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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Okay, so can Dreadstone take a five foot step south and entangle the three on the right of the wagon to avoid Rapier's AoO while casting the spell?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Too used to SRPGs where you can only attack adjacent spaces in 4 cardinal directions. Okay, so if he takes a 5ft step SW, that should put him out of Rapier's threatened space, but he breaks line of sight w/the other two baddies I would guess. Can you blind fire a spell casting if it's an AoE move?))
<I think you can, unless somebody corrects me but even if you couldn't I think you would have line of sight with the closer one anyway.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Let's do that then, 5ft SW, cast Entangle centered off the right edge of the map so that it catches those three but stops at the right edge of the wagon. Won't matter much for Rapier, but maybe slow the other guys.))


((Stricia never made it outside the wagon? I thought she did in my post. Ah well))

Round 1:
Stricia moves to the spot Draco had retreated from to get away from the rapier wielding Drow draws her temple sword and attempts a trip.


Hooking the curve of the sword underneath the drow with a precise move Strica yanks it back towards her with an elegant spin that ends with the Drow crashed to the floor and her standing over him in full battle stance; left arm outstretched and right arm raised with the sword at ready.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko will move with Dreadstone out of the wagon and back as far as he can while still casting Create Pit at the end of his turn on the drow to the right of the wagon. He figures if Dreadstone's vines don't phase them, falling 20 feet into the earth certainly might.


Updated map.
Reflex to avoid falling in pit (1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=18)

<One falls in, the other does not. For simplicity's sake I'm gonna make the effects of the pit take priority over the entanglement.>

<Now a technical recap of the turn (also doubles as a list of who goes in initiative):

Crossbow Drow #4 attacks Dreadstone: Attack on Dreadstone (1d20+6=24, 1d8=6)
Rapier drow attacks Dreadstone: Power Attack (1d20+11-2, 1d6+3+4=[14, 11, -2], [6, 3, 4]) (23 to hit, 13 damage)
Summoned Wolf will act at this point next turn
Alf summons a wolf (wolf will be able to act next turn)
Gnaw hit on his attack
Crossbow #2 takes a 5 ft step back and attacks Gnaw, it crits: Attack on Gnaw (1d20+6=26, 1d8=5)
-- Crit confirm and possible damage: Crit confirm (1d20+6=18, 1d8=8)
Crossbow Drow #1 will fire at the summoned wolf: Attack on Summoned Wolf (1d20+6=17, 1d8=7)
Crossbow #3 moves around, but doesn't fire at anybody
Niko makes one of the Drow fall into a pit, the other barely escapes
All of the targets save on their save to avoid being entangled by Dreadstone's spell
Draco's shot hits
The Axe wielding Drow attacks Alf: 1d20+8=14, 1d12 +3=12
The Centuar moves just behind the two crossbowmen, going into total defense
Stricia scores a trip
Lady hits the axe drow, doesn't get trip

End of turn saves (pit takes priority over entangle):
Reflex save for not slipping on the slope (+2 bonus) (1d20+7=21) - Saves, isn't in pit
Reflex for not getting entangled at end of turn after not slipping into pit(1d20+5=20)
Reflex for entanglement for Rapier Drow (1d20+8=22) - Pretty sure he saved, but is still tripped

New map: http://beta.ditzie.com/52645/52d86d064ec4b >

Complete anarchy rules in an instant the moment those two arrows are fired, setting everyone in immediate and grave danger. Bolts are fired whenever they can, and the brothers are aggressive and unwilling to hold back.

The brother that wields the great axe points over to the human that had transformed himself into a beast, declaring as he lifts the axe from his back, "If you choose to lower yourself into a lowly creature, human, then so be it. You've chosen to be skinned and gutted as I was taught to do to surface beasts!" With those words said, he moves forward and heaves his axe, attempting to drop it down on the wolf at his feet, only for his arms to be grasped by the fangs of a white dog in the night. He screams painfully once more as a small metal prong suddenly juts from his shoulder, digging into his bone.

Quickly answering to the first shots fired, two of the crossbow drow and the other brother run down to flank the group. The closer drow nods over as he fires a bolt at the assailant with the bow, and following after is the fencer, drawing his pointed blade and cleanly thrusting it into the tiefling's stomach. It is only after his attack that he realizes the face of who he looks at. Grinning and chuckling slightly, he says to his victim with blood red eyes, "You.. you appear like a perversion of our kind. A vestige of demons gone extinct. A battle this will be!" He kicks Dreadstone off of his blade, confronted by a human woman that quickly out-wits his blade and pulls him under his leg. The drow is caught off guard both by her ability and her appearance of dark skin and hair, harshly shrieking after being put on the ground, "You.. What manner of human are you!? Gah!"

The rest of them are kept busy by the others, either through being caught in traps or being fended off by the wild animals, their attention now turned towards them. The Centuar, being the last to realize what's going on, approaches carefully.

<I should do the turns of the bad guys that go before you first, though I will do that on a separate post just to get turn one out of the way.>
<The crossbow Drow that didn't get stuck in the pit or entangled will move out of the area of entangle and also away from the pit and fire a shot at Stricia Attack vs. Stricia (1d20+6=20, 1d8=1), Should be miss with her augmented AC

I had a DM pull a stunt on me where an enemy on tripped was able to roll away while on the ground with an acrobatics and then stand up safely, but since I don't know what writing makes it possible to move on the ground while prone, I'm just gonna take an AoO from Stricia.

Rapier drow stands up, takes AoO (I need to figure out if the -4 AC melee penalty still applies, I assume it does) and then full attacks her (with a power attack): Power Attack vs. Stricia (1d20+11-2=29, 1d6+3+4=8) (That should hit, and is a potential crit)
Crit confirm + Extra damage (1d20+11-2=14, 1d6+3+4=11) (Does not crit)


((Here is a question for you. Can I trip an enemy getting up as an Aoo?
Googling this only got me an enworld thread that was inconclusive))
While many combat maneuvers can be performed as part of an attack action, full-attack action, or attack of opportunity (in place of a melee attack), others require a specific action.

This won't stop him from damaging you since he scored a crit (IIRC you can attack while prone, it just screws up your attack bonus).
((I'm pretty sure you can not trip someone getting up from prone. Probably because you can end up in a stun lock situation with something like that. At least that has been my understanding and personally I would not want to be on the receiving end of that situation(which i would have been in the fight with Lone Wolf)))

((I'd make my move right now, but it's probably best i wait till other people have gone first just in case))


Stricia responds to the aggressive dark elf with a question "What kind of creature invades another's realm and then accuses them of trespass?" as well as a kick in the face.

Round 2 Aoo
Power attack melee stunning fist attempt:

1d20+6=22, 1d8+5=7

((attack roll should be +7 btw, dc to save fort 15))
<Oh yeah... do you have improved trip or does the temple sword negate the need for that feat somehow? If you attempt to trip without improved trip it provokes AoO. I probably overlooked this rule several times because it's so easy to forget.>


((No improved trip. I think I read somewhere that trip provokes Aoo as it is an unarmed attack, in which case the temple sword will negate that. But I think that in pathfinder it will get an Aoo))
((The temple sword has the trip feature, but all that does is allow you to drop the sword if you fail your trip attempt by 10 or more, instead of getting tripped yourself.))
((An Attack of Opportunity always resolves before the action that triggered it. So, when you try to get up from prone, you still have the -4 to AC penalty.

This also solves the "trip-lock" problem, because when the AoO happens, the person is already on the ground, so tripping them again won't do anything.

I wanted the Summoned Wolf to appear in a position where he'd be able to charge into Flanking position. It's my understanding that when you Summon something, you can have it appear literally wherever you want, so I'm hoping that's the case, and I'm going to have it appear a few spaces behind the axe-guy who just missed me. He's then going to Charge at the guy in flanking position and take the turn that I rolled for him earlier.

To review that previous turn: Attack (incl. Charge, Flanking, and Arrow bonus), Damage, and CMB attempt to trip (1d20+12=17, 1d6+7=10, 1d20+6=19)

For my own turn, I'm going to Attack that same guy, whether or not he was just tripped:

Alf Attack (incl. Flanking and Pheromone bonus), Damage, and CMB attempt to Trip (1d20+12=30, 1d6+7=8, 1d20+8=22)

Lady is either going to attack the same guy (if he's still alive), or she will go after the other Pheromone-affected guy. If a Charge is possible (not sure which of the guys is Pheromone-y), please add +2 to this attack roll:

Lady Attack Roll (incl. Pheromone bonus), Damage, and CMB attempt to trip (1d20+7=26, 1d6+4=7, 1d20+5=6)))

By the time Alf's transformation is complete, a Drow warrior is already upon him. Now that he can see their eyes up close and personal, he is certain that they are also Hunters.

Unfortunately for them, they're the inferior sort.

Alf deftly sidesteps the clumsy swing of the axe, and that's when he gets a noseful of....

What WAS that? It was coming from the axe-wielder.

Whatever it was, he is beginning to have a hard time concentrating. He can feel the control and discipline trying to slip away, threatening to give way to a mindless ferocity.

Under the circumstances, he decides to allow it.


((The temple sword has the trip feature, but all that does is allow you to drop the sword if you fail your trip attempt by 10 or more, instead of getting tripped yourself.))

((I thought it gave a +1 to trip as well? If not the trip roll was 22 on first round. Don't know if that makes a difference. Hopefully not. Assuming it isn't. BTW the damage roll on AOO round should be 1d8+6 since power attack is a +2 to damage and I have a +1 from amulet, so the guy got hit for 8 hp))

Sending her opponent reeling (and maybe even entangled in Dreadstone's vines) Stricia presses her attack with a flurry of unarmed blows,.

Round 2:

Flurry of Blows, + Expend Ki for third attack, First hit is another stun attempt, All are power attacks.

1d20+6=24, 1d8+6=10, 1d20+6=24, 1d8+6=12, 1d20+6=21, 1d8+6=9

((Also, unless otherwise stated, Stricia always does non lethal damage with her unarmed attacks, Edit: It's a Fortitude save BTW KittenMaster, not a Will Save. Though I think Drow should have pretty crap Constiution so rapier still failed the roll probably.

FINAL EDIT: I should take the 8 hp damage from Round 2 as AOO damage on my Round 1 Trip attempt. Sound fair?))
<My bad, ThLunarian, the crossbowman would still be able to hit the summoned wolf though.

Also, if it's a Fort save then it definitely passes on that same dice roll.>
Draco drops his hand crossbow in the wagon, then dashes out drawing his scimitar along the way and gets behind the drow Strica is attacking for flanking.

Acrobatics(Tumble): (1d20+11=15)
((almost certainly a fail, more so with the +10 dc for doing it at more then half speed since I'm in the wagon for some reason.))

Now in position, he attempts to stab the drow in the back while he is distracted by the monk.

Attack+flank;Damage: (1d20+7+2=15, 1d6+3=7)

((since i go before Strica, she should get the flanking bonus as well, i suspect it won't change much))
((Probably! Forget the AoO, he'll just walk around next to Strica (and thus requiring no tumble and cuasing no AoO)and attack from there. Means he has a 13 on his attack instead, I suspect that doesn't change much.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
'Wow what in the seven hells is going on...?!' the sorcerer thinks to himself as combat explodes into a chaotic rush of events he can hardly keep up with. "These guys have a serious attitude problem." A furry presence chatters in agreement underneath his cloak. As the scream of one of the drow falling into an earthen grave echoes through the forest, Niko spits in his hand and cracks his knuckles before beginning a magical gesture
mostly involving the middle finger
toward the centaur.

"Why don't you join your pal and take a load off big guy?!"

Attempting to continue running interference for the group, he turns his focus to the left side of the wagon and casts Grease (Reflex DC15) underneath the centaur and any crossbow drow he can catch nearby.
((Wait, when did Crossbow 4 shoot Dreadstone? Or is that his action for this round?))

<Originally I didn't think Crossbow 4 would have anybody to shoot, but after making a map, he did. That happened at the start of turn 1, as he has the highest initiative.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, so Gnaw now and Dreadstone after the bajillion baddies before him take their turns))

Gnaw snarls viciously as the bad man with the sharp thing shooter falls back. The scent coming off the Drow is infuriating, and he longs to press his assault, chew the flesh from his bones, then crack open the bones and suck out the marrow within. But the bad man has joined another with one of those things that sends the sharp things flying. One of them struck the Dark Man and made him bleed, so Gnaw knows that they're supposed to be a thing that is feared. If it was just the two of these men who look like the Dark Man only not, he might continue the attack, but they've been joined by the horse man thing. Gnaw's blood fury is strong, but not powerful enough to override his sense of self preservation.

It's all right though, there's another one of the bad men who smell the same way, currently fighting off Girl Kin, and two other wolves that are strangers to him. Where did the Kin Man go? Wasn't he just here?

Deciding to worry about it later, he joins in the dismemberment of the unfortunate Drow.

((OK, if Axe Drow is still alive after getting literally dog piled, Gnaw will flank and go for it as well. If Axe Drow is dead, Gnaw will change his mind and go after the marked Crossbow guy after all and attempt to flank with Lady if she's going after him too.))
Bite vs Drow:  1d20+4+2(Pheromone)+2(Flanking)=28
Confirming Crit:  1d20+4+2(Pheromone)+2(Flanking)=16
Damage:  1d4+2(Pheromone)=8
Bonus damage:  1d4+2(Pheromone)=5
<If I have this right, the axe drow will be dead after Lady attacks him, but only after the axe drow gets an attack off. This requires Gnaw to attack him, of course, otherwise he'll live from Lady's attack.>
It's my understanding that when you Summon something, you can have it appear literally wherever you want, so I'm hoping that's the case, and I'm going to have it appear a few spaces behind the axe-guy who just missed me. He's then going to Charge at the guy in flanking position and take the turn that I rolled for him earlier.
<Re-reading this it sounds like you want to do this to take account where the Drow moved to rather than where he would be able to charge before the Drow moved (your original description is "From the trees", so I assumed it would initially be charging from the side before the drow moved out of the way).

I might have to deny you a charge, but you will still have a chance to kill the drow before lady's turn

BTW, I forgot to roll the grease save on the two crossbow drow on the left (i'll get to that right away) but even if they didn't save they go before the grease, the two Crossbow Drow miss their attacks regardless.

Reflex save (1d20+7=20, 1d20+7=18) - I believe they both make that.>
<No, it means you'll probably just have to move normally and do an attack without the charge bonus.

EDIT: Wait. I actually have the summoned wolf in a position he can charge already on the map... why do you want him in a new spot?>
<No, it means you'll probably just have to move normally and do an attack without the charge bonus.

EDIT: Wait. I actually have the summoned wolf in a position he can charge already on the map... why do you want him in a new spot?>

((I was just trying to be consistent with what I originally said is all. Which in hindsight doesn't make much sense since when I first said that we didn't have a map yet heh. Also though, he wouldn't be able to charge into Flanking position from the side, as far as I can tell.

Without the charge bonus, that attack is at a 15 vs AC unless you'd like me to reroll it))
EDIT: Whoops, forgot that the wolf goes before Alf

<You'll probably need to choose between a charge or flanking (EDIT + HINT: flanking will prevent Gnaw from flanking the axe drow). If you want to reroll, I can let you do it on a different target so it's not too metagamey.>

Mike M

Nick N
((And to reiterate, Gnaw will flank Pheromone Crossbow w/Summoned Wolf if possible provided Lady and Alf kill the Axe Drow.))
<If that is truly what you want, but keep in mind that the Axe Drow will get an attack off before Lady will attack him.

Also, you forgot to tell me what Dreadstone himself does. I only see actions for Gnaw.>

Mike M

Nick N
<If that is truly what you want, but keep in mind that the Axe Drow will get an attack off before Lady will attack him.

Also, you forgot to tell me what Dreadstone himself does. I only see actions for Gnaw.>
((I thought I would hold off until the other baddies ahead of him took their turn since their actions ended up forcing me to change things around regarding movement and targeting on that last turn after posting everything.

I can write something up in a bit.))
<Oh. Of the baddies that go before you, I already described the actions of the ones that go before everybody, and then the crossbow ones, while making their saving rolls, also managed to miss whatever attacks they would've taken (their rolls, including bonus, totaled below 10) effectively making their turns null and not worth worrying about.

EDIT: Summoned Wolf and Gnaw would kill the pheremone'd crossbow drow.>


((Centaur hasn't done anything yet. Can someone speak to the guy on their turn? May not be hostile as we've only been pounding on drow so far))

Mike M

Nick N
Despite Dreadstone's attempts to ensnare the remainder of the Drow party, he appears to have been less than successful. Indeed, he finds himself being run down by one of the Drow wielding a rapier and buckler. He grunts as the Drow stabs him, the red of his blood a shock of stark contrast against the black leather of his armor and ebony skin. Some distant part of his mind not currently consumed with the ongoing battle wonders if perhaps he's just getting to old for this.

Clutching his wound, he prepares to drop his bow and draw his greatsword. Striking from a distance is his preference, but he's no slouch in melee either. Fortunately the timely intervention of Stricia keeps the Drow at bay and prevents him from following up on his attack. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he addresses the prone Drow who referred to him as a demonic perversion as he calmly nocks an arrow despite his wounds, "try singin' a song I ain't heard already."

The Drow seems to ignore him, however, choosing to engage Stricia instead. Dreadstone seeks to remind him not to turn his back on an opponent until you're sure they are dead.

Attack vs Rapier Drow:
1d20+9+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=28
Confirming crit:  1d20+9+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=23
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Point Blank)=5
Bonus crit damage:  2d8+6+2(Point Blank)=22

1d20+9+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=19
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Point Blank)=9

((If that crit kills Rapier, Dreadstone will target the living crossbow Drow by the centaur w/another pheromone arrow. I don't think he's on range for Point Blank, though.))
<It won't kill him because of how non-lethal damage works, but that crit does enough damage that he'll be staggered (meaning the non-lethal damage he took at least equals his current HP, and you know that is somewhere around 8 damage), so you can choose to use the 2nd rapid shot to kill him if you want.>

Mike M

Nick N
<It won't kill him because of how non-lethal damage works, but that crit does enough damage that he'll be staggered (meaning the non-lethal damage he took at least equals his current HP, and you know that is somewhere around 8 damage), so you can choose to use the 2nd rapid shot to kill him if you want.>


((Yeah, if I don't need the 3rd hit, then not expending the ki point. I need to lookup how nonlethal works!))
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