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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Sure, I'll let you have adaptive.>
(Also, can i roll knowledge checks for any of these places to get more info? and possibly on anything that might be related to our missions there(assuming it makes since for me to have heard that kind of information)?))
<Hm. sure, just be sure to specify what it is you want to know in particular when you roll otherwise I can't think of a general description that would be very insightful.>

Seeing a conclusion on where to go drawn among the minds, and confirmation from his chosen leader, a nod is given, "To Rosewood it is." Turning, the jingling of keys is heard before one is chosen to remove the manacles placed on Uqalek, "Somebody take him to the arena. Curly will know what to do."

Gleefully, Uqalek cheerfully muses while rubbing his wrists, "I know I have to make up for the elven lady being captured. Taking you places might not be much but it's probably the best way I can help. I can defend myself too," he says, but his excited demeanor begins to dtop, "but It won't be much of a loss if I'm killed or captured, because of how badly I screwed up and how little I mean to the world." A mage then walks by, casting a spell that reduces his size so that he will fit through the door and is promptly escorted out. Once he is gone, Dortumn speaks once more, "You'll probably want to leave tonight, this evening. Should give the hobbit some time to rig the centaur to a new wagon." Hobbit, an unwritten synonym for halflings that has snuck into the language of common as half-creatures have become more common over the years, where halflings themselves are full blooded. The terms halfling and hobbit have been used interchangeably with little confusion. Dortumn resumes, "This will give some time to enjoy the city for a few more hours, though I urge you to be extra careful."

<The DM Flareon has spoken. Clerics of the Helix Fossil need not apply.>


((Stricia doesn't need to do anything. Lunarian, you could use the coyote code roller Ive been using for your hp if invisible castle doesn't come back.))
((Thinking about it more carefully, I don't think I'm going to buy that Belt of Intellect after all. Instead I'm going to cash in my Ring of Protection +1 and buy a Ring of Protection +2, if that's alright.))

When the others agree to take off in the morning, Alf wanders off to take care of some personal business. He has grown rather fond of the deflective properties of the ring that the old woman sold him when he first arrived in town, and now that he has the cash to burn, he decides to get it upgraded.

The shop at which he'd purchased the original ring was gone, having only been a merchant's stand in place for the festivities, so this time he has to go to a more permanent establishment. He finds one called 'Mallory's Magical Odds and Ends.'

An older woman (not quite old, though) greets him as he enters. "Well well well," she says, in an... interesting tone of voice, "Aren't you a fine specimen! Welcome to Mallory's Magical Odds and Ends. I am Dahlia, and it would be my pleasure to serve you."


Alf had seen that look in the eyes of his old packmates occasionally, when they would come across a young fawn after going without food for a day or two. Now, it made him feel awkward.

"Yes, I....uh.... Need better magic ring," he says uncertainly. He twists off the one he's wearing and shows it to her.

"Oh my, you certainly do!" she says, frowning as she eyeballs it. "I can help you, dear, but first I need an idea of how much money you have to work with."

He lays out the sum total of his wealth on the table, and she inspects it carefully. "Yes, this will do nicely. And, as a matter of fact, I have something else I think you'd find rather useful. Wait one moment."

Without waiting for his reply, Dahlia scurries behind her counter and into the back of the store, and sounds of rummaging carry through to Alf's ears. Moments later, she returns with a ring and a necklace.

"This is the new and improved ring you asked for," she says, "And here I have what's known as an 'Amulet of Mighty Fists'. Now, you strike me as someone who prefers to use your hands, yes? Or perhaps your teeth."

She grins suggestively.

"I've been around the block, dearie. I know a shifter when I see one. Or, rather... smell one. This amulet will give a little more 'Oomph' to your punches. Or bites. Well worth the price tag, to be sure. So, what do you say?"


Lying in his bed in the middle of the night, Alf stares up at the full moon and listens to the crickets chirp. Lady is curled up next to his leg, providing that extra bit of warmth; for that, he is grateful.

He was feeling something unfamiliar again. The closest thing he could come up with was dissatisfaction, though that probably didn't quite cover it.

Surviving and reproducing had never been enough for Alf. From a very early age, he was motivated by a desire to lead, and to gain power. As a wolf, that had been enough.

Now, though, that wasn't cutting it. He felt like he needed something else, but he had no idea what it was.

That thought keeps him up for another half an hour before he finally drifts off to sleep.

((Ready to leave town))

HP for level 6: 1D8 = [6] = 6
<Actually, it did occur to me that you won't be sleeping at the inn at night, you'll probably be having that scene in the wagon because it's leaving tonight.>
((Quintus would either be disappointed someone is using his name to sell trinkets, or that his... idk, daughter I guess, clearly takes after her mother.))

((Well, I guess since our leader has spoken, we are going to rosewood, so i'll just roll a knowledge local for that city.))

Knowledge Local: 1D20+9+ 1D6 => [ 17 ] +9+ [ 5 ] = 31

((Shit, must have lived there at some point or something.))
<... Well, somebody make a knowledge local or gather information on Mallory's Odds and Ends, I suppose. Or find somebody that would know. I can sort this out.>

Very familiar with the culture of the city, Draco would know that the city was built as a proxy for Ruby Keep trading and economic affairs towards the Western side of the continent though one wouldn't suspect this based on its very quaint and humble appearance, the people favoring cottages and keeping fresh flower gardens around their homes vivid. Their main exports are lumber and furs, their imports sea food from Southport, and they sustain themselves with their small farms in the city and fresh water from the river. He has probably heard of the mayor with the information he has, named Loinel Savis, who has kept his position for a long time and has practiced Ruby Keep's laws in that area.

The tension between the citizens and Ruby Keep is new to him, but based on what he knows it is understandable why.
((It's KM's call of course, but I meant for it to actually be Quintus's mother, hah. Remember that she always looked very young for her age :) ))
((Oh yeah, the name sounded familiar... I forgot though. Okay that makes more sense. Quintus is still probably disappointed, but for different reasons(that he has apparently be dealing with most his life.) But damn, she must be old now.))

((Also, here's a knowledge local check on that, for the lulz.))
Knowledge Local: 1D20+9+ 1D6 => [ 9 ] +9+ [ 5 ] = 23
<Yeah, this game takes place ten years after that one time we all went into the future, except this is 30 years after the 1985 we know of and not 30 years after alternate 1985.>

Draco is certainly good at doing his homework when it comes to keeping his investigative skills in check, even if it is simply learning about simple things about people or learning intricate details about their politics like he understands Rosewood. Granted, it doesn't take a master detective to have heard about this woman at some point, being that she is open to speak well of her son at every ear, and has been heard to still keep her wondrous artifact shop well kept even after her husband's death.

Wolf might or might not find himself confused when he hears that Dhalia Mallory is a sort of fiesty cougar type, based on the kind of gossip Draco picked up on. Perhaps this means that she has learned how to turn into an animal; after all, she did seem to know what kind of item would be best for his abilities. It would make cause for further investigation the next time he visits.


((Huh, this turned out to be longer than I expected. Hopefully I'm not stepping on anybody else's toes with my RPing))

Her first night back at Emerald Bay Stricia had inquired at the inn they had stayed at previously about the whereabouts of Jake hoping to observe his fighting style some more and maybe even spar again. She was surprised to find that nobody knew where he was and even more so at how little anyone seemed to care about his whereabouts. It seemed for all of his astounding abilities he was generally regarded as an annoying drunk and people were relieved to be free of the aggressive begging for coin that Jake used to fund his almost constant binge.

After the emergency summons though Stricia was in a very different mood. Her rigorous childhood training had made it a habit of hers to defer to authority and her rude and rough criticism of Dortumn had been incredibly uncharacteristic leaving her feeling out of sorts. Though the failure of his custody of the two drow prisoners was worthy of rebuke she wondered if her harsh tone wasn't more of an attempt to reject any blame for Ms.Forrester's kidnapping that might fall on her. After all, it was because of her that the rapier wielding drow, and now hostage taker, named Adel had been brought to Emerald Bay in the first place. Or maybe it was just worry for the friendly civilian driver that had caused her curt tongue.

Lost in her thoughts Stricia wanders forgetting that she had been trying to keep a low profile to draw off unwanted attention from being the recently crowned Champion of the tournament. Thankfully for her the raucous atmosphere of the fair had long since subsided and the student body no longer had time for revelry and were instead in a panicky obsession with their upcoming assignments and exams. She gets no more than a few curious glances and distracted smiles as she tries to clear her head.

Finally in her walk Stricia sees a magic shop which gives her some focus. She could not change the past, but she could prepare in the present for what needed to be done to rescue Ms.Forrester. She approaches the shop only for the door to open and a very preoccupied and uncomfortable Alf (Wolf?) brush by her with only a nod. Wondering about his discomfort Stricia enters the shop.

Inside she finds an elegant lady at the till who looks up. "Oh dear. This is turning out to be a very interesting day. And exam time is usually so dull." Coming out from behind the counter the shopkeeper approaches Stricia and twirls her about like she was inspecting a daughter headed out for a debutante ball. Confused by the motherly gesture Stirica doesn't object.

"And a celebrity no less! So strong, and balanced. Every inch a champion!" she says ending her inspection by staring up directly into Stiricia's eyes. "You could stand to smile more though dearie. No need to be offputting."

Feeling more than a little put out by how familiar the merchant was being Stricia backs up a half step "This shop is for magical augments yes, not a clothes store?"

"Oh please call me Dahlia, darling" the older woman laughs. "And why can't it be both? I mean you do cut a fine figure in your robes but hrm... it could do with some improvements." she ends with an appraising tone. "But never mind all that. What brings you to my humble establishment today?"

Stricia ponders the question and sighs. "I need to be faster than I am and more nimble. I need my blows to hit harder. I need to protect myself while remaining mobile and I need the strength and wisdom to do what must be done."

"Enough, enough!" Dahlia holds her hands up in mock surrender. "All of this can be done dear, but it is limited by budget."

Learning of how much Stricia has to spend and inspecting what she has already Dahlia taps her finger on her lips and hmms. "Strength and Wisdom you said? Yes I think I have some things that will help a Monk like you." The mistress of the store briskly removes a pair of gloves from a mannequin in a back corner and lifts a headband from a mummified head right next to it.

"Strength and wisdom at a discount price. You can't do better than that. I would have suggested a certain amulet I sold to the fine young manimal that was in before you but you have one already. Ahh.. he is the wolf you defeated did you not? to win your title? And to come in one right after the other?" Dahlia smiles deviously and arches her eyebrows suggestively. "Did that Alpha Wolf find he enjoyed your punches and kicks? Is there something I should know about you two? Hmmm?"

With an expression very similar to Alf's Stricia drops the coins she owes and flees.
Stopping by a potion shop Stricia picks up a couple from a thankfully much less friendly shopkeeper and finds herself near the library where she had first learned of the Fall. Seeking some solitude she walks in to find it far more packed than the last time she had been in there. Still the students left her alone and amidst the atmosphere of stale sweat and stress she manages to find an isolated writing desk.

Though there is almost no chance of finding anyone who would be heading to the isolated and insular continent she had come from and none that any traveller would be heading near the monastary she had grown up Stricia still felt the need to pen down her thoughts and her findings in a letter.

Calligraphy had never been her strong suit but she did find the act of writing calming. Preparing her ink she beings:

All sources of knowledge here, common, military, academic, and mystic agree that the reason for The Change is that the deities of this plane died in a great event known here as 'The Fall' centered in a forest known as the Wormwood. The only survivor is the god known in Alydar as 'Oldimara' which I believe to be The Monkey King. This would fit what we have experienced in Gozhou though it would not be due to them retreating or occluding themselves from the material plane as had been thought.

There are many differences here though on what caused this calamity. The academics here currently hold a theory that the gods engaged in a divine competition of might which almost none survived. Though The Monkey King, to my mind, would delight in tricking his compatriots into destroying themselves, this account is disputed by a mystic source I encountered that instead pins the blame on an outsider invasion more powerful than even the gods. Confusingly the mystic further claimed that this threat was finally ended, not by the sacrifice of the gods, but by mortals. The mystical source is corroborated by an eyewitness who claims to have seen an ungoldy powerful force over The Wormwood at the time of The Event. The past remains mysterious and hidden from my sight. I continue my search for the truth.

((Ready to go))

Mike M

Nick N
((Gonna buy that bow with the Adaptability. Wish I'd known about that from the start, but I am forever a neophyte : /

That's the only purchase for now, gonna save up for the next level of STR boosting gear and hope I don't regret not upping my armor enhancement.))

Dreadstone stifles an urge to slap the recalcitrant centaur across the face, and instead settles for waving a finger beneath the demihuman's nose. "You can wallow in your self-pity on your own time. Ain't nobody who ever made good on their redemption by sittin' around belly-achin' about what a waste of flesh they were."

Leaving the centaur to his own introspection, Dreadstone turns tail and heads out into the evening of Emerald Bay. The crowds from the tournament have vanished, leaving ample room for the tiefling to maneuver through the streets without people needing to make a show of getting out of his way to allow him to pass. Gnaw follows dutifully at his heels, his canine head snapping back and forth to assess the darkened alleys for hidden danger as they pass, unaware that his humanoid partner can see into the shadows as well as they were lit by the noon sun.

He pauses outside one of the multitude of shops offering magical wares, and glances at a wooden mannequin outfitted in finery. Each piece has a small card affixed to it proclaiming in neat caligraphy how they have been enchanted to enhance the natural abilities of those who wear them. Dreadstone holds his own hands up in front of him and flexes his fingers as he considers his gloves. They, too, have been similarly enhanced, but they are far from top of the line. Not that he could afford top of the line, even with the discount currently being offered. But the time might come when he would possess such wondrous gloves. It'd be a shame not to be able to take advantage of additional strength...

The bell rings as Dreadstone enters the shop, followed by his half-feral dog. The shop keeper looks up in alarm as the hooded man in black stalks toward the counter. "I'm s-s-sorry, sir, we're c-c-closing in a minute," he manages to stammer.

Dreadstone slaps down his bow and a purse of coins that spills a cascade of gold upon the laquered wood of the counter. "I was wonderin' if you couldn't fix this up a bit for me..."


Back at the inn, Dreadstone reads and rereads the mission briefings that Dortumn has provided, commiting as much of it as possible to memory. His bow looks no different than before (and indeed, at this moment still functions as it did before), but now a particularly usefull enchantment lays upon it for future use.

Just in case.

((My RPing has really taken a hit lately. Work has gone from nuts to batshit crazy lately...))
<The game is probably gonna have to be put on hold because I might have to make some changes. I may even retcon some stuff because I might have been too hard on everyone. If a ruling I made or something story-line wise was disagreeable for you, now is the time to PM me about it.>

So what to expect from here on out:

- Easy encounters

- Less nerfing, which will halfway result in the above

I think I finally nailed making more difficult encounters but I think it'll be harder to do so now without seeming like I hate you guys coupled with the fact that the story itself hasn't been kind to you as of late.>
The sound of the brief rattling jingle muffled by its own weight does win the meek shopkeeper's attention. Fearful of the creature before him, a more agreeable answer is decided, hands pulling the hood at the neck tighter somewhat protectively, "Y-ye-es. We do.. have a m-minute. Several minutes if you desire."

Once informed of the adjustment asked for, the hooded man behind the counter calls for his assistant to bring his tools. Stepping forth while pulling off his night cap is someone that can be described as a walking pillar, heavy set with working man's arm muscle from years of refinement from repetitive motion.. while still carrying the smoothed features of an elf and hair pulled back. Looking down at what he considers a little devilish thing that is made even more dark by the shadow he casts far, the over-sized strong-elf crosses his arms and with a deep, quagmire voice states, "I will perform the adjustment to your bow. Have a seat until it is done."
Niko holds onto most of his gold, a plan beginning to form in his mind for later on. His only shopping is simply restocking on two pass without trace potions as well as several drinks and a home cooked meal at the inn. "Travel rations get old after a while. Why I can't intuit a 'conjure fish and chips' spell is beyond my understanding..." He tucks into his meal with relish before leaving a generous tip.

The rest of the time before the mission is underway the sorcerer spends keeping a low profile outside the city walls, watching Ozzy forage for nuts and berries. "You're a military conscripted weasel now, Oz. Maybe I should stitch you a tiny beret." The weasel simply looks up at him with puzzlement.
((Oh, what the hell, I'll throw in a shopping story as well.))

Draco stands alone in a dark alley humming to himself, waiting... and waiting... "Damn it, what's taking so long, I'm only half-elf, my patient has its limits." Suddenly a voice comes from the shadows, "Oh, I'm sorry, but some of us have classes to attend and can't just stand around in dark allies all day." and out steps a young man, dressed much like many of the other magically inclined students of Emerald bay.

Cutting to the chase Draco asks, "Finally, did you bring the stuff." With a chuckle, he replies, "Of course! But why did you come to me for this stuff? You can get this stuff anywhere, even mithral isn't that hard to come by." The investigator takes out his sword and swaps it for the shiny new one, and swings it around carefully, "For one, this is more interesting and much more personal then walking into store and grabbing some stuff off of a shelf. And how could I live with out our witty repartee?" The student looks over the and once places it in a safe place, "Well, for one you'd probably save yourself a lot of time, and if you want personal, Miss Mallory is the women to see... uncomfortably personal, but maybe you're into that kind of thing." For a split a second Draco's mood visibly changes, but he quickly regains his composure before saying "I uhh... got banned. She came on a bit strong, things got a little heated, no good came of it." then puts on a smile that says 'no more questions'.

Now packing up his things and putting away his money, the back alley merchant says, "Whatever you say... I certainly won't complain about getting a new customer." then leaves. Not long after Draco leaves as well. For a while he wanders aimlessly, lost in thought until he receives a message from thin air, "Finally, something to do!" he exclaims and makes haste for the meeting place.
<Because I always come up with a solution after I make a huge statement, you guys might be able to expect more difficult battles after all (or at least I will try to). I might have a way to compensate for whatever I feel is OP without having to nerf someone or build a battle designed just to counter it, and if it turns out to not work very well then it might be grounds for a house rule change.

This means, if somebody is much stronger than the rest of the party, then my new approach potentially affects all of you. I personally don't like that but it might be better than targeting a single character to the point where it causes personal problems.

I've decided to hold off on progressing the story for now, but I hope we can continue soonish. Here are some RP suggestions until then, and we will invoke the cosmic powers at work to stop time and ignore the time limit I gave via Dortumn's suggestion.

The Piano Bar, obv.

You are now very popular in the city, which can lead to a number of interactions with random citizens. You could also do something at the training area. I might also throw in the Bard telling tales if there is an opening. You can also visit the arena to see Uqualek.

I am personally terrified of the thought of what must have happened that caused you to get on Mrs. Mallory's bad side and outright banning. The Piano Bar w/ Dreadstone might be an option.

You have several options. You'll be allowed to explore the magic school some more now, as long as it's not during classes. I can also give you one more chance to catch the songstress before she departs, just to have closure on that curiosity.

You could attempt to understand some custom or kind of person that is strange to you, or interact with stray animals on the streets.
Actually, he made that up as I decided right then that Maria was related to Quintus and thus, Dahlia and he doesn't want to see her because... idk, I didn't actually think that all the way through. Probably afraid it will remind him of her or something. Maybe afraid she will blame him for the lost of his grand daughter? She probably wouldn't, if she even knows who she is, but that doesn't mean he doesn't think that. I should really work out these details more...
As the evening approaches, Alf finds that he is not in the mood for a hunt. Hunger is a beast that must be sated, however, so he ventures to the inn that the party has previously patronized.

He orders a turkey leg, a biscuit, and a corn on the cob from the bar. Turning toward the dining area with his plate, he finds Stricia quietly eating her supper alone. He decides to sit across from her, not even thinking to ask whether he's welcome to join her. He nods in acknowledgment to her, and then digs into his meal.

A few minutes pass before he puts down the leg and looks at her. It's fairly obvious that he's a little uncomfortable. "Stricia," he says awkwardly, "You know much of fighting, so maybe you know much in other things too. I need advice."

He is silent for a moment, clearly trying to figure out the right way to piece together the words he needs. "I.... uh... Why is it that you live?"

He frowns and looks away, still thinking. "I mean... you eat and sleep like all. You have mission now, to find knowledge of what happens to gods. But more than that, is there a goal... a goal of life? Or is it just live, eat, sleep, and do missions?"

He considers saying more, but keeps quiet to give her a chance to answer.


Expecting to eat alone Stricia is a bit surprised to see Lone Wolf join her but still smiles at the shifter warmly. She notes the biscuit and the corn on his plate, items that she's pretty sure aren't regular appearances on a wolf's menu but doesn't comment on it.

His question surprises her though and she is silent for a bit. "I have always wondered what kind of lives animals live, whether their inner lives are really simpler than those of what we call 'intelligent' races." She looks up at Alf's worried face. "And I think now that they are. I think you are becoming far more like us humans and elves and teiflings, where before you were like Lady, Gnaw, and Ozzie. It must be difficult.

"Life, can be simple I think" she continues "Look around you, they are many here in this inn who are more than happy doing what you have described. They eat and sleep and earn a living, they spend time with their family and friends and their diversions. Watch their children grow and eventually look forward to having grandchildren to play with. Good lives, maybe some are playful like Ozzie, or dedicated like Lady, or given to anger like Gnaw, but they are mostly satisfied with where they are and where they are going."

Stricia looks away. "But that is not true for all. There is a desire to achieve that is stronger in some than in others. I think the only difference between animals and us is that our drives can go in far more directions. And not only is it harder to understand what it is us that compels us but they can even conflict with each other forcing us to choose between them."

Looking at Alf she says seriously. "To know yourself is a very hard thing Alf but it is something that you must strive to do."

Breaking into a grin she reaches over to slap Alf on the back "You have been a human for only a few months and you are already grappling with questions that we spend our entire lives trying to answer. You have time Alf, and you are a hunter, you will find what it is you seek. I am sure of it"

She sits back. "I do not know how helpful I have been." she sighs. "My own journey towards enlightenment has barely begun I fear."
A strum of string chimes once those words are finished, followed by the gentle voice offering wisdom, "To live is to defend, to invade is for death. Protecting the planes is the destiny of all creatures.. sometimes even protecting their home plane from itself." A brilliant hat is tilted to welcome light onto the face underneath, as the bard lounges over a nearby couch at the inn. His eyes glean over, his words giving declaration, "This still holds true even beyond The Fall. We have inherited the material plane and it is ours."
Alf is stunned; it seems that Stricia is far wiser than he had even imagined. She managed to discern his reason for asking her immediately, and had offered some very sage advice on the side.

She hadn't answered the question, though. Was it intentional? Did she not want to share? Or maybe she had simply gotten caught up in her parable and forgotten that a question had been asked.


Was it possible that not even Stricia, as wise as she seemed, knew what her own purpose was? He hoped not; if so, how difficult would it be for him to find his?

He sees the bard, and remembers how interested Stricia had been in what he had to say the last time he'd shown his face. Still, Alf has to get in one last question to her before her attention is diverted.

"Stricia," he says, "What of you? What is your own enlightenment?"


Stricia's head snaps towards the sound like a bird of prey who has just seen a rabbit flashing through the undergrowth.

"We'll continue later Alf!" she says bolting towards the lounging bard and yanking Alf along with her.

"You seem to have all the answers we seek Master Poet! Can you not tell us more of the truth you see? The nature of this threat? Where the rebels would keep their prisoners?"
The lute is placed in a space between the thin couch and the window sill, a perplexed look on the bard's face, "I am simply a speaker of Muunfae's stories. Perhaps you should heed the herald for news on what the rebels have done." He hms, "this is the first I have heard of prisoners kept. Maybe I should ask you?" He winks suggestively then falls back on a different subject, "But do not wait until the desired truth you have made is given back to you. The truth is never the answer you seek, nor the answer that pleases you. Trust yourself and your friends most of all, they are more valuable than any truth."


Stricia steps back disappointed yet again by the bard's descent into cryptic verses. "What is important is important. I see no reason why I should rank one above the other." A thought does occur to her though. "You say the foe we face is of great power. Does it threaten Muunfae as well?"


"Then I thank you and Muunfae for it." Stricia says bowing sincerely as she turns away.

"What were you saying before the interruption?" she asks Alf.
Alf tries to follow what the bard is saying, but the complex, lilting prose just goes over his head. Stricia's reaction tells him that it's not worth trying to decipher.

"Your meaning," he repeats. "Or enlightenment. Your purpose. I ain't know the right word. What is yours?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone decends the stairs and walks out the front door of the inn. He either does not see Stricia and Alf in the dining room, or does not care, throwing open the double doors before him and slipping out into the evening air.

On the threshold of the front entry, the ranger lets out a sharp whistle, the single note hanging above the ambient commotion of the traffic rumbling along the cobblestones of the street. Half a moment later, Gnaw emerges from the alley that runs alongside the inn. If the bone dangling from his jaws is anything to judge by, he has been helping himself to the refuse produced by the inn's sizable kitchen. Dreadstone gives a jerk of his head, and his canine partner falls into step behind him as they wander off into the Emerald Bay night.


Dreadstone's not entirely certain why he has found himself lurking outside the Piano Bar once more. The proprietor of the establishment has been an aminable enough fellow, and has made it clear that the tiefling presence does nothing but cause him trouble. Yet the Piano Bar is the epicenter where all the disparte threads of intrigue and lawlessness in Emerald Bay intertwine, and the former lawman--well, current lawman, actaully. He keeps forgetting he's been drafted back into active service--cannot bring himself to stay away. Still, out of respect to the bartender, he keeps his distance, eying the comings and goings of the bar from across the street, scribbling his notes in his well-worn book.

His note taking is interuppted by the clearing of someone's throat. Dreadstone spares a glance to the left and finds the source is some scrawny young man wearing glasses and a fresh uniform designating him as a member of the Ruby Keep armed forces. Almost certainly one of the men he had helped rescue, though he cannot precisely place the face.

"Can I help you, son?" Dreadstone asks, his voice far from warm and dripping with insinuation that he has no desire to help anyone.

"You're... you're one of the ones who saved us, right?" the bespectacled man asks.

"I am unless you've seen some other tiefling hangin' 'bout these parts," Dreadstone grunts before turning back to his book."

"You're the Hell's Warden, right? Dreadstone?"

Dreadstone only grunts in affirmation.

"You brought in the Glyphrune Killer..."

At this, Dreadstone snaps his notebook shut with a muffled clap and turns once more to appraise the man. "That was a long time ago..."

"Yeah, but it was your first case, right? The one that made you?"

Dreadstone shakes his head. "Wasn't my first, no. But it was the biggest, probably gave me enough license to keep operatin' independent of the city guard. I'm impressed, not many your age even know 'bout that case."

The young guardsman pushes his glasses up on his nose. "I work in logistics and analytics, there's a lot of time for reading in my office. I go through old case files often."

"Hope you don't spend too much time readin' up on me," Dreadstone mutters. "It's all downhill from that point on."

For a time, the two men stand in silence, Dreadstone staring at the Piano Bar, the army clerk staring at Dreadstone. "Sir," the clerk finally ventures, "may I ask what you're doing out here?"

"I 'spose you might say I'm on a stake out," Dreadstone responds.

"How exciting!" the clerk beams. "Who are we looking for?"

Dreadstone ignores how the clerk has unilaterally inserted himself into the equation. "No one in particular. More of a fishin' expedition to see what turns up."

The clerk appears crestfallen. "Oh. So you're not working on a case?"

"Not as such."

"Is the Emerald Bay guard having difficulty in staying on top of their case load?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Then, sir, if you don't mind my asking... Why are you here?"

Dreadstone is silent for a long moment before flicking the butt of his cigarette out into the road to be crushed under the wheels of passing wagons. "Because I don't know any other way to be."
He hums once more, giving a last short poem before leaving the two to their own philosophies,

Wars reign in astral plane
Mortals fight for greatest height
Anarchy finds a strange order
Chaos guiding those are lost
Perhaps we'll see another god
Shunning control and kingdom's rule
Trusting mortals to victor
It holds the purest path

He smiles, taking the lute from behind the seat and getting up to depart in solitude.


Soon snow flakes begin to drop from the skies after an extended hiatus, and the winter air becomes a breeze, gusting freely through the scattered streets.

Horses draw to a stop as a cabby behind them allows the unceremonious arrival of a stout figure depending on his cane to get anywhere with impatience. A polite salute is shot from the youthful soldier, mimicked with the unnatural hand from the Dwarf while he pushes himself on the earth with his cane with each step. He nods at Dreadstone, saying, "We've been trying to scry the girl. They managed to take her to some room to hold her but she seemed to be fine. I'll be tomorrow before we have an update." He then begins to hobble over towards the bar, "I'm not enough of a man to stand this freezing air, so I'm going inside. The heavens know I need a drink as well." His attitude seems less critical than usual, brought down by a long day and now off duty for the time being.

Once out of earshot, the knowledgeable young member of the Keep military points out, taking off his glasses to wipe them within his shirt of the show fall which speckles the lenses, "That was the field marshal, wasn't it? From what I hear after his leg injury put him off of the field, he tried to apply for positions to train recruits but was never given the chance. I doubt I'll ever get anywhere as a grunt either, the politics of the army's ranks are just too much to overcome." Setting his spectacles back on, he asks, "What was that about a girl, anyway? Is it part of the fishing you're doing?"


<It might be some time before we actually get to Rosewood, I am actually legitimately more ticked off as I have been thinking about things.>


Stricia sits cross legged on her stool, an indication of comfort, as she ponders Alf's personal question.

"Where I grew up, much is made of self improvement. Always striving to sharpen the mind, strengthen the body, settle the soul. It has been a way of life that has been good to me. It took my mind off... other troubles and gives me something to always strive for certainly."

She raises her fist. "But having achieved some strength I wonder.. what I am supposed to do with it? Some in my monastery say that enlightenment means letting go of all ambitions and desires but something about that seems to me not right. I know of some that dedicate their lives to just getting stronger and stronger but that does not compel me either." Letting her fist fall she continues. "I think my answer is that I should use my strength to help those who need it, to protect those who might not be able to protect themselves. Driving off the bandits who would have preyed on others on the road where we first met... and now freeing the prisoners who were betrayed and imprisoned unlawfully... those were good things to do and if it was not for us then those injustices would not have been corrected. It brings me some contentment to think of those things. To dedicate myself to justice seems... worthy. But you cannot have justice if you do not have the truth. And so to me, finding the truth, as much as possible, is constant."

She smiles ruefully. "And there are other benefits to the truth as well... You asked me once the meaning of my name and maybe I will tell you someday."

Brightening up she brings her palms together and bows her head. "Thank you Alf, it was good to speak of these things."
Alf listens intently to Stricia work through her answer. When she finishes, he responds immediately to the last part of it. "Agree," he says through a mouthful of biscuit, "Truth is the only useful thing. No use for acting fake and lying."

He takes a few minutes to finish all of the food on his plate before finally speaking again, very slowly and thoughtfully this time. "Stricia. I am right that you know much. You are very wise. I want know what you know. Fight as you fight. Will you teach me your ways? Of fighting and of... truth-seeking? Maybe during travel when not working on missions?"


"You wish to be a monk?" Stricia says with surprise. "You have a connection with nature that I envy Alf. I do not know if fighting as a fight would be of benefit to you. I can show you some of what I know of combat though certainly. As for truth seeking.. the first step I think is to remember that what is and what seems to be are not the same thing."

((Are you thinking of dipping in monk and getting the feral combat training feat or something TheLunarian? Flurry of blows with a bite that might trip on every hit might be pretty crazy especially with power attack being better for natural attacks like bite))
<Keep in mind that if you do that, your BAB for Flurry will be based on yoru Monk level dip and not your actual BAB.

Also in Vanilla Pathfinder Alf wouldn't be able to take Monk due to his chosen alignment (something to note if you're trying to optimize for Pathfinder Society), but since I am only taking alignment into account for the class design and not what the character wrote on the sheet, I'll allow it since Monk + Druid is possible.>
((Thanks, KM. Hey while we're discussing this, what's your ruling on whether all unarmed attacks turn into d8's? That'd be a nice small bonus while wildshaped, but I remember you saying the rules are a little unclear on it.

I've never heard of the Feral Training combat feat but I will have to look into that. I'm not really planning to use Flurry of Blows; in fact this level dip isn't particularly optimized, heh. I'm mostly doing it because it makes sense from a roleplaying perspective - Alf would want to figure out how he got beaten, and his whole existential crisis fits in nicely with that. The bonus to AC while wildshaped and the free feat will be nice perks though.))

Alf nods his head. "You defeated me in combat. If I refuse to learn from that, I am a fool. We agree that self improvement is important, and if I get help then I wish it from you. Thank you, Stricia."

He attempts to mimic the bow that he has seen her perform. It's probably a bit sloppy and his posture might be wrong, but it's good enough to convey what he's going for.
<My kneejerk instinct is "no" because animal attacks have all sorts of dice sizes so something would undoubtedly break if something like a small creature that was deliberately given a small damage dice (like 1d4) suddenly can do potentially twice that.

That, and Monk starts out at d6 anyway, unless you're getting d8 from somewhere else.>
<My kneejerk instinct is "no" because animal attacks have all sorts of dice sizes so something would undoubtedly break if something like a small creature that was deliberately given a small damage dice (like 1d4) suddenly can do potentially twice that.

That, and Monk starts out at d6 anyway, unless you're getting d8 from somewhere else.>

((...Right. That's my bad, I might be remembering the 3.5 rules or something. Or I'm just completely wrong heh. Now that I think of it, even if it did apply then that would be horrible for me anyway once I start turning into larger animals))


((You should get the monk Wisdom bonus to AC though right? Alf is unarmoured just like Stricia I think. Does Alf have a high wis?))
((Natural attacks =/= unarmed attacks, so probably no monk unarmed dice for that. And yeah, natural attacks are generally way better then flurry of blows, if you have at least 3 of them, until you get a really high level and have shit tons of flurry attacks.
Also, druid casting is based of wisdom, so he probably has a fair amount of it. and yeah, multiclassing in pathfinder is generally ass, going monk probably not the best idea either... but here's one thing that will help make it so Lady doesn't get screwed over: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/boon-companion
on last thing... if he were to use flurry of blow, his bab would be his monk level plus his bab from other classes, not just monk only. only thing he would be missing out on is the improved and greater Two weapon fighting feats(doesn't get those until he is actually monk level 8 and 15)))


((Actually thinking about it, for an unarmoured character a single level dip in monk might be a really great thing, for the *defense* though, not the offense.))
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