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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Alright. Since time is fairly meaningless in this game, I'll specify that Lady will have learned the trick by the time you get to Rosewood, unless the group finds itself distracted at some point which it'll come by the time whatever major distraction happens.

I also had to make sure I was right on what level you took before giving you this:

Early Monk Discipline
You sought it fit to seek hardened guidance before you have the time to fully dedicate yourself to a taste of a monk's perfection. The results of that night of training have already taught you to expect harsh outcomes in battle.

Effect: +1 to Fortutude, Reflex and Will saves>​

EDIT: Crap, meant to give you Reflex & Will (instead of Fort & Will). Benefit from my error.

Mike M

Nick N
((Of his list of supplies, Dreadstone would have kept the following on him and probably left the rest in the stolen wagon:
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Grappling arrow
Signal mirror
Signal whistle
Thieves’ ring))

In answer to Niko's question, Dreadstone hops into the bed of the wagon and raps sharply on its wooden side with his knuckles. "We roll out for Rosewood. At least we do as soon as y'all get in the wagon."
((Roger that, thanks KM. Noted on my character sheet.

BTW, my last post got stuck at the bottom of the previous page in case anyone missed it))

Mike M

Nick N
((To Rosewood!))

((Just wanted an excuse to use this))
<Draco, I would like you to PM me a description of what you might have done in Rosewood (be it investigating or living there or otherwise), unless you feel that you were never there, just know a lot about it.>


Stricia looks Alf over thoughtfully for a moment as he sits gingerly on the bench concentrating on Lady. She had never trained anybody before, being barely past the neophyte stage herself when she had left the monastery, but she felt it had gone very well. It helped termendously that Alf was such a good student; his determination and will were impressive as was his willingness to adjust to the lessons she was trying to impart. He had plenty of bad habits but he also had plenty of good ones from growing up in a wild environment that probably mimicked her monastic upbringing in some ways. Slowly but surely his bad habits were breaking down and he was starting to learn how to use mind and body in concert rather than have one rule the other. Taking a deep breath Stricia mediates for a while on whether the path of self-improvement she was on, and that Alf was just glimpsing the start of, had an end and whether that even mattered. After a while as the gentle sway of the wagon takes them farther away from Emerald Bay she opens her eye and asks Alf "I don't know how much of what I know you wish to learn Alf, so let me ask you... what is most important to you?"

((What Bonus Feat are you going to go for on level up Lunarian? Might as well incoporate that in the narrative))
Alf frowns and looks around uneasily at the others in the wagon. He appears reluctant to answer, but finally gives in. "Wish to continue with defense training."

((Gonna go with Doge for my monk level))
Finding little reason to give haste to investigating the oddities that have occurred with the way the inns have been managing traffic, the travelers settle for using the inns as nightly checkpoints to rest and eat. Even travelling to the new inn, they'll find that nothing has managed to hinder their progress this time. Continuing eastward, the centaur slows the wagon mid-road, where a turn is then taken to meet a fork leading to the town of Rosewood. It is then they'll arrive by afternoon.

From outside a few small tents are placed beside the outer wall which is made of large rounded stones grouted together. The Ruby Keep sanctioned watch standing outside the tents show little interest in stopping the wagon from entering the town, whose entrance is similarly open and un-gated, welcoming the group to a view of ice glistening tiled walkways, snow shrinking from the rooftops of stone or wood cottages lining the streets; the winter makes absent what Draco and Alf would remember as various rose clusters growing from rows, straight and circular depending on where they are placed, a staple of the city's visual trademark and namesake. As they have learned from their briefing, most of the populace are gathered in front of what appear to be key buildings at the town square and have yet to become calm even during the days it took to travel to the city. Before this can be investigated, Uqualek can be heard asking a towns-person at the side of the road, "Excuse me, where is the inn I can park this wagon at?" Whether or not anyone wishes to stay in the wagon, that is where he will go to clear himself from taking up the streets unless somebody wants to direct him elsewhere.
Alf spends his down time during the journey by periodically switching roles between student and teacher. By day, he works with Lady on her listening skills; in the evenings before lights-out, he vigorously practices the things that Stricia has taught him. On at least one of those evenings, he is able to actually train with her, but for reasons he can't quite articulate, he is trying his best to be discrete and keep as much of his training private from the others as he can.

The bruises borne from that first day of training fade during the journey in a not-quite-rapid manner, and they have disappeared entirely by the time the wagon pulls into town. Alf is in good spirits and well-rested when the time comes to hop out and allow the centaur to take the wagon away.

He looks at the protesting townspeople with some perplexity. "Why complain like this? They should challenge leader, or leave to find different town." His tone of voice, however, suggests that he's only saying it out of principle, not because he actually expects things to be that way.

He tries to look closer at the mob, to determine how well they're armed and how potentially dangerous they could be.

Perception roll on the battle-worthiness of angry mob (1d20+11=31)
The town has not erupted into full-blown violence yet, but even without combat training the sheer number of people could easily overwhelm an individual or at the very least greatly inconvenience somebody incredibly strong.

<I will describe more on what's going on as you guys search the town.>
She takes the opportunity to see how people are reacting to them on the way
<I think this is better served as a sense motive, as I can't think of anything to do with your perception check I wouldn't already give for free.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Finally! Thanks for the lift, Uqualek." Exiting the wagon, the young sorcerer stretches his limbs and begins to walk about the entrance with the group. "What's with the soldier tents outside? Ruby Keep must truly value this town to have it so well guarded." He watches with curiosity as Stricia and Alf attempt to analyse the crowded mob's size and intent.

"You guys are approaching this all wrong. These aren't monsters nor spring-loaded bear traps. They're people! If we can just talk to them, surely they will see reason." Stepping toward one of the members he attempts to ask them what they gathered about for.

"Hey, what's going on here? Lots of angry faces, but I don't see any reason why. To me it looks like the town is amply protected, which is surely a blessing in these dangerous times."

Diplomacy Townsperson (1d20+4=5)

((I may or may not have written this post after finding out the result of my diplomacy roll.))


((I for one would like to know the result of the sense motive check before we get attacked by a mob of angry townsfolk))
Finding the leads you on a separate street that takes behind central buildings of the town square, and it becomes more apparent that Rosewood has a very circular design to its layout that layers outward, the buildings closer to the center opting to point towards it. The people allow passage, but Stricia can feel a sense of unwelcome as they give glances towards Uqualek and the horses' armor that reveal a military association that wouldn't have been as apparent had she went alone. At the same time, they don't seem to make an effort to bother Stricia and Uqualek as long as they don't attempt to do the same.

Leading up to the inn, the two stumble upon a scene passing by the black smith's garage. A powerful, larger than life but aging man, surrounded by what seem to be various religious symbols and statuettes, slowly eases perfectly good, finished weapons into his smelting pot, effectively destroying them and undoing hours of work that would have been made working his arms to molding the shaped metal. Large eyes dart towards the wagon as it rides by, such a man seeming similarly suspicious as most others.


Niko wakes up that night, his jaw feeling sore and misaligned Niko's attempt to get friendly with one of the rioters is rewarded with a cold shoulder and a silent movement of lips and a shaking of their head. That's one down.

<You could potentially take 20 on Diplomacy since you could keep finding new people to talk to, though that would most likely make you unpopular in the city afterward due to the fact it requires you to fail several times until you succeed.>


((Huh, probably good if Draco goes off on his own as Stricia is pretty much marked as military and Dreadstone's armor is a dead giveaway))

Stricia pats Uqualek on the shoulder asking him to go on to the nearby inn as she breaks away to approach the old man hoping that being alone will put him at his ease. She notes the look of the religious symbols and statues hoping to describe them later to her allies so they can identify the diety and asks "Master... Blacksmith? If I may ask, why are you destroying weapons?"

Lol diplomacy check
Diplomacy old man: 1D20-1 = [8]-1 = 7
As time is taken to examine the symbols and figures further, it becomes more apparent that there are two different symbols presented as if they belong together, and the figures depict different heroic figures. Stoic and hardened like the metal he forges, he simply answers with a gritty texture to his voice, and seeing no need to go into detail, "In protest."


Deciding to press her luck just a bit further she asks. "As you can see I am a foreigner in these lands and do not know the situation well. Can you tell me what you are protesting?"


Nodding and bowing Stricia withdraws wondering if there is anyone in the town that actually supports the government who would be more forthcoming.
Watching the woman leave, he bellows before the chance leaves him completely, "That is not why you came here." He looks expectantly, seeming to understand that there is more to this stranger than the obvious question she had just asked.


Stricia stops and turns around. "You... are right. A friend of mine was kidnapped by other opponents of the throne even though she was blameless. I don't think the group that carried out this crime had anything to do with you and yours, but I will go the ends of the earth to find and rescue her. If you know anything about anyone in Rosewood who protests in... nefarious and unworthy ways.. then please, I would be in your debt to learn of it."
His expression barely changing, he finishes, "Then I was wrong. Something had told me that you would have wished to learn more about the gods of war. Rather, I know nothing of these crimes you speak of."


"The gods of war? But the gods are no more..." Stricia's expression changes and comes closer to examine the holy symbols in more detail. "You know of The Fall? How it happened and what happened after?"
"They are no more. Hextor and Hieroneous.. the brothers of war. Separated by ideals and vision, brought together in battle until finally on the fateful day, they had slain each other in the final battle. Their differences, settled. They were both the victors and the defeated. It was on that day, I had nothing more to fight for as war is petty without their leadership. No mortal can glorify war the way they did, so I set down my axe and retired."
<Actually... When Niko approached the guy he would have been able to hear some of what they were raving about. I should post what those things were because that didn't cross my mind.>
Meanwhile, after Niko was brushed off so quickly, he can make out some of what the protesters are trying to get at:

"Freedom from the throne!"
"Let our mayor govern us!"
"Get out of our town!"

And so forth.


"The two war gods fought each other at the Fall? I have heard also that all the gods fought and died at the hands of some powerful ungodly force while others say they fought each other." She gestures at the heroic figured around them "Are these figures Hextor and Hieroneous? Were you a... cleric or paladin of theirs?"
The man smiles at the alternative theory, "I care not, as long as they died in triumphant battle. That is all that matters to me." At her question, he shakes his head, "I was a barbarian. It was my love for battle that had drawn me to them, not their churches or knighthood."
Alf rolls his eyes when he observes Niko being shot down by the random townsfolk. "If you want to talk, should talk to the leader," he notes.

Scanning the crowd, he finds the burliest and strongest-looking protester in his immediate field of vision and approaches that person. "Are you the leader of the town? If not you, where is he?"


"They are gone" Stricia sighs as she gestures around her "but still war continues. I thank you for your words Master. If I ever find out the nature of your gods final battle then mayhaps I will come back with a tale of my own for you someday." So saying Stricia withdraws from the blacksmith with a respectful bow.
"War continues, but the greatness of it does not. Many things have lost their meaning, that is the nature of the fall." He allows her to depart now, returning to reducing mature creations to their molten birth.

At the protesting crowds again, still demanding liberties they lack, a man chosen by Alf is given distraction from the wave and sure enough seems like a fairly stocky guy. He answers, "If I was I would have given the Keep the boot by now. Our mayor is in the court house, though calling him 'leader' is a bit of a misnomer. We're protesting the people keeping him from letting us have his and our own decisions on how this town is run."


((I'm thinking someone needs to go talk to the mayor. Or maybe sneak in there. Or both! We need two Dracos.))
He thinks, "Now that I think of it we don't have a spokesperson. How did we organize this protest anyway? That's a great idea, we should find a great speaker to lead our cause!"

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm officially no longer sorry for going so nuts with the posting frequency early on in the last game! Heh.))

With Uqualek at the head of the small team of horses, there is no need of a wagon driver to whip the steeds along. Dreadstone spends the trip eastward perched in the vacant driver's seat, small bits of wood falling to the rutted dirt road as he works on carving another block of wood.

Gnaw cannot be coaxed to stay within the confines of the wagon, and so follows along side the vehicle. Well, most of the time. He disappears for considerable stretches of time, only to reaffirm his presence when some prey animal comes exploding out if the denuded winter underbrush along the tree line, the snarling dog in hot pursuit. Dreadstone marvels at how the dog can manage to have so much energy all the time. Even in his younger days, he probably would be unable to keep up with the animal. Gnaw just seemed to be a furry bundle of personified aggression that threatened to burst if he did not let it out in regular intervals.

Absorbed though he may seem to be in his endeavors in shaping a block of wood, the tiefling ranger's keen eyes are not blind to the efforts of his companions. The centaur Uqualek, and his tireless exertions without complaint as he tries to make amends for past misdeeds. The discipline of Stricia that lent itself well to the military command structure that had been foisted upon them. The eagerness of Alf to learn from her-despite his efforts to conceal it-that may yet forge a capable soldier from a wild man. They had all been out on only one mission together, and already they were shaping up into a crack team.

The benefits of being young and vital, Dreadstone muses, flakes of white wood falling like sporadic snow from the edge of his knife.


As the town of Rosewood comes into view, Dreadstone's passive observations become diligent caution. It's cold enough for ice to form in the streets; not enough to bother someone who has a heightened resistance to the elements like him, but certainly enough to make most rational people crave the warmth of their hearth fires. Yet a large proportion of the populace was out in the streets, their blood apparently running hot enough to keep them warm.

Dreadstone answer's Niko's question without taking his eyes off the angry crowd, his fingers dancing in anticipation on the quiver of arrows at his hip. "Rosewood's somethin' of an annex of Ruby Keep proper," he explains. "On paper, this town is counted as part of the Keep itself and is afforded the same protection. Though from the looks of things, I don't know if these folk have the same opinion of the matter."

Niko says these people aren't bear traps, but he's not sure he can agree. He's spent enough of his live living on the margins to know when he's not wanted, and right now he really knows he is not wanted, and not because he's a tiefling either. He sidles up to the young sorcerer after witnessing the lad's failed attempt to make friends with the locals and whispers, "Might want to quit while you're ahead, son."

Dreadstone tries to make himself as inconspicuous as possible, standing near an alley in case he has need to duck out of the street. His black armor might not immediately peg him as military at a glance, but it would hardly require close examination to figure it out.

"Sounds like we need pay a visit to the courthouse," he advises. "Somethin' tells me it might be a good idea to be inside a fortifiable position if this goes an' gets ugly."
Alf looks the man up and down. "Always good to have leader. Why not you? Look to be strongest in the group. People will listen."

He casually steps away, back toward Niko, Draco, and Dreadstone. "Good luck," he calls back to the man.

"Mayor is in courthouse," he says to the others in the party. "Men are angry because Ruby Keep tries to control them. I told him they should organize better. While they do this, maybe should we find and talk to mayor?"


After making sure the centaur and the wagon are settled Stricia will return to the party. Catching up on what is going on she says "I have not been able to tell what their grievance actually is, and if they are not sure how they came to be outside protesting... could there be some magical incitement? Nico do you feel anything? I agree that we need to see the mayor as the people seem to hold him in high regard."
Draco sits back and watches his allies do their stuff while he considers the best course of action, once they return he says "Good idea Stricia, something is off here, and a spell certainly isn't out of the question, but if that is not the case... I'll gonna go talk to a guy I know, who hopefully has some answers. You see if you can speak to the mayor, I'll meet up with you guys there when I'm done."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Taking Dreadstone's advice, Niko winces as he slowly retreats from the grumbling rioter. "Okay so maybe I need to work on my presentation skills..." Kicking a few pebbles as they walk back to the others, the sorcerer's eyes light up with an ethereal blue glow in response to Stricia's suggestion. "That's definitely a possibility. Let me check."

Niko casts Detect Magic.
Detect Magic
Spanish-language Californian soap star Jorge Gama-Lobo, a Mexican, hires Psych to prove he didn't murder a fellow actor with a studio-made fake knife. Lassiter considers the film recording conclusive, Detect Magic shows you nothing except a strong arcane resonance coming from your own equipment, and a bit of a divine magic residue coming from Alf. but Shawn assesses Jorge's surprise genuine and gets the police chief to call him in. Snooping on director Lance's set, Shawn gets hired instead of a hopeless actor. Thus he gets access to the soap's internal politics as well as fan attention and sets a trap on air.


Stricia is surprised by Draco's advice as he so rarely speaks. " Nico would you accompany me? If diplomacy or magic are required than you would be more suited than I. Alf we might need you to disguise as a small animal to scout parts of the court we cannot get to. Is that acceptable to all? Master Dreadstone, we should divide the scrying stones among us."

She is eager to learn what if anything Nico detects.

Edit:((Changed dialogue so it, you know, makes sense))
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