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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko scoffs at the nobel's departure. "He refuses to see beyond his perspective. Typical ruling class nonsense. I suppose it was a mistake to try and clash words with a man who is likely versed solely in such matters. Still, interesting to hear some of his orders may come straight from the Queen." The sorcerer retrieves his leather bound journal and scribbles a few words as the group prepares to depart.

Outside the courthouse he shrugs his shoulders playfully and his lips begin to twist into a smile. "Ha. I think we now know how this situation deteriorated to such an extent. I can't say I blame the rioters so much any more for their frustrations." He cracks his knuckles and looks to Dreadstone and Stricia with a dark grin.

"Let us speak with the constable. We tried playing nice. Now we do it our way."
<On second though I'll go ahead and give you the location, as you still have to actually get in.>

The search for some kind of entrance seems almost fruitless at first, with an old beat up wand being found in the putrid insect ridden mud instead which can be taken and allowed to disappear into the magical disguise. However; a tiny light at an odd angle appears, hinting at a dented floorboard above him.

<Strength check, haven't determined DC yet.>

The people enter the house now and shut the door. Alf can hear footsteps of people walking around and voices abound, and Draco can get close to the house.

<Both make perception for sound.>
"Good to see you again, Han. I made sure to make plenty of stew for everyone when they come tonight," the woman says, "It's being kept warm."
"We might have to find a new place. I think one of those adventurer types overheard something I was saying out on the street," Richard explains.
"Do they know we're here, though?" Han asks."
"Who knows? All I know that it's getting harder to find ways of trying to get the rebel's attention with how the military is cracking down on us. We'll have to discuss some new ideas I have at the latest meeting."
Alf decides to stay put where he is for now. He goes back to the hole that led him here and tries to make it look neat and as undisturbed as he can without trapping himself ((survival roll?)), then camps out and listens, in anticipation for the meeting.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone watches in silence as the advisor throws his hissy fit and storms off. "Looks like the carrot has failed," he mutters to Stricia and Niko. He nods in agreement with Niko's assessment. "Time to resort to the stick. We need to find whomever's in charge of the troops and see if we can't enlist their assistance in breakin' this log jam."
<It's been too long since the last time I heard anything from the Advanced Class Guide playtest.>

Similar to the court house, the constabulary and the nearby guard house are also being similarly protested. Horseback riders scour the perimeter keeping people at distances with saps, making it significantly easier to get in through the front with permission.

Inside the city watchmen identified by their less decorated, and pale, rosy colored uniforms that do not stand out nearly as much as their vividly colored counterparts can be seen alongside a few Ruby Keep guards. The interior is small and already hit with a desk and a hallway, with a room visible beyond the desk that seems to store relevant items needed to handle business matter for those that talk to the man sitting in front. Looking to the group entering, the young half-orc asks, "Yes. May I help you?"
((Oh yeah, Guess I should do something...))

Fairly certain he has heard everything he needed to hear, Draco takes his leave, so he may inform the rest of the group of what he heard... unsure they would still be talking to the mayor at this point, he decides to ask if anyone has seen them recently instead. And maybe find Alf while he is at it.

Gather Information: (1d20+11=30)
((I'm half expecting you to say i don't even need this roll, so of course i roll a 19 on it...))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods in acknowledgement of the half-orc manning the desk, flashing his own indication of rank. "Son, might you be able to point us in the direction of who's in command round this here town? We have some important dealings that the brass want us to resolve ASAP."
<Since that is a disappointing roll you can get a bonus on the next one.>

One of the guards at the court house informs the investigator that a group speaking to the mayor just now had went towards the constable for further business. The other man Draco describes had managed to make himself disappear from most people's awareness.

Meanwhile, Alf can continue to hear conversation that Draco is inevitably missing:

"When are we to be at the meeting?"
"Well in the morning of night, Laurie is going to keep her lights off so you remember where she lives right?"
"I plan on going there soon after I have some of your savory cooking, that way I won't be sneaking around at night."


The half-orc answers, "Yes, you may, though both our and the Keep's officers are briefing some men about to get back on duty. If you would wait a few more minutes they should be done." And with that the group will have a chance to reflect among themselves as well as a chance for Draco to catch up.
Alf realizes that he was mistaken in his initial impression that the meeting would be held here at this house, and decides that staying here is no longer worth it, given that his companions don't know where he is. He digs his way out from under the house and fixes up the hole again.

After finding a discrete alleyway in which to revert to his human form, he goes looking for the others, inspecting the newly-found wand as he walks.
The wand is a hand carved branch featuring designs intended to give a sense of ethereal and uplifting. It is damp from the weather, but kept together by its dimming power.

EDIT: Scratch that. It is a wand of Lesser Restoration with only 5 charges left.
"It'll be down the hall, to your right, and then down the hall again and on the door to your right once more, but I'm sure they'll want some room to clear out once they're done."
<I think I'm gonna spend today doing planning on the game. I was hoping the waiting period would spark a bit of casual roleplay with one of the characters feeling down and everybody can catch up to the group, but I might have to suggest that OOCly.>
((I didn't want to jump ahead and assume that I could easily find the group, but now I guess it's safe to do so))

Using his amazing powers of scent and tracking skills, Alf manages to find the party waiting outside a door in a hallway in the constabulary.

"Found some good info," he says, his eyes bright and his demeanor nearly manic. "Protesters are still disorganized and will not be threat any time soon. There is another group, led by man named Richard. Seemed suspicious and have some strange plans. They supposed to have a meeting tonight at house of someone called Laurie. Her house will have lights off. I don't really understand that part."

He pulls a dirt-caked stick out of one of his pockets and displays it to the others, Niko in particular. "Also found a magic stick under a house. Think it has some healing abilities, but not exactly for when you get hurt by weapons. I think it heals magical maladies."

He nods at Quintus, then cocks his head at the other three, Stricia in particular. "Something seems wrong. How was your luck?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Looking at the dirty wand with a wrinkled nose, Niko's eyes turn blue momentarily as he inspects its the magical qualities. "Nice find, Alpha. Sounds like you had way more luck than us." Confirming its magical qualities, the sorcerer hands back the wand as he muses on the best way to translate the situation to the excited druid.

"Mayor of Rosewood refuses to budge because he is being challenged for authority over town by Ruby Keep. He will not put a stop to the riot without assurance of his pack's autonomy and survival. The advisor from Ruby Keep we met was even more froggy. He cowered before Dreadstone, balked at Stricia and jumped away from any attempt at compromise."

Shrugging, he smiles and congratulates Alf. "Thankfully you came through for us with a much better lead. We were all just saying the situation demands action rather than words and here you are with the fruits of your labor!"
Draco looks around, wondering who Alf was nodding it...

"You were there too? Looks like I should have stuck around a bit longer though. Shall I find the home of this Laurie person?"


"Master Dreadstone almost had him seeing reason" Stricia elaborates on Nico's words "but it all fell apart as soon as I opened my mouth." She looks away "My shame is great."
((Lol, oops. I think that makes me the first one to use the wrong name this whole game))

Alf blinks at Draco. "Don't know how you can. I have no scent for her so it is impossible to track..."

He begins to think on it, but Stricia's self criticism distracts him. He places a firm hand on her shoulder and looks her in the eyes. "Ruby Keep man ain't willing to see reason, it ain't your fault. You are the wisest I know - human, animal, or otherwise. No shame to be had in the dumb actions of others."

When he is sure that she has received the message, he looks around. "So where are we now? More plans? Maybe show Ruby Keep man error of his ways?" He grins mischievously.


Stricia smiles and pats Alf's hand "Thank you Alf, you are a good friend."

Visible collecting herself she turns to the future "Perhaps the constable or the prisoners here will know more about this Laurie. It seems like these are local insurgents wishing Rosewood to be independent and trying to take advantage of the local unrest and the external rebellion to achieve that. As for the royal advisor." she grimaces. "This city would be better off with him gone. Master Dreadstone how much sway would our report have over Lord Marcallus to get him away from here? it is fair to say that him and his ilk are the cause of the instability in this city and stretching the resources of the crown thin needlessly at a critical time."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Removin' the advisor from his post don't look to be an option to me. I don't hold quite that much sway, and even if I did the process is like to take weeks if not months. I reckon glaciers get along faster than the cogs of government.

"Now, I don't know anythin' 'bout this Richard character, but the fact he's tryin' to organize anythin' outside the protest proper sets my tail a'twitchin'. We should look into this Laurie person, see if maybe we ought not pay 'er a visit tonight." Nodding curtly in Alf's direction, he adds, "That was right good legwork, son. You'll make a fine manhunter yet."

Grasping his face in both hands, he rubs vigorously as though he might massage out his frustrations as he would a muscle cramp. "Mayor's playin' the rebellion on way, this Richard's playin' it another, the advisors and townspeople going at it a third way. Never thought I'd long for a simple uprisin'"
Consequentially, the idle conversation the diverse group is having catches a lot of interest of those that are working in the constable. They don't try to interject, genuinely curious to hear what they are saying and gossiping among themselves about it.

Eventually, a small collection of keep soldiers and city watch members alike move from the back ends of the building in organized files and make their way outside to perform their given duties. "They should be freed up," the half-orc behind the counter says.
Alf says nothing in response to the compliments laid upon him by Niko, Dreadstone, and Stricia, but it's plain as day from his body language that he has absolutely no idea what to do with those compliments. Standing there awkwardly, he is grateful for the diversion provided by the half-orc, and is more than happy to allow the others to take center stage for whatever comes next.
Once everyone makes their way down to the designated room, everyone will find themselves looking through a swung open door lazily left as such, and two men, a half-orc and a dark, bronze skinned human, decorated in Ruby Keep and Rosewood uniforms respectively chatting among themselves ideas for further planning. Seeing the group walk to the door, the half-orc officer asks, "Yes, may we help you?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone flashes his military designation ((What would we say that he is? I have no concept of military hierarchy)). "My name is Dreadstone, and this here is my squad. We're here at the behest of Billem-well, Billem maybe a couple times removed-to nip this brewin' rebellion in the bud before it can spill over and cause any more trouble than it already has. We've been able to piece a few things together since we got here, but I'd be mighty appreciative if you could fill us in on the full picture."
<I always imagined it as his rank before he left the military. I didn't actually give you guys any badges or insignia, just official documents describing your inclusion into the military with no apparent place in the hierarchy.>

Both flash a big grin at the name given, and the human of the two asks, "THE Dreadstone? Hell's Warden? The manhunter no one can run from? Knowing you're here gives me a good outlook on the situation. There's a lot to say about the 'big picture', so if there's anything you'd like us to start, feel free to tell me where."

Mike M

Nick N
((Ooooh... let's say he made it as far as 1st lieutenant before being denied his promotion to Captain and causing him to quit.))

"You know anything about a man named Richard and a woman named Loraine? We got reason to suspect they might be tryin' to foment somethin' a little more dramatic than people getting their drawers in a twist over loggin' right disputes or whatever."

"Hmm, I don't know those people in particular, Lieutennant, sir," he says, using formality in a very casual manner, while the half-orc with his arms crossed sitting on the corner of the desk shakes his head just as well, "but we've been reeling in people just like you described. There's been a lot of vocal support for the rebellion going on, and people clearly want it to happen here. In fact, I am probably the reason you're sitting here in front of us, I gave a notice to the Keep military about these suspicious activity trying to rouse interest, as well as the need to boycott export production," then as if trying to seek reason from the party members, he openly speculates with a fascination in his voice, "Think about it! They're hurting the military men and the people are denying them basic human needs, the roads are empty of traffic for long periods of time. Heck, I heard they found a guy that was tempering with the routes at the nearby inn and leased him to Alydar's custody. Don't you think that the military men here would make a great target in the state we're in?"

Then the half-orc then speaks, his understanding of common similar to the human's but his voice more gruff and stoic, "We don't know for sure if the rebels are here yet, but if some are, they are well hidden and we are ill prepared to deal with surprises. Lack of proof prevents us from asking for backup."


"When did matters start getting worse here?" Stricia wants to know. " It does not seem things were always this way."
"Where did you see these suspicious people at? We could spare a guard to look out for suspicious activity. As for when this all started... well, when the rebels came about. They're up to something, it just has to be!"
"Well, I know one of them live at [LOCATION HERE], but the place they are going to meet up at, we will have to search for. For now, I'd suggest not sending anyone quite yet, I'd prefer not to scare them off before we can find out more about what they are planning."


"Maybe these other prisoners you are holding would know more" Stricia says.

((The mayor knows nothing about rebels, the advisors know nothing about rebels, these guys know nothing about rebels, the guys Alf and Draco found know nothing about rebels they're just wannabes, if the prisoners don't know anything about rebels or this Loraine person doesn't then I'm fresh out of ideas. Adventurers can't put down generalized discontent unless there's some mysterious force orchestrating it that we can get at or if we manage to remove the source of the discontent, that being the asshole advisors being assholes. Prisoners should know where Loraine is I guess.))
<I wish I had given hint to it earlier, but I was too preoccupied giving meat to the state of the town and making sure every character was busy doing something. That, and video games and drawing unrelated to the game and still feeling jaded over something that happened awhile back whenever I do think about the game has been a bit of a distraction.>
<I wasn't sure if you guys had decided on what you preferred to do, talk to the people being held temporarily or wait until nighttime to stake out... but I think I need to continue the game along so I am going to decide for you: I'm gonna go ahead and assume you are speaking with the held people at the constable while you're still there.>

After asking to be directed towards the rebel sympathizers, the group is led to the jail cells. It is here that it's clear that they don't consider a lot of the brought in folks real prisoners. Cell doors are left open and unlocked as people sit in them, and guard presence is increased to compensate. Acting as a guide, the Rosewood officer they were speaking to that went with them explains, "As you can see we can't actually jail folk unless they're committing a crime, but we do have some real criminals in here. A secretary was arrested for sending away stolen documents and keys from the court house during the protest, and then you have your regular crazies getting a bit too rash and assaulting the good soldiers, which is why we're doing whatever we can to keep order around this block."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's eye twitches almost uncontrollably at the conditions in the jail. Being in the middle of so many unlocked cells makes him... acutely uncomfortable. In any other prison, such a condition would be treated a riot and met with a full, unrelenting show of corporeal force to both put an end to it and reinforce the position of the jailers. The middle of this idle crowd was not a place for a lawman to be, let alone one of a race so irrationally hated as a tiefling... While not everyone here may be a criminal, there's more than enough among the mix that he might not be able to properly assess the threat until it's too late.

He pays passing attention to the officer as the man speaks, spending his mental energy categorizing and prioritizing potential opponents as he sizes up the members of the crowd. "Hold up," he says suddenly, his mind finally having registered what was just said. "What was that last part? 'Bout documents and keys? Do you still have them in evidence?"
"I figured that would interest you," he says, placing his hands on his hips, "No, we don't have the evidence ourselves and we were told by the mayor that they were classified documents. The story is that when papers and data began disappearing, one of the Ruby Keep guys brought a mage from the kingdom to spy on him. Sure enough, he was caught placing papers and keys out in the forest. When the mage teleported a scout to search the area, the items were gone... so we don't know what those things were, but we have a person in this building that does, if you catch my drift," his brows raise in anticipation, "Of course the mayor would likely know what went missing too."
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