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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<It would be hard to fully conceal the wagon since I consider the trees sparse during winter where leaves are barren and you're dealing with guys that have Darkvision. You would have needed to have a more specific idea on how you were going to hide it.

Also, this is after Dreadstone gets back.>
((Two guys and a dog? And they've already spotted the wagon? Yeah, as soon as I've finished my buffs as described below, I'm not even going to try being stealthy.

I intend to activate Totem Transformation to give myself low light vision and Scent, then activate Speak with Canines, then use Wild Empathy on the dog. Let me know how much of that I'll be able to accomplish before other things happen.

Stealth roll for the time it takes to do that stuff (1d20+2=16)
<BTW I decided to make the recent incident with Magic Missile a trait for Niko

Trait: I reference D&D jokes as in-character actions
Yes, you can use a bluff or arcane check to disguise your magic missile as a comet.​

<@ThLunarian: Give me a moment to rule that, I'll make a new post.>
<Normally you would be allowed to do all of that while hidden with one stealth check, but since this is potentially a time sensitive situation, I'm going to ask for a new stealth check for every one of those that's a standard (or full) action.

Also, just so it's clear, you guys wouldn't have been able to refresh your abilities just yet.>


((How far away are they from the wagon and the party?

I really don't think there's any hope of diplomacy here. Are we basically going to jump them?))
((The 16 will go toward activating Totem Transformation.

I only rolled a 4 total on my check for activating Speak with Canines, so I assume the jig is up, if it wasn't before.

My plan is to jump them, but only after attempting to get the dog to become friendly toward us))


((You too huh? It's weird but I actually feel *more* tired after a slow day then a moderately busy one))


((I assume these guys aren't wearing goggles. Should be susceptible to a flash of light of some sort.))
<They would be susceptible even with the goggles, the goggles are just sunglasses to make moving around in daytime less irritating. (gave that one for free)>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone barely dares to breathe. He stands in what would usually be plain sight, but thanks to Niko's invisibility remains unseen.

An arrow is between his fingers, but he dares not draw back lest the creaking of his bow draw attention. This is not the same situation as before, there's still hope that this might not end in more violence and more missing rebels drawing notice.

Gnaw watches Lady brazenly trot off and whines pensively, but is hushed at a whispered command from his invisible partner. "Stay, boy. A wolf in the woods ain't cause for note, but dogs are another matter." Gnaw looks plenty wolfish, but he can't risk that these men wouldn't know the difference.

Gnaw ceases whining and crawls off into the underbrush behind the wagon, staying as low and quiet as he can manage.

Gnaw Stealth Check:  1d20+11=24
In the panic of being spotted and their location being searched, numbers and advantage are hidden away from the approaching searchers, but the half-orc of the two moves around, pointing over to some lights flickering during the time Alf is casting Speak With Animals and orders, "Look! Spells are cast. We must tell others!"

Draco, Dreadstone, Gnaw, Stricia, and Niko all get a surprise action against the alerted search party.

<Assume one move action is all that's needed to get to them, even with the wagon taken into account.>


((How much does AC reduce when prone? I'm rolling initiative to see when I went in surprise round though I will probably miss anyway. Plus if you're going for the drow then KM are we fine to say we flanked and one of us gets the +2 to attack roll

Stricia initiative
Stricia initiative: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16

Stricia went first it would make sense for Draco to flank. Edit:removed poor grammar))
<Thanks for reminding me that prone affects AC (Grease doesn't explicitly state that the character is proned, just that they fall which I just searched to make sure falling does put in a prone position.) The greased drow would lose 4 AC from melee attacks but gain 4 against ranged attacks.

So yes, Draco can hit him. Applied damage.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Doing a wedding show, I'll roll as soon as I can. Just gonna rapid shot the half Orc for the favored enemy bonus))
<When you get back, mind explaining where you're getting an extra +1 to your attack rolls on your sheet from? It looks like it should be 1d20 + 8 without favored enemy or point blank shot. Not angry or anything, I just can't figure it out.>

Dreadstone Attack Rolls vs. Half-orc (+8 Base, -2 Rapid Shot, +1 Point Blank, +2 Favored Enemy) (1d20+8-2+1+2=23, 1d20+8-2+1+2=28) Both hit.
Damage rolls (1d8+3+2=7, 1d8+3+2=11)

<I'm gonna go ahead and consider that a kill. The half-orc is shot down. Gnaw still needs to do something. Tell me what it is and I'll roll. Oh, since you're not Aquaman and can't speak to animals with squirrel chatter, you'll have to just direct it with a trick.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Looks like the 9 is a typo. Crap, have I been doing that the whole time?

Gnaw will attack the Drow if it's possible to do so w/out getting into the grease, otherwise he'll Menace at the edge of the grease))
<You can't give highly specific commands like "stay at the edge of grease to take advantage of AoO" and other complex commands like that, sadly. I really shouldn't be letting ThLunarian do that either (but it's hard to think of a justification against Aquaman's powers of "dances with wolves in a way that grants full communication". I am tempted to bring out the nerf bat again.)

Luckily for Gnaw though, I already broke the rules of the game and let Stricia and Draco flank the Drow even though I don't believe there's a grease configuration that makes that possible (unless you can make it smaller), and even then it would be able to attack from the side anyway, so there's that.>

Gnaw attack roll and damage vs. Drow (1d20+4=16, 1d4+1=3) Hit, three damage


A successful ambush was made, resulting in the toppling and killing of them respectively within just a few seconds. The remaining living is now at their mercy, completely surrounded.

Snarling scowls scream at the group, teeth fanged and legs footing themselves, skipping with adjustment and eagerness to kill. Alf listens to the warnings and its words through the magical power he has,
On territory!! Strange things on territory!! Go away!! On territory!!
It constantly repeats its message but doesn't actually attack for whatever reason. Lady and Gnaw would instinctively feel as though they're being challenged by this dog.
((Oh I wasn't trying to bend the rules, sorry about that. I've just been operating under the assumption that we have complete control over our animal companions' actions. If that's not the case, then I can go back to the Tricks system, and I'll consciously limit my wolf-speaking to only times when I've actually activated Totem Transformation and am able to speak))

Alf sees the encroaching scouts in just barely enough time to get into a crouching position behind a scraggly bush. His senses are instinctively enhanced, and he uses his improved vision to study the unwelcome intruders.

Two humans - one Drow, the other somewhat unfamiliar -, and a dog. Certainly not a force to be feared, and it was imperative that none of the three escape in the direction of the prison. No reason for stealth here, but Alf saw it prudent to at least attempt to give the dog a chance, on the possibility that it's working for the humans against its will.

As he rises to speak, the unfamiliar human shouts to alert the drow of his presence, and Alf can only watch as his teammates spring into action, annihilating the Drow and leaving the strange one at their mercy. Only the dog remains.

Alf stands and looks directly at it with as stern expression as he can manage without being directly threatening. "Listen well, young one," he says, "Run. Cross the bridge and do not stop until your legs will carry you no further. Never return to these woods. This is your only chance."

Wild Empathy attempt on the dog (1d2+8=10) ((Womp womp womp))
<Ah, please do operate under the tricks system, as I think it better represents how animals act even if you can communicate them specific instructions, they wouldn't have the aptitude to follow them exactly.>

<Also, is that seriously a 1d2? Or did you typo? EDIT: Yeah, re-roll wild empathy because you accidentally rolled a d2 instead of d20.>
Alf manages to convince the dog to cease his aggression, but it doesn't perform his commands. It sort of circles around cautiously. The dog can possibly be avoided easily at this point.


((I think the orc is dead while the drow is alive.))

Stricia steps back and sighs wearily. It has been a very long day and she hopes there are no more complications as their situation is complicated enough as is. She shifts her gaze from the newly subdued drow to the yappy guard dog to the bound and senseless prisoner from their previous encounter.

"We can't keep collecting drow like this."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs as he fishes out another set of manacles. "This keeps up, we can just wait here and take 'em all out bit by bit..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Still bleary eyed from the midnight chaos, Niko is quite concerned at the addition of another prisoner. "Two drow is a very big risk to take if we expect to sleep after this. And I have to wonder if the prison is expecting someone to return before dawn." The sorcerer scratches his chin. "Maybe we should just do this thing now."
"I don't know what you're doing, but you won't succeed. Once they realize we haven't come back...," he trails off, letting them imagine for themselves.
((Just to clarify, which one is still alive? The orc or the drow?))

Alf flashes a wicked smile. "Good. Let them come. Easier to fight on our terms."

He addresses the party. "Think of how enemy feels. Suddenly they trapped in prison. Every time someone leave, they don't come back. Soon they start to be scared, paranoid. Just where we want them be. If we attack now, when at our weakest and in the middle of night when they have sight advantage, that is exactly what they want."

He grunts in thought. "Maybe this time hide wagon better. And here is another idea: Give corpses weapons and armor back, and have Lady and Gnaw bite on corpses a lot. Make wounds look to come from monster, or group of monsters. Make enemy even more afraid."
Alf, still wearing a somewhat evil grin, just shakes his head at the drow. "Be cocky while you still can, drow. Might not kill you before have wolves tear apart." From this point on, Alf ignores the drow entirely.
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