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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Where the body of the dark cleric had been lifted from the scene lingers the last will of his fight against you. The left over shadow soon collapses into a small, dark circle in the floor, then begins to slowly rise up and take a non-descript but very sentient form.

Updated Map

Initiative order

Greater Shadow
Wrath 1
Wrath 2

<I also need to see if what Dreadstone did provokes or if he even moved, because I haven't had a chance to look at his post closely yet.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((My bad I meant to ICly encourage Dreadstone to use Storm's Candle. As N is untrained in the use of martial weapons, I don't think he would be able to use it as well as Dreadstone.))

Sensing the Rod of Ice's innate power is not up to the task Niko replaces it in his cloak. "Damn it all...cold would only be an annoyance to these spirits chill aura." Truth be told, the wraith's unsettling shrieks and the appearance of a new shadow where Lionel once stood do not inspire bravado in the illusionist's heart. "What have you done, Savis?!" Loathe to approach them as he is, he opts for a defensive tactic. "Dread, it's dangerous to go alone. Take this. " He reaches out and places a hand upon Dreadstone's shoulder, a green glow of energy enveloping the tiefling as Protection from Evil is bestowed upon him. Stepping back after the cast, Niko retreats behind the ranger.

((Uh sorry about that. I don't think my turn is going to change though; Alf probably wouldn't even notice the shadow thing since he's busy chowing down and wreaking vengeance))
<Sorry about the wait. I would much rather be here, I assure you.>

<Also, picking up an item is a move action and provokes AoO, as is moving away from a threatened square.

Since these are separate move actions, DeadPhoenix how many AoOs is this?>
((Doesn't so much matter what type of action they are(well, pretty sure swift actions never provoke) As long as they are not part of the same action, they each should provoke an aoo. however since these creatures probably lack Combat reflexes, they would only get 1 each anyways.
Also, I believe the Candle is a short sword correct? Which would mean its a light weapon and can not get any bonuses from being two-handed. Normally anyways.))
<Ah, good point on Combat Reflexes. Goes to show how I tend to fail to consider everything at times.

Ironically, I believe I had a +1 two-handed weapon drop much earlier in the adventure that got sold. And yes, it is a Short Sword. I named it Storm's Candle mostly because Shocking Flaming Sword sounded dumb and a candle is a weak source of light. It's not meant to be a special weapon or anything like that.>

<Also, for some reason I didn't see that Alf actually made two attacks (for some reason I thought it was attack and damage. I am so messed up this morning. I must not have gotten enough sleep.) The Wrath he attacks is dead.>

Attack of Opportunity vs. Dreadstone: Melee Touch Attack, 1d6 Negative Energy damage, 1d6 Con Damage (DC 17 Fort Save) (1d20+6=24, 1d6=5, 1d6=3)

Upon its entry into the world, the grave shadow seeks to consume the nearest... strongest looking target.

Melee Touch, no hit point damage, 1d8 Strength Damage (no save) (1d20+11=12, 1d8=4) - <lmao easy battle>

Seeing no reason to change its charge upon its chosen victim, the remaining Wraith flies to the tiefling to continue his pressure upon the person.

Melee Touch Attack, 1d6 Negative Energy Damage, 1d6 Con Drain (DC 17 Fort Save) (1d20+6=26, 1d6=1, 1d6=6)

Current map

Initiative order

Greater Shadow
Wrath 1


Rattled by the vile form that grew out of the spot where Lionel disappeared Stricia turns to face it. She wants it destroyed. With a wordless shout she goes into a full flurry of attacks doing everything she can to kill the malevolent shadow.

((Full flurry+Haste+Ki attack, all power attacks))

Full flurry hasted power attacks including haste attack and ki attack: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19
1D8+9 = [1]+9 = 10
1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20
1D8+9 = [8]+9 = 17
1D20+8 = [10]+8 = 18
1D8+9 = [6]+9 = 15
1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13
1D8+9 = [5]+9 = 14

((Final flurry attack))

Final flurry: 1D20+3 = [20]+3 = 23
1D8+9 = [6]+9 = 15

((Uh... I've never crit before. How do I [del]shot gun[/del] crit confirm? do I use my highest attack bonus (10) or the one for the attack that actually hit (3). Edited in))

crit confirm and crit damage: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
1D8+9 = [5]+9 = 14
<A critical hit is basically an extra attack, so you roll that same attack roll again and if you hit, you roll damage again, but some damage doesn't transfer over (like elemental damage from enchanted weapons or precision damage from other sources).>

EDIT: <Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss, Hit, crit doesn't confirm: 27 damage>
((Sad part is, ignoring the natural 1, that would have hit me if not for the AC bonus from Protection from Evil. Looking forward to the monk bonuses when I gain a level))

Alf devours and swallows what remains of the wraith, then belches before noticing a shadow creature trying to swipe at him. He raises an eyebrow and glares at it.
((Whoops, that's what I get for not clicking on the map))

Upon seeing the shadow rise up from the floor, Lady has finally had enough, and bolts westward, as far from these vile creatures as she can possibly get ((Full retreat)).

Conveniently, this leaves a clear path between Alf and the unholy abomination.

The dire wolf licks its lips hungrily.

Mike M

Nick N
((Only meant for Dreadstone to two-hand the sword for RP purposes because he's trained with a greatsword, didn't even know there was a bonus for 2H an actual long sword.))

Dreadstone Fortitude saves:
Save vs AoO:  1d20+6=17
Save vs Wraith:  1d20+6=20

Beating a clumsy retreat to put some distance between himself and the wraith, Dreadstone hisses on pain as the creature's ghostly touch burns him. Each time he succeeds in pulling away without too much injury, but he has the distinct impression that it's attempting to wound him on a fundamentally deeper level.

"Don't know how much longer I can keep dancin' with this one!" he shouts to collection of canids across the bridge. Gnaw, seeing that the Dark Man seems to be in some sort of jeopardy, backs away cautiously from the Shadow Monster that has risen in front of him, and breaks out in a run around the right side of the room to circle around to the other side of the bridge ((if allowed, Gnaw's in Full Retreat away from the Greater Shadow, should wind up in F11 or thereabouts)).

Dreadstone curses under his breath. The sword is far lighter and shorter than what he's used to, which means he needs to fight in closer quarters.

Considering he prefers to fight with a bow, this is problematic indeed.

Full round attack vs. Wraith
Attack 1:  1d20+8+1(Haste)=17
Damage:  1d6+2+1(Haste)=8
Fire damage:  1d6=4
Lightning damage:  1d6=3

Attack 2:  1d20+3+1(Haste)=20
Damage:  1d6+2+1(Haste)=4
Fire damage:  1d6=3
Lightning damage:  1d6=1

Haste Attack:  1d20+8+1(Haste)=25
Damage:  1d6+2+1(Haste)=9
Fire damage:  1d6=2
Lightning damage:  1d6=6

((Gonna guess the wraith is immune to fire and lightning, but rolling anyway.))
<I am gonna assume that the shock and flaming damage do indeed count being they come from a magic source, but are still halved in damage due to it not being force magic.

Anyway, miss, hit, hit: 12 damage. Ruling that 1 is minimum damage for rounding down.

Nothing new happens start of the new turn, so go ahead and continue playing.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko's right eye twitches, the emerald pupil it holds wavering in fear as a vein pulses on his forehead. Ozzy the weasel chatters nervously in the corner of the room, running from side to side in fear and indecision. Breathing heavily the sorcerer visually recoils at Dreadstone's shout, gripping side of his head in pained frustration. "I-I've got it! Take this!" Retrieving the wand of cure light wounds, he casts it upon the tiefling with shaking hands.


Humans and living beasts are his area of experience. They can be tricked and deceived, lead into traps and distractions disabling them while the more wild and nimble types take them down. But ghosts? Shrieking, shadowy life-drinking shades? And this at a time when his allies need his magic the most. What a joke that the best he can offer is meager protection.

His real power as a sorcerer is, like his sparkling armor, but an illusion.
((Five foot step next to the shadow.

Attack, Damage, and Trip attempt (1d20+13=27, 1d8+12=16, 1d2+13=15)

Haste Attack, Damage, and Trip (1d20+13=17, 1d8+12=19, 1d2+13=14)))

On a roll after devouring the other creature, Alf tries to keep the momentum and goes for the jugular of the shadow-being.

((How is the shadow reacting to being hit? Is it corporeal? For that matter, what were the physics involved in Alf trying to eat the wraith? Did it just vanish into thin air, or was he actually able to swallow something?))
<The shadow is incorporeal, but you are unsure why you are able to interact with it. Stricia knows for sure that her ki is what is hitting the incorporeal beings, not her physical body. Her fists are what guides the ki like a container.

As for "swallowing" an incorporeal creature, what you decide to "swallow" disappears as it breaks apart from its main body.

Also, first bite misses, and the shadow still lives.>
Unlike the Wraiths which squeal in fear of the wolf's power, the shadow only relishes an opportunity to ruin great strength, silently extending its darkness around the giant beast.

Melee Touch Attack, 1d8 Strength Drain (no save) (1d20+11=19, 1d8=6)

<This is probably the first time somebody's stat actually got drained this battle, despite so many times it could have happened, so only now I can say that having a stat drained to zero will kill you.>

Undeterred, the wraith begins stretching its limbs to begin whipping at its victim, growing more violent in its nature as Dreadstone clings to life.

Melee Touch Attack 1d6 Negative Energy Damage, 1d6 Con Drain (DC 17 Fort Save) (1d20+6=17, 1d6=5, 1d6=6)

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Fortitude save:  1d20+6=7

Everything about fighting the wraith feel's off. The sword is too small and doesn't feel right in his hands, he's too close to his enemy for comfort, and swinging through the wraith doesn't offer the normal resistance of delivering a blow to a corporeal foe, but it does more so than just swinging through air.

Off balance and harried by this persistent creature, Dreadstone is momentarily distracted by the commotion as Stricia somehow pummels the shadow into non-existence. He only looks away for the briefest of seconds, but the hole in his defense is exploited by the wraith who stabs him with it's ghostly appendage square in the chest.

Dreadstone gasps, feeling his life force being siphoned away. He stumbles backwards through Niko and Draco. "Keep... Keep it away," he chokes out.

((Full Retreat to J4. Can't risk another hit like that.))
Alf grits his teeth as he feels himself weakening - almost as though he's shrinking, but that must not be true because he hasn't gotten any shorter.

Stricia makes quick work of the beast, though, taking Alf out of immediate danger.

From across the bridge, Alf hears the agonized cries of the tiefling Hunter, and sees him flee the ghost-thing in defeat; meanwhile Niko looks like a lost puppy and Draco's efforts to defeat the ghost, while noble, seem ineffective.

Eager to be the hero, Alf trots across the bridge to finish his meal and save the day.

Attack and Damage on Wraith (1d20+13=33, 1d8+12=15)

((Edit: Subtract 3 from the damage because I forgot to account for the -6 strength. Also that's a 30 to hit instead of 33))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sweet edit inc.))

Niko nods as Dreadstone steps behind him. Retrieving a withered roll of parchment from his sleeve, the sorcerer steps forward and activates the magic held within against the remaining wraith.

Magic Missle:
With its pray having fled from him and being surrounded and outmatched with no means of survival, the spirit will attempt to make an attempt through the water and into the earth.

<Gonna let you guys take AoO just for the fun of it. Time to end this battle.>

((Just so I don't mess up turn order again, are we on a new round or...?))
<Oh, no you were fine, it's a new turn and you were up, and I applied your Magic Missile damage.>
<And that does it. Combat has ended.>

The wraith is grasped into the maw, and collapses into a puff of vapor that trails off into eventual nothing.

It is a couple of minutes after the sewers fill with silence once more that they finally receive another message from the Headmaster from home base:

Nicholas! Everyone! Are you all okay? The scrying had worn off soon after the negative-oriented Cleric had begun attacking you. Dortumn is wanting me to tell you that he recognizes who had attacked you and heard much of what was said, but is urging you to keep what you heard and seen on a need-to-know basis. Make copies of the plans the best you can to give to Ruby Keep officers to use, and come back to give the original to Dortumn so that we can use magic to brief the kingdom from a distance.

<My plan for you guys is to have you come back to Emerald Bay for some updates, and then let you go to either your next main mission, or let you explore some off-areas that you think are relevant, but I definitely want you going back home before you do any of that.>
As soon as the immediate danger is out of the way, Alf reverts to his human form and produces the Wand of Lesser Restoration from his pocket. He strides directly to the injured Dreadstone and locks eyes with him, nodding respectfully. Alf places one hand on the tiefling's shoulder, while the other wields the Wand. He closes his eyes to concentrate.

((Alright lady and gents, let me know how much healing you need, both in HP and in ability damage. I have three Cure Moderate Wounds and five Lesser Restorations available. I'll heal all Constitution damage before getting around to my Strength, since Con is way more important to survival))
<Con was drain, strength was damage. I can always provide clerical services (although I am very tempted to just invoke DM power to just let you cure the Con drain because I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't apply), the wand of lesser restoration was for if you guys ended up fighting a battle that damaged a stat before the big battle (which ended up not happening) and a bit of a hint I purposefully put few charges in so that you wouldn't just sell it at full price.>


Stricia shudders as her final swing passes through the aberrant shade and disperses it. She cannot decide whether she is quivering from fear or rage or some odd combination of both. Tangling with bandits or political insurgents is one thing but it didn't compare at all with the pure evil they had run across in this damp and dark shiver. Taking a deep breath to calm herself Stricia retrieves an old potion of cure light wounds that she drinks. "I will take the spider corpse to the friendly monster but then we should quit this place" she says as she sees Alf quickly taking care of the weakened Dreadstone.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As final wraith lets out its last shriek, relief washes over the sorcerer in an awesome wave. His shoulders slump and he takes a deep breath to collect himself. Seeing Alf resume his humanoid form to heal the others, Niko tends to his own wounds and then recollects Ozzy from the corner of the room. He speaks to his friend in a strained voice. "I'm okay now. You don't have to be afraid." It takes a great deal of coaxing to convince the critter that the danger has passed, though the sorcerer himself is just as unsure.

And looking back toward the spot where the dark cleric's shade rose from the ground, Niko cannot help but remain disturbed by the man's interest in his person. He rolls up the plans on the table and secures them in twine. Hearing the Headmaster's voice, he nods in acceptance. "I know I gave slimer my word we'd find him a snack....but after what we've been through..." Niko pauses to peer around at the shadows of the room suspiciously. He casts a light spell upon his person, an orb floating just above his head.

"I just...I think we should get out of here as soon as we can."
"This ain't working," Alf says in confusion, frowning at the rod. "I still can heal some things though." He channels his healing energy into Dreadstone's shoulder, doing much to alleviate his injuries.

Once that's done, he fidgets with the rod, deciding to test it on himself.

Lesser Restoration (1d4=4)

Lesser Restoration #2 (1d4=3)

Primal energies sweep away whatever corruption the shadow-beast implanted him with, leaving Alf feeling like a million gold.

Lady returns to the party, and Alf's heart sinks as he sees her limping and severely weakened. He runs to her side and kneels to inspect her. Healing magicks mend whatever physical injuries the wraith inflicted, but there's something else wrong with her, similar to Dreadstone, and the wand isn't working on her either.

Alf looks at the skittish sorcerer. "Niko," he says, "You take Dreadstone and Lady up to town and try to find healers to help them. Stricia, me, and Draco will bring the spider to Otyugh. We will meet at cart in one hour, and then decide if to rest or to leave at once." Channeling his mystical powers briefly to ask Lady to go with Niko for now, Alf then joins Stricia at the spider carcass to help her drag it.

((I'll use one Cure Moderate on Dreadstone, which will heal up to 22 hp and will hopefully be enough. The second casting goes to Lady. If no one else needs healing from me, I'll use my last Cure Moderate and top myself off))
When the Otyugh devours the spider, it feels uplifted by the satiating of his hunger, but, "That was delicious! But it wasn't the dried squids friends promised! I'll tell you about strange men in thanks...!" It does so.

In town, the Ruby Keep men and women there agree to let you borrow their on-site cleric for free healing. It is well into night by now and much of the civilian populace have headed to bed, though some more dedicated people with torches remain. The constable officer arrives to meet up with you once more upon your safe arrival, saying, "Looks like your information was right. Our eyes caught some kids snooping around. We escorted them back to their homes so nothing seemed to have happened between them yet."

<I only want to know how you present the plans and who you present them to so that I can move on. Nothing is going to come out of the Otyugh since you failed that side quest and I don't want to make it a diplomacy challenge as a fallback because I don't want to spend more time there.

Your hit points and attribute points will be healed for free.>

Mike M

Nick N
Sitting on the bed in the cleric's office, Dreadstone absent-mindedly rubs the spot on his chest where the wraith had plunged its ghostly limb into his very body, stealing his very life essence. It doesn't hurt anymore -- he feels completely fine, fully restored -- but the violating sensation remains tattooed in his memory. A feeling he's not likely to shake.

Gnaw's head in his lap, he scratches the loyal mutt behind the ears, while he stews in self-recrimination. He's never been so thoroughly bested in combat like that before. He tries to tell himself that it's not his fault that he was taken so unprepared, that all his experience and training revolved around sending people to the great beyond, not dealing with them when they come back. But it doesn't make him feel any better.

Next time though, he won't be so easy to take down.

He rises from the bed, waving away a cleric's aide that tries to prevent him from leaving. "I'm fine," he grunts. "Don't got time to be out of commission anyhow, got too much to do."

Searching out the captain of the city guard, he delivers a copy of the plans they discovered in the sewers. "Mayor Loinel's been playin' everyone," he explains. "Not only is he a cleric of the dark arts, but he's in league with the Orphan rebellion. He confessed as much right before he tried to kill us down there. Unfortunately, he got away, but not before leavin' their invasion plans as a gift."


Once his business is concluded, he makes a detour to the quartermaster's building. There's a young clerk -- scarcely old enough to enlist -- mending armor behind the counter. The boy looks half terrified as the shadowy tiefling and his deranged-looking dog sweep into the room.

Dreadstone drops the set of thorny Rosewood armor on the counter. "I need this dyed black..."
<I don't think I've actually defined a City Watch Captain for roleplaying purposes. You mind I just assume you're giving it to that one city watch officer you've been talking to?>
Sifting through the plans scrawled on the thin scraps carefully torn from a notebook, an astonished look on the watch officer's face responds, "Gods! The mayor himself? I... I'll get these plans where I can to warn everyone.. But I can't believe it, the mayor a traitor and a dark cleric.. was such a nice guy."

After that has happened, all of you have recovered from your injuries, and morning has come, it will be time to leave. As far as the city is concerned, nothing has changed yet and a new day of routine protest begins. Observing to see the bloom of change will have to wait.

Meeting with Uqualek at the inn, he is boredly drinking from a mug while occasionally glancing to a youth at a table telling some children about a story that was conjured up:

"So you've heard about the master of chaos, right? They say that the new god of chaos and disorder was a little bitty ant, who hated the order of his daily routine, so he broke free of his defined order and became an individual, and in breaking free started to grow in power. The ant then started to turn the order of the colonies around him into chaos, letting the other ants conflict with each other's actions until it was proven that even in disorder progress can be made, and in disorder it is magnificent. Look outside, children! We're bringing chaos! And maybe, we'll succeed at betterment!"

Clapping his mouth a bit after gathering a bit of an aftertaste from a sip, Uqualek looks over to your arrival from the corner he stands and says to you, "Hey! Glad you finally came, nothing happened over here, though I kinda wished it did. But nobody got hurt right? I got a message in my head saying they want me to take you guys back to the city right away, so I am guessing we're all ready?"
It had never felt so good to be clean.

Alf had spared no expense the previous night in finding a way to expunge the filth that had accumulated on him in the sewers. Even as a full time canine he had generally preferres tidiness, and his new human side had only accentuated that in him.

A torrent of running water and soap had swept away all the sewer water, arachnoidal fluids, and dried blood that had been caked upon him, leaving Alf feeling like a new man.

The shower had done Lady a lot of good, too, and by the time the pair arrives at the wagon, they both look right as rain.

When Uqualek relays the message, though, Alf rolls his eyes. His dealings in Emerald Bay has left a sour taste in his mouth, and he'd much rather be setting a course for new horizons, all things being equal.

He does not voice his objections, however. Alf is part of a pack now, and like it or not, he is not the leader. Yet.

"We are ready to leave," he says.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sits in the back of the wagon, scribbling a brief journal entry summarizing the events that have transpired in Rosewood. Have been ordered back to base for debriefing and dissemination of intel, he concludes.

On the opposite page is the sheet that he used to depict the rebel camp in the woods.

Field Marshall neglected to specify how quickly, however...
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