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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Yes, good idea," Alf says to Stricia. "Wolves will stay behind with Forrester to watch the prisoners."

Before going to bed, Alf first washes himself as clean as he can by repeatedly conjuring water out of thin air to fall directly onto him - another neat trick that he hasn't had much use for until now -, and then attempts to bond with the dog that accompanied the scouts: not only to win it over to their side, but also in the hopes of getting its scent on him. If it ends up staying near the camp, he will sleep as close to it as it will allow him to.

((Edit: Lady's tricks aren't properly updated on her sheet right now because of my misunderstanding. I need to take care of that, but in the mean time, since we have a bit of time to spare, is it reasonable for me to do the Speaks with Canines thing and tell her, "Stay here. If the Drow do anything threatening, kill them"?))


((So are we back at the hill overlooking the prison after getting 6 hours of sleep in with 2 hours to go until sunrise?))
<That's where I intended the starting place to be, yes (when you get there is up to you). From there you could find whatever point of entry you deem fit, as long as you are actively avoiding being seen.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
All right with rest Niko manages to casts invisibility on Dreadstone, Alf, Draco and Stricia. "Make the most of it guys." He waits in seclusion with the wagon and the party's animals while watching over the prisoners.


((Hold off on Stricia for the moment Jackben. She's in reserve for now. I think Draco and Dreadstone will use the Pass without trace to be completely undetectable to infliltrate and Alf is going to be disguised as one of the dogs. There's no spiderclimb right?))

The bindings of the prisoners checked and re-checked, Stricia wishes Alf, Draco, and Dreadtsone good fortune as she crouches near the top of the hill ready to run in to help when required. She gives Lady a quick hug and finds herself absently petting Gnaw's head as she waits with Nico watching the others set out towards the prison.
Getting as much of the dog's scent on him as he can, and also getting a bit of Drow scent on him as well (no doubt to the protest of the prisoners), Alf then proceeds to transform himself into the same breed of dog that the scouts had with them. He waits alongside the invisible Draco ((and whoever else, if anyone, is coming)), ready to go inside when the time comes.

My understanding is that Draco is going to pick the lock on that side door, and that will be the point of entry. From there, Draco will try to find a way to free the prisoners while I scout around and look for the most vulnerable position from which to start an attack. I will wait either for Draco to spring an attack on someone near me, or for the prisoners to get freed.

If Draco can't free the prisoners, then I guess he will try to find me (hopefully he'll be able to pick me out), and we'll launch an assault, ready for backup from the others, wherever they decide to position themselves


bitch I'm taking calls.
Dreadstone should try to sneak up the bell tower and incapacitate the lookout.
((Sounds about right, though once i get past the entrance, i'll pop a vial of detect secret doors just in case. before hand though, i'll pop a vial of darkvision so i can see and spider climb(They both last a long time) just in case... While I'm at it i'll pop my mutagen as well. Guess I should roll Disable device... this is probably gonna be a case where taking 20 is not really an option.))

Disable Device + Insp.: (1d20+15+1d6=30)

((Wow... assuming this isn't an amazing lock, I think I just pulled it off.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Dreadstone going all Sam Fisher on the guy in the tower is badass, narratively speaking, but how feasible is it in actual game mechanics? He'd presumably get a surprise round, then need to beat the guy's initiative and kill him with the next turn.))
<I think you could've taken 10 and still got it on the lockpick check. I didn't make it a strong lock.

@Mike M: uhh... what are you wanting to do? I can't read spoiler blocks. EDIT: Oh, I think I see now.>


((Yeah seems like pathfinder isn't set up for videogame like sneak attack knockouts. Maybe you could push him off the tower? Would a shove from an invisible assailant be an auto success? Or at least be a very favorable cmb vs CMd check? It wouldn't be a kill but would stop the alarm for a bit.

Stricia will need a mage armor cast from Nico before festivities commence.))
<If you want to push or pull him off, I will rule it as a drag: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Drag - since you're invisible I won't require Improved Drag to avoid AoO

If you want to straight up kill him, I can give you a sneak attack damage bonus even without being a Rogue just for this particular moment.

Disabling the bell would be a Disable Device (you'd auto-win stealth due to invisibility even though you're right in front of him)>

The nefarious bell which is a source of potential problems seems to be a simple thing. It is a heavy ball tied to a rope from within, and it appears possible to untie the rope to detach it and keep the rope and metal weight.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone slips into the interior of the compound alongside his unseen companions, and makes a hunched run toward the bell tower, exercising care to make as little noise as possible while crossing the open ground. He may be invisible at the moment, but dogs have sharp ears and keen noses.

Stealth Check:  1d20+34=40
The guards continue to boredly continue their tasks of watching nothing of note happen through their augmented visions. The guy on the tower mulls about lazily, occasionally glancing towards the entrance. The archer on the outer wall is currently walking around the rightmost wall, and the other archer is sitting against the slope of the building's roof.

The dogs are currently asleep, and don't seem to be waking up anytime soon.

Mike M

Nick N
The tiefling manhunter cracks open the door to the tower just wide enough to allow passage of his lithe, tailed frame. Once inside, he releases a breath that he hadn't even been aware that he had been holding. The immediate danger had passed, but now the delicate task of disabling the enemy's ability to raise alarm.

Quietly--slowly, painfully quietly--Dreadstone ascends the wooden staircase of the bell tower. It's the plain, unadorned construction of a no-nonsense fortified position, and seems well maintained. No lose steps to squeak and give away his approach.

At the top of the tower, the spearman--who puts a spearman in your high ground position?--stares out over the prison yard, leaning on the haft of his weapon in boredom. Dreadstone could conceivably heave the man out the window to meet his end on the earth below. But there's no guarantee that no one would notice his fall.

Alternately, he could end him up here. Dreadstone would need to strike fast and true, lest his victim live long enough to strike the bell.

The bell...

Dreadstone pivots at the waist, not daring to move his feet and risk a sound unless absolutely necessary. Like the tower itself, the bell was functional and without frills, the clapper nothing more than a ball of metal suspended by a length of rope. Muting their alarm system would dramatically reduce his risk of engaging the watchman.

Reaching out invisible hands, Dreadstone sets about removing the clapper.

Disable Device:  1d20+12=30
That is good, because Dreadstone would discover that the tower doesn't have doors from the roof, or even get into the compound at all without it. He more than easily unwraps the rope which hangs from the bell, and does such a good job he actually makes it appear as though the bell can still be used, though he is free to take the rope and weight for... other ideas.

There is a staircase leading down.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko also casts mage armor on himself while keeping a close eye on the prisoners in the wagon.
Alf is currently 'patrolling' the outside portions of the prison, looking for weak points in security. He is specifically checking out who is stationed at the gate, how they're equipped, and how difficult it would be to open the gate.
<@ThLunarian: I was under the impression that Draco had already unlocked the front door (to clarify, the one installed into the outer wall in front of the main building). I forgot to determine any sort of perception for the guy on the roof to see the door swing open so I'll just rule that he didn't notice the door to the wall open.

But for Alf, since he's not invisible, I'll need you to roll stealth while walking around inside. If you fail or choose not to stealth (DC 13), roll a disguise check to see how well you've imitated their animals.>
((Oh, okay. I thought we were slipping in through a back door, and the main gate was in a different place. I understand now.

Alf would see no reason to try stealth, so we're just gonna go with a Disguise check. I get a +20 to disguise thanks to the way polymorph effects work, so hopefully that'll be enough to overcome my crappy charisma.

Disguise check for likeness to dogs (1d20+19=25)))
((Hmm... apparently it got errata'd. The core book all the way through the 4th printing had it as +20 and that seems to have been changed to a +10. So that's actually a 15 total.))
((Alf would assume that he looks exactly like a typical dog of that breed, and his whole plan was to just blend in. Seems weird that a simple perception check could see right through a polymorph spell, but... so it goes))
<Well, if you were wanting to be just any animal, that would be the case, but you're trying to imitate a specific breed and familiarity so I'll have to determine how successful you were at that.

Also, apparently the updated bonus to disguise checks when polymorphing are in conflict because one of the texts was copied straight from 3.5 while the new bonus was written fresh. I'm gonna go with the newer bonus of course.>
((Works for me. If someone notices that I look like a weird dog, hopefully that won't cause too much of a Red Alert-type of reaction, and if it does then I can try to use that as a distraction to give Draco time to get to the prisoners or something. Making it up as we go along: the way DnD was meant to be played!))
There appear to be two doors on the main building in symmetrical fashion, likely both intended to be entrances. A voice can be heard above, "Is this one of our surface beasts? It seems.. fluffier." Sure enough, a figure against the sky is overlooking the edge of the roof, keeping himself braced to keep from falling.
<It's been mentioned several times (to my knowledge) that he wanted to disguise as one of their dogs which invisibility kind of defeats the point of so I assume he's not.>


((Makes sense. Going back to hanging out with Nico and the dogs and the drow. Edit: And Ms.Forrester))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone maneuvers himself so the guard stands between him and the yawning abyss of the stairwell below. He thrusts his arms out in the hopes that he can catch the spearman unaware and shove him down the interior of the tower.

"Nothin' personal, friend."

((This is presuming that it can be done so that the guy won't strike the bell when he falls over the edge, I'm taking it as granted that the bell is above our position))

Drag check:  1d20+7=21
A mysterious grip forces the stationed person out of the tower with a scream of panic, dropping him onto the roof of the building below. After slamming his back for 12 damage, he writhes painfully. Soon the sihouette Alf encounters disappears, and runs to attend to the other. "You idiot! You were instructed to not lean against the railing like that!" Thankfully, they seem more confused than aware of what had just happened as the one helps the other, "We must get you to the barracks. You have been injured."
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