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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<If you're sure you like Alf as your new name, update your character sheet with it. I cannot be held legally responsible for any coincidental likeness to outer space aliens that eat cats.>

After everyone is seated onto the wagon, Forrester brings them around the city, making occasional stops, first to a banker that converts the larger currency won at the tournament into smaller pieces of gold that can be distributed evenly among the entire group (sans feral animals). They are then taken shopping for whatever equipment they may need that Ruby Keep can't afford to purchase in bulk such as magically enhanced items.

Finally, they are departing the city, from the same eastern gate that brings them to the main road. She explains, "If we want to get there at night we'll have to rest at an inn for awhile for time to pass, so I'll just re-adjust my schedule when we get to the second one. We'll be going through Shifter's Woods, but don't worry about any shifters, there aren't many tribes in that forest anymore."

((Is there a general guideline of how much animals are capable of saying in their own languages?))
<No. Probably just google it and maybe come up with an ENworld or Paizo thread or something.>
&#12298;I won't be able to provide a map for a few hours but Shifter's woods is SE of Emerald Bay and spans a vaguely large area.&#12299;
In roughly a day, the wagon arrives at the first inn used as a checkpoint which is the same inn everybody was at just before the goblin ambush back then. The wreckage that was at the road before is now gone, likely cleaned up during the time they were in the city.

It is here that tinned cans of dried meat, hard bread, cheese made from goat's milk, and a consolation chocolate coin piece are stocked up once more. Despite Alf's claims of being capable of hunting to provide everyone a meal, in practice the fast paced travel schedule and reliance on quick meals would only slow them down if he attempted to run off to find meat. It is also here that the driver will catch up on sleep, as can everyone else.

Once morning arrives, the party will wake up to witness their driver standing with a crowd centered around a writing desk and a clerk, a commotion having erupted with protest and demand, the clerk's voice inaudible from afar over the angry drivers.


A full nights sleep and a simple breakfast leaves Stricia refreshed and ready to tackle the day. She hadn't expected to encounter anything this early in the morning however. She moves quietly to Ms. Forrester to ask her what the problem seems to be.
When Stricia comes closer, the complaints from everyone start to become more apparent: "I have passengers that missed the tournament because of this crap!", "You're holding off deadlines! What's the big idea!" The clerk behind the desk stands up and holds out his hands, and Stricia can barely hear him try to reassure the unhappy protests with assurances that they'll find out the reasons for the schedule delays.

Forrester turns towards the Monk, and explains, "Somehow the schedule for us to leave has put us all on hold! To keep traffic orderly they keep a schedule for wagons to arrive and leave."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone pointedly ignores the slack-jawed stares and whispered comments as he enters the common room of the end. Usually people are more reserved and less obvious in their hushed opinions about him, but today he is proving to be an additional spectacle. The sounds of strenuous struggle had been emanating from his room much of the previous night, but none had worked up the gumption to knock on the door and inquire as to what was the matter. Some of the other guests taking their evening meal in the common room when the ruckus began had jokingly speculated that he had taken to employing a local woman of comfort who specialized in… alternative schools of instruction on the calling.

The tiefling’s dreadful appearance the next morning confirms that he has had some sort of physical conflict that has taken a toll on him. His forearms are wrapped in bandages stained red with seeping blood, and his face is covered with scratches and contusions. No one has the nerve to ask him what has occurred, and that suits him just fine. He steps outside the inn and lights one of his cigarettes, the pleasant buzz of the nicotine diminishing his pain ever-so-slightly. Gnaw trots out and sits next to him, glaring balefully with eyes set in a face framed in freshly-washed, combed fur of black and white.

“Don’t be lookin’ at me like that,” Dreadstone admonishes the dog. “Someone had to do somethin’ ‘bout the way you smelled.”

The commotion about the clerk’s desk draws Dreadstone over just in time to hear Ms. Forrester’s explanation of the problem. “Anythin’ we might do to expedite the process?” he asks.
Miss Forrester doesn't make any attempt to hide her attention drawn to the dark tiefling's injuries, though doesn't seem to convey much genuine concern while drifting away from the crowd to engage ideas with the others that seem to begin coming down the stairs to talk about what to do. In response to Dreadstone, she answers slyly, "I should be asking the same of you and getting well. It really depends on how badly you want to 'head to prison'. We could wait it out for awhile, or you could just threaten to bleed him to death."

EDIT: <An edited version of the previous game map that shows what Forrester's map would show you sans some miscellaneous towns and buildings that are irrelevant to you.>

Alf opens the door to his room, more out of curiosity than any sense of urgency. He had learned that the sounds coming from the crowd of humans usually meant that they were whining about something, but it probably wasn't indicative of any sort of danger.

He steps out and stretches, casually making his way to the bar, where he orders a tankard of water, taking a swig for himself and giving Lady a go at the rest. He kicks his feet back and watches the spectacle play out, not in any particular hurry to hit the road again.


"If anyone knows what the problem is, it would be the clerk." Stricia says motioning at the beleaguered bureaucrat. "Or at least his superiors"
Draco joins the others by the clerk's desk and quickly gets caught up, "I'd rather not stick around here any longer then we need to. Perhaps I can talk them into letting us get out of here early?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko rubs the sleep from his eyes and skulks about impatiently. "Anything is worth a shot, though I think Draco's suggestion is better to start with."
Getting to the man behind the desk may require some muscle and elbow grease in itself, his swarmed by the people in front and around him. As such he won't notice the party immediately.
Draco nods to the others and walks over to the clerk, "Excuse me sir. While I realize you are busy and many people are ahead of us, our group is on a very important mission with many lives on the line and every moment we spend here is another moment innocent people may be getting hurt... Or worse. If you would allow us to pass as soon as possible, my friends, and the people who are gravely in need of help, would greatly appreciate it."

Diplomancy+inspiration: (1d20+5+3+1d6=13)

((welp, it was worth a try.))

((Opps, miss that post above, damn ninja gm...))


Faced with a seemingly immovable wall of angry drivers Stricia wonders if a little patience is called for. "How long will this crowd last?" she asks their own driver. "Maybe the innkeeper or someone else will know the reason for the delay"
<I wouldn't say "immovable wall" per see, just that you would have to squeeze between people if you wanted to get through just like most crowds so if this were a battle they would act as difficult terrain. The point here is that they're destracting the clerk more than acting as an impossible barrier.>
<I'll let you save that post and roll for when you manage to get to him somehow.>
((Hmm... not a problem.))

Before talking to the clerk, Draco figures if need to get to him first. While they could most likely easier move the people out of the way, Draco decides to go a more indirect approach. He whips out his alchemist set real quick and takes a minute to mix together a special extract and then downs it. The investigator then walks up to a nearby wall... and then begins walking straight up and eventually walks on the ceiling, finally stopping when he is directly above the clerk figuring that should be enough to get his attention, "Excuse me sir..."

(( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/spider-climb btw))
Alf observes the difficulties his companions seem to be having, and devises a way to try and help them out.

He reaches into his money pouch and produces 100 gold coins.

"FREE MONEY!" he yells over the crowd, tossing the handful of coins onto the floor in a nearby unoccupied corner.
Only when the people in front of him hush their voices and turn their eyes to something up and behind him does the clerk at the table turn around to see what is giving them halt. Doing a double take he takes view of a man on the ceiling just above him. Throwing off his glasses he furiously yells, "What is this magic!? This isn't a circus!! Get down from there this instant!"

Alf's trick would normally be very good, but the crowd was loud before, and now most towards the front are even harder to distract thanks to Draco's wonder. Some towards the back do give up their failing complaints for even a moment to chase the gold, but for the most part the coins also attract miscellaneous patrons in the tavern that heard his call as well.

The inn is starting to become very chaotic and unbecoming now.

Mike M

Nick N
"I've had just 'bout enough of this," Dreadstone mumbles as he fishes out his signal whistle.

Hopping up on a nearby chair, he sounds a piercing note over the racket, causing Gnaw to whimper in pain. "Now then!" he announces in his most authoritarian voice, bordering on shouting. "We are goin' to conduct ourselves in a manner befittin' civilized folk! Line up, single file, and we can begin sortin' out this here mess!"

Intimidate:  1d20+11=24
<You succeed on that check (I think the DC is around 18 or something, I don't know if "Hit Dice" for the DC refers to how many the NPCs have, or the size though the size of the dice makes more sense but you succeed either way).>

A calm waves over the room at the powerful command the horned tiefling echoes. While they don't exactly make a formal line like instructed, their already natural fear of him give enough moment for the party to be able to finally address the clerk, who himself is a bit shaken, directly.
<You succeed on that check (I think the DC is around 18 or something, I don't know if "Hit Dice" for the DC refers to how many the NPCs have, or the size though the size of the dice makes more sense but you succeed either way).>

A calm waves over the room at the powerful command the horned tiefling echoes. While they don't exactly make a formal line like instructed, their already natural fear of him give enough moment for the party to be able to finally address the clerk, who himself is a bit shaken, directly.

((Hit dice refers to the number of dice they have, not the dice size. for humaniods like those in here, it will always be their class level.))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods in statisfaction as the people stop bickering and comply with his instructions to queue up. "That's better," he says more quietly. "Draco, I believe you had a question to ask this feller?"
Once his attention is finally had and the question is asked, the clerk explains, "We've been given instructions to alter our schedule. We weren't given much reason why, but I assume something must have happened when people were going home from the tournament." He gets up and wipes his head. At this point several are watching him explain himself to the party, "I strongly hesitate to allow one person exception, otherwise everybody here will beg for the same treatment. If you can expound on the urgency of your business supposedly saving innocents, then I might work something out."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"What a startling coincidence the schedule just happens to be altered before our departure." Niko whispers to himself. Shaking his head he wonders just how long they've been followed. Nonetheless, the sorcerer quietly makes his way toward the front of the crowd as the half-elf and tiefling cow the crowd into submission with surprise and intimidation.

Once the clerk asks his question the sorcerer steps up next to the man to speak with him personally. "What Draco says is true. We are not on any errand of trade, leisure or commerce, but a time-sensitive task most dire." He looks the man in the eye as he continues. "We are looking for a missing person and their allies who have all gone missing." Niko gestures his hands towards the clerk's desk as he concludes. "I do not know what will happen if we are delayed further, but I'd hate to have such a thing weigh upon my conscience due to a simple matter of traffic protocol."

((Not sure if I should make a new diplomacy roll or count this as aid another towards Phoenix' roll since he is really just attempting to expound upon Draco's argument. Or should it be a bluff roll even though everything he has said is true?))


To add to the group's credentials, Stricia walks up to the desk and shows one of her Ruby Keep stamped flasks. "We are officially charged with carrying this out Master Clerk and it is time sensitive."
<@Niko: Dreadstone's intimidate was enough to make him more cooperative. I think since his attitude changed, go ahead and roll to try and change it even further.>

Diplomacy: 1d20+4 = 5
He asks, seeming to demand more explanation than what was given, "Time sensitive in what way? I should to know what could possibly happen."

The man adjusts his glasses when looking at the details of the glass bottle design, "Yes, I do recognize this symbol, though I have never seen as a bottle before. So you are on Ruby Keep business, I take it, and they didn't anticipate this delay?"



Stricia nods at the bespectacled clerk. "It is safe to say they were not aware of this delay. The reason for our urgency, Master, is that Ruby Keep has good reason to believe that their personnel are in mortal danger. We are on s mission to find and rescue them."
<Technically you should have failed that roll, but I think he has enough information to cooperate by now.>

He looks between the group, except for Draco who is plastered on the wall, and says to them still feeling uncertain, "Better to be in trouble with the owner than the Keep military. Tell me where I can contact your superior and I'll inform them of what had occurred today," he then begins pointing, "And if I find out this was a ruse, then I'll make sure your hasty departure was not worth the effort."

Mike M

Nick N
Call it paranoia, but Dreadstone feels the slow crawl of caution scaling his spine as though it were a ladder. This clerk seems to be requiring an awful lot of information to clear what amounts to a bureaucratic logjam, details that the ranger would certainly consider "need to know only." Most of their shared mission's compartmentalization of information has already torpedoed in well-meaning attempts to help sort things out, but there's no reason to surrender the rest.

"Son, we are a special detachment dispatched by the regent himself. I think you ought to be able to figure out where he be without too much difficulty. Where we're goin' and what we're doin' is our business. Lettin' us get on about doin' it is yours."

Gnaw stands on his hind legs, placing his forepaws on the desk as he growls menacingly at the clerk. His fur gleaming and groomed and smelling of lavender makes him perhaps not as intimidating as yesterday, but he's certainly no less ornery.

Sense Motive:  1d20+14=34
Alf rolls his eyes at the folly of human bureaucracy, and goes outside ahead of the others to get a read on the situation outside. If there's another unruly mob out there, they may not be out of the woods yet. He also finds it prudent to check on the state of the horses and wagon, seeing if everything is still where it is supposed to be.
Sense motive crit
Despite his logical deduction and clear sense of caution, Dreadstone can tell that this man is just trying to do his job well and is probably just as out of the loop as you are. He is definitely upset at the implied accusation as a result.

The clerk answers, "You are wrong sir, that is not my business. My business is to make sure the schedule is kept in line with the other inns, and today my business was made dreadful. You would be surprised how many attempt to make up false excuses to break the schedule when they can, especially during tournament season which is why I want to make sure your excuse is bloody good enough to excuse it."

"I'll tell you what, since you are keen on denying me a way of giving a message to your regent directly, I want you to come back after you have done your duty to your kingdom and I'll simply make you send whatever I report back to him. Is that a deal?"
Draco finally stops messing around with spider climb and gets back on the floor, "Agreed! Assuming no unforeseen circumstances, we shall return here to pick up your report once we have done our business. Thank you for your assistance sir."

((Gotta say... surprised at Niko's diplomancy, thought he'd be all about that and blow my own diplo skill away(without inspiration at least), especially with my +0 CHA mod.))


((Is inspiration a limited use skill? Dreadstone's intimidation might be our only option besides you for talking))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I can invest in diplomacy later on since my charisma modifier is quite high. I just haven't done so yet))
<Inspiration is a number per day skill IIRC, much like the class Jack had from the previous game. For the most part you should be able to count on Draco for diplomacy even if he doesn't have inspiration because it's +8 without the bonus. He just managed to get a really awful roll this time and his little spider crawl stunt actually made the clerk more unfriendly by only adding to his irritation.

That, and the way Dreadstone used Intimidate happened to solve a problem the clerk was having which is how it improved your situation this time.>
Once the two parties are in agreement, the clerk gives clearance by opening the lid of a pipe that runs along the wall, presumably a simple device to carry sounds outside. It is there the stable monitor will unlock their stable door and allow the wagon to exit.

<I'm gonna take a moment before I actually come up to the next part, I want to prepare a couple of things first.>
The party will pass by the 2nd inn going down south, the inn that most directly deals with traffic from Southport. The night they stay there is incredibly festive, a shift in tone from the panic from the previous inn. Forrester comments, "Looks like we got here just in time! We would've missed the dawn of 31 AF had we been stuck at that other place." She makes sure that the schedule would not hinder their travel before deciding it will be okay for them to sleep the night. It is found that supply vehicles from Southport have been coming along just fine, but they haven't been getting many visitors from the north that day.

With nothing hindering their progress, they make an extended stay to leave next evening, to try and make the prison at night, with an exaggerated stock of food to account for any issues that may arise on the trip to the forest. Along the road they'll veer off path after a calculated number of kilometers to reach for the forest, and the prison within it.

The forest is thick, and the trees barren in the winter, but there does seem to be an implied path where trees have been cleared away but the ground isn't nearly as beaten as the main roads. In that evening, they come across a bridge suitable for their wagon to cross... and at that moment, the party will hear the siding of the window leading to the driver's front, and a hushed panic, "Guys! We have a problem!"


Outside are several figures, draped in gray armor and clothing suitable for the environment around them. Most are dark skinned humanoids with silver hair, but also with them is a man on... on? No, he is a horse. A half man, half horse following behind the pack. With two of them leading their group towards the wagon, confident in their stride but also not having their weapons out just yet.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hearing the panicked voice of their driver and spotting the strange humanoids outside is enough to put the sorcerer on high alert. "What manner of beast is that?" He looks to Alpha. "Have you seen such creatures in the woods before?"

Eyes narrowing as he remembers the bandit attack from a few days ago, he moves into a crouched position and whispers to their driver. "Slow the cart, Forrester..." Niko calmly retrieves the wand Stricia gave him from his cloak and casts Mage Armor on the monk. "Just in case. We should move carefully until we determine their motive."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's lips are drawn into a tight line, clenching his jaw as he looks out at the approaching figures. He doesn't know who they are, but he can hazard a guess.

"Easy, boy," he says quietly to Gnaw, stroking the agitated dog between his ears. "We ain't got trouble yet, but be ready."

He's suddenly acutely aware of the branding on their potion flasks--indeed, Dreadstone routinely wears a military uniform, even if it is significantly altered.

"Probably best I don't go out there right away," he whispers to everyone as he unslings his bow from his shoulder and places a hand near the quiver at his hip. "Anyone wanna see if they can't talk our way past these ones?"
<I am assuming you want to know about the two different types of humanoids you see before you, but I do need to know which one got the higher roll. (Actually, it probably won't matter anyway but just in case it does).>


Stricia strains to see how many there are in the group approaching them, what they are armed with, how far away they are and how quickly they approach.

((editing in perception check))

Relaying what she sees she also has a suggestion. "Draco, Alf, and I should approach them to speak."

"They may know who we are already. We attracted attention at the first inn and someone could have travelled ahead with word of us."

((final edit i swear))

"Mistress Forrester? I suggest you hide"
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