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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<I'll ignore AoO for now.>

Like a gift from the material plane's great moon, the hunt is made easy for Alf in his desire to seek a victim with the calling from its scream and creaking stumble into the snow. Already aware of danger, the injured archer slowly pulls himself up, trying to draw an arrow to protect himself.

With conviction, Stricia overcomes the wall with ease to no injury to her own. It does not take a sharp eye to notice the prison in panic and its captives breaking free whilst they wrangle with the ogres. She can also see ruby keep uniformed men scouring the perimeter, trying to avoid the conflict and just trying to get out.


She waves to the uniformed men. ((how many are there?)) "The front door is open. Watch out for a archer. Make your way to the hill close by. There is a wagon there that needs protection and two bound drow that need to be kept subdued." Before turning away she adds "Oh yes, stay away from the dog"


((hah, I don't think Gnaw will let them in the wagon anyways. It's a good place to rally though for now and should keep the prisoners in check))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Watching their two captives, the waylaid sorcerer repeats his question for the fourth time. "So...what number do you think I'm thinking of now?" Before the drow can groan or shake their blindfolded heads in disgust, they are unceremoniously ejected from the wagon at the sound of a haunting howl. As Lady and Stricia spring into action, Niko carefully retrieves a wand from his cloak.

"A tad bit anxious aren't we?" He casts Mage Armor upon Stricia before she dashes off. "Sounds as if they are already panicking. Be prepared to leave in haste, Ms. Forrester." Cracking his knuckles, Niko proceeds to weave an illusion.

Silent Image - A giant eagle appears to soar over the compound, its golden talons gleaming in the moonlight, before perching upon the top of the bell tower to stare menacingly down at the inhabitants below. As Niko moves closer to the compound to watch for who comes through, he casts Ghost Sound. When the giant eagle opens its beak, its fierce and shrill cry echoes through the night.
((Question to inform roleplaying: how are the numbers on each side looking, as far as Alf can tell? Is it actually feasible, in his eyes, that the prison can be taken? Or is it unclear at this point?))
<If you take the ballpark figure the centaur gave on how many he saw in the barracks and account for how many you've killed (a drow just fell onto the ground and is about to shoot you, btw), then the criminals inside the prison definitely outnumber that.

The real question is: What would you be willing to do to take the prison? *pencil taps the alignment field on your sheet*

I'll make a roleplaying post following Niko's soon enough, just lazing about before I start my day.>


((If the drow that is about to shoot is the one that Stricia pushed then I wanted him to end up outside the prison walls not inside))
A cry waves over the institution, inviting those that still weren't aware of the outbreak into arms. From the other buildings, the reserves, a collective featuring drow, half-orcs, and humans alike rush with weapons ready. Stricia and Alf are the only ones standing between them and the escaping Ruby Keep members, with Niko and Lady looking to arrive on scene.

By now Draco and Dreadstone's invisibility has worn off. Draco is able to help get the former guard away from the criminal tormentor that had sought irony. One of the criminals with the keys then slams the gate shut and locks it, trapping the fellow criminal inside, and says through missing teeth, "'Kept keeping me up at night. This'll teach 'em to keep hammerin' on."

<Stricia, Alf, Lady, Draco, Dreadstone, and Niko roll initiative, but only Stricia and Alf can get any attacks in this turn. EDIT: Went back to Draco and Dreadstone's recent actions and saw that they should probably roll initiative as well, unless Draco feels he would still be in the prison for whatever reason.>


((How many criminals are there that Stricia can see? And I assume the rebels would charge look like they are going to charge the soldiers and Alf and Stricia are in the way?))

Init 1d20+6=13
<Actually, it's Alf Stricia and Dreadstone, I had forgotten that Dreadstone was escorting the ruby keep men, and no, this is a straight up battle you're in.>


((Cool Stricia is ready to go then. Can you post the initiative order if the enemies so I know where to slot myself in?))
((Do I need to wait a turn or something? Well, w/e I'll throw up an attack anyways and I guess save it for later if needed.))

Attack;Damage: (1d20+9=26, 1d6+5=9)

Once out of the prison, Draco finds several Rebels between him and his allies, not to mention the wagon. Not seeing much choice, he decides the best option is to remove the obstacle in front of him...
<They count as one entity, when you attack, you're attacking the whole group at once, and I already told you that you are close enough to attack.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Initiative (1d20+7=14)

Spotting Stricia and Draco, Niko motions to both. "Perhaps an expeditious retreat is in order?" Unfortunately it appears some would stand in the way of such plans. A rowdy crowd of miscreants stands between him and the others. To them he shouts the following:

"Looks like the gears of rebellion have begun to turn! Shall I grease the wheels?"

In a startling act of never-before-seen sorcery, Niko casts Grease on field underneath or just in front of the enemy ((whichever can be feasibly reached)).


((Ah, I see, I think stun attacks are pointless right?))

Stricia steadies herself as she faces what seems like a mob of defenders intent on protecting their territory. She strikes out fists and feet flying at different targets seeking to put them all down as fast as possible.

((Flurry, ki point spent to make three attacks, all power attacks))

1d20+5=23, 1d8+6=7, 1d20+5=9, 1d8+6=13, 1d20+5=18, 1d8+6=7
<Just so we're clear...

Alf, Dreadstone and Stricia are considered close enough to come in and melee, because they are the first the group of rebels from the barracks came across.

If you tell your character to burst onto the scene and use a ranged attack or cast a spell (as long as the spell has range), then you can.

I have special rules for spells that apply conditions this battle because I'm considering a group of individuals as one enemy.

I repeat... I am treating this group as one enemy. Just keep hitting it until it dies.>
<You will need to make a move action to get up close, so you can only have a standard action attack this round, but in future rounds you can start using full attacks.>


((ok, will save the flurry for round 2 and for round 1 will move in and do a standard power attack as a stunning fist just to see what it does. Coyotecode seems like it might be dead btw.))

1d20+6=8, 1d8+6=12

((blaaargh at that attack roll))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone waves on the prisoners streaming out the cells towards the exit from the compound. "Move, move, move!" he barks. "Make a hole, punch on through!" He's not thrilled about the prospect of allowing criminals who actually belong here out along with the soldiers he's been sent to rescue, but omlettes and eggs and all that.

Besides, he may later be able to earn some coinage rounding them back up and locking them away again. But first he has to survive this.

As the prisoners--lawfully convicted and not--surge forward, Dreadstone nocks an arrow and scans the crowd of rebels before him. A motley collection of Drow, humans, and those of orcish descent, he targets those he knows the most about killing. Aiming for humans among the ranks, he lets off a pair of arrows into the group.

Attack 1 vs. Rebels:  1d20+8+4(Favored enemy: Humans)+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid shot)=30 (Missed critical by that much...)
Damage:  1d8+3+4(Favored enemy:  Humans)+1(Point Blank)=10

Attack 2 vs. Rebels:  1d20+8+4(Favored enemy: Humans)+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid shot)=23
Damage:  1d8+3+4(Favored enemy:  Humans)+1(Point Blank)=16
((If the rebels aren't within 30 feet, then -1 on attack and damage rolls))
The urgency of escape clearly doesn't interest the inhabitants inside, pent up desire to take opportunity leading to miracles as the number of criminals happen to number how many can fit in a prison, which makes more than enough force needed to cause of the Ogres to presently be dropped into one of the cages. An elf among the prisoners steps forward and calls out to Dreadstone, "Go on ahead!," and then raises his arms triumphantly, "We're taking over!" Wonderful news.
Alf Initiative (1d20+2=18)

Alf is now fully invested in the heat of the moment. His mind is exactly where it needs to be in order to see this assault through to the end, and he is more than prepared to take on the enemy that rapidly approaches.

Only dimly aware that his pack is now beside him (or near enough to it), Alf fearlessly charges headlong toward the enemy, fangs bared and ready to sink themselves into something.

Alf attack (incl. Charge), damage, and Trip in case it matters (1d20+12=32, 1d6+5=10, 1d20+8=28)

((holy crap...))

Crit Confirmation + Extra Damage if Crit Confirms (1d20+12=31, 1d6+5=9)

<Luckily, even though I never explicitly told you what kind of dog it was, it just happened to have 1d6 damage dice and trip so I will allow that.

Now... every time the enemy would have acted, they attack every character they can, and since for the first turn it is an entire group vs. 3 instead of the intended everyone, I am gonna have two attacks vs. Stricia, Alf, and Dreadstone... except that doing successful disabling maneuvers will save you from being damaged that turn, so Alf will only take one attack, and I'm gonna have to make Niko choose an attack to nullify.>

Attack vs. Alf (One Attack) (1d20+8=14, 1d8+6=9)

Attacks vs. Stricia (Two Attacks) (1d20+8=18, 1d8+6=11, 1d20+8=27, 1d8+6=10)

Attacks vs. Dreadstone (Two Attacks) (1d20+8=16, 1d8+6=7, 1d20+8=13, 1d8+6=13)

<Also, from now on after this battle, forgetting to roll initiative for Gnaw and Lady results in their initiative being zero.>


Because of the slow dwindling of numbers through various circumstances, what could have been a disaster is much more manageable as they are met head on with attacks that take out the majority of their halved numbers already. They manage to attack from all sides at first, but it is clearly one sided against their fortune.
<Oops. You are right, some of you already rolled for this turn, which is silly of me to miss because that actually wins the battle. I should make a writeup then.>
Once the final blow is dealt, there is no longer any need to hurry. The heroes and the hostages they rescue huddle around. With the remaining ruby keep uniform that had stayed behind to help with the guard that was imprisoned, comes a couple of other former prison workers, including the manager. Joy and excitement from victory overcomes the prisoners inside, and they seem to be more thankful of the heroes than wary, and even some of the ruby keep soldiers seem to nod them off politely, having experienced being fellow prison mates for that time.

The criminals just act human for how they can. A lot are gathering towards what turns out to be a mess hall beside the barracks, and a few have decided to take up the miniature game in the back room, picking up from where previous guards have left off. With that, Forrester arrives with her wagon to pick up her passengers, saying, "I'm sorry if I put myself in danger by coming, but I don't think I'm in any less danger sitting alone with these two!" Very much so, the two drow are still occupying the vehicle, and haven't done anything treacherous. "I came when I saw an eagle on the tower. I took a chance that was a signal."
<Also, using this thread to vent my life's troubles: Beholders live up to the hype. My Curse of the Azure Bonds save file just got Wiegraf'd because of a combination of my Orbonne Monnastery'ing my save files and being forced to face one.>
Once the group of Drows and Orcs in the immediate vicinity is dealt with, Alf sees a large swath of freed prisoners emerge from the prison. He realizes now that a decisive conquest is within their grasp; to expedite the process and minimize casualties, he returns to his human form and addresses the freedom-drunk escapees.

"Listen well!" he shouts out, "We will take prison, but if we are smart of it, we can lose as little men as we can!" Even in his excited state, he knows how poor that sounds, but he presses on. "Kill every Drow that..."

He pauses for only a half second, but in that time, many thoughts flow through his head.

These Drow weren't deer.

When you hunt deer, you think nothing of slaughtering an entire herd, because that's how you feed your pack. You track them down, you deal with the ones who put up a fight, and when the resistance is gone, you kill the rest and you eat. That was the way of things, and there was a certain naturalness to it.

On the other hand, conquering other wolves was different. There was opposition that needed to be defeated; sometimes it could be done without bloodshed, but occasionally there was no avoiding the fact that someone needed to die. When the resistance was over, though, you didn't slaughter the rest. You integrated the leftover wolves into your own pack.

These Drow might be slightly different than the other humans, but they were certainly not deer. Perhaps that had been what Dreadstone and Stricia had been getting at all along.

He starts his sentence anew. "If any Drow fights back, kill him. Those who surrender, DO NOT HARM. Put them in prisons, to deal later. You, you, and you! Take these men and enter barracks. Maybe can capture some while still without weapons. You and you, make sure prisons ready to be filled. You three, sweep perimeter outside walls for those who escape. Move quick and efficient, and watch backs of each others!"

Having said his piece, Alf doesn't even wait around to make sure they carry out his orders. He makes it a point to directly and personally participate in the conquest as much as possible, insisting on staying until the entire facility is secure.

((I like the extremely specific FF Tactics terminology. I had that exact problem on my very first playthrough of FFT. I was stuck there for at least a week, and must have gone through those battles literally 50 times before I finally lucked out and beat it. Not sure how I managed it; even now, when I optimize my FFT party as much as possible without going overboard with leveling, that Velius battle STILL gives me some trouble))
"I am known as Alf. I come from these woods. We are here to free you from the Drow. Listen to me or no, is your choice; but if you do, I am sure you will lose much fewer people. Happy hunting!"
<Yeah, though I think this scenario is near impossible at the levels my characters are at (and I need to be in town to promote them to the next level). Beholder has 0 AC vs. like 12 THAC0 sitting on 70-80 HP, is guarded by some minotaurs, resists every spell, and his Full Attack is ranged instant-death, ranged instant-petrification, and a disentigration beam. He sometimes casts Fear as well.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((thLunarian, I heard a cool bit on the radio over the weekend about how important wolves are the the ecosystem of forests. Really fascinated me because I had no idea how influential they were to the areas they roam.))

Niko rubs a sore spot on his temple where he was pummeled as things finally slow down. "I should have cast from the wall..." After he brushes his cloak off, he snaps his fingers which cause the perched eagle to dive-bomb the ground before disappearing into a shower of golden sparks upon impact. He walks up to the others to help usher the guard into the wagon and take care of any unfinished business in the prison before departing.

"Glad things turned out well. I bet we could have winged a similar victory without so much hand-wringing though." Looking around at the overjoyed criminals and the previously imprisoned having commandeered the keep, the sorcerer can only shrug. "I suppose when the drow took over the prison there were bound to be some unintended consequences. Now the prisoners run the prison." He winks slyly. "I guess the rebels had a different way of doing things, huh?"
The instructions given to them are quickly forgotten as the new owners of the prison go back to doing things their own way, which is to them is keeping people barking orders at a minimum.


Stricia looks around warily after bringing down one last stubborn half-orc with a well placed knee to her stomach. She is very disturbed to be in the midst of what are obviously celebrating criminals that she has apparently helped to free. Still to have achieved their objective without any loss of life on their side and only minor injuries was a worthy feat and the criminal rebellion played a large part in that success. Dreadstone, Draco, and Alf had done very well indeed.

Speaking of injuries.. Stricia chides herself as she examines a nasty gash on her upper ribs from a wild spear stab from the middle of the mob that they had just defeated. She should have been able to avoid the attack she thinks and puts her inability down to an encroaching weariness from the half day of tension book ended by chaotic combat that they had just gone through. Adopting a waving stance much looser than her usual one Stricia yanks a potion of cure light wounds from her belt, throws her head back, and with a fluid motion pops the cork with her thumb and brings the bottle up to her lips in conscious mimicry of her unwilling mentor, Jake.

The smooth move is ruined somewhat by a bit of the potion going up her nose instead of down her throat causing her to cough and sputter. Most of the healing liquid finds its mark though bringing much needed relief. "There must be a way to do this even faster" she mutters to herself flicking the empty bottle and trying to improve the way her wrist moves to make the motion as efficient as physically possible.

Heading towards their wagon Stricia bows to their driver. "I am glad to see you well Ms. Forrester. I think you did the right thing." She gives a cursory examination to their prisoners, they don't seem any worse off from being chucked off a hill except for some minor scratches and maybe being a little bit more docile from the ordeal. She assumes that their driver managed to lift them back into the wagon on her way to the prison.

While Alf, assisted by Lady, and completely ignored by the criminal element he was trying to corral, goes off to search for any remaining pockets of resistance Stricia addresses the rest of the companions and the Ruby Keep men. "We need to help Alf and Lady and as well find out as much as we can about the rebellion from here as we can before we return these soldiers to their rightful place. There must be some documents or orders that will help us with learning of their motivations and future acts."

Before heading off to search for both of these things ((Perception check: Perception Prison document and resistance check: 1D20+11 = [1]+11 = 12
Sticia... so.. tired...)) she asks the men "What happened to put you in this predicament? We heard of deserters?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Velius is cake. Just field Ramza with the Squire skill set in one of the slots and Move HP Up. Hang back and just walk back and forth using Accumulate on every turn, then walk up and OHKO the boss. FF job systems are so gloriously broken.))

Dreadstone dusts himself off, marveling at how he managed to escape taking even a scratch in the brief uprising of the prisoners. Rolling a pinch of tobacco into a small square of paper, he turns a keen eye on the unwashed faces of the freed prisoners, looking for familiar faces in the crowd. Plying most if his trade on the other side of the continent the way he does, the odds are small that he'd be responsible for the capture of anyone incarcerated here, but he hasn't lived as long as he has by getting complacent.

"We shouldn't be stickin' 'round longer than absolutely necessary," he advises. "We were sent to rescue the troops, not turn the whole prison loose. Won't be long until they start givin' thought to what sort of people would spring the soldier and what sort locked their sorry hides up in here in the first place. Could get nasty."
She gives a cursory examination to their prisoners, they don't seem any worse off from being chucked off a hill except for some minor scratches and maybe being a little bit more docile from the ordeal. She assumes that their driver managed to lift them back into the wagon on her way to the prison.
<Wait. When did this happen?>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Only a few minutes have passed since Alf, Draco, and Dreadstone made their way inside but it seemed to Stricia like it has been much longer. So focused is she at trying to peer into the prison that she starts at the loud piercing howl that splits the night. Standing up from her crouch she is about to start heading towards the prison to help her comrades but seeing Lady streak past her there gives her pause. She quickly heads to the wagon and drags the two manacled and fettered drow out and tosses them without ceremony down the slope of the hill facing the prison. "I don't trust them" she explains to Nico. Gesturing at the prison she says "We want the guards in there to panic, I am sure that you can provide them with adequate reason" before sprinting towards it. ((Any buff would be appreciated Nico))


((Turns out it wasn't needed anyway since they weren't going to do anything anyway I guess but Stricia figured that them trying to hop up the hill to start shit would be harder then them getting their hands free right in the wagon or something))
The only documents pertaining to the prison's activity and business are from a couple of months before, none of which detail any rebel activity. Asked to explain what happened, one of the Ruby Keep soldiers explains vividly, "The general pulled a fast one on us and put us in a bad spot. We were all young, but some of us still make some mistakes and now have childs, you know. Our own comrades which we trained with helped surround us, and we had no choice to surrender because we weren't going to agree to become scoundrels that will attack our woman and children's homes. The rest were more loyal to her than their own kingdom. She promised something about a glorious future if they helped the rebels with her."


"A glorious future? The true reason still eludes us I fear" Stricia muses. "We have learned all that we can I think. I concur with Master Dreadstone that we should make haste back, our mission is accomplished. I am willing to walk if there is not enough space for all of us and our two prisoners in our transport" ((Stricia is ready to go))
<I retconned my post and just had Forrester come because the eagle acted as a signal, so Niko's spells were good for something. The drow are still thrown out.>
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