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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Yes, those dogs may be a problem. Perhaps tonight we should just scope the place out. I think me and Dread could just patrol around the perimeter and get a better idea of their defenses or possibly find alternate routes inside, so we can hopefully come up with a better idea then stumbling in invisibly and hope the dogs don't smell us."
Mystery D20 Roll (1d20=18)

Alf shakes his head at Stricia. "If only two, best to send Draco and Dreadstone. Stealth is not what I best at."

He considers Draco's suggestion. "Waiting for tomorrow may be good idea. Just need to remember that we have prisoner who could easy alert his friends if he wake up."


"If we are to wait then we should gag him and hood the drow. There are eight of us and we should be able to keep him under control. I wonder when their guards at the bridge will be relieved and if they will notice anything wrong?" Stricia says, unsure whether she should be relieve or disappointed by the possible reprieve.


"Are we decided? Then after scouting we should set watch schedule, Master Dreadstone should take the darkest part of the night. If Lady and Gnaw could use the drow as a pillow it would bring peace of mind." Stricia says, heading back to the wagon to gag and blindfold their prisoner after carefully pouring some water down his throat. She takes his wellbeing seriously if not his comfort.
((I mean on the side of the bridge that counts as Drow territory. Basically, directly in the path that any scouts would take to get there, as close to the bridge as possible.

Edit: it's probably a better plan to camp where we can see the bridge but are still relatively hidden, but it's too late for me to bring that up in character I guess))


((Yeah I tried to bring that up as well. Basically worried that someone from the prison would send another force to relieve the bridge guards and notice they're all dead))
<@ThLunarian: You can edit your post to what you would've rather said ICly, or just assume everybody took your OOC comment as IC strategy.

@Azih: Okay, I see what you mean now. I thought you were suggesting that they might have some kind of other defense on a bridge you've already crossed.>
<Just to make a correction to some information I presented on the prison site, due to some hard factual data I have, the prison walls should actually be 15 ft in relation to the size of the main building.>

Mike M

Nick N
((So are we agreed in camping for the night and making a go of it the next day when everyone's spells are restocked and optimized?))


((Yeah I think so, though we should scout the courtyard the current night before retreating. Dreadstone should be stealthy enough to get on the cliff and back without being spotted right? Especially with an invisibility potion? Also Stricia can't jump 15 feet vertical so she can't jump into the prison))


((Actually now that I think about it (or more accurately let google and other forums do the thinking for me) since Stricia is 6 feet tall then for a 10 foot wall shouldn't she just need to jump 4 feet right up, grab the edge and do a quick pull up? And for a 15 foot wall it would similarly be an 11 foot jump? I was calculating it as her jumping right onto the wall walkway in a single bound which though very fancy shouldn't be neccessary correct? If so then Stricia is good to jump in again for either a 10 foot or 15 foot wall. Would have to burn ki and have a bit of luck for the 15 foot though.))
<The height of the wall on my part has nothing to do with difficulty adjustment, and I quickly realized that 10 ft makes enough sense due to some inconsistencies in design.>


((But I'm correct in the logic of needing just a 4 foot jump for a 6 foot character to get over a standard 10 foot wall as long as they're strong enough to do a pull up right?))
<I am waiting on Draco and Niko to speak up on the whole camping thing. I really don't want to continue on until everybody is exactly on the same page.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko stares blankly at the others before waving a hand in agreement. "Sure, fine, whatever. Tonight one or two of you can scout things out and we'll return in the morning." Niko casts invisibility on whoever needs it, helps set up camp then goes to sleep.
As the evening grows into heavy moonlight, it is decided to make a camp overlooking the bridge instead of pressing recklessly into the perimeters, using the wagon as cover for the night and however else it is decided to improve their settlement. The draping of the homely vehicle can be detached at hinges of the frame in case it is desired to watch from the side without having to get out.

So far there isn't indication that the fortified enemies have noticed the condition of their outside comrades or taken action in response to the loss, but that can still change.
((Sorry, been easily distracted lately... getting into an mmo recently doesn't help either.))

Draco gets up early to prepare his formulas for the day. A couple cures for an emergency, detect secret doors to help them find alternate routes, expeditous retreat in case he needs to run, jump in case he needs to run and jump, invisibility for that stealthy element and spider climb because its fun! And could prove useful.
Alf feels much better knowing that he'll be at his best for the coming assault, but there's still a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that he's a little in over his head.

There were just too many unknowns. How many foes would they be facing? How skilled would they be? What sort of supplies and weapons would they have access to? It wasn't even a guarantee that they would be facing only Drow.

If time weren't of the essence, he would have greatly preferred to do some more scouting. During the journey out here, he'd spent much of his free time brainstorming about all sorts of animals he could try to mimic with his relatively new shapeshifting abilities, and birds had been one of his most recent ideas. The prospect of flying was exciting to him, and on top of that, it would be downright useful in ascertaining just what exactly was going on beyond the walls of that prison.

The limitations of his abilities would require the party to spend at least an extra day twiddling their thumbs, though, and there were men inside that needed to be rescued as soon as possible.

He would just have to deal with it.

After some lengthy tossing and turning, Alf finally drifts into a fitful sleep beside Lady, volunteering to take the last watch of the evening to bring them into morning.

Perception roll during last watch (if needed) (1d20+10=15)


Stricia breathes deeply using meditation techniques to calm down after a long day and to prepare for another long day tomorrow. She takes the first shift curious to see what Dreadstone and Draco are able to learn about the inside of the prison.

Editing in Perception check if required.
First watch perception : 1D20+11 = [10]+11 = 21

When it comes time to turn in she is glad to see Lady and Gnaw sleeping closely to the prisoner. She places her bedroll similarly close before finally closing her eyes.
<I'm not just looking for watch and perception, btw. I'm assuming you guys are going to go ahead and cast some spells/drink some potions/extracts to scout for the night and then rest up and refresh your spells, correct?>


((Might be getting ahead of myself here, but for the next day it seems like Alf can fly in, while Stricia can jump in. Dreadstone would probably be the best for spider climb so he can get to the bell tower, and I guess that leaves Nico and Draco to use levitate?

In terms of invisibility Jackben's plan still seems to be best with Draco and Dreadstone being invisible and using pass without Trace to infiltrate and then playing it by ear as to when Nico and Stricia need to charge in?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko casts magic missile at the darkness. Then he casts invisibility and mage armor on whoever is going to scout during the night. Then he goes to sleep after his watch so his spells are reset for the next day.
<Mike M must be getting some Mountain Dew. Also tempted to put all of the guards on alert just because they saw a magic missile flung randomly.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry, I've been playing Dark Souls all day since I'm home from work today.))

Since he's able to see in total darkness and has experience with these sorts of endeavors, it only makes sense that
Dreadstone take scouting duty.

Under the arcane aegis of Niko's invisibility spell, he carefully picks his way around the complex and climbs to the summit on the other side. Extending his telescoping spyglass with a practiced flick of the wrist, he peers down into the prison yard to see if he can't get a feel for manpower and fortifications.

Stealth check:  1d20+14=33
Perception check:  1d20+14=21

((Not sure what bonuses invisibility or the spyglass would provide to those rolls))
<No worries, Mike M. I was just using you to make a joke about Fighter and his not being at the table for some Mountain Dew.>

Luckily, although Dreadstone makes footprints in the snow, there is no possible way for the trail to be noticed at the distance and elevation he is at, rendering the problem moot.

The figure manning the bell seems to be carrying a spear, and seems to prefer to gaze towards the direction of the entrance and main road leading up to the prison as long as it allows him to lazily lean against the post. The bell itself has a rope hanging from it, which would allow easy operation.

The courtyard reveals a visual description of the dogs. As suspect, they are a domesticated, stocky attack dog for threatening intruders; however, it is questionable whether their intended purpose is put to full use. They seem to be allowed to wander aimlessly. In fact, two of them are mulling about near the side two buildings with the one on the opposite end of the entire facility.

Before the behavior of the individuals stationed on the roof and outer walls can be studied, surveillance presents something happening at the two quiet buildings. A group can be seen coming out of the building, although described as a dozen before seems closer to half of that, moving around to enter the adjacent companion building. Perception DC 25
The faint smell of fried cooking is barely apparent.
Among the guards and grouped individuals you see, there don't seem to be any humans active (given the time of night) but this time there are a minority of half-orcs among them.

Finally, from where Dreadstone is at, it is more apparent now that the end wall is built against the cliff, and that the distance from the top of the cliff to the wall isn't much more than the distance from the ground to the top of the wall. The cliff also has slight slopes in some parts.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone returns to the campsite and relays his findings to the rest of his teammates. "They got dogs, alright. Also some men that look like they've got some orcish in 'em," he says. "Can't say I mind that, I know a fair bit more 'bout fightin' them than Drow. Man in the tower's got his eyes on the entrance, but he's not equipped for a ranged fight. So at least we wouldn't need to worry about a sniper on the high ground."
((This is a little out of chronological order based on my last post, but here it goes))

Alf is elated when he hears Dreadstone's report. "Great! I can turn into the dog that looks like those in prison. Can slip in at same time as invisible Dreadstone and Draco. When time comes, will strike from within in surprise attack."


"If Master Dreadstone can get into the tower he could fire an arrow out to let us on the outside know that those on the inside are in position. I do not think our foes in the prison look up.

Is the cliff easy to get onto without alerting the guard? If so then it would be quickest if Nico and I descended from there. If not the safest way remains to run in from the hill and ascend over the wall."


((Don't think we decided that but right now it's near the bridge. In the morning we'll probably move it back to the hill we were at before and then start from there, leaving Gnaw, and possibly Lady, behind with the wagon, Forrester, and the prisoner.))
In very poor timing, Dreadstone's return is soon followed up with the arrival of a couple of figures, one of the orcish men and another drow man, both trouting spears. In addition one of the dogs is being carried over the shoulder by the bigger of the two.

Of course, they notice the poorly stationed wagon that they're pretty sure isn't supposed to be there once they arrive at the river bridge. Their little four legged scout is dropped off onto the ground and is given a grunt to sniff around as he pleases.

<Everyone roll stealth please (except for Dreadstone, who is invisible)>
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