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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((That's your call, but I don't think the fight's totally dismantled just yet. The archer's probably out of the fight if that sunder broke his weapon, but the caster can stand up and Excalibur can pick up her weapon. Those both incur AoOs, but Tiberious can only swing at one of them unless they stagger it out over two turns. A lot of the back line just got hampered for turn one, but it seems like there could still be a fair bit of fight left))
<I'm already getting too bummed out being incompetent at running battles, and too bummed out to run this game in general. Everybody take their turns and I'll see what I can do to salvage this.>

Thaddeus scarcely hears the words coming from Excalibur's blowhole. The massive, crystal-encased, veiled entity beyond her has mystified him.

"Heironeous," he prays, "Give me the strength to defeat my enemies."

His armour and sword both glow brilliantly, and he grows to four times his normal size. Paired with the arcane enhancements afforded him by Draco, he suddenly feels invulnerable, even in the face of such opposition.

He pauses to mentally review what Excalibur just said. "I suppose that means you'll not come willingly," he says, with a hint of sarcasm.

He assesses the bizarre wall of disembodied, anguished faces. Whatever foul magicks inhabit them, he is reasonably sure that he could withstand it.... but why take the risk?

Instead, Thaddeus flies upward, just above the top of the wall, and forward just until he is within range of the deformed reptile (10 feet away). He infuses his blade with the might of his missing god and brings it to bear against this unfortunate creature.

Strength (+9), BAB (+12), Size (-1), weapon enhancement (+2), Smite (+2), Power Attack (-4), High Ground (+1); damage 2d8 + 2 (weapon enhancement) + 9 (strength) + 8 (power attack) + smite (+6) (1d20+21=31, 2d8+25=37)

Map (keep in mind that I'm intending to be floating above the wall)

Edit: KM only
When something like this happens and you want it to be a hard battle, make reinforcements appear. Maybe some twisted magical creatures emerge from the pool; maybe the creature in the background wakes up early (I'm only guessing that it's going to wake up, but if it is, yo ucould always combine the battles), maybe more troops surge in from the back as though it were a trap. I pulled this a few times with you guys in the game I ran, you just never knew about it ;)
I was hoping Excalibur would be less of a pushover (losing an archer sucks too though). My solution in the future is to never make a character like her again.

EDIT: Also, if this makes the game end faster then it's probably for the best. I don't intend to have reinforcements.
((can I grab onto Thaddues as he flies up and jump off of him on the other side of the wall? I assume this will be my full round, but I'm not chancing walking through that thing with a 10 fort mod))

((also, dare devil charge is pretty ridiculous, makes even pounce look weak.))
((can I grab onto Thaddues as he flies up and jump off of him on the other side of the wall? I assume this will be my full round, but I'm not chancing walking through that thing with a 10 fort mod))
<Hm... I think techincally that would be a drag on Thaddeus' part except you're probably just grabbing his foot to be carried by him?>
<Hm... I think techincally that would be a drag on Thaddeus' part except you're probably just grabbing his foot to be carried by him?>

((The idea is that I am holding onto him without getting in the way of his movement or anything, beyond my weight(him being a large creature with a focus on str I doubt that'll be an issue for him through, assuming he even cares about being at medium or heavy encumbrance).))
((Up to 800 lbs is a Light load for me, and even if my equipment got heavier when I grew that still only puts me at maybe 200 lbs of encumbrance. I'm sitting pretty, so don't worry about my encumbrance))
<Okay, so I think I can rule that Draco would get a full turn if Thaddeus drags him, but Draco would still need to roll acrobatics for falling.>
((can I grab onto Thaddues as he flies up and jump off of him on the other side of the wall? I assume this will be my full round, but I'm not chancing walking through that thing with a 10 fort mod))

((also, dare devil charge is pretty ridiculous, makes even pounce look weak.))

((Yeah, it's a pretty great combat skill. The only big downside to it is that you take -5 on AC for a turn after using it))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry guys, I've been running around out of the house since Wednesday. Hope to have a write up tonight (Or if someone has a smart move for Dreadstone, Chloe, and Gnaw, I'd be willing to cede this round and try and jump on board the next.)))
((Well, it seems your cleric has at least 1 casting of dispel magic prepared, so you could try popping that on the roll and maybe make everyones life easier(i assume its dispel-able, but I have no idea what the caster level is on it, so it may be hard to get rid of, but even with the minus 2 levels from being a cohort, she still has the best caster level(mine doesn't even count really)).))
<Alright I'm going to bed, if somebody is looking at this and Mike M still hasn't posted, feel free to take dibs on taking Dreadstone and Chloe's turn and I can roll them out.>
((Not sure what feats Dreadstone has, but if he has something that lets him shoot at Excalibur's row of enemies without taking huge penalties, I'd say he should try and kill Drow Sorcerer A with Manyshot before he can cast any spells. Any remaining arrows could go to Sorceror B. If the penalty's too big (Let's say over -6 since a Sorcerer probably doesn't have the highest AC) he can shoot at the big lizard instead).

For Chloe, I'd agree with Deadphoenix and say she should try dispelling the wall. She should go before Dreadstone in case the wall would affect arrows. If the wall does get dispelled, Gnaw can move up and attack the Huge lizard, I'd say W11 so Draco can flank it next turn off a 5 foot step. If the wall's still up, Gnaw should probably just hold his position.

EDIT: I just realized he's invisible. In that case, if the wall gets dispelled and he can't target Sorcerer A because of the lizard's location, then he should probably spend the turn getting into a position where he can. AA7 would probably work

Edits on edits on edits: I just remembered Mike M actually proposed a turn earlier, so instead of throwing stuff out there, I'd rather just stick with what he said and burn the first turn of invisibility on Enemy Insight against the giant lizard monster and Quarry against Excalibur. Chloe should still probably try to dispell the wall though))
<Both Quarry and Enemy Insight are standard actions, unless I'm missing something that makes one of those swift.

BTW, I realized last night that I forgot to recalculate a CMD, and that Sorcerer you tripped is NOT tripped. I'm gonna see if I had the right idea on the DC of that fort save as well EDIT: Okay I did..>
((Yeah, that's true. Unless he has a feat or item that would let him cast enemy insight as a swift action, he'd be limited to one or the other. He might be better off firing off a Manyshot at one of the sorcerers in that case))
((Gnaw can move to W11 and attack the lizard. Also, I thought Dreadstone got more attacks than that. Though I admittedly don't know the ins and outs of his ranger setup. I'm just used to seeing other attacks after the Manyshot gets used.))
((Gnaw can move to W11 and attack the lizard. Also, I thought Dreadstone got more attacks than that. Though I admittedly don't know the ins and outs of his ranger setup. I'm just used to seeing other attacks after the Manyshot gets used.))

<I had to move Dreadstone to line him up with Sorcerer A, so I wasn't able to give him a full attack.>
((The charge itself wouldn't have incurred an AoO, but if he was in a position to output AoOs, he'd get to on the sunder and trip (or just the sunder if he doesn't have combat reflexes) ))
<Okay. You are still within reach so your Sunder invokes AoO. I'm gonna apply the attack and damage at the beginning of the enemy turn.
EDIT: Actually, you only take AoOs from the targets of your combat maneuvers apparently.>
((That thing is pretty big, not sure you can avoid an aoo if you ended you movement that close... although he should still be flat footed from the beginning of combat, so he probably can't aoo anyways))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80755]Conceal: 1D100 = [26] = 26
((Not sure if you're going 20 and under for blur, or 80 and over, though it doesn't matter here))
<Which is good, because I would've rage quit the battle for sure if the Blur succeeded. That Daredevil charge makes this first turn a nightmare.>
<This turn was very intensive to work out.

Dire Crystal Crocodile Attack : 1D20+18 = [16]+18 = 34 - It hits
Bite Damage_: 3D6+13 = [6, 1, 5]+13 = 25
Roll a Fortitude Save DC 23 - Failure you take 1d6 Dexterity damage
Grab after Bite _: 1D20+30 = [16]+30 = 46 - Tiberious is grappled
I don't know if I'm allowed to do a tail slap after the grab, but if so I will do one

Sorcerers A, B, and C cast Dispel Magic on Tiberious
Caster Level Check: 1D20+10 = [3]+10 = 13
1D20+10 = [17]+10 = 27
1D20+10 = [14]+10 = 24
- None of these dispel Tiberious' highest level buff (freaking Greater Magic Weapon +5)
Invisibility breaks for Sorcerer C
Drow Sorcerer D moves to cast Cone of Cold, which targets diagonally to avoid hitting the crocodile: Everyone except Gnaw and Tiberious should be in the cone, take 10d6 cold damage

Drow Archer B moves away but does nothing for now
Drow Archer A takes a 5 ft. step and begins firing at Tiberious
Drow Archer A Attack Rolls (Rapid Shot): 1D20+16 = [5]+16 = 21
1D20+16 = [20]+16 = 36 - CRIT
1D20+11 = [14]+11 = 25
- Concealment from Blur still applies
Drow Archer A Crit Confirm: 1D20+16 = [18]+16 = 34
Damage rolls (Manyshot, Crit, Last Attack): 2D8+10+4 = [2, 4]+10+4 = 20
2D8+10+8 = [4, 8]+10+8 = 30
1D8+5+4 = [5]+5+4 = 14
- Ignore damage of misses

Excalibur picks up her weapon, and activates its power to cast Magic Missile, targeting Tiberious: 5d4 + 5 damage

Updated Map>


Excalibur is surprised to see her blade immediately deflected from her just moments after the battle begins. Even after the crocodile is damaged, she orders, "Help me restrain this one! We'll deal with the Paladin momentarily!" It complies, immediately turning to easily envelop the already huge man into its mouth, allowing Excalibur a moment to recover her weapon, saying to him, "You're a child that has no place in war. You think only men are worthy and you treat lives like your own personal toy, and then have the audacity to call yourself good after belittling the lives of others for your own personal enjoyment." She lifts her sword and begins channeling its power, "There is no such thing as a man or woman in war, only soldiers. If you wish to be a soldier, then prepare to die like one!" She and a nearby archer begin firing at him with their respective projectiles.

Somehow, even though her words are targeted at Tiberious, the seething attack on his character inspires her allies to see the enemies as an obstacle to overcome, and they feel more ready to take them on somehow.
((Alright, damage accounted for. Also, did sorcerers C and D just teleport in?))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80801]Fortitude: 1D20 + 11 = [16]+11 = 27
The assault on Tiberious is brutal, seemingly undoing all the work he strove for to create a favorable start. Blood drips out of the giant crocodile's mouth. Still looking defiant, Tiberious raises his head up to look at Excalibur. Most of her scathing rebuke goes over his head, but her focus on being a man gets his attention. At first, he lashes out at her from his scaly confines. "Good? Of course we're the good guys here! The number of people that would have had to lie to us all up until now for us to not be isn't possible! Besides, what kind of good guy goes around attacking cities full of innocent people! You go to cities and help people, not set them on fire!" After his outburst, he looks at her, almost with pity.

"You really don't understand what it is to be a man, do you? You talk all kinds of shit at me, and you're not even starting at the right point! Just because you're a lady, does not mean you can't be a man! Man is a state of mind! A feeling in your heart! Anyone who dreams it and aspires to make the world a better place, can know what it is to be a man. You say I only consider men worthy? You're damn right, you and your cohorts will never be manly, and will be devoured by the dark pages of history. But enough talk! It would be easier to just show you what it is to be a man."

((I messed up on the damage rolls, since he's large it's supposed to be 2D6, not 1D8. Going to strike the D8 rolls and redo that))
Tiberious raises his free hand, still clenching the falcata, and drives it into the giant crocodile's head.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80802]Power Attack 1: 1D20 + 20 = [19]+20 = 39
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80803]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 20 = [3]+20 = 23
[s][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80804]Damage: 1D8 + 16 = [5]+16 = 21
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80805]Crit Damage: 1D8 + 16 = [6]+16 = 22
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80806]CritX3 Damage: 1D8 + 16 = [2]+16 = 18
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80813]damage: 2D6 + 16 = [6, 3]+16 = 25
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80814]Crit Damage: 2D6 + 16 = [3, 4]+16 = 23
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80815]CritX3 Damage: 2D6 + 16 = [5, 4]+16 = 25
"You still don't get it?! A man!"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80807]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 15 = [19]+15 = 34
[s][/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80808]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 15 = [7]+15 = 22
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80809]Damage: 1D8 + 16 = [8]+16 = 24
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80810]Crit Damage: 1D8 + 16 = [2]+16 = 18
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80811]CritX3 Damage: 1D20 + 16 = [8]+16 = 24
[/url][/s][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80818]Damage: 2D6 + 16 = [1, 5]+16 = 22
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80819]Crit Damage: 2D6 + 16 = [4, 3]+16 = 23
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80820]CritX3 Damage: 2D6 + 16 = [5, 4]+16 = 25
"Does. Not. Give in to the darkness!"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80812]Power Attack 3: 1D20 + 10 = [2]+10 = 12
((I have no idea whether or not either of those crits confirmed. Easier to just ignore the extra damage rolls than go in and add them later))
Reflex Save for Cone of Cold (1d20+7=10) ((Definite fail there))

While the blast of frigid air causes significant discomfort for Thaddeus, his woes pale in comparison to those of Tiberious, who appears to be in serious trouble.

"Berating others for acting childish?" he calls out, hoping to divert Excalbur's attention. "Perhaps when we've deposited you into proper custody, you'll have the opportunity to look in the mirror and realize the irony of such judgments. Now watch as I bring this abomination of yours to heel."

He unleashes an unyielding bevy of blows on the beast, empowered by his faith in Heironeous.

Power Attack for all four attacks, including the Haste one, which is at full BAB, and using all the same modifiers as my previous turn




Crit Confirm and Damage (1d20+11=12, 2d8+25=36)

As he swings the Sunsword tirelessly, he is able to channel additional holy energies to fully heal the frostbite brought on by the sorcerer's magicks.

Lay on Hands Self (7d6+14=32)

((Also I think grappling creatures get a -4 to Dex, unless this thing negates that somehow))

Edit: ((Hey Tiberious, I think you were successfully Grappled so I'm not sure you could've used the Falcata at all))
((I thought grappled people could attack at -2 on their rolls, just not 2-handed. I can edit to just trying to break the grapple if I'm wrong on that))
((Hmm, I just looked it up and it seems you're right, I'm sorry. Either they changed that from 3.5 or I just misunderstood 3.5 for a long time. That's good because this way we don't lose 2 crits))
((if dispel magic fails on the highest level magic effect, it keeps going down until it if hits the lowest level spell or fails at everything, so his potion effects are probably gone... unless they were all specifically aiming for greater magic weapon, then yeah the screwed themselves.
Also, when grappled you can still used one hand or light weapons.))

Reflex: (1d20+20=31)
Draco is able to avoid taking the full force of the cold, but it still hurts.

Seeing the damage this sorcerers can do, he targets the nearest one, takes a 5 foot step to get in range, then gets to work on him.

1st Studied Attack;Damage: (1d20+19+4+1+6=47, 1d6+4+7+6=18)
1st Crit confirm;extra Damage: (1d20+19+4+1+6=44, 1d6+4+7=17)

2nd Studied Attack;Damage: (1d20+14+4+1+6=38, 1d6+4+7+6=22)

((No worries, as crazy as grappling in 3.5 is, a lot of the stuff there is different than it is in Pathfinders. So there's a pretty good chance that's how it was there.))
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