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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Stricia can see that one of the two up front are equipped for up close battle, but don't have their weapons drawn. A pointed handle and circular blades almost hidden from one of their backs suggests a great axe, and the other has a buckler on his arm and a rapier, sheathed at his side. The rest have cross bows at their belts. The horse man has a spear on his back.

They are walking, but are already getting close. In a few more seconds (one round) they'll be up close.
Draco is pretty sure that if these are Drow, they don't travel the surface much and would definitely not be local to the area especially since the nature about them is atypical of their habitat. The horse man, while he's never heard of any society that has them, at least seems to make more sense in the forest.
"Congratulation guys, we've just meet our first drow. Normally I'm all for talking my way out of trouble first, but I nothing I know about the drow says making myself an easy target is even close to a good idea, especially being a half-elf... Actually, I hear they are big fans of demon lords and the like, maybe you would be the best choice Dread?"

((Got the demon lord thing off of the srd... hopefully that still applies to drow in this campaign.))


"If they will react poorly to you then Alf, Lady and I will go. In case of a fight we must keep them away from those of us who fight from afar. Master Dreadstone, perhaps you can address them from the drivers seat." So saying Stricia hops off the wagon to approach the other party wanting to keep them at least some distance away from the wagon and confident that Alf and Lady will be with her.
Before Forrester can manage to climb through the small opening that leads to the compartment, a voice from the approaching group is raised to hail the travellers, "Surface elf! You trespass into a forbidden area. We suggest you turn around at once and be at peace." It is the one with longer hair and the rapier at his side saying this. By the time the party will be able to leave the wagon after their planning, they'll be a close distance in front of the vehicle. Closer inspection of their faces will reveal that they have goggle wraps around their foreheads, a device decidedly less useful as the sun had begun to set.

Forrester freezes, unsure what to say in response. She looks back to the party expectantly.
During the night of celebration, in the privacy of room before going to sleep, Alf practices his shapeshifting abilities, successfully transforming into an orangutan. He sloppily attempts to duplicate the style of the drunken master from the arena for a few minutes before reverting to human form and passing out.


As the strange group approaches the wagon, Alf listens to the others' analysis. They seem to be getting awfully nervous. He is surprised to hear that these creatures are Drow.

He recalled that at least a part of their mission involved hunting Drow, yet here they are before him, just as human as his own party. He'd thought humans were generally averse to hunting each other (with Dreadstone so far being the only exception to this), and wasn't sure how he felt about this turn of events.

He gets up to exit the wagon as the long-haired one makes a statement. He pauses only a moment to consider these words, and then gets out of the wagon.

"Brothers of the woods," he calls out in reply, his tone neutral. "We are... uh..." The group had never actually settled on a name for themselves, and 'Drow Hunters' seemed woefully inappropriate here. "We are the Hunters of Truth. We have business in these woods. I come from these woods, so they are not forbidden to me and my people. Allow us to pass and all will be well."

He struggles to look into their eyes as he speaks, trying to discern whether these men ((and women?)) are fellow Hunters. Unfortunately, their strange eyewear makes that impossible.
The drow with shorter hair circles around slightly, to find an angle to view the human standing out to speak with them. In response, he smirks and crosses his arms, "There is no truth to find here. There is no business for you here either. Go to other parts of the forest if you so desire, but not here."

On the contrary, they are not wearing the eyewear at the moment as it is evening. The dark skinned elf's eyes glow a vivid red as they stare straight towards the speaking human.

As far as Alf can tell, there don't appear to be any women in this group.
Draco refrains from face palming and hops out of the wagon next to Alf, "Sorry about this, my friend is a little confused. We are actually on our way to the local prison to negotiate the release of a very important man there. Unfortunately I cannot provide any more information at this time, as you might have guessed, this is something of a secret mission." Draco then whispers to Alf "Just keep quiet and play along please."

After a short moment, he remarks out loud to the drow, "By the way, the name is still a work in progress."

Bluff+Insp.: (1d20+4+1d6=13)

((Someone... stop me from rolling... please))
What Draco says only makes the drow and centaur more wary of their actions once the prison is mentioned, "Stand still, elf! The prison has no one of importance; only murderers and thieves. They'll negotiate with no one. Leave now before I correct you and make your ears appear human with my blade."

<Draco gets a new trait.

Broken d20
Whenever your skill roll is massively disappointing (subject to player and GM discretion), double the attribute bonus of the next skill roll you make.​


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko eyes the hostile stance and hears the harsh tone of the drow. Even without hearing all the words, he knows a threat when he see's one. Patting the quivering lump under his collar, he turns to Dreadstone and whispers. "Looks like negotiations just hit a snag. Shall we make a stand here or retreat and reevaluate our plans?"

A stony look appears on the sorcerer's face as he watches the stand off outside. "I fear the fallen gods must will more bloodshed, which I'd like as not to avoid than deliver." He prepares to cast a spell of Message or perhaps that of another sort once the ranger has weighed in.
<Now I know for sure that trait isn't op, you'll just keep getting bad rolls to compensate.>

Draco can tell that, well, prisons do tend to hold thieves and murderers under normal conditions so that is at least a logical thing to say, coming from the Drow. He can't be certain if that is intended to be a lie or not.

Mike M

Nick N
In a flash, Dreadstone's bow is drawn taut, nocked with one of those foul smelling arrows that drives animals to madness.

"I already reevaluated," he mutters to Niko as he lets it fly at the nearest Drow he can see. Before anyone can even react to his unprovoked attack, his bowstring is already singing from the release of a second arrow and another of the Drow.

Attack vs Drow 1:  1d20+9-2(Rapid Shot)=21 (22 if within 30ft)
Damage:  1d8+3=4

Attack vs Drow 2: 1d20+9-2(Rapid Shot)=22 (23 if within 30 ft)
Damage:  1d8+3=9

((Initiative is 10, if required. Anyone with Scent ability gets +2 to attack and damage rolls against those Drow if those arrows hit.))

((REALLY hope we were supposed to be fighting them anyway...))
<Dreadstone just initiated combat and only he got a surprise round which was that attack just now. Everybody else roll initiative and Dreadstone can choose an action for the first round at his initiative.>

The drow jumps slightly at the sight of the sudden archer, but hadn't anticipated a sudden attack, leaving him unable to dive from his aim. Arrows impale him through his armor, but he is able to pull them out quickly. The drow snarls, screeching out, "Brother! We must kill them!"

Forrester at this time crawls into the wagon for her safety now that formal negotiation has been canned.

<Also, for ThLunarian's benefit, post the benefit of the pheremone arrows again so that he knows to add them to Lady's rolls.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, I had intended to shoot two Drow to spread the Pheromone bonus, or can I not do that with Rapid Shot?))

<Also, for ThLunarian's benefit, post the benefit of the pheremone arrows again so that he knows to add them to Lady's rolls.>

((Anyone/anything w/Scent gets +2 on attack and damage rolls))

Mike M

Nick N
((Lower damage to the talker (who I assume is probably the target of Draco's attack? Wouldn't change anything for me), higher to the crossbow wielded

Is there a map for this fight, or did I just have another vial of antimagic moment?))
<Don't have a map no. since drawing tiles takes way too much time for me to run the game at a smooth pace I'm just gonna go it old style.>
Initiative (1d20+2=17)

The moment the drow threatened to lop off Draco's ears, Alf's lips curled into a snarl. He is ready to pounce when Dreadstone's arrow flies, sending Lady forward and morphing into his bestial form. He lets out a primal howl that reverberates through the forest.

From the trees behind the Drow emerges a bigger, stronger, more feral wolf - and this time it's not phantasmal, as the ones in the arena were. It and Lady time their charges to put the first arrow-victim in a pincer attack.

((Move Action: Wildshape into Wolf form.

Standard Action: Cast Summon Nature's Ally III to call a wolf with the Advanced template.

Lady uses a Move action to get adjacent to the first target (the one that took 4 damage), and holds her actual attack until the Summoned Wolf charges.

Summoned Wolf Charges the same target.

Attack (incl. Charge, Flanking, and Arrow bonus), Damage, and CMB attempt to trip (1d20+12=17, 1d6+7=10, 1d20+6=19)

Lady then Attacks the same target.

Attack roll (incl. Flanking and Arrow bonus), Damage, and CMB Trip attempt (1d20+9=20, 1d6+4=10, 1d20+5=11)))

Mike M

Nick N
((Baaaaaah, never minded the lack of a map until I decided to be a ranged character. Okay, so there's the guy being torn to shred by wolves, two crossbow guys, and another four Dreadstone can't see on the other side of the wagon. Can he get into position to cast Entangle on those four w/out ensnaring the two crossbow guys and our party?))
<Technically you don't have to move far to see whoever you want, since if you move to the other side while staying behind the wagon you can see the other two if you turn the corner, but if you want to target all four you may need to move around.

Also, ThLunarian, let's go ahead and give you your nerf right away: I'm gonna make you actually have to roll initative for your summoned wolves from now on, and if they roll higher than you do, you'll have to wait until the next turn for their initiative to come up. We'll see if further nerfs come into play.>
<I think I'll apply the nerf now, because Lady alone scored the trip which is crippling in itself. EDIT: Oh wait, no she didn't, the 2nd set of rolls is Lady. Speaking of, Lady and Gnaw need to roll initiative as well.>

Mike M

Nick N
Gnaw Initiative:  1d20+3=16
Dreadstone Initiative:  1d20+2=13
Dreadstone's unprovoked attack has set fire to chaotic carnage and confusion, yet the shadowy ranger remains calm and collected. He's seen combat and taken his fair share of injuries before, every day living with the distinct possibility that it could be his last hovering over his head like a leaden storm cloud that could burst at any moment.

Today is just another day.

"We're supportin' position," he says almost casually to Niko. With a wave of his hand that encompasses Alf, his wolves, and Stricia, he continues his crash course on combat tactics. "They're front line. Suppress the enemy's ranged fighters."

Dreadstone points at the crossbow-wielding Drow that he had pierced with the pheromone-soaked arrow. "Sic."

With a frothing howl, the maddened Gnaw rushes headlong at the Drow with wild abandon. He dances around the dark elf, dashing in and out so that his foe can't afford to ignore him for long.

((Gnaw will hold his attack until someone else attacks, at which point he will flank. If no one else attacks, I guess it's just a regular attack.))

Bite vs Drow:  1d20+4+2(Pheromone)+2(Flanking)=21
Damage:  1d4+2(Pheromone)=6

Dreadstone rounds the backside of the wagon to assess the remaining enemy forces. Four additional opponents wading into the fray with their fearsome weapons at this point would be undesirable to say the least. But he may yet preserve their temporary advantage...

He hasn't had need to do this often, on account that he served most of his time in the military as part of the City Guard. But really, it's one of those things you don't ever forget how to do. He's been told that in doing this, he is in fact channeling divine forces, though he's not sure how to square that with the fact that the gods are supposedly all dead. That's a debate for theologians.

At Dreadstone's mystic coaching, a wide swath of plant live springs to unnatural life, erupting from the soil with impossible speed as the vegetation seeks to ensnare all within its path.

((Reflex DC14 to save immediately, and again if they remain in the affected area.))
<I'm gonna go down the turn as it is since it may affect what you do

Crossbow Drow #4 and #3 (opposite angle of where Draco and Alf are) move around the opposite side of the wagon but don't find an angle to shoot anyone yet.

The other brother pulls out his rapier and shield and runs along the opposite side of the wagon, and will attack Dreadstone - Power Attack (1d20+11-2, 1d6+3+4=[14, 11, -2], [6, 3, 4]) (Add those numbers together, don't know why it didn't on its own)

EDIT: Removed some actions that are no longer relevant.

The Axe Drow with Draco retreating will move to attack Alf (I am assuming Lady is still in the wagon at this time): 1d20+8=14, 1d12 +3=12

EDIT: The Centuar will move around just behind the Axe Drow and go into total defense.>

<Also, you ninja'd me Dreadstone, so I'll have to figure out how your post figures in. Plus, you already rolled 10 on initiative earlier.>
<Two of the crossbowmen will go before you and they split from the others and move around so you'll have to choose which ones to affect.

I was actually thinking of listing the enemy initiative before you guys acted, but I completely forgot. Once Stricia and Niko roll initiative I am giving you a full list.>


((you guys on the West Coast?))

Crap initiative roll:

((Wouldn't rapier provoke an aoo from anybody?, Is Stricia standing next to anybody at the start of Round 1? She would be trying to stand between the other guys and the wagon during negotiations. I'm calling these guys rapier, axe, horse, and crossbows 1-4 btw))

Stricia had been expecting this to end in a fight but is still surprised by the speed at which matters escalated.

((Edit: Also wouldn't Dreadstone have gotten a sneak attack in?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
"I already reevaluated," he mutters to Niko as he lets it fly at the nearest Drow he can see. Before anyone can even react to his unprovoked attack, his bowstring is already singing from the release of a second arrow and another of the Drow.

"We're supportin' position," he says almost casually to Niko. With a wave of his hand that encompasses Alf, his wolves, and Stricia, he continues his crash course on combat tactics. "They're front line. Suppress the enemy's ranged fighters."

Watching as the arrows fly towards their intended target, Niko raises an eyebrow in surprise before smiling. "Dangerous, but decisive. I like it" he quips. After giving Forrester a hand into the wagon, he slips out the back with Draco and circles around the wagon to spot the enemy rangers. "Ranged suppression? You got it, hoss."

Kneeling, he retrieves a lump of damp soil from the ground. He quickly forms it into a cubed shape before crushing it in his gloved hand. He directs the mystical force in the direction of the two ranged drow that were not caught in Dreadstone's entanglement, attempting to swallow them up into an pit 20 ft underground.

Create Pit (Reflex DC16 for the two drow underneath, another reflex save DC14 for ending their turn adjacent to the edge)


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Can we re-use the map from last combat? I don't really care about how it looks, it would just be useful for planning purposes and coordination to know what we can do with positioning etc.))

Mike M

Nick N
((you guys on the West Coast?))
((West coast is the best coast))

((Wouldn't rapier provoke an aoo from anybody?, Is Stricia standing next to anybody at the start of Round 1? She would be trying to stand between the other guys and the wagon during negotiations. I'm calling these guys rapier, axe, horse, and crossbows 1-4 btw))

((I don't think Rapier would provoke an AoO, at least not as I understand the positioning. The party, crossbow 1&2, and wolf chow were on one side of the wagon, the rest on the other. Dreadstone moved around the back of the wagon to cast Entangle, Crossbows 3&4 went around the front, and Rapier came down at DS.

I think.))

((Edit: Also wouldn't Dreadstone have gotten a sneak attack in?))

((That's a feat or special ability, isn't it? Dreadstone wouldn't have that unless he took a level of Rogue or something, I believe.))
<Let me just give you the initiative right away even though Niko forgot to roll initiative (EDIT: Added him in):

Crossbow Drow #4
Rapier Drow
Summoned Wolf
Crossbow #2
Crossbow #1
Crossbow #3
Axe Drow

So yes, Dreadstone would provoke if he attempts to move out and around the wagon.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Now I just have no idea who's where anymore. Oy vey. So for the Entangle, I basically need to chose between Axe and Centaur vs crossbow guys? ))
<I'll go ahead and make up a map since this ended up really confusing (I wasn't expecting a map to be necessary but teh wagon ended up key terrain). I won't have tokens or the bad guys though so you'll have to look at token names I gave them.>


((those are some bad init rolls guys. Stricia is probably going to rush rapier do that should take some pressure off Dreadstone. Will wait for map though :p))
<Here is the map (Before Niko and Dreadstone's turns are applied though I went ahead and moved Draco into the wagon since that doesn't affect anybody's turns): http://beta.ditzie.com/52645/52d7241ab69a8

Some notes: The map is weird because I overlook some things in imaginative play.

Also, looking at it in map form it looks like at least one of them can shoot at Dreadstone afterall (assuming they get an opportunity at all) but he'll get partial cover I think.>
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