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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<I am assuming you guys will want to go in now? Draco can take 10 on the lock pick and succeed, Alf can slip in through the same door since guards are distracted, and Dreadstone can go down the stairs.>
Alf is actually going to stay outside to monitor the situation with the guards and such, but he will go around a corner or something, so that the guard won't see him if he looks over again. Also, he can't be certain that a dog would normally be found inside, so he'd rather not draw attention to himself.
Draco is able to get in and shut the door behind him (or let Alf in if the map changes his mind) without the Ogre noticing the door moving seemingly on its own.
Draco heads up the stairs, while searching for a way to open the cells and keeping as much distance between him and the ogre as possible. He suspects his object is going to be behind that door on the other side though and heads in that direction.
((Hmm... I thought about it, but my stealth is garbage so I'd almost certainly get spotted in there anyway. I think I'd just get in the way of Draco doing his thing, so I'll stick with my original plan and remain outside, listening for any sounds of trouble that might reach me outside.

That is some impressive work there, KM. You made the sprites yourself?))
<Yep. I also did the tiles and sprites of the Goblin encounter.>

A distant voice from one of the cells can be heard. Its arrogance boasts, "How does it feel to sit here with us, huh? Not such a hard-ass prick now!? What was it you called me the other day? Huh!?" Whatever is going on is interrupted by irritation, one of the ogres bursting, "Quiet or I step on you like warg's crap and wash off in river!!"

Upon further examination of the ogres, even they seem to have spears ready and seem to be the one carrying the keys on them. As for the cell doors, they appear to held in place by a brace, which in turn is forbidden removal by a bolt lock held in place which can also be picked and removed.

The door in the back is easily unlocked as the others, and it is possible to look inside while the ogre is turned away. It is dark, but the light from the outside reveals an abandoned war game table, the kind of which has miniatures placed upon crude map drawings and cards are drawn to determine random chance. Whoever was playing this game was pulled away while their White Mage Cardassian was healing the Highlander Muggle in their struggle to fight a high level priest of Ra in the fictional sun bathed setting of Egypt. It seems this would have been the room the keys would have been stored in as evidenced by a rack to hold the rings, but obviously the ogres have decided to carry them on them instead. Other items within the room are mostly miscellaneous supplies.

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm guessing I'm just looking at the roof then? Dreadstone will creep downstairs to see if he can find an exit from the tower and see what's on the other side.))
<Well, for the record the stairwell on the tower leads to the main prison room, with the cells and everything, which is why you have a token on the map.>
When Dreadstone finds his way down the stairwell, he soon comes to realize that it actually leads lower into the building than he had anticipated. Immediately in front of him is an ogre walking atop several cages, and he would be close enough to look inside once the ogre walks away from him on his patrol. There his darkvision shows him captives in the cages still alive, and are in a phase of quiet reconciliation as they speak a few lines to each other and just chuckle in light of their plight. The two he sees first are wearing unkempt red uniforms and are starting to grow hair where previously would have been a barren muzzle.
((why didn't i put one point in sleight of hand... oh well, plan B time I guess.))

Draco closes the door to this horrible room and returns to the entrance on the other side as quickly as possible. Once there, he cracks open the door and hoping Alf is still nearby and says(hopefully not loud enough for the ogres to hear) "I need a distraction. Preferably a loud one." He then shuts the door again and finds a nice hiding spot to wait in.

Stealth+Insp.: (1d20+9+1d6=27)
Although Alf has some reservations about causing a stir, he knows that now is not the time to be questioning anything. After waiting about thirty seconds to allow Draco some time to get into position, he jumps up on the door of the prison with his front legs and begins to paw at it, barking directly into the door urgently.

((Edit: Oh... I thought you meant Draco was unheard by the ogres. Was he also unheard by me? I guess I need some clarification there.

Edit 2: Thinking about it, I am pretty sure you meant he was unheard by me, so nevermind, I didn't do any of the stuff above))
<By "Draco is unheard" I mean that only Dreadstone had heard him, as intended.

Also, which cage are you opening? The same one Dreadstone looked into or just any one?>
One of the men looks up at the opening door and lightly taps his partner to look as well. They both get up, quietly asking among themselves what they should do.
((cable was out for a bit... didn't expect to be back online till monday. thankfully that didn't happen.))

Draco just continues to unlock the cells one by one, while try to avoid being noticed by the ogres.

((if taking ten will work great, otherwise just let me know what needs to be rolled.))
Draco begins freeing both ruby keep and criminal felons alike.

Naturally, the less military inclined and degenerates that he's letting loose are drawing attention to what is going on through their excitement and people begin climbing out.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone grits his teeth and clenches his jaw as the locks on the cells come undone by unseen forces. "Aw hells..." he mutters as he readies an arrow. He has a gut feeling things are about to go sideways at any moment.

He's extremely grateful to be invisible if he's about to be awash in a sea of loosed convicts.
Men of all kinds climb out of the open cages. Even if Draco decides to begin checking cages before unlocking them, it is too late. As expected of a good criminal, one of the dexterous swipes the keys while juking under his overwhelmed movements. "Jailbreak!" that man screams, tossing the keys over to others like it's a sport, and they start to unlock other cages.

The ruby keep soldiers that have been freed meanwhile, speak among themselves while climbing out, unable to see the invisible helpers, "We've gotta get those keys and free our comrades! Then get out of here!" Of course Draco can just unlock the cages for them.
((Let me know the moment I can detect any sort of commotion going on inside. Not in a position to be able to roll right now, but I have a +10 to perception if you want to do it for me KM))
The moment he hears things starting to happen inside the prison, Alf lets out a mighty howl as loud as he can. His intention is to notify Stricia and Niko that things are starting to go down.

After he howls, he starts looking around for a Drow to attack.
The ones on the roofs are inaccessible, which leaves the couple (let's make them human, just waking up) coming from the direction of the barracks to check out the eerily close and loud howling that had just happened.
<I'd rather free form it for now since the party is split and NPCs are doing a lot of stuff. If you want to do something cool, go ahead and do so.>
((just as keikaku... I swear. I mean, we needed a distraction to get the Ruby Keep guys out anyways... Totally what I was going for the whole time.))

Figuring he's created enough chaos for now, Draco hunts down the last couple of Ruby Keep guards and unlocks their cells. Once he releases the final one, he says, "I'm here to get you guys out of here, get the other guards and head towards the door."
As the last of the Keep soldiers climb out, one of them asks, "Who is it that's freeing us?" The other in that cage then says, "I think some of the old guards that were at this prison were captured and placed in the same cell as their imprisoned. We could hear them being used as punching bags for days!"
((Roger that))

The die has been cast. Heart racing and mind cold and calculating, Alf is ready to do what he does best: Conquer.

Wasting no time upon spotting the pair of guards, he decides to hold off on a full assault, opting to instead act like a good little guard dog. He makes sure the humans see him, and then runs toward the closed front gate, pawing at it and whimpering.

When the guards open the gate to check it out, he pounces them both from behind. He tears one throat cleanly out of a neck, and slashes the guts of the other one open with his claws before they even have a chance to scream.

He pushes the gate fully open now and howls again, this time in the direction of the wagon, to be certain they heard it.

Then it's back to drow-hunting.
Lady jumps off the wagon and begins dashing towards the howling she hears. The two drow in the wagon to this point have quietly stayed in place, lacking room to be rebellious.
"Name's Draco, but lets save proper introductions for later. Point me to the cells and I'll open them, then we should get out of here, quickly."
The one that gave Draco this information nods, "Alright I'll stay behind to point Draco to the cells," he then pats his partner on the back, "You go on ahead." He leads Draco over to the correct cage, the Ogre conveniently toppling over onto the lower floor thanks to several of the criminals jumping on it and making it grappled. Once unlocked, he'll help the guard out and asks to help keep the bad guy in.
Draco does all that, using his sword to keep the guy in if he must(and probably dismissing his invisibility in the process, if needed).


Only a few minutes have passed since Alf, Draco, and Dreadstone made their way inside but it seemed to Stricia like it has been much longer. So focused is she at trying to peer into the prison that she starts at the loud piercing howl that splits the night. Standing up from her crouch she is about to start heading towards the prison to help her comrades but seeing Lady streak past her there gives her pause. She quickly heads to the wagon and drags the two manacled and fettered drow out and tosses them without ceremony down the slope of the hill facing the prison. "I don't trust them" she explains to Nico. Gesturing at the prison she says "We want the guards in there to panic, I am sure that you can provide them with adequate reason" before sprinting towards it. ((Any buff would be appreciated Nico))

If she can see the archer on the outside wall she will aim her run (passing the two bound drow before they even stop rolling) to end up underneath him and then uses a point of Ki to jump up onto the wall next to him. ((Stricia's Base Acrobatic Jump skill will be 41 with the +20 from Ki Jump so should be fine to get up 10 feet without dice roll)). Ending up right next to the confused archer, who is looking inside the prison, not outside, she yanks him towards her with martial precision and uses his momentum to elbow him off the wall OUTSIDE the prison. ((Drag Combat manoeuver check Shove archer off wall: 1D20+8 = [17]+8 = 25
will provoke an AOO maybe.)) With barely a pause Stricia steps off the wall and with awesome control slides down the ten feet into the prison with as much ease as if she was taking the final step down a staircase ((Uses Slow fall to avoid any fall damage)).

Once inside she looks around to see what the hell is going on. ((Perception check Inside Prison Perception: 1D20+11 = [17]+11 = 28
. I better get these kinds of rolls to actually cause some damage.))
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