Gnaw Initiative: 1d20+3=16
Dreadstone Initiative: 1d20+2=13
Dreadstone's unprovoked attack has set fire to chaotic carnage and confusion, yet the shadowy ranger remains calm and collected. He's seen combat and taken his fair share of injuries before, every day living with the distinct possibility that it could be his last hovering over his head like a leaden storm cloud that could burst at any moment.
Today is just another day.
"We're supportin' position," he says almost casually to Niko. With a wave of his hand that encompasses Alf, his wolves, and Stricia, he continues his crash course on combat tactics. "They're front line. Suppress the enemy's ranged fighters."
Dreadstone points at the crossbow-wielding Drow that he had pierced with the pheromone-soaked arrow. "Sic."
With a frothing howl, the maddened Gnaw rushes headlong at the Drow with wild abandon. He dances around the dark elf, dashing in and out so that his foe can't afford to ignore him for long.
((Gnaw will hold his attack until someone else attacks, at which point he will flank. If no one else attacks, I guess it's just a regular attack.))
Bite vs Drow: 1d20+4+2(Pheromone)+2(Flanking)=21
Damage: 1d4+2(Pheromone)=6
Dreadstone rounds the backside of the wagon to assess the remaining enemy forces. Four additional opponents wading into the fray with their fearsome weapons at this point would be undesirable to say the least. But he may yet preserve their temporary advantage...
He hasn't had need to do this often, on account that he served most of his time in the military as part of the City Guard. But really, it's one of those things you don't ever forget how to do. He's been told that in doing this, he is in fact channeling divine forces, though he's not sure how to square that with the fact that the gods are supposedly all dead. That's a debate for theologians.
At Dreadstone's mystic coaching, a wide swath of plant live springs to unnatural life, erupting from the soil with impossible speed as the vegetation seeks to ensnare all within its path.
((Reflex DC14 to save immediately, and again if they remain in the affected area.))