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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Stepping in as DM to give valuable advice: Dividing the stones would be a terrible idea because you only have two, and you have to tap both of them together for them to work.

New page, Jackben I put the results of Detect Magic on the last page and Stricia posted as well.>
Alf blinks and frowns, looking around. "Disguise? Is this hostile territory? Why will we try to sneak around? It is easier to find answers upfront, and less risk to making enemies."

He paces around a bit, thinking. "Need more story parts. If protesters aren't wanting Ruby Keep men, someone should talk to Ruby Keep men. Maybe Dreadstone best for this task? Mean time, Stricia and Niko go to courthouse talk to mayor, Draco see friend, and I..."

He thinks for a bit. "I stay with protesters and only listen, see how situation develop. How about this?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Shrugging, the sorcerer blinks away his magic sight with a sigh. "Apparently I am truly missing out on some new dramatic theater the playwright's in Ruby Keep have recently cooked up. But if anything of magical origin is causing this mob it isn't around here. Seems like this truly is a social issue."

Niko is content to accompany Stricia to the courthouse for the time being, though he is a bit envious of the Elven investigator. "Mysterious as always, Draco. Hopefully your prior connections will afford us some help, I have a feeling we're in for an earful of politics at the courthouse."


((Man I read Phoenix's post completely wrong))

Alf's words make sense and she makes her way to the court with Nico.

"Draco is very good with people. A skill I wish I had." she says. Approaching the court she sees if there is some guard that needs to be passed or if they can walk right in in their search for the mayor.
While the protesters make it difficult (but not impossible, due to already stated crowds = difficult but not impassible terrain guideline that was ignored in the past) to get to the front door, there are Ruby Keep guards on watch that are more approachable in relation.

<Draco, do you want me to invent the 'guy you have in mind' and confirm you're going to him?>


Approaching the guards Stricia greets them with a short, polite bow. She keeps her voice low and says. "We are representatives of Ruby keep. Can you please tell us what is happening here?" She also tries to determine how the soldiers are holding up in the stressful situation.

Sense Motive Guards : 1D20+9 = [16]+9 = 25


Perception Guards and court : 1D20+13 = [15]+13 = 28

Dreadstone is in the main soldier camp I believe.
<And do I have this right, Dreadstone, Niko, and Stricia are going together? Or is Dreadstone doing something else? I know Alf is going to hang around the crowd so I'll confirm that in a later post with an action related to that.>

Draco's previous familiarity with the residential parts leads him to a house at the outer parts of the city, where the buildings become more haphazardly placed and angled whichever way is preferred. Here he makes his way to a house which he recognizes as having two door handles, placed at different vertical heights. After knocking, the door soon swings open without needing to be unlocked, and the halfling woman answers with a bit of a smirk once she realizes who has returned, "Well then... you were fast. I always heard those personal journey types come back with gray hairs and nothing to show for it. Couldn't find anybody who had worse coffee, hm?"
"Sadly no, but not for a lack of trying, I assure you. Nothing quite like truly bad coffee... Unfortunately, I'm not here for that, I actually have official business to take care of and I was hoping you could help. Specifically, whats the deal with the protests and the whole down with the government thing? There anything you can tell me?"
<I'll try to address whoever I can when I have the time. I'll be leaving soon and I still need to figure out who is doing what:

- Alf: staying in the town square watching the protesters
- Stricia: trying to get into the court house
- Draco: Already on it
- Niko: ???
- Dreadstone: ???>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Yep Niko is tagging along with Stricia))

"I think I could be good with people too...maybe in a different way." The sorcerer unlatches his signature green cloak and rolls it up into his pack as they prepare to enter the courthouse. "I think I just need some practice. Dreadstone and Draco will no doubt find the hows. Hopefully we can discover the whys." Urging Ozzy to keep quiet, he gives the weasel a handful of nuts and gently covers his head with the flap oas he is tucked into one of the outer pockets.
"So coffee it is then," she says with a homely smile, moving inward and expecting Draco to come in without asking him to. The inside of the home does not differ much from its outside expectation, with his stepping onto a wooden floor that feels hollow underneath, and a darkness offset by the grayness of the outside breaching the windows and the warm glow of the fire from the living place. Lydia, the name Draco knows this halfling by, climbs a mini-stairstep to access a stove in her kitchen, a strong hint that this home was not built for races of her size. While lighting the flame, she begins, "This town doesn't get to make the rules on how our lumber is taxed, how our mayor wants to break away from the throne's outdated monarchy, we want a partnership with Alydar... It's worn thin on everyone and this whole rebellion was a good excuse to try and break away before our city gets caught in the wayside of things. We don't even have our own militia like Alydar does because the Keep expects us to wait on their forces if trouble comes." Setting the pot on the fire, she continues, "People have been planning this protest in their homes, and they're more open about what they think of the rebellion behind closed doors... and what they think are very kind things right now."




Being led to the side by the watch, and possibly after a quick flash of the credentials Stricia and Niko now have from being inducted into the military, they're told what they don't already know, "We have to be out here to make sure the crowd doesn't get crazy again. We had to put away some of the problem causers, especially the ones that screamed that they'll get the rebellion on us. We also have to make sure nobody gets in because some Ruby Keep advisory members are here talking to the mayor."



Alf... a horse walks up to you.


What do you ask of it?


"Advisory members? What could you tell us of them and what do you think of the mayor? It seems like he has much support."

((I'll just assume Stricia has the ruby stones if that's all right.))
((I feel like there may be a joke I'm missing here, but since I don't know what it is, I will play this straight))

Scanning the crowd for anything worth noticing, Alf is surprised to find a horse wading through the crowd to meet him. When it stops in front of him, Alf looks it in the eyes curiously.

He wonders if this is another with the gift of shape shifting, and decides to test it by speaking the primal language that runs deeper than simple words and phrases.

((In Druidic))"Well met, brother of the wilds. What news do you bring?"
"Never met the mayor. I just know the advisory is here to handle business between the town and the Keep far east. Are you in need of either of them?"


((In Common))"I know not what you have just said, but if you understand me, heed this vital information which is necessary to this quest. Do not assemble the pieces!"

And with that, the horse loses its speaking function, and begins to trot off.
<Nobody else posting? Also Dreadstone I finally bothered to look at your post and it sounded like you wanted to go where Stricia and Niko are now.>

<Also, I'll just go ahead and state this OOCly because I can't think of a good place to present this ICly (chalk it up to your characters thinking of it themselves) but there's a visible constabulary in the city if anybody is interested in checking out the rebel sympathizers that are being detained.>

<Once I get on my laptop I already have a post written that I can use, but until then I'll see what Dreadstone wants to do and if the OOC info changes anybody's mind.>
"Interesting. Helpful as always Lydia. Unfortunately, I think I will need to relay this information to my partners immediately, so no coffee this time. Don't worry, I'm sure one day I'll stick around long enough to taste your famous coffee." says Draco, as he gets up and heads towards the door.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone can be plenty diplomatic, but he's not a diplomat. There's a vast gulf between navigating the social niceties expected of interactions between individuals and negotiating as the duly appointed representative of a larger whole.

Still, they have been assigned to curtail this brewing revolution, so he supposes that affords him some measure of authority in this matter, and he wants to see if it cannot be resolved peacefully before he needs to resort to cracking the skulls of civilians.

"The mayor," he says curtly. "Take us to see 'im, please."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Nodding to the soldiers as they walk in, Niko takes a moment to look around the courthouse interior. "It might be helpful to get multiple perspectives. We should probably visit wherever they are keeping the imprisoned rioters when we can. I bet Dreadstone would know what to do." The sorcerer shrugs his shoulders as he ponders their next move. "As long as we're here though, we should see this board of advisers and the mayor. I'm interested in getting to the root of this conflict."


"First Mayor, then advisors, then perhaps we can regroup with everyone to see the rioters at the constabulary." Stricia agrees.
The guard leads you around the side of the building even further and takes everyone to the shadowy between of buildings. After knocking on a window, a blurry figure behind the mottled glass surface, identifible as someone wearing red, clicks the mechanism keeping the window frames closed and allows each window to open to reveal a guard behind it. "Some visitors from some part of the military, sir. Documents seem legit," the guard that led them here says, and continues on saying to those that were led to this window, "You'll have to excuse us. One of the few ways to get in without pushing the crowd," and with that they can get in with permission through the window.

Inside they end up in a clean and well decorated hallway with shaven wood walls painted white, door frames with hand crafted shapings, and various plants kept in tastefully colored glassblower creations, roses, lilacs, and what have you that hint at what the gardens in the outside might have looked like during the spring and summer. Ignoring any mud and snow splattered onto the rug after entry, the indoor guard seems willing to lead you to the mayor.

<This was something I wrote awhile back when I misunderstood Azih's post so I saved it for now. I will have to write the actual getting to the mayor from scratch though.>


A chuckle escapes the halfling girl's lips with understanding, "Information must travel fast for you, doesn't it? Very well, just be sure to make me your favorite 'friend' when you need a 'business' tip." With that, she doesn't object to his leaving or stop him.


After the strange advice from the horse that seems out of place and completely unrelated, the crowd still hasn't appointed a leader, though such a thing would take time. If he were to look around, he'll see that he is not the only one watching the crowds, as a smaller, more roguish (but not necessarily rogues) group seems to be looking from the corner of a building, watching and discussing something among themselves with little excitement, as well as occasionally pointing.

<Alf, make a perception check for sound, DC 20 25 (just realized the crowd noises would make it harder). If you want to get closer to lower the DC, make a stealth check for your movement. You can also try again if you fail.>
The three are led around to the main entrance, which while just as finely decorated starts to show how economical the use of the building's size is, having a ceiling just several feet above them rather than a large, open foyer. Stairs at the side are taken to lead the group upwards where more rooms can be accessed, and the guard takes them to a double door with an inscription, 'Loinel Savis: Mayor of Rosewood'. Voices can be heard from outside the door. Even the guard hesitates to knock out of curiosity to hear what is going on.

<Stopping there because that's also a perception check. DC 20 you can also just skip this check and ask to go in right away.>
For anyone that meets the DC for the mayor's room Listen check:

"You must do something about these people! We've can lose quite a bit of money because your people are refusing to produce the goods this city was made for."
"Is it not within their right to protest and boycott? Let me point out that the lumber and our town's shops have been selling poorly because of the taxation hike which I have no control over and thanks to the traffic jams of last week. Perhaps if we came to some agreement that would please both ourselves and your kingdom you may see more cooperation."

And from there it becomes back and forth..

Finally knocking on the door, the noise halts and a guard from within opens the door and nods. A human, well into his forties or early fifties that has kept up with his physical well being, well trimmed head of hair and beard, and still seems like he could still be in his prime, addresses the visitors by speaking to the ruby keep men in the room while sitting up from leaning back from his desk, "Perhaps we should have this discussion another time." Having to ask permission, he waves an arm to them while looking to the ruby keep advisory and asks, "May we?" In response, he gets a, "Be quick with it," and the red dressed men leave the room.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The sorcerer puts a hand behind his ear and strains to listen as much as he can.

Door Voices(1d20+5=24)

Unfortunately despite his best efforts he can't quite make out the subject of the muffled discussion.

As the mayor shoos the unidentified guests from the room, he steps in while cautiously observing his surroundings. "Good day, mayor. I am Nicholas and these are my friends." He gestures dramatically to the monk and tiefling at his side and allows them to introduce themselves. "We've been tasked with rescuing a kidnapped individual and discovering the truth behind some recent events in the land. Among other things."

Recalling the nameplate on their way in, Niko places a hand on the mayor's desk and speaks plainly. "Mr. Savis, based on what's going on outside I can tell you are likely a very busy man, so I'll be brief. As luck would have it, we think your recent troubles and our objectives just might be aligned. I would like to offer my help however I can, in exchange for some information and help of your own regarding these troubling times."

Diplomacy mayor (1d20+4=9)

((Man Niko must come off pretty brash and naive. I should let Dreadstone and Stricia talk from this point))
Unfortunately by the time Draco returns from Lydia, he'll only spot Alf as the others have already went in. He can either meet up with Alf or speak to the guard and prove he's part of the group.


Loinel gives a glance to the human man among the group, first stating, "On the contrary I could use a distraction from this madness." His gives a look over from where he sits, noting the boy's pristine clothing and sparkling rich additions and comments on them his actual amazement seems limited, "I do have to say you presented yourself nicely; I've never seen travelling robes made so well.. and so expensively. Please, find a seat Mr. Nicholas, and everyone else."

His desk is very lacking in personal items, and his room mostly fit with charms, pictures, and decorations meant to please visitors more than to show what he himself is interested in. He asks, "About a kidnapping, children are disallowed from roaming the streets until the town calms down for that very reason, but you are best off talking to the constables about missing people. These other affairs you speak of.. you all look like adventurers, so it must be something important especially if the guards allowed you in."


"It is Master." Stricia speaks hesitantly. "It is plain to see that Rosewood is in a tense state. Whatever the cause of the tension between Rosewood and Ruby Keep may be, we are concerned that the tensions might allow more nefarious elements to gain a foothold here. It is these.. elements that are responsible for an abducted individual who we are in pursuit of. I believe there were some more aggressive rioters that had to be detained? If there is anything we could do to help ease the tensions among your people then please let us know."

Mayor diplomacy : 1D20-1 = [18]-1 = 17

((19 if the guy somehow knows Stricia the Champion))
He listens carefully, drumming his fingers as the monk's words come out of her mouth. Unsatisfied by what he considers an attempt to be dodgy with words, he asks, "And what are these 'nefarious' elements? I would think the Mayor of Rosewood would want to know about.. 'nefarious elements' brewing in his town, wouldn't you?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone scoffs aloud at the mayor's surety in his ability to uncover a plot within the town. "Beggin' your honor's pardon," he says, "but Rosewood don't exactly have what you might call a robust security apparatus that I can see. It don't take but much to start a might of trouble when people's blood is already on the boil anyhow, and the folk we're tanglin' with are far from amatuers."

The tiefling strides forward, and places the gloved palms of his hands upon the mayor's desk as he meets the official's eyes with his featureless own. "Now we've been dispatched under 'thority of the crown to restore order, and I mean to do so. I ain't sayin' your grievances got no merit, but maybe we can think about suspending this nonsense for a spell until we can get a grip on the larger picture?"
Dreadstone practically gazes at himself reflected off of the mayor's eyes. His eyes only narrow slightly as the dark Tiefling gets close, "Are you talking about my people.. or the rebels? Perhaps you'll be as upfront in your words as you are in my face because I highly doubt adventurers are sent here to handle political matters."


Stricia sighs heavily, her attempts at discretion apparently rubbing the mayor the wrong way. "Yes, we speak of the rebels. We righted one of their wrongs and instead of striking back at us they instead targeted a blameless civilian of our acquaintance out of spite. We also have reason to believe that they are responsible for the recent disruption to trade traffic and may be stoking the fire here. They work by subterfuge and deception Master. They are no friend of anybody's."
He removes himself from his chair so that he can break free of Dreadstone's block so that he may further address the issue, keeping hands behind his back as he does so, "Yes, the rebels have a strong influence on the continent in ways that are baffling, that much is apparent, and the people seem to be fine with an attack on the city. Whether or not that will happen is the question, isn't it? If any trafficking of kidnapped peoples through this city and they were caught, the constable would know more than I. I'm just trying to do my part in trying to make a deal with the advisories that were in the room just now."
Perception check to hear what the roguish group is talking about (1d20+11=23)

Alf raises a curious eyebrow when he spots the gang making gestures, and struggles unsuccessfully to hear what they're saying.

Thinking nothing of it, he casually approaches them, attempting to make eye contact with whoever appears to be physically strongest among them.

"You don't appear as part of protesters," he says curiously (assuming they're still standing in the same spot by the time he gets close enough to talk). "I am Alf. What are you called?"
By the time Alf catches the discussion happening from afar, he only manages to hear parts of their conversation, broken up by the chants of the people, "...- gotten 'their' attention yet. Maybe if we ... other cities they'll find out about ..."
"What city do you think ... Alydar maybe?"
"No rebels... Somewhere where ... the Keep itself."

<You can retcon introducing yourself if you want. Since Draco is outside now maybe he wants to make the check too for a shot at the full thing..>
From what little Alf catches of the conversation, his instincts tell him that these may be important people to keep track of. He activates his enhanced canine senses, but otherwise approaches them normally.

((I'm using my Wolf Shaman ability to give myself Scent, and when I get close enough to actually hone in on the scents of this group I'm going to make sure and memorize them. Otherwise, my approach is going to be the same as previous described))


Stricia nods, glad that the Mayor does not seem to be sympathetic to the rebels himself.

"The rebels are a force of chaos and disruption. We would be in your debt for anything you could tell us about any actual rebel activity and not just vocal support. We will meet with the constable as you suggest. But if there is anything we can do to help you ease the tensions in the town then please let us know. Depending on what it is, we would be glad to assist."

((Edit: Horrendous grammar!))
"Well, if I knew I'm sure I would've mentioned it by now. However, sometimes tensions must happen for change to be made, I would appreciate no attempt made to stop the protest so that I can continue to work towards a solution between us and the Keep."


Stepping forward of the small group, a blonde man, with an average build regular for most people but that combined with his scent doesn't compare to Alf, decides to take point and talk with the stranger, "Well, probably best not to tell you what my friends call me. I'm Richard. What can I do for you?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone tracks the mayor's movements through the office, but takes no action to interfere. He's beginning to get a better view of the political landscape here; the mayor seems to be leveraging the civil unrest to his and the city's gain, but thus far hasn't shown much inclination to support full-blown rebellion or secession from the aegis of the throne.

The cleanest solution would seem to be to let the mayor have what he wants. He would be lionized by his people, yet remain in the service of the crown. The rebellion would be snuffed outright.

There is also the possibility that they are simply being played, but chances need be taken...

"If your honor would see fit to tell us his terms," he says with as much formality as he can muster, "might'n be that we are in a position to exert a measure of influence on the advisory council..."
Drawing an eye towards the shadowy figure with the farmer accent, he answers, "Do what you will if you wish to help, but let me warn you my advisers will likely to be the ones to exert influence on you. They do run the show here, after all, and are only outranked on the political ladder by nobility partaking in internal politics at the Kingdom itself."


bitch I'm taking calls.
"We are on a time crunch, considering the kidnapping. Truth be told, the kidnapped individual is a friend and an adult one at that, a threat made against us in no uncertain terms. This is why I am here, personally and not just under military conscript, to resolve this riot as quickly as I can and recover any clues that might lead to her whereabouts. I have a hunch this chaotic state of affairs are of benefit to her captors."

Tapping a small knick-knack of a bird, Niko levitates it between his hands while Dreadstone and the Mayor trade words. He replaces the wooden bird on its shelf and scratches his chin in contemplation before offering a summary. "I think we can agree to not interfere in dispersing the riot prematurely, at least at this stage. But as long as it continues it presents the opportunity for manipulation from outside forces, which is dangerous for the Keep, Rosewood and all its citizens."

"That being the case, I believe both our aims would coincide in ending this dispute sooner rather than later. Can we count on you to allow us purchase within the city and to inform us of any subversive elements so long as we agree to help Rosewood regain some autonomy on its economic interests, Mr. Mayor?"

As the advisory council is described as quite the obstacle, the sorcerer simply shrugs his shoulders, turning his palms up in an conciliatory gesture. "It is simply a matter of diplomacy. Not to be foolishly underestimated for certain, but not so insurmountable...with the right leverage. For example, I believe we may already have the means to resolve a piece of the equation. Specifically regarding the congested and interrupted trade routes."

After the Mayor's response, Niko retrieves a notebook and quill from his cloak and begins to scribble down a few notes. "I'm ready when you guys are. Thanks for your time, Mr. Savis."
Alf meets Richard's gaze with a respectful nod, offering a handshake. "I am a foreigner to this town. I ain't seen a protest as this before and interested to find out about it. What are your thoughts? Are you from this town or elsewhere?"


Stricia bows towards the mayor and is ready to leave as well.

Once outside she whispers to Dreadstone and Nico "From what I overheard in the room before we entered the Mayor is not lying about being dictated to by the advisors. Unless we get someone at the level of Marcallus to vouch for us I fear we may be in over our heads with them. They sounded like people accustomed to getting their way."

She shrugs. "I can see why he might use the anger of the people as leverage, but it is still a dangerous game that he plays" she mutters.

((Jackben I think Nico made the listen check at the door as well, it was a DC20 right?))
The man offers, "Oh, I'm from this town. Protests like this don't happen often, and the last one I heard of a protest happening was when some overly concerned folk wanted animal fighting to stop, and that was only when I heard it from the heralds."

<Yes. Yes, Niko did beat that Perception DC. Not sure why he thought he didn't.>
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