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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Catching up with the others, Niko spots their indefatigable centaur driver peering over Dreadstone's shoulder. "Bit nosy there Uqualek. If you're not careful, you might end up one of the name's in the Black Guard's list." Smirking a bit, he waits for the centaur to depart before climbing into the wagon and taking a seat next to the tiefling. "What's the plan, chief? Straight back to Emerald Bay as per Dortumn's request?" Stretching out and preparing his limbs for the long journey back, the sorcerer begins to scribble drawings and his thoughts into his own journal.

He asks of Alf & Stricia how the sewer creature took to their offering. "Shame we couldn't find the lil guy a dried squid. He was quite amusing." As banter dies down, Niko strokes Ozzy's fur while they both snack on a handful of nuts and dried fruit. Given last night's rest, he doesn't expect to get much sleep on the trip back but plans to retrace the events in his mind so he may present them to the Headmaster with utmost clarity.
<I'm sorry everyone, but I'm tired of waiting days on this. Normally I would let you do what you want (and I really want to let you do so), but I can't right now, so please just let me get this out of the way because the sooner I get this done, the sooner we can continue playing normally. I promise it won't make Forrester die faster or anything scary like that. After this visit back to home base, you guys will be able to go where you were planning on going next.>

The urgency of the call back home eventually leads you back to the front of the Emerald Bay arena. It is still morning when most have not begun stirring energetically through the day, but regardless Curly, the halfling tinkerer and his intelligent half-orc assistant stand outside, "Ah, good. Precisely when I calculated you to be here. Note that we are aware of the time, food, and well being efficiency of going to another destination first, but I believe after this morning your combat output will be increased significantly. Come, there is somebody we require you to meet."

As a wooden crane (a device not dissimilar in its scientific principles to a trebuchet used in war but its operation serving a new purpose) operated by workers carefully lowers a net filled to the brim with skinned and boned goat meat into the top opening of the T-Rex cage, Curly explains, "We're hiring another hand to aid you in combat, not entirely in light of the recent battle you had face but a convenient timing none of the less. His eccentric showmanship would have been perfect at this year's tournament but alas he only now had just arrived onto the continent." While horrible shrieks like a demon from the abyss and the cage violently trembles, meat shooting from the bar opening in the side as unspeakable things are done to the food brought in, Curly says towards a man waiting out in the fighting portion of the arena, "Please introduce yourself."

<And now Axelhortsemchi will be joining us, as Leo "Tiberius Thunderface" Smith. I have added him to the player list
on the date that I last edited that post.
<Glad to be onboard, guys! I'm typing this up on my phone, so it'll probably be a wonky block of text. I'll edit it once I'm back at my laptop.>

Taking Curly's request for an introduction as an invitation to give a speech, the large man spins around, slamming his longsword into the ground with dramatic flourish and resting both hands upon its hilt. He pauses a few seconds for dramatic effect, then launches into his introduction.

"Noble adventurers! I am Tiberious Thunderface, defender of the weak and nightmare to villains everywhere! Dortumn has told me of your quest to strike down rebel scum. In taking up this cause, I ask, 'what is the manly thing to do?'"

At this point Tiberious will pause again, ideally to get someone to start talking, only to cut them off before they can get more than a word out. "A MAN DOES NOT TURN A BLIND EYE TO EVIL!! HE CHARGES HEADLONG AT IT, DECAPITATES IT, AND MAKES A SATCHEL OUT OF ITS SKULL! There is a damsel in distress out there and villains that plan to do who knows what? WE SHALL ETCH OUR GLORY AND MANHOOD INTO THEIR VERY SOULS!'

Satisfied that the entire town has heard him, Tiberious stops speaking to strike a pose. After about five seconds, he turns to Curly with a look of disappointment on his face. "Like, I thought you had explosives and junk ready for this? That was totally the signal, I went over this with you three times already. First impressions are sooooo important."

If not interrupted, Tiberious will resume shouting things about manliness for another 10 minutes or so.
<Now that you're a part of the game, this arena is being used to supply the party, and you'll be given two potion flasks which you can fill with level 0 or 1 potions (going by this list, and you can take whatever regular weapon or armor (no masterwork, magic, special material, etc enhancements) you might want and generally other items you may need.>

Curly raises a brow, "Explosions? Surely you don't mean now? I had thought such a request was a need for bombs you might wish to use in combat and our shipment hasn't-"

A firey eruption blares dangerously close behind Tiberious, and even everyone in front of him, shockwaves and chunks of the ground shooting outward from the apex.

Silent and fallen backwards with his goggles misadjusted to show an eye, Curly looks around in astonishment and then glances up at his partner, the half-orc who is looking a bit embarrassed, "Err, uh... Forgive me, sir. Dynamite explosions are difficult to time to the moment."
Tiberius frantically resumes posing when the explosion starts, making sure his back is turned to it. When the explosion ceases, he tries to make a comment to Curly the rest of the party won't hear, remembering this time that he shouldn't be letting the others hear him address a stage hand out of character.
"Like, I guess it's ok, I think I can salvage this or something. But try and work on that, these things are importan."
"Yes! It is vital that a man never look at an explosion, he must keep it to his back, whether standing there or walking away. Now, as I was saying..."

<I'll get the flasks filled once I'm back. That's definitely not something I want to try and figure out on a phone>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's not quite sure of what to make of this newcomer. Oh, the sword is real enough, but this "Thunderface" looks and sounds more like a character from a stage production than a battle-hardened warrior. Gnaw exchanges a glance with Dreadstone, whining plaintively and tilting his head to the side as though in askance.

"Don't look at me," Dreadstone grunts. "I don't know what's he's going on about any more than you do."

The explosive detonation of dynamite takes him by surprise, sending his cloak flapping behind him as he instinctively brings a bramble-entwined arm up to shield his face. Lowering it just enough to make eye contact with the new recruit, he asks, "And exactly how much experience have you had, decapitatin' evil?"
<knowledge local to recognize Dreadstone: 1D20 + 3= 21. Assuming that passes, will edit if it doesn't>

"Ah, I believe I recognize you! You must be Mr. Deadstone! I've heard you strike terror into the hearts of villains too, we're practically kindred souls! I'm glad you ask that; I've been slaying all manner of beasts and villains in arenas since I was just a young kid! It's enjoyable, but I decided I could do more good roaming the land and spreading justice my wake. Now, my travels have brought me to this land."
<Knowledge Local tells you that, other than what Dortumn might have told you in briefing about his regular career as a private bounty hunter and what Dreadstone can tell you, Dreadstone has a bit of a sour reputation in the town as of lately from the less friendly and reputable sorts.

In addition, I'll tell you that Stricia you see before you has a positive reputation for recently coming in first in the recent tournament, despite losing in the special exhibition match afterward.>
After responding to "Deadstone," Tiberius will direct his attention towards Stricia.

"Hey, I heard you won a tournament around here not too long ago! It's not exactly arena combat, but it sounds close enough. You'll have to regale me with tales of your triumph later! Did you lecture the crowd as you smote your foes? Did you shock everyone with a move no one's seen before? I'm sure it was an awe-inspiring, manly performance."

If the idea of calling a woman manly is insulting, Tiberius appears to be completely oblivious to this.
Lady nearly bolts away from the unexpected explosion, but a comforting pat from Alf calms her down.

The 'druid' listens to the large sword-wielder bluster on for some time. This man seems to have a talent for using many words to say very little, but one thing catches Alf's attention.

"I am Alf." He steps forward, standing tall and puffing his chest out, like a peacock splaying its feathers. He offers a handshake to Tiberius. "I wish to know more of this arena combat. Welcome to our pack, but please less explosions. Lady does not likes them."
Seeing an opportunity to talk further about arenas, Tiberious eagerly accepts Alf's handshake, and makes an effort to puff out his chest as well.


"The arena's a great thing! I haven't seen any in this land, which is a pity. It's a place where you strike down monsters and villains before thousands, and earn their admiration through your sheer warrior's spirit! You slay and slay and slay until you're a hero in the people's eyes, and then you slay some more. My best and earliest memories are from the arena, not to say that I regret leaving to help others outside of it though. Eventually, you hit the point where you can bring more joy to the people outside of the arena than in it, and once I hit that point, I decided it was time to travel the world."

"Oh, and I do suppose I can tone back the explosions. They would be hard to set up on the battlefield. They're kind of expensive too."
Alf raises an eyebrow. "So no hunt? Just slaughter monsters brought before you?"

He is quiet for a moment as he processes this. "Before learn to hunt, cubs must be trained in battle. As wolves, we do this by catch weak prey and have cubs fight prey for practice."

Following this logic, he looks into Tiberius's eyes as if he's inspecting them for something.

"Maybe I can see it, yes. Welcome to ranks of hunters, Tiberius. You are in good company." He slaps a friendly hand on Tiberius's shoulder. "We ready to leave, or more things to do in town first?"

((Welcome to the game Axel! Great character concept BTW))
<Fun fact: I was going to have the Emerald Bay tournament be a team up against monsters, but everybody in-character understood it as a 1 vs 1 competition so I changed it at the last moment. Goes to show that you guys can influence the game in ways you don't realize.>
Tiberious tries to follow Alf's wolf metaphor, but mostly ends up sticking on the part about hunting. "Ah, you're more a hunter then, huh? That's a very different beast than the arena. You seem to really like wolves. Hmm, think of the arena as not like hunting a lion or something bigger, but being dropped straight into a cave with it while all of your hunter friends are cheering you on. Slaying the lion's a different skill set than tracking it down and killing it stealthily, and if you aren't already good at fighting going in, you'll probably wind up dead yourself! Not that I think that would be an issue for you, you look pretty capable in the combat department."

"I've got everything I need, so I'm ready to go forth and stamp greatness into the corpses of our foes whenever the rest of you are."

(Thanks! I like going a bit over the top with my characters, and I was trying to think of something good for that in pathfinder. I liked the gladiator class when I saw it, and filling a tank role cemented that for me)


bitch I'm taking calls.
((This is awesome. Welcome Axel! I'm glad this worked out so well.))

Inspecting the T-Rex cage as Curly is talking, Niko is caught off guard as the burly warrior slams his greatsword into the earth. Blinking perplexedly at the muscled-man's shouts about glory and manhood, he notices the gladiator continue on in lengthy bursts of bragging. Whispering to Ozzy, the sorcerer attempts to stifle his own laughter. "Heheheh...what a character. But these guys are usually all show and no-"


As an explosion rips through the arena, the young man is thrown back. "WHOA!" he shouts, falling back into a crouch as he covers his eyes from the dust and debris kicked up in the force of the explosion. Standing up he waves a hand over his clothes, conjuring a ghostly force to whisk the dirt and bits of rubble from his garments until they are bright and clean once more. Noticing this newcomer's propensity for bombastic speech and demanding draw for attention, the gears begin to turn in the young sorcerer's mind.

"This guy is to join us as well? Great thinking Curly. We could definitely use more fodd-er friends on the battlefield."

Niko approaches the gladiator, inspecting his greatsword with curiosity before introducing himself. "Great to have you on board, Tiberius. I'm sure Dortumn brought you up to speed. He loves lengthy debriefings. There's lots of evil to smite and definitely a damsel in distress to rescue. And you say you work simply for the love of battle? Excellent. There is sure to be plenty of that."
(( I know that feel Azih. I lost my intro post trying to type it up on my phone))

"That's right, friend! I fight for the love of battle and to help those in need of aid! Dortumn told me what's going on. There are people that need saving and villains that need killing. That's good enough for any true man!"
Draco nearly jumps in fright at the sudden explosion, but is able to keep it together. "I think you had it right the first time Niko... I take it you don't have much practice with stealth? Which is fine of course, sometimes its best to take the direct approach. Welcome to the team Tiberious."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone rolls his eyes and sighs inwardly. A gladiator is better than his initial assessment of a stage actor, but it seems to be a difference of degree rather than kind. At least the man has some experience, even if it's not the most practical in the world. He's seen worse.

Holding the notebook with the Orphans's plan aloft, Dreadstone announces, "I'm goin' to see Dortumn. All y'all get what you need from Curly here while I'm gone, I ain't aiming to make this a prolonged visit. We got unfinished business that needs takin' care of."

((I totally dig this concept, Dreadstone's just a curmudgeon.))
((Thanks for the voices of approval, I wasn't sure how the concept would go over with everyone))

Tiberious turns from Niko to Draco with a flourish and responds "You hit the nail on the head there! I don't believe in stealth. Not in the midst of battle anyway, it goes against manliness as I know it. There's a place for secretive stuff somewhere, and if for some reason helping people involves secret stuff before glorious battle, I'll leave that to the people who are good at it. I do have a knack for throwing costumes together go, one can't work an arena without proper, manly regalia."

As he watches Dreadstone leave, Tiberious says to himself "Yup, we're gonna be best friends."
<I myself didn't see much that I considered problematic with the 3rd party class other than some social mechanics I didn't feel suited the campaign so I removed them (how do I punish a character for "speaking out of persona?" This isn't Fable II. Also ditched the debt feature since I felt that was easily written away anyway and he was starting at level 7.)

Also, dibs on speaking to Dreadstone alone. Will make a write up soonish.>
Seeing Dreadstone leave, Curly mentions, "Very well. He'll be in the same basement room he was the last time you visited him in the academy."

Dortumn is seated at a table in the dank basement room of the Academy. He looks up to Dreadstone behind a cigar, lifting himself up from his leaned posture in the seat. He looks to the tiefling and nods, "Set the plans on the table. The academy is finding a mage that can teleport between here and the castle to deliver the plans. The gods know it'll be a liability, and plum useless, to keep them here. I'm also glad you came alone, I've been wanting to talk to you in private before you left once more."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods, rolling a cigarette of his own. "All due respect sir, I'd appreciate it if we kept it brief. I think we might have ourselves a lead on the whereabouts of Forrester, and I'm itchin' to make amends for her gettin' captured."
"Aye, I don't want to keep you but I also want you to hear everything I have to say. Consider it a quick briefing."

The cigar is a scrap roll filled with various alchemetal ingredients and designed to be smoked without a pipe and easily disposable. Dortumn turns it vertically in his fingers and then twists the ashed end into a ceramic tray to sizzle out the slow burn, "I got to thinking that I might have been too quick to agree to the conscription of the poor kids. When the acting prince heard the news of the kidnapping, the damned wreck of a man lost his top." Dortumn doesn't seem to be afraid to speak his honest opinion of royalty if it doesn't get him killed, "Do you know why the regent never got married and became prince?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko shrugs at Draco while smiling slyly. "Bombast has it's advantages. Distraction for one can be a very useful tactic. I'd love to have seen the look on that dark cleric bastard Savis face if Tiberius was there to launch his own counter idealist monologue."
- - - -

After the dust has settled on the new arrival, Niko sets about restocking supplies. He pays special attention to Alf's selections and speaks up when they are alone at one of the tables. "You and Stricia really saved us back there in the sewer." He looks up at the druid, his eyes unblinking. "I kind of freaked out, I've never encountered magic of that kind before. What I mean to say is, thanks."

Clearing his throat he absent mindedly toys with one of the mechanical devices before them, floating it in front of him while turning it over in mid air. "I meant to ask you about your...unexpected abilities. Stricia's power I think I understand, ki manipulation doesn't seem too foreign from the natural possession of the arcane that I command for my spells. Well, except she was granted her master through what I expect was rigorous training and mental mastery and I sort of just fell into what I do."

Letting the device drop, it smashes onto the table, nuts and bolts flying out in different directions. "Whoops." The sorcerer whistles nonchalantly, gesturing for the druid to follow him to a different table. "But yeah. I sense something else magic in your presence, but it doesn't have the neutral tint of the arcane, it like, shines on a completely different frequency."

"Put plainly, you have a divine aura that I think is what allowed you to tear into those wraiths effectively where normal teeth would have failed. Do you know where this might come from? If we are to encounter more dark powers, think it'd helpful to know."

Mike M

Nick N
"Never did give it any mind, no," Dreadstone answers, a cloud of tobacco smoke spilling out from his mouth to mingle with the lingering tendrils from Dortumn's cigar.

"But now that you point it out, it does seem a mite bit odd."


The events of the sewer leave Stricia shaken. It is only slowly that she comes to terms with even the concept of the malevolently evil shadows that had attempted to drain them of the life force let alone the idea that anyone would actually summon them to their bidding. The question of what would have happened to them if Alf had not been able to neutralize the vile mayor turned necromancer Lionel with his initial charge is not something that Stricia wishes to dwell on but can't help but do so.

She sits close to Alf, Lady, and Dreadstone as they recover from the energy sapping attacks that they endured repeatedly stroking Lady in an attempt to comfort herself as well as Alf's companion. Their full recovery heartens her and fills her with a determination to get to the root of this Orphan rebellion that would sink to any depth in order to achieve its shadowy aims and to, as much as possible, destroy it.

Still she is withdrawn as she enters te Emerald Bay arena that has become their home base; mulling over not only Lionel's actions but also the story of a new god of chaos. New gods rising to replace the old? What miracles would they wrought as they ascended?

The appearance of their new ally actually provides Stricia with a much needed distraction. She observes the boisterous Tiberious silenty albeit with raised eyebrows at his speech. In response to his question she bows towards him in greeting and says simply "I fought to test myself, not to entertain."
During this entire conversation, Dortumn seems more subdued than usual, seeming to genuinely want to have a meaningful exchange that isn't commanding or sharp in anyway, "Aye, we're both old men now but it happened early on in our younger days. They say it was the day of the wedding when the entire kingdom was going to watch Marcallus take Princess Lucille's hand in wedding. She was instead kidnapped and taken from the kingdom, never to be seen again. Must have given the kid quite a scare in his heart."

Sitting back once more he turns in his seat to glance at the wall, "I think you got roped into the military because he sees Mina Forrester as a repeat of Lucille. He doesn't want you to fail like our military did so many years ago; but I also don't want that to get to you. There is a strong chance that we might not see the girl back. Any attempts we've had of scrying her have given us static, meaning we can no longer find her based on her surroundings. I want you to continue your missions with this in mind, and focus on avenging her any time you don't find any clues about her. I'm not sure the others would want to hear this though, which is why I'm telling you."

Once he is done telling his story, he says, "With that said, I am going to make a change to your agenda. I don't think investigating the travel routes is important anymore, so I want you to prioritize your mission that starts at Southport. You can also go elsewhere if you feel the need, but we can't promise payment if nothing of use comes up. As for the payment we do owe, it should be being brought out to the wagon as you meet your new ally. I'll let him tell you about himself, I've kept you long enough, I'm sure."

<This is bad form to tell you this but I think it's just easier to tell you that the "trade route" quest was actually an alternative route finding out about what is going on around Rosewood. I'm telling OOCly because I don't think I would be able to find a clear IC way to make it clear that the quest no longer leads anywhere had if I let you go on it, so yeah mark that off. This leaves Southport but I'm aware that you guys might want to head elsewhere first. Don't expect planned out scenarios though.>

Every level 6 character is now level 7. In addition, the characters that participated in Rosewood gain 7,000 Gold.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Niko is anxious to depart but sometime before we leave he wants to talk to the Headmaster. Gonna wait for Alf to reply and will type up what Niko says to the Headmaster tomorrow as well as do leveling up and shopping.))
Alf has made it a point of principle to not avail himself of anything that this military is offering to provide, but when Niko addresses him, he drifts close enough to the supply table to converse.

"Divine means 'of gods?' Then yes, my powers are divine."

He pauses, but not out of any real hesitation. He's never told this story to anyone before and has to figure out how to do so. He doesn't try to shy away from it; anyone within earshot who wishes to listen would freely be able to do so.

Finally he clears his throat. "I was born as normal wolf. Started in the Shifter Woods. Was always bigger, stronger, and faster than other pups of same age. After maybe one year, I challenged my Alpha - my father - for leadership of my pack and defeated him.

"For two years, I was leader of most fearsome pack in forests. We go anywhere we want; hunt anything. Rabbits, deer, lions, kobolds, owlbears - does not matter. If it is - was - stronger than us, we beat it with tactics. Roamed all about the lands, uncontested by all. Except for man - we stay away from those, too dangerous. Plus ain't look to taste good."

He pauses again, as though he realizes that he's getting a little off track. "Anyway, my pack ruled for two years. Then one night, as we sleep, I get wakened by strange light, off in forest somewhere. I went to see it, but when I was close there was no person or animal - just warm green light.

"I heard a voice - voice I understand, even though I knew no language. It said," and again he pauses to try and translate it into Common, "'Your destinies is bigger than only being pack leader of wolves. You will enter world of men and grow strong among them. Fulfill destiny.' ...Something like that.

"Suddenly I was no longer wolf and stuck in body of human. Developed strange powers. Tried to lead my pack for more time, but they could not follow me. I understood this, and so I left. Lady is my only packmate who stayed with me.

"Six moons later, I heard about tournament in Emerald Bay, and here I am."

He shrugs. "As for wraiths, I was scared first too, but as you say, somehow I can kill them like normal because of uh... divine aura. Ain't very satisfying to eat though.

"And no need for thanks. Packmates help each other for life and death. We stick together, and you do the same for me. Any of us do the same for each other."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods knowingly at Dortumn's retelling of the regent's past and how Forrester's current plight reflects painful history. The change in the dwarf's tone has not gone unnoticed. War just has a way of smoothing over the differences between soldiers.

"I'll keep it under my hood," he says. "The kids were... are fond of Miss Forrester, no sense in givin' them cause to worry without need."

The supply routes mission having been resolved, he drops the mission file on Dortumn's desk, along with the Rosewood after action report. That just left the illegal monster imports. "Got a taste of the monster traffickin' back in Rosewood," he informs Dortumn. "Literally, in Gnaw's case. Nasty stuff. Also, you should be aware that there seems to be some sort of connection between the Orphans and some arms suppliers out of Ironhill. They're keepin' them in quality pieces too, not just cheap scrap either. Just somethin' to keep in mind."
Dortumn nods, "Very well. I won't let myself get soft for my own kind if that is something you want to look into. Never did care for the merchanting and mining traditions myself. Keep in mind that Iron Hill is on the eastern side of the bridge, we've classified the east side of the continent as a war zone but I'm sure the military identification you have will give you clearance to pass."
<I know you guys are ICly in a hurry, but I think I'm gonna recommend once more to slow down a bit so that you can do some shopping and I can have a scene with Niko. This will also be a good time to get to know Tiberius Thunderface some more.

Oh, and I think Tiberius already purchased what he wanted, but for future reference any stuff you buy at Emerald Bay is 10% off as per benefit of working with Ruby Keep.>
((Yeah, I brought everything when making him without thinking about any discounts. I'll have to keep that in mind for later shopping.))

After introductions are done, Tiberious will head back to wherever it is the group is staying at. If anyone is still present there, he'll go and sit down with them after getting a room and dumping his weapons off into it.

"Sooooo, like, where are we heading next?" He'll ask the party in an odd accent nothing like what he sounded like at the stadium. "I heard there's monsters and junk that we need to deal with to the south or something? But then there's that kidnapped girl I keep hearing about? I don't know what's going on with that, but that totally sounds urgent. Well, it doesn't look like we're leaving tonight, so I'll just wait around here or something while you all shop? I'd go shopping too, but ohmigod, those explosives took most of the money from my last job. And that was after getting those military guys to pay for most of it. I wonder why they cost so much?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((HP: 1d6+1=5))

Niko listens carefully to the story Alf relays, eyes widening as the druid describes his peculiar experience entering the world of men. As he does so, Ozzy the weasel's nose twitches, its beady black eyes transfixed as it sits upon the sorcerer's shoulder. It almost appears as if it can also understand the weight of Alf's tale. "I knew there was something unique about you, since that first night in the wagon I sensed the presence of an aura during your transformation."

"Divine means 'of gods?' Then yes, my powers are divine.

The sorcerer beings to think deeply upon what he has been told. "That which spoke to you in the forest and the origin of your transformations...could it be one of the gods which survived or were reborn after The Fall? Stricia will want to know of this, have you told her?"

As for wraiths, I was scared first too, but as you say, somehow I can kill them like normal because of uh... divine aura. Ain't very satisfying to eat though.

And no need for thanks. Packmates help each other for life and death. We stick together, and you do the same for me. Any of us do the same for each other."

"Packmates...?" the young man turns the word around in his head, thinking upon what it means to him and the weight it likely holds to his wolfish friend. "Yes. I can't say I really care about rank or military conscription too much, just seemed to be something exciting that would fund my travel across the land." He smiles and shakes Alf's hand. "Packmates we are and shall remain, regardless of what the military or the Orphans or anything else has to say!"

- - -
"Sooooo, like, where are we heading next?" He'll ask the party in an odd accent nothing like what he sounded like at the stadium. "I heard there's monsters and junk that we need to deal with to the south or something? But then there's that kidnapped girl I keep hearing about? I don't know what's going on with that, but that totally sounds urgent. Well, it doesn't look like we're leaving tonight, so I'll just wait around here or something while you all shop? I'd go shopping too, but ohmigod, those explosives took most of the money from my last job. And that was after getting those military guys to pay for most of it. I wonder why they cost so much?"

Niko takes his breakfast with Tiberious at the inn, continuing to study the gladiator as he eats a meal of bacon and eggs cooked over easy. He raises an eyebrow at the change in accent but doesn't otherwise comment upon it. "Our next move? Well I guess that'll be up to big D." Snickering a bit, he explains. "Dreadstone, the dark guy with the..." Niko uses his fingers to represent makeshift horns on his head "is the commander of our unit, and he's meeting with Dortumn now to get orders for our next move."

The sorcerer takes another bite and feeds a few scraps of what is left of his bacon to a grateful Ozzy. Swallowing the last of his meal, he levitates his plate onto a nearby stack of dirty dishes before continuing. "Personally I'm kind of anxious to find Ms. Forrester though, so I hope we can strike at the location of a base for the Orphans we discovered during our mission in Rosewood."

'Not to mention revenge against Savis. Dark magic like that shouldn't be allowed to grow unchecked. Perhaps if I could harness some of it for myself...'

Shaking his head, Niko excuses himself from the table. Patting the bulging coin purse at his side he remarks "I have some purchases to make and I wanted to visit the Headmaster before we move on. I'm sure Stricia or Draco would be happy to bring you up to speed with the rest."

With that he heads out towards the Academy to seek the audience with the Headmaster once again.

((Speaking of which, I forgot his name, which Niko would have remembered. Did he have one?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Gonna have to wait until I get home to level up, Mythweavers on mobile ist nicht so gud. Besides, I think I need to take the time to chart out my feat selection for this build, just been playing it by ear so far, and I really want to optimize as much as possible))
<Hmm, actually no. I didn't actually anticipate the Headmaster becoming more significant as time went on so I neglected to give him a name.>

"Yes, Headmaster Aurius will be here to see you momentarily," the ageless pure elven lady at the desk says, before a voice calls out from the end of the room, "Is that Nicholas? I am here now. Please, can we be excused, this is likely a matter of urgency." The elven secretary stationing the room filled with documents and tomes gets up and leaves the room.


((Will hopefully get levelled up by tonight. Shopping is getting difficult as the stuff Stricia needs is getting pricy))

Sitting at the lowest level of the arena bleachers Stricia watches Alf as he goes through yet another set of the rigorous exercises that she has set for him. His improvement in form and movement is remarkable and she can’t help but feel proud at how well he’s progressed. She had not expected to have a pupil at all in her journey but to have one and watch him excel fills her with a quiet satisfaction.

As he pauses, panting, after a particularly long stretch of directed and precise motion she approaches him with a smile and a bow. “Be at rest Alf. You are doing very well in your training.” She says before adding thoughtfully. “In fact even if you did not use your other, more natural, talents I would have no hesitation in matching you favourably against any neophyte monk from the monastery where I earned my skill.

“Your movement is more precise and your balance is much improved…. These things are a foundation… a strong foundation, and you can use it to enhance your other abilities that I have no access to, or you can continue down the path of the monk if you wish but know that as far as I am concerned you are already one and you have learned all the basics that I have to teach you.”

With this vote of confidence Stricia removes and holds out the old quarterstaff that she has carried with her ever since she left her order on the mission they entrusted to her. ((she’s totally had it all this time lol)) “This is a simple staff, to use it in combat requires a control and mastery of physical movement that you now have. It is a weapon worthy of a monk and whether you use it or not it is a symbol of all that you have achieved. It is all I can give as a token of your accomplishment. You have been an exemplary student and it has been my honour to be your teacher.”


At the inn, Stricia thinks about Tiberious' question.. "Southport is the only place where we can be certain to find the rebels that we seek."

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, finally got some time at the computer... What's the discount in town again? 10% off? And we can resell our old equipment at 50%?))
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