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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Just as a personal suggestion I would wait until you actually see an orphanage before you decide to take a chunk of your money, because spoilers you'll have more money by then, and you should probably make sure others are okay with taking a bit of their money for that purpose.>
Lone Wolf wasn't going to bring it up on his own, but... "Yes. You do win because potions, is true." He let's that linger for a beat before continuing. "I trust my own self more than strange liquid in bottle. Specially when given by kidnappers."

In fact, he doesn't take anything from the armory at all. He does, however, venture briefly into town and purchase a pair of Gloves of Dexterity +2, noting that his reaction time during the tournament was more sluggish than he would like. He is ready to head out after that.


((alright alright, the orphans can go hungry for now. Full gold for everyone.))

Stricia buys:

the wand of mage armor which she gives to Niko
amulet of mighty fists+1

Free flasks:
gets a potion of protection from evil with Lone Wolf's loaned flask.
Enlarge Person X 2

Bog standard temple sword
Climber's kit

((edit: are there things like gloves of dex in pathfinder? I was looking up items and it seems like attribute increases are all on belts with real expensive physical perfection items being the way to get multiple stats increased.))
<I'll let Gloves of Dexterity be available, because it was a 3.5 item and would've been available 30 years ago in-universe.

But you'll rather get a belt, because my reasoning for the Gloves of Dexterity not being +1 was for because it was +1 for each glove. Since I'm gonna allow both Gloves of Attribute and Belts of Attribute to coexist, I'm gonna rule that the belts are only +1 at half the price that way stacking is less powerful.>
((Yeah, that was a very sneaky change they made in PF.))

For now, Draco just buys himself a fancy Headband of Int +2 with the skill ranks in knowledge planes.
<I think that change affects Monk in some way as well, if I recall from browsing Paizo forum's internet arguments. I don't remember exactly what. Speaking of I do know that Druid wildshapers and Monk share an item they both need, so I might house rule something with that too.>

"Rescuers to be more specific," the armorer corrects as he stands by as the others browse inventory, "perhaps you'll keep closer eye on your equipment," he then turns towards everyone else, "and for everyone else, an eye on mine. Do bring everything back in complete pieces, won't you?"

Once everybody is finished here, Curly directs, "At the back entrance is the vehicle you will be providing. We have also spoiled you by installing a handy haversack in it." Pulling a tome with no hard cover, the pages sewn at the edges and titled HAVERSACK SAFETY, he slaps it against Dreadstone's stomach and sniffs loudly before instructing, "I expect you to overview the detailed rules of safety when handling a Haversack of Handiness. Every single word. To summarize: do not place it in a portable hole, do not place it in the confines of another Handy Haversack, do not rupture the bag, do not place a bag of tricks inside.. and for goodness' sake! Keep the bag away from any anti-magic device you encounter! Last person to try that lost his marbles," That last statement doesn't adequately describe the kind of consequence that must have occurred then, "Everything you will learn about haversack safety also applies to bags of holding."

Once that is done, the quartermaster stays behind when the party is guided to the wagon outside which is thankfully not nearly as conspicuous as the Ruby Keep carriage from earlier. They are met by an attractive half-elf lady, dressed well but at the same time identifiable as a horse driver. She adjusts the fit of the dark gloves she has, asking, "The group that I will be taking along, I presume? Hop in, I'll take you around town and let you buy some things before we head out."

<No drawing of this new character, that tells you she's not important other than just being a handy NPC. The Deus Ex talking helicopter if you will.>


"How long to get to our destination?" Stricia wants to know hoping for some shuteye time. "Also since we are to infiltrate it would be best to do so under cover of darkness. Is there something that could be provided to help us see in the dark?" she asks looking at Niko and Dortumn as the magic specialist and supply master respectively.
((I assume the item you are talking about is the amulet of might fists. They actually reduced the price for a few months ago, so its not over priced for monks now(but still amazing for anything with lots of natural attacks), however, with the change to monk's flurry of blows, if Stricia is sticking with the temple sword, she probably won't need the AoMF. Only reason it might need a change, is because it is a necklace piece, as is the amulet of natural armor, which is one of the best neck pieces in the game for everyone(that wants extra armor).))

The investigator can't help but laugh at Curly's instructions of haversack safety. Once they reach the wagon and meet the driver, he jumps on the wagon and says "You guys sure know how to treat your employees. Perhaps I should have considered a career in the military more thoroughly."

"Dark vision you say? ...I can help with that, just need to stop by a scroll shop."

((I'll add a scroll of darkvision onto my list of shit i bought, and then i'll add it to my formula list. should only cost about 190. Can I take ten on the spellcraft check to learn it?))


((Stricia is still going to be unarmed primarily. I really only want a weapon to get through any DR that might pop up making bludgeoning useless))
She chuckles at the comment, "I'm actually not part of the military, just a driver hired to take you along. It will take a couple of weeks few days of travel to arrive at the destination, so we will need to stop by some places to restock on food once in awhile."

<Yes, you may take 10 pretty much anytime you clearly have enough time to.>
((Awesome, then in that case I'll just take a Belt of Dex +1. I was about to do the same for Constitution, but now that I've learned about the Amulet of Mighty Fists, I think I'm going to hold off and save up))

When Lone Wolf sees the half-elf driver, he decides immediately that he likes her. Learning that she is not a member of the military only cements that even further. He runs his hand through his hair to smooth it out a bit and stands up slightly straighter in her presence.

Weeks? he thinks to himself. He can't recall ever needing to travel for weeks to get anywhere. Then again, the wagon is large and slow, and carrying a lot of people and equipment; he supposes it makes sense. "Maybe we must stop for supplies, but not food," he assures her. "Lady and me is fantastic hunters."

((Not sure how long the trip is going to last before something happens, so I'll just lay out what I want to do after we leave town and we'll see how far I get.

-Get 8 hours of rest to lose Fatigued status
-Take a 10 on up to two Handle Animal checks to teach Lady the tricks Down and Fetch. Each one would take a week))
<I decided to throw in two weeks as a ballpark just because the environement will feel a bit different from Emerald Bay's beachside, but if you can PM me some geographical details I can start making more accurate calculations in the future.>


((So belts are only +1 now with gloves being what belts are in the pathfinder description? Also the description of Mighty Fists really confuses me, they can be used as either +1 OR as adding a special effect to attacks but not both?))


((Ok changing my shopping list from belt to amulet of mighty fists as they both will have the same effect to attacks and apparently cost the same, also swapping out free magic fang potion to another enlarge person.. and oh would I be able to pick up shurikens from the military supplies? I can see why it's a tough choice to make though between mighty fists and natural armor.

Another question, how many potions and weapons can a person have at ready anyway to not need to take it out of sack during combat?))
<Oh, I am saying 'yeah' to your question about belts being +1 and gloves being the same as the in-book belts. Also, the belts will now be halved in price to reflect their effects being halved.>
<Normally enhancement bonuses don't stack, but since you're getting an enhancement to damage rolls and attack rolls, while the other makes an enhancement to strength, which are different things being enhanced, you are probably allowed to reap the benefits of both the Amulet and the Belt of Mighty Strength. DeadPhoenix or ThLunarian can tell me if I'm wrong.>


<Oh, I am saying 'yeah' to your question about belts being +1 and gloves being the same as the in-book belts. Also, the belts will now be halved in price to reflect their effects being halved.>

((Yup I got that, instead of swapping belt of strength with gloves of strength though I'm getting the amulet instead for now, edit: any clarifications on my other questions?))
<Just noticed your "weapons ready" question. You can have one weapon readied at a time. I'm pretty sure as long as you have some means of having a potion at reach, you can use it as a standard action (even if you are using a two handed weapon).>


((Thanks KM. Finally would I be able to pick up some shuriken from the free supplies? Just want to round up my supply to 10 shuriken))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Just because you said that she isn't important, I will now force you to name her. #annoyingplayer))

Carrying two intricately wrapped scrolls, Niko makes one last trip about town before he finally rejoins the crew. Spotting the driver for the first time he drops his pack in the back of the wagon. "Well, I can definitely say fortune smiled upon me when it brought me to Emerald Bay. And not just because of finding such entertaining and profitable work."

"Ah, pleased to make your acquaintance miss. Name's Niko, normally not so chummy with drivers but your visage begs exception. What is your name?"
The mysterious woman places a hand on her hip while one of the men glides his hair back and the other is quick to make acquaintance. She resists the tension to roll her eyes, and answers, "You may call me Miss Forrester. I like to stay on a last name basis for the strangers I carry."

Mike M

Nick N
((Okay, wanna make sure I'm getting all this right, but I can get a gloves of strength +2 then? And a masterwork STR+2 bow would only run 600 before discount?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Deflated but not defeated, Niko bows courteously. "Ah. Well Ms. Forrester it is...for now. This stranger hopes the road is steady and the skies are clear, bringing us swiftly and safely to our destination."

"Actually I do have a question: do you know if Mr Dortumn will be joining us or are we to meet a friend of his at our destination?"

The sorcerer eventually crawls into the wagon and settles himself into a comfortable position. There he scribbles in his journal with purpose while waiting for the others to return. By the time they are all ready to go Niko is quietly petting Ozzy when he suddenly remembers something very important.

"Blast it, I completely forgot! We never decided upon a name!" he jumps to his feet and bangs his head on the top of the wagon painfully. "Ow..."

Leaning back down he calms his speech a bit but remains serious in tone. "For true, though: what shall we call ourselves? How about...Ruby Keep's Adventure Team? A-Team for short! Maybe Ruby Team Hunter Force? Nicholas Aurelian's wonder crew? Dreadstone & Friends?"
<Dortumn is already established as being the guy who will give you further quests and the guy you report to, so no he won't be coming.

Also, due to copyright issues I cannot allow you the name Acquisitions Inc.>
"A name for our pack?" Evidently, humans' propensity for handing out names to everything knew no bounds.

Lone Wolf actually liked the sound of this, however; he found that names could occasionally instill a sense of pride in some people, and foster a sense of unity that could be extremely valuable in such a group dynamic.

He thinks back to the explanation of their mission, provided by Marcallus and Dortumn in the viewing box of the arena.

"Drow Hunters," he chimes in. "We are Drow Hunters. Or... the Drow Hunters." He liked the sound of that; it rolled off the tongue nicely, and was an accurate descriptor of their mission.

Another thought occurs to him. He looks at Draco. "You are right. 'Lone Wolf' is not good name for me now. I need a new one. Will take ideas."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone shares a laugh with Draco over Curly's cautionary litany on the use of the handy haversacks, deigning to not accept the proffered document from the halfling until the little man eventually gives up expecting Dreadstone to take it from him and takes it back. "Son, I assure you I know perfectly well how to use such things," the ranger informs the quartermaster. "They been around for quite a long while, as you may have heard."

Still chuckling at Curly's presumption of ignorance, Dreadstone heads out into the streets, Gnaw falling into place at his side when the tiefling snaps his fingers and utters an almost bestial grunt at the nearly feral dog. Running his fingers through the surplus of coins he has so recently acquired, he contemplates how to best spend the wealth. With the military picking up the tab on his expedition supplies, and the extreme--perhaps a bit foolish, in his estimation--generosity of Stricia and Lone Wolf in sharing their winnings with the rest of the party, he has some walking around money.

It doesn't take a lot of thought to decide how to best apply the money, however. The weapons made available by the military were fine stuff, but purely mass production, standard issue stuff. A man of his experience and past career could wield something more sophisticated. If he was going to keep everyone alive, it was practically a necessity.

Dreadstone eventually finds a store that seems to stock the equipment of the quality he is searching for, and he and Gnaw go inside. The clerk behind the counter looks scrawny and pale; he's almost certainly never wielded any of these weapons himself.

"Excuse me, uh... sir," the clerk says, eyes fixed on Gnaw and apparently unsure how to address the horned man that the dog accompanies, "we don't allow pets in this store."

Gnaw responds by rushing the counter, snarling and snapping his teeth at the clerk just outside of reach. "He's not a pet," Dreadstone says calmly as the clerk attempts to keep Gnaw at bay with the end of a broom, "and I don't think he much cares what the rules are."

"Fine! Call him off! Call him off!" shouts the panicked clerk.

"Gnaw!" Dreadstone barks, "Come!" Reluctantly, the dog obeys, though he continues to growl and snap at the air around him. "What's got your dander up, boy?" Dreadstone asks.

With a shaking finger, the clerk points to a barrel filled with arrows near where the tiefling stands. "Might be that he doesn't like those arrows? They're treated with pheromones, supposed to make targets easier to track if you don't drop them right away. Seems to drive animals nuts, though."

“That a fact?” Dreadstone asks idly, picking one of them out and giving it a whiff. It well and truly did smell terrible. The way it drove Gnaw to such viciousness was noteworthy, however. It might be that these could be of use if he was going to be traveling with a dog and one and a half wolves…

He drops a fistful of the arrows on the front counter. “I’ll take these. And give me an equal number of those whistlin’ types too, I think I might have a use for those too.”

“Will… will there be anything else today?” the nervous clerk asks, hands trembling as he packages up Dreadstone’s arrows, never taking his eyes off Gnaw. Gnaw returns the favor by not taking his eyes off the clerk, practically foaming at the mouth with repressed rage.

Dreadstone grins. “Oh, I can think of a few more items.”


Dreadstone reunites with the others at the wagon, flexing his fingers to work the stiff leather of his new gloves, testing the flex of a new black-lacquered longbow and shining greatsword strapped to his back. Gnaw trots alongside him, trying desperately to kill the quiver of arrows that hangs from Dreadstone’s hip and rid himself of the offending odor. “Ma’am,” he says simply to Forrester, tugging on the front of his hood as though he were tipping his cap as he hops into the back of the wagon.

Inside the wagon, Dreadstone situates himself in the corner, Gnaw providing a bristly, ill-tempered buffer between the tiefling and the rest of the party. He does not indulge Lone Wolf in his brainstorming for a new moniker, nor Niko in his quest to come up with a team name. In his opinion they do not constitute a team. They are a collection of individuals currently working to the same end, but that is not the same thing as a team, not really. A team provides synergy, a gestalt effort that is greater than the sum of its individual components. They are not there yet. Not yet, anyway.

During rest stops, Dreadstone attempts to work out what commands Gnaw already knows. Turns out that for a dog born and bred for pit fighting, Gnaw knows a fair number of commands outside of “kill,” and Dreadstone is eventually able to catalog a little over a half dozen individual commands that the dog knows. Now if he could just do something about the smell…

((Alright, final shopping list for me:
Masterwork Greatsword
Gloves of Strength +2
20 Pheromone arrows (Pretty sure with Lone Wolf, Lady, and Gnaw, this has potential to wreck some shit)
20 Whistling arrows (Thinking they’d be good for distraction purposes outside of combat)
Masterwork Composite Longbow STR+2))
"We get one job and now we a name? Ridiculous... But if we must, how about the Champions of Emerald Bay? Sounds nice and we just so happen to have the most recent Champion here with us. Congratulations by the way, Miss Strica."

((I somehow completely forgot about the discount... I'm slightly less poor then I thought I was. Also, keep in mind, +1 str or any other ability stat doesn't do much(or anything at all) unless you have an odd amount(i assume this is why they don't do odd stats bonuses on items normally).))

((With my new found discount cash, gonna pick up and add the scrolls Cat's Grace and Spider climb to my formula book.))


Stricia nods at Draco acknowledging the compliment.

Not very interested in the naming conversation herself she still offers up a suggestion.. "Hunters of Truth?"

The idea of Lone Wolf renaming himself is one that is intriguing to her, he looks to her like a wanderer and that is the direction she takes.. "Wanderer? Hunter? Seeker? Vagabond? Tramp?" ((Pick Tramp, do it.. dooo eeeet))

((Also character sheet updated with stuff))
"I don't understand Hunters of Truth," says Lone Wolf. "What is the lie? What truths is we searching?"

He carefully considers Stricia's recommendations for a new name for him, but in his opinion they all miss the mark. 'Hunter', while accurate, isn't nearly specific enough; the rest seem to have a negative connotation to other humans, from his limited experience.

"Alpha." The moment it occurs to him, he speaks it aloud, knowing that the decision has been made. "New name is Alpha." He considers suggesting that as a group, they name themselves the Alpha 5, but he decides that that's probably a little too self-centered.

Mike M

Nick N
As the shapeshifter appoints himself a new name, Gnaw's hackles raise as the dog lets out a low growl. Dreadstone eyes him curiously; was he reacting to what Dreadstone thought he was? Just how much human speech did the animal understand, anyway?

"Alpha wolves don't surrender leadership of the pack to the woman who whoops 'em," he informs the young man. Especially to women who turn around and try to cede that authority to someone else not an hour later, but he leaves that point unsaid. He's being needling enough as it is.
Forrester raises a brow, interested in the answer to the forthcoming question, "Is there something upseting aboug being beaten by a woman? Besides, all of you need me to carry you around, unless you want to walk like wolves?"

&#12298;I am out of the house today so I'll just let names be decided until I can start moving on to the objective.&#12299;
"These names just keep getting worse... It's probably best we save that for when, and if, we do something worthy of earning a name. Assuming we don't all go our separate ways after this job. And no way I'm calling you Alpha, don't think I could do that with a straight face. But if you are married to that idea, how about Alf?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
"You might be right about the name, Draco. Might be better if we aren't identifying ourselves too easily as a unit just yet anyway." As Lone Wolf proposes a name change for himself, Niko is stumped as to what alternative would meet the wild Druid's approval. Ozzy chitters enthusastically but Niko just murmurs to him in the negative. "No it's not the same...no that just doesn't sound right."

Upon hearing the half-elf's suggestion, Niko sputters in reply. "Y-yeah Alf sounds like a winner to me." The sorcerer clasps a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Alpha looks at the black and white pup and smiles. The way it was so fiercely trying to display its ferocity was so... what was the word?

"Cute," he says. He holds his hand out, palm up. "Gnaw, come."

Possibly the only time in the history of DnD that Wild Empathy is actually a relevant class feature (1d20+8=18)

((Wild Empathy functions like the Diplomacy skill in terms of influence. Chart can be found here http://paizo.com/prd/skills/diplomacy.html#_diplomacy))

To Dreadstone, he raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "You may be Hunter, but you know nothing of wolves," he explains. "Law of pack demands that if alpha is defeated in combat, leadership is transferred. Maybe female less common, but law is law.

"But... Stricia gives up leadership, and no one accepts. No pack leader right now."

To Draco and Niko, he just shrugs. "No matter. Alf is close enough."
((Wasn't trying to actually command him; was only attempting to improve his disposition toward me with a Wild Empathy roll. If that's still an auto-fail, fair enough))

Mike M

Nick N
((Seems like it should be an RP thing anyway. We can probably go from unfriendly->indifferent now, indifferent->friendly after their first fight together or something.))
When his attempts to calm the growling dog fail, Alf chuckles and shakes his head. "Maybe some day, young one, but not today." With that, he gets on the floor and curls up with Lady to go to sleep. It's been a very long day.

((Using Totem Transformation and Speak with Canines, so that Gnaw understands exactly what I said. He should actually be able to respond to me with language if he wants to))
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