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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Wincing as Alf prepares to kill their prisoner but doing nothing to stop him, Niko turns away until her hears a thump instead of a slicing sound. Turning back he looks down at the unconscious drow with a dark expression as they discuss his fate. "Alf is right, though. It's only by chance he is still alive. We cannot take him with us and leaving him here would be no great mercy. What choice do we have?"

Mike M

Nick N
"Either we leave him here and collect 'im on the return trip as a present for Dortumn, or we die in the attempt of completin' our mission. At which point he ceases to be our concern."


((I think it is three to two at this point. How long will he stay out anyway?))

"Do you have some elixir that would keep him without consciousness for longer?" Stricia asks Draco

Wanting to move on Stricia turns to the topic of the prison. "We are very close and have maintained the element of surprise by eliminating their guard. We should proceed on foot slowly while some of us scout ahead to survey the prison. We can decide what to do when we get a better idea of it.

"Perhaps Master Dreadstone and Alf would be best for this" she further suggests. They seem the best suited for the job and as a side benefit would get Alf far away from the drow.
"Drow is nothing like pup," Alf retorts to Stricia. "Pup will not kill us at first chance." To Draco, he doesn't even know how to reply, so he says nothing.

He considers Dreadstone's idea, and nods thoughtfully, grunting in assent.

It's not the ideal outcome, but it's acceptable enough to at least keep them out of danger for now. Arguing for anything more would not be worth the effort. He is absolutely certain, however, that when they return, the Drow will not be there waiting for them.

"I willing to scout, but maybe I ain't best at staying unseen. Specially since I cannot become wolf right now."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone seems satisfied that Alf won't be killing the captive Drow anytime soon. He also notices that the wild man's speech pattern has appropriated some of his own affectations. The ranger has never known much in the way of formal education that was not somehow applicable to military structure and theory, but he's cognizant of the fact that his grammar and annunciation would set stuffy grammarian type's hair on end. It's a bad habit to have, but Dreadstone is probably the last person to preach against it.

Besides, he just got done berating the kid over the treatment of military prisoners, to pivot into a lecture on sentence structure would be pedantic. Alf's only been a member of civilization for a few days now, there's a bit of a learning curve to these things.

As the others around him discuss how to proceed, Dreadstone takes the opportunity to study the Drow's goggles. Near as he can determine, they are simply darkened lenses. Don't Drow live underground? Stands to reason then they'd have a sensitivity to light. But also that they'd be able to see in the dark.

Dreadstone clenches his jaw. How many times has he relied on his ability to see in the darkness to secure an advantage over his adversary? An even match up would be one thing, but he was the only one among the agents of the throne to possess such an ability...

"I'll go," he announces. "Alone, preferably. I'm the quietest, hardest to see, and my eyes are mighty sharp. I can do a quick recon and we can move in from there. Can't wait too long, though. Don't reckon the cover of night will do us any favors."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko shrugs off the moral quandry, letting the others take the reigns to divert their course of action as they would see fit. As preparations are made to infiltrate the prison, he quickly briefs the others on how he might be able to help one or two of those who move forward to scout remain undetected.
Once a decision is made to eject the hazard, it becomes time to depart. Forrester is able to safely take everyone across the bridge, and it isn't more than an hour at a relaxed pace before the vessel has to approach carefully in the building's view. She opts to bring the wagon up onto an elevation, parking some distance away from where the hill begins to slope to become harder to see from lower and distant angles. From here on-foot reconnaissance is called for; the prison can be viewed while keeping low towards the summit.


Anybody using Darkvision will see that as the map hinted, the prison was built with the cliff-side acting as one of the sided barriers in mind. It is possible to walk around the surrounding portion of the cliff to oversee the establishment more closely, but even here it is apparent towards dark seeing creatures that there are figures overlooking from one of the walls and at the largest building; there is a tower erected in the center of the main building with a large opening at top, and within that opening it is just barely possible to see a person manning what seems to be a bell there.

Of the other two buildings separate from the main area, it can be surmised that one of the must be the barracks Uqualek talked about.


((Wait, wait, we left him wounded, unconscious, and tied up back at the bridge? Don't want to get stuck on this as we should be moving onto the prison but if the wagon is coming with us then I don't see any reason not to keep him with the wagon. Just really really well tied up and possibly drugged. Either way)).

Stricia peers over over the ridge at the encampment, trying to see as much as she possibly can from this distance. Looking for details like numbers of patrolling figures, how high the wall is and how easy to climb it might be from the outside, activity between the buildings and in the grounds.

Prison distance Perception check: 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16

"Bell tower. Main alarm. If we could disable we could maintain surprise." she says.
<I already vaguely described the number of men you see so far, which is the one patrolling the walls, one on the roof of the main building, and one at the bell. You can't see what's in the courtyard until you find a new place to look from but Uqalek already hinted that there are dogs around.

Also, I went ahead and took Dreadstone's suggestion to pick up the drow later but if you want to keep him around I can do that.>


((Yeah the nature and height of the walls then, just really wanting to see if climbing the thing is in any viable. Also where are the waterfall and river in relation to the prison>))
<The building is two stories tall so the building is probably 20 feet tall or so. Since the walls in my drawing appear to be roughly half-that, I'll make them 10 ft and the sub-buildings are probably 12 feet or so.

At this point the river and waterfall aren't too far away from a tourist standpoint, but they wouldn't be close enough to be exploitable in any relevant way unless you are rather creative.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko places a hand on his chin as he looks over the keep and the other more perceptive party members describes what they see. The sorcerer passes around his spyglass for Dreastone and the others to make use of as well. Pacing back and forth beside the wagon, he retrieves the scroll drawing of their target from his pack to look it over once more. "With luck, perhaps at least one of the prisoners will know where we can reach her." Rolling it back up, he places it back into his rucksack before turning to the others.

"The only thing we need to worry about is the guards. I have a levitation spell and packed rope, so getting at least one or two of us over the wall should be a snap if that is to be our method of entry."
<I think only surface and other modifiers only matter for the actual DC of Climb. The height of the wall just determines how many climb checks you would need to make to climb the whole thing.

Since the whole point of a prison wall is to prevent prisoners from getting out easily, I"m gonna use one of the higher DC surfaces like 30 for a "typical city wall" (I think the impossible DC for a perfectly smooth surface would be giving the builders too much credit.)>


((Alright, Stricia can jump that high though she'll have to use a point of ki to do so))

"I... believe.. yes, I would be able to scale that wall on my own power quickly. If the three we can see were distracted somehow then I believe I would be able to get in the grounds without detection."
<I just remembered, there would be a door up front (workers and guards have to get in-out) if anybody wants to try to lock pick it or break it open. You'll need to be up close to know more about the door itself though.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I had always intended to bring the captive in the wagon, sorry if I was never clear about that. Probably being inadvertently confusing since I was all about leaving the centaur behind. Oy.))

Dreadstone nods with Stricia's comment, concurring with her assessment. "Disablin' might be easier said than done," he mutters. "Might be I could snipe 'im from a distance, but I'd only get the one shot. Hmmmmm..."

At Niko's analysis, he could only chuckle. "Sayin' the guards are the only thing we have to worry 'bout is sellin' it a mite bit short. Still, that feller in the tower might not have cause to look up. If we can get a couple of our people on the roof of the tower, we may be able to take 'im out quiet like. I could get up to all sorts of dirty tricks with high ground like that."


Stricia looks around to see of any other good vantage points from which they could see inside the walls. ((Will we need stealth checks to stay undetected to get there or are we ok like we are here?))
((I was also under the impression that we were going to leave the guy tied to a tree or something. Alf would be very uncomfortable taking the guy along with us, and even moreso leaving him alone with the wagon-driver. I'll gloss over that though, to get on with the story))

As the full scope of the prison becomes apparent to him, for the first time Alf feels out of his element. The logistics required to pull this mission off are unfamiliar to him; taking on a bear - even an entire pack of bears - seemed like a stroll through the woods in comparison to this. He has absolutely no idea how they could breach the walls of this prison without being pelted to death by arrows, especially with his ability to shapeshift having been spent for the day.

That being said, he does spot an apparently-unmanned door, ripe for entry. A plan starts to form in his head, as he recalls an incident with a rival pack, early in his bid to establish dominance over the wolves of the forest. He had sent one of his more anonymous followers to infiltrate the rivals, and from there had caused enough trouble for them that Alf had easily been able to sweep in and conquer their alpha handily.

"Someone can be invisible and go through door. From inside, create distraction. Maybe.... Maybe set a fire? Cause explosion? Something to make Drow flee prison, so can be picked off by us."
"Not a bad idea Alf. I can make myself invisible, use my talents to unlock the door and create a diversion, then make a hasty retreat with a bit of magical aid. All while on the look out for alternate ways inside. Unfortunately, unless we are willing to wait, moving around in the dark might not work so well for me."

((Looking at my skill and formula lists, I just now realized how freaking good I am potentially at infiltration, even though that was never really my intent. Of course I'm half a rogue, so its kind of expected.))


((Between Nico and Draco, how many people can go invisible and how long can it last? Edit: removed dumb question))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((4 people can be made invisible but that means Niko will have no more 2nd level spells today. Also have 2 pass without trace potions which can work in-tandem with the invisibility.))


((Someone with darkvision should do some scouting to see what is in the courtyard as I just realized that Stricia can't see shit.

Question. Are we within 160 feet of the prison walls?))
((I currently have one invisibility extract prepared, but didn't bother to prepare any extracts of darkvision today(expected we'd ahve more time before this we got to this point...) plus a few other extracts tthat would be very useful here(spider climb would have been nice, Jump and cat's grace would probably be useful too). Though I do have Expeditious Retreat. very nice if i need a quick getaway.))


((160 feet is within Stricia's run range, so she could hang back and then run to the walls within 6 seconds if need be and then jump onto the ramparts with another move. If we're going the distraction route then she should be able to do that while everybody in the compound is looking elsewhere. Do we want to do that though? Announcing our presence to a prison full of drow when only one of us has darkvision?

In terms of getting in without opening the door we have Stricia's Jump (Stricia has 4 Ki left for the day I'm pretty sure) and Nico's levitate spell. Draco needs to get to the door to see if he can open it (prisons should be easier to get into than out of I think but it's still a prison door.

Maybe the best would be to open the door from the inside. First though I think Dreadstone should scout along the cliff to see what else is in the courtyard of the prison.

Question: How do we get down off the cliff to level where the prison is? Is there a path for that? I guess it's pretty visible to the bell tower and prison wall guard?

IF all of us go invisible then maybe we can all get in and then create a distraction OUTSIDE the prison somehow, causing everybody to run out and making it easier for us inside?))


((The cliff seems on a level with and pretty close to the bell tower. Perfect sniping spot for an invisible Dreadstone? Would he be able to pick off the bell tower guard from there and have a line of fire onto the rest of the compound as well?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Ideally, we want Dreadstone in that tower, but mechanically it would either involve me one shoting the guy stationed there, or we need to physically get up there and subdue him. Can levitating things move horizontally? I.e. can we levitate from the cliff to the top of the tower?))


((Seems like this is the problem: You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed).

There's no ceiling for Dreadstone to push against to propel forward.
<From how I read that you can't direct somebody to fly through the air as if you were using the Force, you can only lift them up like you were lifting them with a very constrained hook.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Wait I thought we were just talking about getting over the wall? The max is 20 feet at a time per move action, plus you would have to be right next to the tower to levitate up, which would mean Niko would have to be inside the prison for that to even be possible. I guess I misunderstood what you guys were planning. "Flying" was never an option, the most Niko can do is get people over the wall.))


((EDIT: Ninjaed by DM KM. I was thinking that maybe Dreadstone could set up a sniper spot on the cliff instead of the bell tower as it's way easier to get onto the cliff overlooking the prison rather than infiltrate the prison and then levitate to the tower while staying undetected.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((My bad everyone, for some reason I am not reading correctly today or something.))

Feeling Ozzy twitching uncomfortably in his cloak, Niko releases him to forage a bit. As the group continues to debate, he sighs before slapping his forehead in frustration. "Look, the more time we spend on this hill deciding what to do the more risk we take of being spotted." Stepping back he directs the group to a spot further away where the wagon and Ms. Forrester might hide out of sight.

Pointing to a patch of ground, an ethereal force draws a crude drawing in the dirt of the prison fort and several X's representing the party. "I've seen Draco move pretty swiftly in combat and no doubt he has some kind of concoction to aid in stealthy scouting. I'll cast invisibility on Dreadstone & Alf so they can go with him to try and neutralize the outside guards and open the gate."

Three marked X's begin to move forward in the dirt of their own accord, appearing inside the dirt box fort. "Meanwhile, I can create a distraction that should be loud enough to draw some attention outside the prison, allowing our three infiltrators a chance to get in without too much struggle. The wagon and Ms. F will stay out of sight."

Clearing his throat, the sorcerer concludes his plan. "Stricia can back me up if things get hairy and if needed I can levitate up the wall and we can both get over if all hell breaks loose. How does that sound?"
((Getting to the belltower unseen seems a little unrealistic, no matter how you slice it. Sniping the guy seems very unlikely because it's almost guaranteed to not kill him in one hit; flying/levitating over there isn't in the cards. The only outside possibility for that is to get an invisible guy inside, have him/her enter the building, and make his/her way all the way to the bell from the inside without being detected, but even then, the moment you attack the guy, he's ringing the bell.

That basically leaves us with three options. Either Draco goes in and creates some kind of distraction to let us slip in much easier (a fire probably wouldn't do the job since there are multiple buildings in the compound), or four of us go invisible and get in as far as we can before starting a battle on our terms (and leaving one of us plus the animal companions out of the equation), or we just go in with guns blazing and not care that they see us coming.

Resting for the night and doing this the next day opens up additional possibilities. Not only will Draco (I'm guessing) be able to brew up some very useful potions, like Spider Climb and such, but I would also be able to Wildshape into a form that could potentially let me get into the compound without being suspicious. Either a bird so I could just fly in, or if we could see what kind of dogs they have in there then I could just turn into one of those. Also, the Drow won't have any kind of visual advantage during the day, so we'd be on more equal footing.

The disadvantage of that plan is staying overnight in hostile territory, alongside a tied-up prisoner who is certainly a liability.

KM, can we see any dogs from our current position?))

((Edit: Ninja'd by Jackben! Also seems like a good plan.))

Alf nods. He is somewhat mesmerized by the magical moving X's in the dirt, but he's listening all the same. "I am ready."
<I'll just tell you OOCly (consider it a factor your characters had considered themselves) but the fact that he would leave a fresh trail (doubly so for this winter weather where there hasn't been much precipitation) would leave your captive trapped with you.>

EDIT: <You would need to move towards the back cliff and get closer to see into the courtyard. What you see in the picture is what you can see without moving.>


Stricia nods along with Nico's plans. "Lady and Gnaw will be with me and Nico and all of us can get to the door with speed if need be. Hopefully the door will be open before we are required. If we could see inside the courtyard before we go in that would be best, but I agree that time is of the essence. Alf could you calm the dogs inside the prison so they do not attack?"

((Only thing, other than cliff scouting I would suggest is maybe Dreadstone as a sniper on the cliff, but either way that's a minor thing if the main plan is to invisibly attempt to open the door from the outside.

Edit: Actually it might be ideal for Gnaw to stay back and keep watch over the prisoner. If he causes problems then it should be easy for Gnaw to take care of him.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm down for Gnaw staying behind. Makes IC sense, and rolling for two characters is a pain in combat. Heh.

Also worth mentioning, Dreadstone has rope and a grappling arrow, and whistling arrows I bought specifically to make a distraction. Probably wouldn't do much for large scale diversion, but might work in small groups.))

Dreadstone nods at Niko's plan. The kid's not just book smart, apparently. "Works for me," he says, in slinging his bow from his shoulder.
While waiting for Dreadstone and Draco to gather their equipment, Alf addresses Stricia's question.

"Maybe I can try to make peace with dogs, but I cannot control them. If they are loyal to their masters, ain't much I can do."

He then freezes, and frowns.

"They have dogs," he says, as though it's somehow new information that just dawned on him. "Dogs are probably trained to smell for intruders. We can only make two of us scentless, right? But three going in..."

He starts pacing in a small back-and-forth pattern. "Either we only send two in, or be ready to get detected by first dog we see."
<ThLunarian, can you make a naked d20 roll? This is an arbitrary luck roll and you will probably never find out what purpose it holds until I tell you after the fact. Also, you have a high chance this roll will be favorable.>


"If that is so... perhaps Alf and Draco are best suited to get to the door?" Stricia frowns at the complication.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Shrugging at Dreadstone as the sneak team prepares to move out, Niko admits the origin of inspiration for his tactics. "I read something similar in a drama, but since we don't have any wooden horses on hand I had to improvise." Wincing at the druid's discovery, the sorcerer addresses the oversight in agreement with Alf. "So we send two, unless anyone else has a way of masking their scent?"

Preparing to cast his spells Niko considers their tactics with just two going inside. "We could wait in the wings while the infiltrators sneak in, and then close it behind any forces who come out to investigate the noise." Sizing up whoever those are who decide to go in, he hands each a potion of pass without trace. "This will make you leave no trail and scentless for up to an hour. The invisibility will only last 5 minutes though, so make it count."

"Any suggestions on the distraction? I can create an image and a sound to accompany it."
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