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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Really?" Alf says, genuinely surprised. "Beg your partings, but I overheard some of your conversations and it sounds like you do much traveling. Alley-dar and Ruby Keep I think I hear? Whose attention you trying to get? Can you use help?"

His tone of voice is direct, but the opposite of accusatory; he is just curious about what they're up to, without trying to be judgmental.
Seeming a little lost on how to respond, his gaze wanders off for a moment, "Eeeh, just something between friends. Not looking for help travelling, not that I know of." He doesn't answer the question about the attention part.
Alf nods. "As you say. Well met, Richard. Maybe we meet again on another day."

Judging the group to be both innocuous and friendly, Alf wanders back to monitor the protesters.
<I'm not sure if everyone is waiting on me or not, as it sounds like good byes have been said and everyone is ready to move on to their next goals, except for maybe Draco who can still react to the situation.>


((I think from our end we need to decide whether we're going to go to the advisors or straight to the constable))


bitch I'm taking calls.
After they have concluded with the Mayor, Niko discusses the trio's next move with Dreadstone and Stricia. "Wasn't the mayor just talking to some of the advisors? They can't have gone far. We should have a word before we visit the constable."
<Personally I don't like party splits that potentially result in some players doing nothing, so if you can convince Draco and Alf to handle the other matter ICly, I would greatly appreciate that.>
((Was going to wait for Draco to chime in, but... is there any chance that the out-of-place group might wander off in a suspicious manner that could allow Alf to follow them by scent?))
((It was to wait for them to leave, and then follow/track them so that I could avoid being seen without having to actually depend on stealth. But yeah, finding them later would also work))
<Now that I think about it, you could also split into three groups if necessary (waiting until later to find the scent would be an option, but would have a higher DC.>


((I'm sure Draco can come up with the idea of going to the constable independently if it is better to group up at some point... How about Dreadstone, Stricia, and Nico meet with advisors while Draco and Alf trail suspicious rioters for now? Draco could stealth while Alf follows Draco's scent from a discreet distance or something. Draco might have an extract to get stealthier even))
((sorry, work up late(well, later then usual) and was busy with random shit today. ...And in the process of writing this post i got further distracted for several hours...))

Draco approaches Alf and ask, "Hey, I see you've made yourself some new friends. Think they are up to something? Or should we just go find the others and regroup?"

Mike M

Nick N
((I have a feeling I'm going to be apologizing for work-related delays in posting until the end if summer. We landed a big set of contracts a few months ago, and we're more busy than we have been since the economy crashed. It's a good hurt, but it's a hurt nonetheless))

Dreadstone nods in agreement with Niko. "Let's go speak with the advisors. See who's arm we can twist to get this sorted out."
<Naturally I'm gonna wait for Alf and Draco to talk among themselves.>

Nicholas' assessment on how far the advisors have gotten with a voice given tone from birth, speaking as a man turns the corner after Dreadstone had made a comment, "What is this about seeing about twisting an arm? What is it you need so badly that you're to take up my busy evening?" It was the adviser from the room.
The man seemingly measures their motives as much as she is measuring his, but is incredibly confident in his stature and gaze towards the strangers trying to involve themselves in his matters.
((I've been out and about all day, sorry about the delay))

Alf frowns uncertainly at Draco's question. "Could be. They hide their true business. Maybe trying to take advantage of protesting. Or something else. Talk of other towns. Like tribe of tigers who keep away from your prey, but still watch you anyway. They do nothing to provoke, so can't attack, but can't ignore because something not right."

He shrugs. "Probably not dangerous to us, but never can know."


bitch I'm taking calls.
<Naturally I'm gonna wait for Alf and Draco to talk among themselves.>

Nicholas' assessment on how far the advisors have gotten with a voice given tone from birth, speaking as a man turns the corner after Dreadstone had made a comment, "What is this about seeing about twisting an arm? What is it you need so badly that you're to take up my busy evening?" It was the adviser from the room.

"Good eve, milord." Niko places a hand before his chest and behind his back, dipping in a curt half-bow. "I shall strive to make this brief, for your time is no doubt a precious resource. My name is Nicholas and these are my associates. May we have the honor of your time and your name?"

After he has given it, the sorcerer summarizes their meeting with the mayor. "We have spoken with Mr. Savis already. It seems he is reticent to end this folly despite its blatant disregard of the Keep and danger to its patrons. The situation appears to be at an impasse due to trade agreements regarding lumber as well as tenuous situation regarding shipment losses and delays along the kingsroad."

Upturning a palm with a sigh, he shakes his head. "You have no doubt already surmised as much in your discussions. We believe what remains to be done is negotiating terms by which this riot may be ended as swiftly as possible for the good of all. I believe we can assist in alleviating the obstacles behind the road dangers and delays. But we may need a gesture of goodwill from the Keep toward economic independence for Rosewood in order to ease tensions here. The people need something to put them on the side of the Keep and sway them away from rebellious influences which may take root."

"We must keep the rabble in bread and circuses, as they say."

Bluff Adviser (1d20+4=21) ((Since he is being disingenuous about how he really feels regarding the Mayor and the situation))
((I've been out and about all day, sorry about the delay))

Alf frowns uncertainly at Draco's question. "Could be. They hide their true business. Maybe trying to take advantage of protesting. Or something else. Talk of other towns. Like tribe of tigers who keep away from your prey, but still watch you anyway. They do nothing to provoke, so can't attack, but can't ignore because something not right."

He shrugs. "Probably not dangerous to us, but never can know."

"Well there others are probably... or hopefully, already talking to the mayor, interrupting them won't do us much good. So, how about we just track these guys, while keeping an eye out for any trouble that might pop up out here?"
Alf nods, and gets to thinking. "How about you watch now to see if they leave, and I use their scent to see where they came from?"

((Not sure why I didn't think of this earlier))
<That is valid. Go ahead and roll for tracking. I'm gonna Dark Souls for a little bit and then once I'm at my desktop I'll write something for Niko.>
Alf casually wanders off for a block or two, well out of range of sight for the target, and finds an out of the way corner/alley where he can't be seen. He then transforms into a small, nonthreatening dog (probably a terrier), and goes back to where the group is. He brushes past them without stopping and begins trying to track their scent.

Tracking where the group came from (1d20+15=32)
<It's straight up

<Also, you should probably do something with Lady so that she doesn't get into any trouble this time around.>
((Doh. That's what I get for posting hastily on mobile in between stuff at work.))

Before going on his tracking mission, Alf brings Lady to where the wagon is parked and asks her (by activating Speak with Canines) to please stay in the wagon for now and get some sleep.
<Okay, I've procrastinated long enough. Back to adventure!>

"I am SIr Marv Birkin." he starts, allowing his name passage to hear what the young man in oddly fine clothes has to say. Once his story given is finished, he fails to find a completely neutral intent behind the words and the way they are spoken, shooting down the story with a simple, "That is Loinel speaking through you." He begins his counter point following Nicholas' conclusion, "and a 'goodwill' from us to simply out of the question. The queen herself called for this city built to foster relations with the west, and to simply give that up would not only be treasonous, but also hurt our business relations with Emerald Bay and Southport. There is no proof the rebellion is interested in these people's protest; they are bandits and rogues, and surely busy with their guerrilla warfare efforts where the bulk of the army must be."

<Sir Birkin crit on sense motive and had a bonus that could beat 21.>


The white wolf hangs her head over the edge of the vehicle upon hearing she isn't allowed to come. Nearby, the armored Uqualek, unhooked from the horse drawn pulley walks forward and confidently states, "Don't worry! I'll vouch that she's all yours should anybody try anything funny."

After that, the trail, still fresh leads to several spots where the men have been. Scents stop at some doors in front of houses as he tracks them, and the different scents of the men spread out as he seeks out the sources. Each one leads to a house, most likely where each one lives.

The men themselves only start to leave some time after the dog starts to find their trail. Draco begins following them without fail <I'll elaborate more on what happens in a later post once I know what I'm actually going to do>
Alf, in terrier form, finds what he believes to be Richard's house, based on his scent from the handshake. He then starts sniffing around to see if he can find any potential means of entry for a Small creature. He'll also check the ground to see if it would be possible to dig a hole under the ground and into the house.

((Can I take a 10 on this? If so, that'd give me a 21. If not, I'll roll it))


((Bah, Nico gets a decent social roll and this happens. I think this guy is s dead end as trying to intimidate him seems like a bad idea. Unless you guys have a better idea maybe we should just head to the constable. We can try to convince Dortumn to convince Marcallus that this guy is making things worse later.))
<Result of the take 10 search would just result in realizing the house has no obvious entry other than windows (which would be closed) and a chimney. I'm gonna require an actual roll to see if you find dirt soft enough to dig under or some other unintended way for you to get in.>


((Bah, let me try something))

Stricia bows low in front of the noble and keeps her face and tone completely neutral . "Sire" she begins "Forgive me if I speak out of turn but it seems to me that we all wish the same thing; for Rosewood to settle down and get back to work and for things to not get worse. If we can find proof that the Rebellion is more dangerous than mere bandits and has been taking advantage of the unrest here to make inroads against the crown then may it convince you a lighter touch here is justified?"
There is some dirt soft enough to dig under, next to a growing bush. By now it is apparent that people are around, and Richard could be coming back any time soon.

<I'm gonna rule that digging as a dog is similar to making an attack on a surface w/ a d4, and to save time I'll just assume taking 10 until it works so that I'm not looking at fourty or so rolls. I do want you to make a stealth check though.>

<@Stricia: Make a diplomacy roll. I'm gonna oppose it with my own Diplomacy even though that's not actually a rule, just seems fitting.>

Draco can see Richard and his friends trotting back off. Where he and his friends stop to break off, if he listens carefully he'll hear them mention 'maybe at the meeting tonight.'
<He rolled 15.>

"Or we can convince the mayor to call off this protest so that there is no unrest to take advantage of, then the soldiers stationed here can focus on the rebels."

<Should probably give Dreadstone a shot.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone looms out from behind Niko and stares Birkin in the eye. "With all due, respect, I reckon you might be laborin' under some misapprehensions 'bout the nature of the rebellion. We've come from the front lines, and I can personally assure you that we ain't dealin' with a pack of rogues and bandits. They're trained military, and they're already bein' mighty successful at disrupting supply and trade routes."

From the interior of his cloak, he withdraws the mission folio that Dortumn had entrusted to him as the head of the squad, and waves it under the advisor's nose. "You can bet your hide the rebellion is dead set on sowin' as much widespread chaos and disorder as possible. There won't be any bulk of the army if it's spread out all over the kingdom tryin' to put down uprisin's like the one you got brewing outside the door.

"We want to wrap this up before the rebellion even has time to get a toe hold. And we take our marchin' orders from Field Marshal Dortumn, and he takes 'em from the regent himself. So whatever your directives may have been, you have some new ones now. The throne wants this shut down with all due haste, and I have a hunch that he ain't mighty particular on how it gets done at the moment. Twistin' arms ain't just a metaphor, if it comes to it."

"Do we have an understandin' between us on the nature of the situation we find ourselves in?"

Intimidate check:  1d20+12=26


Gnaw, meanwhile, has wandered off since he was told off screen that he had to wait outside the mayor's office, and is discovering all sorts of exotic new garbage to roll around in.
Visibly alarmed by the appropriately alarming news of intel he wasn't aware of before, while he is visibly shaken, he looks to the tiefling, "A field marshal? That is a relatively low ranking officer in the military, and even Lord BIllem would be in great trouble to go against the Queen's orders. I cannot help you. Speak with an officer for actual military related matters."

Gnaw, meanwhile, has wandered off since he was told off screen that he had to wait outside the mayor's office, and is discovering all sorts of exotic new garbage to roll around in.
<*considering making Gnaw disappear for awhile*>
Stealth Roll (1d20+2=15)

After inspecting Richard's house for a little while, Alf manages to find a small section of slightly loose dirt that happens to be right up against one of the walls. He looks around and notes that there are people who could potentially see him if they looked his way; with that in mind, he does his best to not make any unnecessary noises as he gets to work.

One at a time, he claws tiny mounds of dirt away from the ground, causing the ground to give way very gradually under his paws. He is not scooping away as much as he is used to; the last time he did something like this, he was in his own sturdy wolf body, whereas now he has to make do with the unimpressive stature of a much lesser canine. As he digs, he keeps reminding himself that a smaller body will also make it easier to squeeze into a smaller hole.

He continues the work, hoping that no one chances to look his way before he makes it inside.
Miraculously, the surrounding people seem to manage to all look in a direction away as a hole is slowly dug.

Some time will be taken, the air becoming the feel of dirt crashing from all around though it offers protection from the outside cold. After Alf manages to collapse the dirt into a new hole above him, he'll discover something about the build of the house: the floor is actually slightly above the ground itself, and he is standing under it. The occasional mouse and spider live under here, seeking shelter from all other life. The silver lining is that he had not hit this floor as he was digging, leading to the possibility of getting stuck.


"With all due respect Sire" Stricia says "Unrest that ties up the forces of the crown while they are desperately needed elsewhere is very much a military matter. You have a choice between working with the mayor to calm tensions and get the city back to work or undermine him to exacerbate them and play into the hands of the rebels. We all have a part to play in maintaining law and order, not just the military."
Alf allows a low, slight growl to escape his throat. He was hoping it would be easier than this.

Undeterred, he begins slinking around in the crawlspace, hoping to find some way to get into the actual house - a panel that can be opened, a flimsy-looking piece of flooring, et cetera.
Undeterred, and visibly annoyed by the lecture given to him which practically undoes Dreadstone's efforts, he sharply spouts, "I stand by my decision! We will continue to work towards both order and defending ourselves from the rebels with our might. Now if you'll excuse me, I have given you enough of my time."


<Roll to find a possible entry now, or if you fail or want to wait, find it eventually at a later time.>

While exploring the underneath of the house, a smell of boiling meat and carrot touches the little canine's senses, and the ears soon pick up a faint humming. A song.


Draco will soon continue following Richard after Draco had overheard something about a 'meeting' (in case you missed it due to the fast moving thread), along with his inviting one of his friends, back towards his house.

<It's been awhile since the last post involving your perspective, make another stealth check.>
<Alright, I'll give you something once I do more with Draco, and the time it takes to do that will be how long it takes to find an entrance. In the mean time you could try something different if you want to.>


((well this whole episode went absolutely nowhere))

Stricia stares at the retreating noble with absolutely no idea what happened and how her comments were in any way different from Dreadstone's. Feeling like she failed her companions in some way and prevented a diplomatic resolution of the rising tensions in Rosewood her shoulders slump.

((No more diplomacy from Stricia))
Richard glances back behind, him, and mentions to his friend who also looks, "Some weird guy came up to us today, grown like a stallion; said he was some kind of traveler. I just don't know..." It's evident that they haven't spotted Draco following them yet. The other guy says, hands at his sides while glancing around, "Can't blame you, strangers could be anyone."

Finally, their destination is met. Seen at the home is Richard knocking on a door and it opening up to a gleeful lady friend wrapping arms around his shoulders and also greeting the other guy cheerfully. At the time the puppy, Alf, below the house can hear faint sounds of people gathering.

<Another Perception, Alf; another Stealth, Draco.>
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