue of bolts breaking."

<Tiberious, you won't need this by now since I gave you other stuff, but your Caestus w/ bolts added on is no longer an improvised weapon for you.>


Meanwhile, before Thaddeus can fall to slumber, the door to his bunk cracks open and he hears a girl's voice, "... Can... I ask something?"
She gulps at the annoyed reaction. She mumbles, "The way you said children need fathers.. if you were a father, and your child got in trouble.. would you hurt them like you tried to hurt me?"
((You dirty rat.... lol))

Thaddeus blinks a few times and processes the question. He sits up on the bed and looks the girl in the eyes sternly, but not maliciously. "My own child? If I were such a failure of a parent that he or she tried to kill me, I suppose I would deserve to die. Any child I raised would never do the things you've done."

He pauses for a few beats, not breaking eye contact. "...Having said that... it seems as though your parents were indeed failures, and the fault for that does not rest on your shoulders."

He studies the girl for a moment. "Though I may have acted overly harshly toward you, I am not sorry for it. It seems that my untoward actions have injected you with a healthy dose of reality, though I admit that was not my motivation at the time. Actions have consequences, Child, and it is good that you realize it now. It is a shame you've had no one to teach you these lessons sooner. I imagine you'll need a great deal more of such lessons before you can become a reasonable member of society, but this is a good start."
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