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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


Stricia goes looking for the prisoners, hopefully finds them and carries the injured one, drags the mouthy one back to load in the wagon.
Forrester glances and notices one of their own darting off, and starts to usher everyone onto the wagon so they can catch up.

The two figures sit in the road. Bloodied eyes somehow give a chilling stare, saying, "I told the fool it would be a waste of time for him to go where the trees are, so here we stay."


bitch I'm taking calls.
<I retconned my post and just had Forrester come because the eagle acted as a signal, so Niko's spells were good for something. The drow are still thrown out.>
Once the prison is properly secured and there are no longer any Drow roaming free, Alf allows the prisoners to celebrate. He's never been one to join in the festivities with his charges, preferring to spend his post-conquest time in quiet reflection.

He has decided that he will not stay here with them. This prison will be a safehouse to him, and nothing more; he will leave it in the care of the most capable warrior in the group.

He returns to the wagon, ready to leave for the next destination.

((I know the prisoners likely haven't given Alf the time of day, but in his mind he sort of fancies himself as their leader and savior. Just wanted to let you know that I didn't misunderstand anything
To ThLunarian
wow way to steal Draco's thunder I am giving back his thunder, sorry

<For Draco: lord and savior of the imprisoned
Some strange man is taking credit for the freedom of the entire prison complex, but it is Draco they owe one, even if it was an accidental decision

Effect: 1d8 dice for inspiration rolls on disable device>​

Time passes the moment the wagon is overloaded thanks to the inclusion of unexpected passengers. There is a lot of idle chit chat during their trip back, mainly ideas on what everyone is gonna do when they return home, who they're returning to, and how happy they must be to see them back. Even the driver's seat has ruby keep soldiers occupying it with Forrester, and she seems to have a good time chatting it up with one of the younger men they just rescued. Eventually it is agreed for some to offer time walking outside of the wagon, since it is forced to become so sluggish anyhow.

The night of the inn is as expected, a round of drinks and careful watch over their dark skinned hostages. It's a true celebration of a harsh time passed.

Finally, at the inn which they had previously had trouble getting clearance to leave, it seems that business is less troublesome that day. The clerk gives a report, saying that the eastern inn has indeed been tampering with the schedule without consent and has been fired and has been given to authorities to interrogate. "Take this to your officer or whatever it is you report to. I'm sure he would know about this as much as you should. Oh, and take care not to break the stamp." Indeed, a wax stamp on the parchment to indicate an official document.


While not used to crowds and keeping to the edge of the group Stricia still finds herself enjoying the boisterous camaraderie of the freed soldiers as they make their way back to Emerald Bay. Much more of a listener than a talker she keeps to the edge of the large group and eavesdrops on the various and almost constant conversations that attend it on its journey. She even contributes when talk turns briefly to the prison they have left behind. "In Gozhou, there are many great bandit lords that ride out and conduct raids from large camps in hidden valleys or desolate wastelands. I myself ran afoul of one of these raids on a merchant caravan that I was traveling with. I fear we may have created a similar camp at the prison."

Stricia also asks the Ruby Keep soldiers of what their various faiths say about The Fall and also if they have heard of any entity called the MuunFae; very much aware of her original purpose as well as the mysterious prophecy that she was given in Emerald Bay.

At the inn Stricia gravely accepts the responsibility of delivering the letter back to Dortumn with a bow. "This will be done Master Clerk."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko engages with the soldiers enthusiastically, trading rations and jests for stories of their time in the army and their experiences just before being betrayed and locked up. Hearing about the prison break he laughs and joins the soldiers in their praise of Draco. "Stroke of brilliance to unleash them all onto the giants! I daresay I would not want to have to fight such a beast alone."

After sitting with the soldiers for hours, Niko feels pact like a sardine in a crowded fishmonger's stall. And the wagon doesn't smell much better, given that the soldiers haven't likely showered in weeks. Hopping out of the wagon he stretches his cramped legs by walking the rest of the way. "Some exercise for you as well?" He releases Ozzy to forage through the trees as they make their way to the inn.

Once they arrive Niko celebrates with the soldiers by playing cards. He's particularly interested in a new game they describe that apparently everyone in the capitol has been playing which involves cards of famed war heroes facing each other in battle. Despite the addictive quality of the game, the sorcerer manages to stifle his curiosity enough to sneak off from the group after a few rounds, having decided to catch an uncharacteristically early night's sleep. He passes out in his bed, happy to have some space to himself once more, with Ozzy curled up peacefully on his chest.

In the morning he levitates some eggs over a fire, watching them sizzle in mid-air as an invisible force tucks the yoke carefully into the egg. As his breakfast cooks, he muses at how his powers seem to have been increasing exponentially since he began this journey. He recognizes this but cannot determine if the cause be due to being placed in more interesting circumstances and living around decidedly magical individuals or due to some other unseen machination. He decides to bet on the former for the time being.

Mike M

Nick N
Not much one for company anyway, Dreadstone opts to be one of those that follow alongside the wagon on foot, Gnaw prowling a half pace behind him. If any of the former captives harbor ill will toward people like him (either as a tiefling or a perceived deserter), he doesn't pick up on it. There's none of the sideways glances or the unconscious postures and gestures of hostility and distrust.

Nothing but the sincere enthusiasm of freed men.

Still, Dreadstone keeps to the perimeter of the throng, making an outcast of himself on his own accord. He wouldn't have been able to say if this was his preference or a conditioned response to being surrounded by humans if anyone asked, but no one does.

His orbital transit eventually brings him alongside Stricia, her dark skin looking as pale as milk when compared alongside the walking shadow beside her. "I wouldn't worry too much 'bout the prison," he offers. "They're more likely to scatter than stick 'round. They ain't organized like a bandit group, they're a bunch of smaller gangs temporarily united by a common cause. They'll turn on one 'nother in due time. Sure, one of them might consolidate a bit of power, but the prison's a harsh mistress. It'll only protect them long as they can supply the manpower to guard it. They got a lot of wall to mind in that place..."

He falls silent for a time, contentedly smoking his pungent tobacco. As the conversation turns to The Fall, he offers his own account. "I'm not a man of faith," he begins quietly, "but I remember it well enough.

"Couldn't've been more than twelve, I reckon. Mid-afternoon, and it was dark as night out. Not a problem for me, 'course," he says, tapping his finger just to the side of the featureless silver orb that is his eye, "but the rest of the city went and holed themselves up in their homes and shuttered the windows. Like that'd ward 'gainst the end of the world.

"Not me, though. I made straight for the city wall. Climbed up to the very top, got a view clear out to the Wormwood. Well, maybe 'clear' is overstatin' it a bit, but I sure as hells saw... somethin' out there on the horizon. Not really the sorta thing a man can describe, you just had to be there to see it yourself, I suppose.

"I don't know much 'bout gods and such, but whatever it was I saw out there was more powerful than anythin' this world had ever seen. It still lost, though, to hear tell of it. Took a good number of the gods down with it too, if the clerical types are to be believed.

"But the sun still rose the next day. The world spins on. If all the gods are dead, we don't seem to be none the worse for wear 'cause of it. What do you 'spose that says 'bout the importance of gods?"
One man does give the tiefling a long look over and sideway glance. His curiosity expresses itself openly by asking, "Are you... hey, are you the Demon of the Keep? I never thought I would help be saved by Hell's Warden anytime in my life!"

In answering to Stricia's question, a shrug is given, "Can't have a faith when the gods died just before I was born. I can't say it was a good moment for my life, though. My father was a Paladin in his prime but when his god had died no longer had any incentive to control his drinking. He lost his immunity, became a pathetic piece of crap, and it took him years to get over it, which by then I no longer needed him."

Another gives his piece once that story is finished, "It's scary though... something was able to kill off the gods.. every single one! What if that thing appears again and the gods are no longer here to protect us?," another soldier tries to reassure, "Surely we'll all be dead by then! Enjoy the moment while it lasts."

He's particularly interested in a new game they describe that apparently everyone in the capitol has been playing which involves cards of famed war heroes facing each other in battle.
One of these heroes is Quintis Mallory, who as a card has been written with rules that inadvertently gives the card a great advantage to the player when used. The card is often described as "overpowered".
Alf also opts to walk alongside the wagon, keeping to himself. There's been more than enough excitement for one day, and he continues the pattern at the inn, purchasing a room for himself and holing up with Lady for the duration of the stay.

He'll respond cordially if spoken to, but otherwise he's in his own little world.
<I am gonna go ahead and move on while you guys are leveling up.>

In just a few afternoons of passing everyone is in Emerald Bay's engulf once more, enjoying payment and gratitude they received from the previous night. The city is much more casual and quiet in its activities with the tournament season finished and the concert absent, a mood perfect to ease the mind and body after travel.

Whatever may have been done last night one thing is certain and that is Jake is nowhere to be found should certain someones attempt to seek him. Talk of brave Ruby Keep soldiers breaking out of an enemy prison has become gossip already and without wanting to ask it can be overheard that they are taking to the taverns. But just as it would seem like a stroll in the city during the sun's watch, everyone can feel a message echo in their minds as clearly as spoken into the ear: We need to see you quickly. We have a serious problem. Go to the Academy. Niko would immediately know that it is a sending from the headmaster, and it is possible Draco would know it as a sending at all.

Once everyone has gathered and made it to the campus gate, a nondescript employee of the school recognizes their relevance and allows them into the building, and guides them to the room the headmaster is in. With a light spell cast, they are led through the corridor drowned in darkness, glowing with the soft white of the magic and taken into the room where secrecy is met. A much stronger light surges from the door, and inside are the Headmaster and Dortumn sitting in a room well lit with several magical light sources brought inside. Also seen is the Centaur secured in shackles, and some other wizards present. A crotchety voice from the uniformed Dwarf says, his tone deathly serious, "They're gone. Both of them; before we could magically probe their minds. And they took her." He slides a note that of which has Esprurar runes written. The headmaster gives a translation, "I am Adel, brother to the now passed Yunge. I will know your names soon enough, finders of truth. The pale elf is collateral for your lives, to be paid for his in full."

A fire simmers in Dortumn's face, nearly trembling with a self restraint that holds the boil within, "We have a kidnapped civilian and they know about your operation now. By the power granted by Ruby Keep's authority, you are now inducted into the military and you will take direct orders from me from now on until the girl is recovered. You've proven with the rescue at the prison that you can handle further tasks, and as part of the military you are justified putting yourselves in danger." He takes some documents and slams them onto the table, "These papers make it official. You are in war. You are licensed to kill or be killed." His eyes dart towards Dreadstone and he points, "Welcome back in the army. I want you to be team leader. From now on, you decide who lives and who dies. There will be no vote." He then looks to Alf and points, "You decided to call yerself Alf, right? Your code name is now 'Wolf'. I want the enemy and everyone else to take you seriously."

He takes a deep breath, "You will continue operating outside of Emerald Bay. We have plenty of men in the city that are searching from within, and I want any to-be assassins drawn away from the city. Do you have any questions before I brief you on your new objectives?"

<You have lost Forrester. You have also lost the handy haversack built into the wagon which contained the items within, so make sure you choose what items you would have wanted to sell. You were paid for 7,000 Gold each.>
((I went ahead and found the loot we got from the first battle. I guess we never looted anyone after that? At least not that I recall.))

When the party searches for loot, they will find from the two front line combatants that they were using the following among the both of them: A +2 Rapier, a +2 Buckler, a +1 Greataxe, and both were wearing Mithral Shirts.

((Assuming no one wants to keep any of that stuff, thats 2299gp and 5 sp each.))
<Yeah. The equipment the Drow had was either meant to be used by you guys or sold. It was the actual main battle of that arc so it had the most important loot.

I guess since we're reviewing what you found at the prison, I regret forgetting to mention that among the documents Stricia rummaged through would feature a lot of agricultural data from when the inmates were made to run the farms during the finer seasons, and since it's not a big deal that you guys didn't search these buildings, he barracks mostly had non-magical equipment and the mess hall had a back room filled with grains, rations, and tinned perishables.>
After about a day of post-combat solitude, Alf returns to his normal disposition. He spends the journey back to the city in high spirits, engaging the rescued soldiers in good natured conversation and getting to know his own companions better.

The sending takes him by surprise, but only slightly, having already experienced his fair share of more wondrous magicks. He decides to see what the sender has to say.

The lavish furnishings in the Headmaster's residence impress Alf; thus far in his time as a man, he has witnessed precious little in the ways of luxury.

He is much less impressed to see Dortumn.

Still, he hears the little man out, knowing that some of his pack mates may be interested in what he has to say. Another rescue, mission, from the sound of it; he had no idea who needed rescuing, but it wasn't of much relevance.

When Dortumn speaks of what amounts to forced conscription - tantamount to slavery, in Alf's eyes - he raises a skeptical eyebrow.

When Alf is addressed directly, he openly laughs in the dwarf's face.

"No man or beast will tell me who I am," he says, "And no man is or will be my master. I will go with pack mates, but your military is nothing to me. I will do as I please."


"A force that could kill even the gods.. and even it fell" Stricia is silent for a while after hearing Dreadstone and the soldiers speak. "The world is such a large and mysterious place I wonder sometimes what we small beings can even learn of it or accomplish within it. Thank you for your words, there is much to think about."

Stricia is glad to be back at Emerald Bay and a bit relieved to see the atmosphere of the place conforming far more to what she expected from a place of learning as compared to the chaotic revelry she had experienced her first time in the city.

Obeying the summons along with everyone else Stricia walks into the headmaster's room and is shocked by what she sees. Ignoring Dortumn's orders she walks across to room to the Centaur. "Are you alright Uqualek?" she checks to see if he's mistreated aside from being shackled and whirls angrily towards the dwarf. "I am no solider of yours! What is the meaning of this? You would imprison a messenger?"

((Character sheet updated in the usual place KM, and can we bump the spoils to 2300 gp just to make things even?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Eavesdropping on Stricia's discussion with the others, Niko chimes in after the rest have fallen silent. "The more I hear about The Fall the more I think of it like the dawn of a new age. Don't you see? It reset the scales of the cosmos! Now is the time to seize divine power for ourselves!"

As Emerald Bay peeks over the crest of the next hill, the sorcerer is reminded of a certain statue in the city. He looks down at the Hero-Stone playing card of Quintus Mallory he traded one of the soldiers for. "Damn this guy. If he was so great, how come no one knows what happened to him?" He tucks the card back into his pocket and rubs his temples with a painful look upon his face.

- - -
The sorcerer nods knowingly to the headmaster, having already made his acquaintance previously. After the briefing he requests an audience with the Headmaster alone.

Meeting Dortumn, Niko nods respectfully. "Stricia is right, however. The Centaur was a hired mercenary, we found no reason to believe he was directly working with the rebels. He does not deserve to be treated harshly." He frowns and paces about the chamber as he adds in his views to the mission summary relayed to the commanding dwarf. "Although I am glad to have rescued the soldiers, the mission itself turned up no answers, only more questions. We don't know who the Orphans are or why they are mostly Drow who have come above ground in force for the first time in recent memory. And why were they holding that prison? We also do not know why your agent betrayed the throne nor where she went or what her motives are!"

Once it is clear the prisoners have escaped and even that Ms. Forrester has been kidnapped, the sorcerer's mood darkens further. "Only now is it killed or be killed? Please. But if a piece of royal paper is all we need to live by the rules of the real world in the eyes of the military, so be it." Niko's eyes narrow as he stands very still, Ozzy shuddering nervously underneath his cloak. He coldly accepts the next mission with nod. "Whoever this incredible coward named Adel is...he's as good as dead if Ms.Forrester has been harmed."

- - -

Once Niko and the Headmaster have stepped aside to speak privately, he inquires after (KM)
Cassandra again
and to see if he knew of any other place where those talented in the magical arts might be trained. It is his hope that the group's travels might put them near such an institution or place of power so he might investigate his personal matters further.

"Headmaster I must also share a concern. My powers have also been growing quite rapidly of late, and I have required more and more mental conditioning to hone the wild elements into usable spells. I know not if it is due to my proximity to the talented and mysterious individuals I travel with or the adversities we continue to face and conquer."

HP Lvl.6 (1d6=4)

((OOC Questions:
Need help determining a level 3 spell choice: what does per level mean in the context of "Targets one creature/level" & "1 round / level" ? I'm assuming it's referring to caster level? Also does the AC bonus from Bracers of Armor stack with mage armor spell? Something tells me it doesn't...


((Braces of Armor does NOT stack with Mage Armor as they're the same AC bonus. That's why a guide I turned up on google recommended wands of mage armor until characters get rich enough to afford Bracers of Armor +5 and above. Wand way cheaper than the Bracers and more effective))
((Yes, pretty much every time it refer's to your level in a spell description, it means your caster level. And yeah, mage armor and bracers of armor are the same bonus, so they do not stack. Though mage armor does come with the bonus of working against incorporeal creatures and the like.))

"Calm down 'Wolf'. I'm not big on the idea of being drafted either, but Miss Forrester is in danger because of us and if this is what we must do to help her, then so be it. So, what is our next objective, boss?"
Dortumn isn't very impressed by Wolf's bravado, "Right now a girl just lost her own freedoms and isn't allowed to be who she wants or do what she wants, and the enemy knows who you are. You better damn well listen, Wolf, because these papers are from the regent himself; I'm not allowed to disagree. Besides, look at how official these documents are; the enemy already knows about you, so you might as well flaunt around military privilege in case another incident like what you described at the inn happens."

He answers to Niko, "It was life and death before, but now you're legally allowed to kill an enemy even if you've subdued them already. We would've let you do this before but I just want to make sure you know it will be harder to face consequences for it as a military operation. This coward named Adel should have already been dead. As for your questions, had Adel's escape not had happened, we would've had answers but we don't need answers to move on."

Turning to Stricia, he explains, "We had to keep him into custody until we knew more about him. Can't be too careful when it comes to anybody that gets on your good side too easily."

Adjusting his glasses with an index finger, the headmaster interjects, "We have already cast a variety of spells to receive an idea on his perspective. Unless he has an exceptional resistance to Divination spells, his story seems consistent."

Dortumn grunts, "'Probably didn't trust a horse not to run away with any valuable information. That still doesn't leave me with what to do with him."


Outside in the darkness for a brief moment, the headmaster crosses his arms, "Well.. we did find a Cassandra Aurelian in the files, but it appears she was only a student here for a couple of months because she didn't need Wizard training at all." He pauses slightly, to let the thought stick, "She was most likely classified as a Sorcerer, a man or woman who gets their arcane power either from the blood passed down from their ancestors, or from some other mysterious happenstance that grants a man this power, which often becomes the start of a new arcane bloodline. If you're showing signs of this natural power too, then you two must share a common heritage. As for your powers growing, they tend to surface as your body feels they are needed. You're being put into a rough situation, so your powers are adapting."

Shifting to another question to answer, he says, "Some cities may have schools that teach Wizardry on the side, and most temples these days are converted into schools to teach Divine magics, but it's unlikely a Sorcerer would need those. For that same reason, you'll be more likely to run into sorcerers when facing an enemy like the Orphans who does not have Emerald Bay's support in anyway, whatsoever."

what does per level mean in the context of "Targets one creature/level" & "1 round / level" ? I'm assuming it's referring to caster level?

<As for choice of spells, I was discussing this on IM the other day (in context of D&D computer games) and I was saying Sorcerers generally need spells that can still be used in the long term, because they have to build their own spell list, and do so slowly while a Wizard can afford to experiment with a larger variety since they can copy spells from scrolls to their spell book to gain new spells.>

<Also gonna wait on Dreadstone's reaction before I start briefing.>


Stricia is mollified by the explanation on the unlucky Centaur but her thoughts then instantly turn to their hapless driver. Holding her head in her hands she asks "How could this happen? We only just left yesterday left them in your custody!"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thanks for the tips guys))

Niko is grateful for the Headmaster's advice and thanks him earnestly. "I see. It makes sense why she wouldn't stay long in that case. And I will try harder to concentrate on my new energies. I am in your debt again, Headmaster." With the others he is prepared to move out as soon as they have been briefed.
<If I don't get a post from Dreadstone by the time I wake up from a nap I need to take, I'll have to move on and hope he puts a reaction to what had just happened and his new given role separate from the briefing. I can get RP from Niko and I'll put them in my posts, so no worries there.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Seriously, sorry for the absence guys. Work+home have been a bit nuts the past few days))

The corner of Dreadstone's eye twitches for a moment before it goes still. "Conscription is it then, Dortumn?" he whispers. "Or should I be sayin' 'sir?' Desperate times call for desparate measures..." There's an irony to the present situation, as being denied a command of his own was what drove Dreadstone away from the military in the first place.

And now that he's got it, he's not at all sure that he really wants it. But Forrester is in trouble, and she handled herself swimmingly during the prison affair. Dreadstone owes it to her to see her back safely.

A genuine grin breaks out across his face. "What we got ourselves here is a bonafide damsel in distress. Let's do what we can to see her back safely now."
A warm receptive grin smiles in exchange with the acceptance taken, "That's the spirit. I assure all of you, after this is all over it'll be as if you never existed in our ranks, and you'll continue to be paid until then, with an extended reward for the return of the civilian. With that said, we have zero hard leads. These rebels are out to embarrass us, and I admit they've done a terrific job last night. There was no way for the drow to escape, which is why somebody dug them out from our grasp." Uqualek hangs his head dejectedly, "I... saw a shadow and then I fell unconscious, like something knocked me out."

The officer continues, "Damsel, yes, but I'm thinking you are the ones in distress. Based on the message it's you he wants dead, and Ms. Forrester is bait. I'll be allowed to put our men you rescued to work and search around this city, and until we have some idea on her whereabouts, you'll be continuing on other missions...," and while sliding over some instructions mentions, "such as these."

1. Rosewood, a city on the west side of the river owned by the Keep is currently seeing riots and our soldiers stationed there are busy trying to keep the crowds under control. They haven't been secretive about their desire to support the rebel cause, making the city a prime center for possible rebel activity. Help cut off any potential ties with the rebels they may be attempting to make.

2. We received the note from the nearest inn on the discovery of route tampering along the roads. We think this may have been why bandits have had a much easier time jumping wagons as of late, and we also think this behavior would allow the enemy to travel the continent more easily. Find the nature of the route tampering.

3. Southport has caught a ship sneaking in illegal monsters in their cargo. We got the shipfarers to admit that they brought them from an island from the south. Look into this strange situation.​

"Those are your choices. I'm gonna give you until next morning to decide where you want to go, Dreadstone's final word of course, do any last minute shopping, and find out who is going to man the last wagon we can provide without getting in trouble." And on that final note, an eager voice speaks up, "I-I can do it, sir! I can help pull a cart." It's Uqalek offering his services.


Stricia's moment of despair turns to determination but she has a few choice words for Dortumn. "We brought a mere two prisoners in chains to a center of your military strength and the heart of your magical power who could have unravelled all your mysteries about the rebellion and its purpose and yet in less than a day under your custody, as your responsibility they disappeared without a trace while talking a blameless innocent as hostage? 'Embarrass' is far too light a word Master Dortumn." Turning to the wizards. "I am certain you will be doing your utmost to discover the means of their escape. It may lead to a clue as to where they escaped to."

Having said her piece a livid Stricia strides out to prepare. On her way out she presses the promised 25 gold into Uqalek's hand. "This would be a decision for the group, but I for one would be honoured to have you with us."

((Assuming 9300 as a combination of pay and spoils. Editing in shopping.

Alright Stricia will buy a headband of wisdom +2 and a glove of giant strength + 2 and a potion of cure moderate and a potion of bear endurance. 8600 before the 10% discount. I've been trying for an hour to get Yapcg to accept the custom glove on my character sheet. I can add the custom item no problem but it just doesn't appear as an equip able item where I expect. Any one got experience with this?))
Alf doesn't say much more during the actual briefing, choosing instead to just watch and listen. He has zero intention of actually following these ridiculous conscription protocols, but sees no need to actually make a fuss out of it unless there's a reason to.

Once the group has left the building, he voices his opinion. "I think we go to Southport. Ain't nothing interesting happening in other towns. I want to see what monsters there are." Left unsaid is the fact that Southport is the only locale mentioned by Dortumn into which Alf has never set foot. On balance, a change of scenery is always preferable than not.

((Did we get 7000 gold as payment somewhere? If so then I missed it, and I want to confirm before I keep it on my sheet. 2300 came from spoils, right Azih?

Also, I updated my character sheet, but Invisiblecastle is down, so I'll wait for it to go back up before rolling for HP.))


((post 1115, Dortumn paid up 7k each, 1116 DeadPhoenix calculated the loot. I requested it be rounded up :)

Uh also, what was Jackben banned for?))
((Got it. I ctrl F'd for 7000 and didn't think to add a comma. Thanks :) I need to consult the DM before making purchases, and then I'll edit my purchases into this post))
Southport is the only locale mentioned by Dortumn into which Alf has never set foot.
<so you actually visited Rosewood before? Interesting.>
Uh also, what was Jackben banned for?))
<I was never told, but I am assuming it was either for randomly advertising websites (DM HOUSE RULE: DON'T ADVERTISE WEBSITES), or getting caught in a mass ban that happened recently.>
<so you actually visited Rosewood before? Interesting.>

((Eh, maybe not. You said it was on the western side of the continent and I figure Alf has roamed all around there so it was feasible that he may have passed through in his travels. A little of that, and a little of taking liberties with backstory. If that gets retconned then no biggie))
<If you want to PM me what you think the town is like, I might incorporate some if it into the canonical representation.

Oh, and decimals are considered Silver/Copper pieces when dividing up gold, and if you still have remaining extra digits, you round down.>
Shaking his head, the aging dwarven voice becomes heavy, "You'll have to excuse my limited common then. In Dwarven, we have a saying that such failures blight their ancestors and their family name."

As Dortumn mentions a certain coastal city, the sorcerer's eyes alight. "I have wanted to visit Southport for some time. Many times I have thought what it would be like to take a ship to the far lands of the southern reach..." Shaking his head, Niko clears his throat before continuing.

"I think we should be quit of Emerald Bay as soon as possible. But in stead of Southport I would vote Rosewood." Quieting his voice a bit he steps aside to speak with the others for the rest of the discussion. "I'd like to get the people's view on things. If the Orphans have true cause to ignite rebellion remains to be seen but if they aim to create a weapon of the people, there must be operatives and information to be unveiled. And any real rebel presence there might lead us closer to retrieving Ms. Forrester. "

Checking his gear, Niko is ready to leave when the others are regardless of their destination. "I'll vouch for Uqalek manning the wagon. Oh and another point to consider is the Inn Dortumn has mentioned might be investigated on the way to our next destination, whichever it may be."


((Alright giving up for now on the gloves, asked a YAPCG yahoo group for help, but for now just stuck a belt of giant strength+2 on character sheet and updated it in usual place. I also threw in a potion of Barkskin in with shopping. Don't forget the 10% discount guys.))

Stricia nods at Dorutmn acknowledging that they understand each other before taking her leave.

With the group she adds her voice to Nico's "Monsters and Bandits can wait. We must focus on the Rebels. Rosewood is our best hope of finding Ms.Forrester soon, though it is a very slim one"
((So should my dex bonus come from a belt or gloves? I have it as a belt, but i could switch it to gloves i suppose. also i got a +1 Mithral shirt and a +1 Scimitar and now i'm down to 800 gp. i'll probably save up for i can buy 3rd level formulas later))
Footsteps leveraged by a cane hamper around the half-steed, overlooking the fearful creature, "So you want to pull the wagon, eh?" Looking with piercing eyes, he answers, "If you decide to work for us.." he pushes Stricia's hand away when she tries to give gold, "It is on my terms."

He then darts his gaze to Stricia, his voice with a sharp bite, "What are you thinking, trying to coin him!?" Once his rejection of her kindness has set upon her, giving cause to rebel, he starts to walk past her, and says, "That boy needs to be put on a proper salary. We'll pay him the same wage we were paying Forrester so that he won't want to go back to the piddling givings the enemy, but if we catch him breaking loose and pulling a stunt, he is on grounds for execution." Having thought of something, he turns once more and reveals, "We will work with the mages to scry you occasionally to check up on you for your safety and to see what is happening out there."


Footsteps leveraged by a cane hamper around the half-steed, overlooking the fearful creature, "So you want to pull the wagon, eh?" Looking with piercing eyes, he answers, "If you decide to work for us.." he pushes Stricia's hand away when she tries to give gold, "It is on my terms."

He then darts his gaze to Stricia, his voice with a sharp bite, "What are you thinking, trying to coin him!?" Once his rejection of her kindness has set upon her, giving cause to rebel, he starts to walk past her, and says, "That boy needs to be put on a proper salary. We'll pay him the same wage we were paying Forrester so that he won't want to go back to the piddling givings the enemy, but if we catch him breaking loose and pulling a stunt, he is on grounds for execution." Having thought of something, he turns once more and reveals, "We will work with the mages to scry you occasionally to check up on you for your safety and to see what is happening out there."

Calmly handing the coins back to the centaur Stricia replies. "This gold is for services already rendered. He and I had an agreement that predates your conscription and I will not break the terms of that contract. And with this payment the terms are fulfilled. If he wishes to enter your employ now then that is his choice as a free willed being."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone chuckles dryly. “Whole host of people out there want to see me dead, never let it stop me none,” he says, grinding the butt of his cigarette beneath the heel of his boot. As Dortumn slides the mission briefings across the title, he picks them up and leafs through them.

Rosewood. That’s a town he’s been to several times over the years, he knows it almost as well as he knows Ruby Keep itself. The town is a unique one, almost sort of colony city state within the borders of the kingdom itself. He tries to remember the story behind that one, but to the best of his recollection all he can recall was something about experimenting with alternative models of government and economy or something of that sort. Regardless, it’s the sort of town that attracts the fiercely independent sort, so it’s of no surprise that the spark of rebellion has found dry tinder to catch itself upon there.

Then there’s the matter of the carriage routes. A cold chill runs up Dreadstone’s spine as he looks at the intel. His military training screams that this has all the hallmarks of being a sustained and organized attempt to disrupt the supply lines of the military that stretch across the kingdom, not just to disguise the comings and goings of the rebel groups. Gods, he wonders to himself, this is not some nascent rebellion that they could still nip in the bud. This has been an ongoing situation for some time now, a rolling boil that was only just now starting to breach the surface. They were standing on the precipice of full out civil war.

The last mission seems almost out of place in its mendacity. Smuggling monsters into the kingdom was illegal, certainly, but if there was a connection to the rebellion, it was an obscure one. It wouldn’t be enough profit to fund an army, and it’s not enough monsters to augment an armed force to any significant degree. Could this be a false lead? Might it have nothing to do with the rebellion at all?

“We’ll talk again in the mornin’,” he informs Dortumn as he departs. “Suddenly I got a whole heapin’ helpin’ of trouble on my plate that I need some time to sort through.”


Outside and out of earshot of the dwarf, Dreadstone listens to the opinions of the others. Technically, he’s under no obligation to do even that much, but it seems easier to give them a voice rather than to try and impose military protocol on a gaggle of unwilling conscripts.

“Southport’s lowest priority on my list,” Dreadstone replies to Alf. “I don’t see anythin’ that even connects it to this rebellion goin’ on. If I were a career military man, I’d point out that the disruption of the supply routes ought to be the highest priority. Higher than even findin’ and rescuin’ Ms. Forrester.

“But I’m not a career man. I vote for Rosewood as well.”

((Gyah, no idea what I should shop for. I should probably be angling for some strength-boosting gear and a composite bow with bigger STR bonus…))
((if you don't want to bother with getting a new bow every time your str bonus changes, you can get a magic bow with the adaptive ability. The fact that it is a flat 1k gp cost is very nice for a magic weapon.))

((Also, can i roll knowledge checks for any of these places to get more info? and possibly on anything that might be related to our missions there(assuming it makes since for me to have heard that kind of information)?))
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