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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Are you guys including a bonus into your attack rolls for prone? Because it's actually supposed to be a penalty on my end, not a bonus for you guys.>


((Urrgh, if Alf is right next to Lionel than that affects positioning. Stricia will be at D8 and will accept an AOO from Wraith to get there. If Gnaw is at D6 then that will be a flank for Stircia.))

Acrobatics check to avoid AOO from slow wraith:
AOO avoidance acrobatics: 1D20+13 = [17]+13 = 30

((Edit: Not for me, I've got +4 BAB, +4 STR, +1 Amulet to get my +9)
((Oh... yeah, I did that. I can never remember which end that bonus/penalty comes out on, sorry. That would make Lady's attack roll a 25))

And as for the reach thing... yeah I thought the same thing, but then I actually looked at the Dire Wolf entry and it specifies that they only have 5 foot reach. Go figure))


((Stricia gets three attacks due to Combat Reflexes Feat and at +1 due to Bullied Trait. I finally get to play with these toys!))

Sensing the wraith float past her Stricia's eyes flash with righteous anger and she whirls around and meets each movement of the wraith with a hard punch or kick.

((Taking all three as Power Attacks))

Three AOOs on Wraith: 1D20+8 = [8]+8 = 16
1D8+8 = [6]+8 = 14
1D20+8 = [16]+8 = 24
1D8+8 = [5]+8 = 13
1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27
1D8+8 = [2]+8 = 10

((Edit: Now that I think about it Stricia going lethal is probably a VERY BAD IDEA as a knocked out Lionel probably won't be nearly as bad as a dead resurrected necromancer Lionel..... Still it fits what's going on))

Mike M

Nick N
Realizing he's still holding the enchanted sword of their Drow captive, Dreadstone drops Storm's Candle onto the sewer floor. Takes two hands to work a bow, after all.

Taking advantage of Loinel's lack of footing, Dreadstone fires one of his pheromone arrows, followed by two of the standard variety.

((Gonna guess that first one hits, so our Furryous Three canines get +2 to attacks and damage against Loinel))

Attack 1 vs Loinel:  1d20+9+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=20
Damage:  2d8+6+2(Point Blank)+Manyshot)=15

Rapid shot: 1d20+9+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=25
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Point Blank)=7

Attack 2:  1d20+4+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=15
Damage:  1d8+3+1(Point Blank)=12
With arrows darting into his legs, the man is unable to continue fighting after only a short time. As he begins falling towards the ground, he and his sceptre turn into a glow of light, and both him and his property beam into the sky, leaving the scene.

<Alf got such a lucky opening move which pretty much turned Loinel into a joke. He beat 24 AC and got the free trip.>

Where he once was, the shadow he cast on the floor seems to remain strangely.


((Yeah honestly, the rolls we got this combat were really good. I had fun with it though. If a few rolls had gone differently we'd be all sucking down Con damage and AOE. I think one of the Wraiths got a horrible init roll right? Are the wraiths gone?))

Stricia gasps as the mayor/necromancer disappears leaving behind his shadow. She tries to understand what is happening.

Knowledge:Arcana shadow: 1D20+1 = [14]+1 = 15


bitch I'm taking calls.
Angered at the retreat of the dark magician, Niko's shouts echo into the sewer. "COME BACK YOU COWAAARD!" Still reeling from the dark energy burns aching in his bones, he spots with worry the evil mayor's shadow linger where he once stood. Sweat trickling down his neck, he looks around the dank room and realizes the battle is far from over. As the wraiths continue their assault, he wills kinetic energy into his companions as best he can.

((Haste on everyone but Draco since I think he's more than 30ft away from everyone else.))

Retrieving the Rod of Ice from his cloak, the sorcerer takes a 5 foot step toward Draco to assist in putting the dread spirit back where it belongs.
((Yeah regardless of the difficulty of this combat, I am quite enjoying it. I hadn't considered how dogs/wolves would react to ghosts until now and I think it gave some great material to work with. Plus I enjoyed the villain's personality, and OOC I hope he comes back))

Lady's Fort save vs Con Drain (1d20+8=21)

Lady cowers as the wraith works its profane sorcery on her, and something inside Alf snaps as he watches.

His rage supplants the fear he was feeling, and in that moment a sudden realization hits him.

There's nothing to fear.

Was it his inner voice? Or was someone - something - speaking to him from afar? Could it be the entity who granted him these strange abilities in the first place?

Whatever the source, Alf chooses to believe it. He narrows his eyes and sets his sights on the wraith that is assaulting his companion.

Suddenly it's looking mighty.... tasty.

((It doesn't look like I can squeeze in on the right side of the wraith, but thanks to Haste (plus delaying my turn until after Niko), I think I can make it all the way around to the left side of this wraith while avoiding AoO's from the other, so that's what I'll try to do.

Alf Attack on Wraith (incl. Haste bonus), Damage, Trip (in case it matters) (1d20+13=26, 1d8+12=17, 1d2+13=14)
The wrath cannot be tripped...

Because in a horrifying shriek that fills the entire sewers, the bite tears off a massive chunk of the ghost's form as if it were a thin sheet, making it impossible to grab due to it somehow breaking apart in the wolf's jaw.

The wrath takes full damage from Alf's attack.

you can sense that Alf's aura is allowing him to do this


<Will take a turn soon. As for difficulty, there's no way to test combat so I've been extremely cautious in how I design the encounters.>
((While i'm waiting for my turn to come back around... Generally only biped creatures gain reach for being large size, most everything else has to wait till they are huge(of course, there are exceptions). As for multiple AoOs and movement, you only get one AoO per action. A monster could run circles around you with a single move action, but you still only get one aoo... now if they were to use two move actions(for some stupid reason) or perform other actions that provoke while in range, you can get those extra attacks.))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Fortitude save:  1d20+6=20

((Is it the post-Wraith1 cohort's turn, or does Loinel's shadow come to life and attack us now?))
<I forgot to apply damage from Stricia's last attack, but looking at her post I realize why. Are you targeting the wrath that's attacking Lady or are you attempting to go after the other one? They're both still alive.>
<Miss, Miss, Hit. I feel like an attack is missing. EDIT: Hit>

Quivering from the force of the woman's ki, the dark spirit's wavy forms reels from the blows, but still clings to its link to the material plane.
<Okay, I'm awake again. Did Lady's cowering or whatever count as her taking a turn? (I'll be honest, there's not much the animal companions can really do this fight now.)>


((I can see Gnaw on the other hand rushing and leaping at the wraiths but passing right through them and getting madder and madder each time. Up to Mike M of course ))

<Reposting initiative list so I won't have to scroll so much to see it>


<Also, I still have to wait on Gnaw.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Not much he can do, so he just does full defense? Can animals do that without a trick? Regardless, he stays put))

Gnaw spins wildly in circles, undecided about which of these things that are here-but-not-here he should go after. One of them is attacking the Dark Man, but his animal compatriots have surrounded the other.

His pack loyalty dividing him, he--Hey! There's a bug on the ground! C'mere bug, I'm gonna eat you!

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone slips the ethereal grasp of the wraith before it's baleful touch can do too much harm, ducking to retrieve Storm's Candle from where he dropped it on the floor.

Falling back to stand alongside Niko, he draws the sword and grips it in a two-handed stance. It's one more suited for a greatsword, but in a pinch a long sword will do as well.

Mike M

Nick N
<Not entirely sure what Dreadstone's actions are yet, but I'm gonna need a moment to describe the start of the next turn>
((Standard action to pick up the weapon he dropped ('cause I thought Niko would grab it), move action to draw the sword and move next to Niko at H8.

I didn't equip the Longbow +1, just seems easier this way.))
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