((Thinking about it more carefully, I don't think I'm going to buy that Belt of Intellect after all. Instead I'm going to cash in my Ring of Protection +1 and buy a Ring of Protection +2, if that's alright.))
When the others agree to take off in the morning, Alf wanders off to take care of some personal business. He has grown rather fond of the deflective properties of the ring that the old woman sold him when he first arrived in town, and now that he has the cash to burn, he decides to get it upgraded.
The shop at which he'd purchased the original ring was gone, having only been a merchant's stand in place for the festivities, so this time he has to go to a more permanent establishment. He finds one called 'Mallory's Magical Odds and Ends.'
An older woman (not quite
old, though) greets him as he enters. "Well well well," she says, in an... interesting tone of voice, "Aren't
you a fine specimen! Welcome to Mallory's Magical Odds and Ends. I am Dahlia, and it would be my
pleasure to serve you."
Alf had seen that look in the eyes of his old packmates occasionally, when they would come across a young fawn after going without food for a day or two. Now, it made him feel awkward.
"Yes, I....uh.... Need better magic ring," he says uncertainly. He twists off the one he's wearing and shows it to her.
"Oh my, you certainly do!" she says, frowning as she eyeballs it. "I can help you, dear, but first I need an idea of how much money you have to work with."
He lays out the sum total of his wealth on the table, and she inspects it carefully. "Yes, this will do nicely. And, as a matter of fact, I have something else I think you'd find rather useful. Wait one moment."
Without waiting for his reply, Dahlia scurries behind her counter and into the back of the store, and sounds of rummaging carry through to Alf's ears. Moments later, she returns with a ring and a necklace.
"This is the new and improved ring you asked for," she says, "And here I have what's known as an 'Amulet of Mighty Fists'. Now, you strike me as someone who prefers to use your hands, yes? Or perhaps your teeth."
She grins suggestively.
"I've been around the block, dearie. I know a shifter when I see one. Or, rather... smell one. This amulet will give a little more 'Oomph' to your punches. Or bites. Well worth the price tag, to be sure. So, what do you say?"
Lying in his bed in the middle of the night, Alf stares up at the full moon and listens to the crickets chirp. Lady is curled up next to his leg, providing that extra bit of warmth; for that, he is grateful.
He was feeling something unfamiliar again. The closest thing he could come up with was dissatisfaction, though that probably didn't quite cover it.
Surviving and reproducing had never been enough for Alf. From a very early age, he was motivated by a desire to lead, and to gain power. As a wolf, that had been enough.
Now, though, that wasn't cutting it. He felt like he needed something else, but he had no idea what it was.
That thought keeps him up for another half an hour before he finally drifts off to sleep.
((Ready to leave town))
HP for level 6: 1D8 = [6] = 6