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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the battle is over almost before it can even begin, Niko shrugs in response to Dreadstone's exclamation. "Haste makes waste. And we certainly wasted this lot." He smiles to himself at their swift triumph. 'They were knocked unconscious before they even hit the ground!' Making his way toward the magic user, he plucks the Rod of Ice from the drow's grip and tucks it into his cloak.

"I'll just hold on to this for now."

((anyone object to me taking it?))

The sorcerer laughs at monk's suggestion. "What a feast this would be for the little guy. Kinda creepy when you think about it..." He shudders a bit as he thinks about the Otyugh devouring the spider's gargantuan body.

As the rest of the party heals up and begins an interrogation of one of the drow, Niko sighs. "I'm getting pretty sick of these guys. They don't crack under pressure and usually end up just wasting our time." Instead of listening to the defiant warrior, he carefully studies the plans and map on the table.

"Dreadstone, you'll want to let Dortumn and the others know about this impending attack on the keep. And Draco, I'd let whoever your contact is in Rosewood know that things are probably about to get worse in town. I doubt three people were the force they meant to attack with. Which means they plan to return here and use it as a staging point."

He begins to pace as he thinks. "We should let the soldiers up top know about this place as soon as we can, and have them station a garrison here. As for us, we should hit the forest base in the north. No reason to let anyone in Rosewood know about this, as I expect based on this set of armor, there is likely more than one traitor in Rosewood. Sure that noble could have been acting in the Queen's interest or for his own reasons. But I think there were too many obstacles to peace in town for it all to have been a mere coincidence."

"Also Stricia, remember what we overheard before we came in? Adel and Yunge don't seem to be well trusted in the Orphans. It's quite possible the people really pulling the strings don't know anything about Ms. Forrester. Which means we should move quickly before they do."
Unwilling to give up his new form just yet, Alf takes advantage of it by using his increased strength to drag the spider out of the room and to Otyugh. He gestures for someone else (probably Draco) to come along and do the talking.
Unwilling to give up his new form just yet, Alf takes advantage of it by using his increased strength to drag the spider out of the room and to Otyugh. He gestures for someone else (probably Draco) to come along and do the talking.

<Not to step on your toes or anything, but I wanna wait on everyone's input (including whether or not you have the information you just got scryed) before moving out of the room.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Maaaaaan, I was going to make that joke : ( ))

"Hmmmm," Dreadstone murmurs to himself as he studies the war map and its pieces on the table. Realizing the scope of the plan that it describes, his silver eyes go wide. "Hell 'n Damnation, this is worse than we thought!" Pulling out his notebook, he flips to an empty page and scribbles furiously, transcribing the map and attack plan in exacting detail. "Maybe we still got time..."

Snapping his notebook shut, he overhears Stricia's interrogation of the defeated Drow fighter about the source of his armament. Curiosity piqued, he strides over to where he kicked aside the sword. Now that it's in his hands and no longer a threat, he's able to appreciate it's craftsmanship.

Flipping it in his hand, he extends the pommel in offering to Draco. "I believe we've got our evidence now."

((Draco would probably get the most use of it since he uses his sword a lot more, but I'll take it if DeadPhoenix wants to pass for any reason. Anyone object to Dreadstone upgrading to the Rosewood armor?))

Stricia's inquiries seem to have hit a roadblock, as the Drow stops providing useful answers. Dreadstone gently places a hand on Stricia's shoulder and moves to take her position in front of the captive. "This camp in the forest," he says, tapping his transcription in the notebook. "How many y'all got stationed there? Is there a half-elf woman by the name of Forrester?"

((Edit: oh shit, look at everyone that posted while I was tapping that out))
"Adel and Yunge? Heh. It was only a matter of time before they went rogue. That's your problem now."

"I'm sure you won't believe me if I said I don't keep count of numbers like that, but there is no doubt on one thing... it will enough. I already told you, The Orphans do not keep innocents captive."
"Hmm... If we can prove it came from them, this should be very useful."

((While I could use it, it'd be a back up weapon at best for me(against anything with dr I can't beat), since my build pretty much requires that I use a scimitar to get my dex to damage(i have a negative str mod right now). Also I am damn near medium load weight as is.))

After hearing the talk of innocents, Draco decides to interject. "Don't keep innocents captive? Somehow I find that hard to believe. What little I know of the drow says they are slavers and brutal ones at that. Why are you all really here? Were you kicked out because you were too soft or something and then decided you could easily take over the 'weak' surface dwellers?"
"Believe what you want about us, we never thought these battles would be easy."

<Since nobody is using the scrying stones, I take it we're ready to move on?>

Mike M

Nick N
((I thought we were going to use those before we went in? Yeah, we should totally activate them to let the brass see these plans and announce to them our next moves.))


((If this is going to move us out of the sewers I would like to know how the Otyugh reacted to the spider corpse.))
Once Dreadstone claims the two stones for use and uses it to present the documents that are procured, he eventually hears the headmaster's voice in his head...

"Field Officer Dortumn is making a copy of the plans the best he can. He is telling me that he will get the message through the brass the best he can and will try and get more men from the Keep sent as reinforcements. He's saying you should relay the plans you found over to the forces and constables there as well. He's finally suggesting that you don't need to go to the camp if you feel it is too dangerous, that can be left up to the army. Dortumn will want to see you home soon, there's something he wants to show you before you continue on with your goals."

((If this is going to move us out of the sewers I would like to know how the Otyugh reacted to the spider corpse.))
<You won't be leaving the sewers yet, I just wanted to get the communication done.>
<I'm sorry for the inconsistent use of 1st person perspective but I just can't take it anymore. It just always sounds better to use "you" a lot of times.>

Just outside of the make shift war room, a solitary figure with a strong light glows in the darkness, a human whose familiar voice echoes through the chamber around you.


He speaks, "It appears I am too late to save my comrades, including that spider. He is something more than a typical monster, you know." Taking a couple of steps forward, but still far on the other side of the room, he soon starts to address one of you personally, "Nicholas Aurulean, I have waited a long time to have finally met you, but when I did earlier this afternoon, I had to hide my disappointment that you were fighting for the other side. I will admit, shrouding your clothing in illusion is clever but speaks very vainly about you."

His words now spreading to all, he continues uninterrupted, "As you all might have suspected, I am indeed an ally of the revolution. They represent a new order, different from the outdated policy and culture we are bound by with the Kingdom, an order where my city can adopt progressive policies and flourish under newfound freedom, and even invite much of the Drow to become part of a militia much like what Alydar holds.. so yes, I have much to gain from the revolutionaries' actions, and in return I draw a sizable amount of their enemies to take out with ease, and also... provide a certain set of skills from my younger days. All of this secrecy and silence that The Orphans shroud themselves in gives me great nostalgia for my prime and for the glory of my past war, and they have given me the means to command the dark spirits once more."

Holding up his glowing crystal sceptre, Loinel Savis becomes well illuminated in its light. He beckons to all of you, "Because of your actions here in this sewer and all that you've accomplished, I am afraid I cannot allow you to leave here alive! Forgive me, Nicholas, this will weigh on my conscious for the rest of my years!"

Soon two wraths drift from the floor at each side of him.

<Roll initiative (I will give you my own initiative rolls soon enough). As you roll, you can role play reactions to what you are witnessing.>


Mike M

Nick N
((I look at that map with Alf, Lady, and Gnaw and think "It's straight up dawg time."

Rolls and writeup coming later, I have to go do some CSF samples this morning.))


Mayor fight initiative: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9

Thinking the fighting was done for the day Stricia is caught by surprise by the mayor's sudden and grand appearance . "You speak so nobly of freedom and progress, and then you let your secretary rot in jail in your stead and summon evil spirits to fight for you. What makes you think your Orphans, who hide and lie and take defenseless civilians captive, are any better than Ruby Keep?"
Alf Initiative, Lady Initiative (1d20+2=21, 1d20+3=7)

Busy dragging the spider carcass out of the room, Alf jumps in surprise when he hears an unfamiliar voice. He lets go of the vile creature's remains and looks up to find a solitary old man. He listens, slightly puzzled, and then he hears the old man say he's going to kill the party.

Human emotions intersect with canine anatomy as Alf lets out a bizarre, echoing half-bark that, if you listen to it just right, may actually be interpreted as a laugh.

The laughter is squelched abruptly as two incorporeal creatures manifest themselves at Loinel's flanks.

Suddenly Alf grows gravely serious, and the furs on his back raise up. He comes close to backing away, but suppresses the urge. He glances at Lady, who looks positively terrified. She whimpers quietly, her legs quivering.

He can't blame her, but with a dead end behind them, there is no choice but to stay and fight.


bitch I'm taking calls.

As a purple glow shines at the edge of his peripheral vision, Niko spins in place during his pacing to face the voice that now addresses him from across the room. His eyes widen as he listens in shock to the revelation of the mayor's true colors. "Mayor Savis?!" Facing the man now in much more intimidating attire, he sees the cold and dangerous power in the Savis' eyes and grits his teeth. "How, how did you know me before we met?!"

Niko's eyes narrow and he nods as the pieces begin to fall into place. "It makes sense you would be the one to allow the Orphans to gain such a foothold beneath your city. But I did not know your grudge against the Keep ran so deep that you would go this far..." As the wraiths materialize beside Savis, Niko attempts to study their composition to identify their origins.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20+10 &#8594; [2,10] = (12)

Unfortunately adrenaline of the mayor's sudden appearance dulls his ability to concentrate. Regardless of what he can recall, their appearance strikes a grim chord within the sorcerer's heart. With a gesture, Ozzy scampers through his cloak and leaps to the ground, putting distance between itself and the party.

"The rebels cannot be trusted. Whether they are a force for good or not, their agents have our friend and their actions endanger innocent people. Now you stand in my way. I regret I could not learn of your magic before you expired. But I suppose we shall learn whose will is stronger. Youth or experience?"

A crack of electricity surges through the air and Niko prepares to draw up the kinetic energies once more.

Initiative: 1d20+7 &#8594; [11,7] = (18)

Mike M

Nick N
((Oooh, we doing battle themes?))

Dreadstone remains impassive to the mayor's blustering. If the man had any sense, he'd have skipped the speechifying and gone straight to the killing while he still had the advantage. That means he's either overconfident, or new to this whole "not allowing you to leave alive," thing.

"Nice trick," the tiefling observes as the restless spirits of the dead pull themselves from the ground as though rising from their graves. "I know a thing or two 'bout summonin' too, and right now I'm fixin' to summon a couple arrows through your skull.

"This is treason you're talkin'! Bein' that we're in a state of war, we're authorized to summarily execute you for crimes against crown 'n country."

Dreadstone slings his hip forward so that his quiver is in reach as he draws his bow with one of his pheromone arrows nocked in the string. Excited by the compelling smell of the arrow, Gnaw dances at Dreadstone's feet in a frothing frenzy.

"I reckon I'm gonna enjoy shuttin' your trap for you."

Dreadstone Initiative:  1d20+2=3
Gnaw Initiative:  1d20+4=11
((Trombone slide at DS's roll there :( ))


((What knowledge roll will work for wraiths? Stricia has a tiny bit of Knowledge Arcana. She really should pick up some Knowledge Religion based on how much she nags everyone about The Fall.))
Init: (1d20+6=9)

Knowledge Religion: (1d20+8+1d6=30)

"Necromancy? While I agree the ban on all necromancy was a bit much, using it to control the dead is something I think most people can agree is kind of an asshole thing to do."

((This is absolutely a knowledge religion roll. And I'm glad I made it because I've got some past experience with them... though I''l wait for KM's response before saying anything I guess.))

((EDIT: While I'm thinking about it, I might as well spellcraft whatever he did to call the wraiths just to be sure.))

Spellcraft: (1d20+13+1d6=21)
Draco is fully aware of the properties of a Wrath, and comes to realize that even a single one of these would be a troublesome creature to get rid of. Being incorporeal, material weapons and natural attacks are ineffective against them, requiring magical weapons, spells, or other immaterial abilities to damage them, and even then they only take a fraction of damage they would normally do.

Interestingly, force spells such as Magic Missiles are an exception, and damage them normally.

Also, they enjoy draining the life force of the living through touch.

<This next part is spellcraft>

Regarding how they might have come to being, it would be easy enough to assume that either Loinel or his crystal weapon are the source of the power granting him control over the wraths.


Hearing all of the points presented by the group, the Mayor addresses to each one, "When I told you I knew nothing about a kidnapping, that was not a lie, and you act as I willingly jailed my secretary myself. You should expand your moral compass beyond that of the kind of men that had blinded themselves staring at the sun, clinging to any innocence they can muster, because men only go mad justifying the chaos that is morality."

"Nicholas, you are, or rather could have been a very important person to us. Dare I say it, you're like a family member I never got to meet. Don't take that literally, of course." He chuckles

Looking to the tiefling, he hmphs, "I'm the one man you'll fail to hunt, Demon of the Keep. Even if you do have your way with me, I'll only live to come back once more."

Finally, he states simply, "Yes, it is a 'dick move'.. only the truly inhumane get the privilege to handle great power. It is the nature of mortals."


Initiative list
Wrath 1 (left)
Loinel (AKA Mayor)
Wrath 2 (right)
despite what you hear from Draco, something is telling you otherwise. Something, like an instinct is telling you that you aren't helpless to fight the dark spirits that were summoned in your current form
((Oh man, as tempting as it is to summon a pack of wolves to just swarm this guy... that sort of turn is a giant pain to do on mobile, heh.

Instead, Alf is going to move 30 feet to end directly south of Loinel and will attack.

Alf attack, damage, and free trip vs CMD (1d20+12=25, 1d8+12=15, 1d20+13=31)))

Fighting through his fear of the unnatural creatures before him, Alf powers through, stepping deftly around his companions and hoping to put the unruly mayor's head in a vice grip with his jaws. If the bite connects as intended, he will attempt to slam the man head first onto the ground.
Noted, thanks. I think this turn I'll stick to what I originally did, since he's the closest target and Alf is still working through his fear of the undead

Alright, but I think it's safe to say that somehow you feel no reason to fear the incorporeal beings.

Loinel is damaged and tripped.
"Watch out for the spirits. You need magical weapons to even touch them, and even won't be fully effective, except for force magic, so if you've got magic missiles Niko, now is the time to use it. Also, our armor will be useless, except for Strica's Mage Armor, which is bad because these things can drain your life from you and make you one of them."

Mike M

Nick N
((So basically Storm's Candle is the only weapon we've got that can hurt them, short of killing the mayor/breaking his crystal?))
((So basically Storm's Candle is the only weapon we've got that can hurt them, short of killing the mayor/breaking his crystal?))

<Any +1 or higher should do, as they count as magic weapons, and anything else that turns your weapon into magic (like ki). This is the reason I had to give you a free +1 bow.>


((Yeah, Stricia can hurt them for half damage, though can't grapple or trip them of course. Plus being in meele with them is probably going to be very hairy. Are they vulnerable to light or something? And is Protection from evil going to help? Stricia has a potion of that))
<Only true sunlight can make them helpless (or invoking a deus ex from the Rod of Pelor), not the sunlight spell. Also keep in mind that the stat drain is still a save, so it isn't guaranteed.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Niko has two potions of magic weapon. If someone wants to take and use them. Will write up my turn in a bit.))
((Deflection bonuses do work, so a protection from evil should work(doesn't stack with rings of protection though... if you even have one), unless they aren't evil somehow.))
<You can generally assume something will work on an evil creature even if they don't actually have an evil personality, for the sake of gameplay and so that I'm not cheesing you guys with "oh, this creature is actually NEUTRAL because blah blah">


((Doesn't stack with rings? Boo... Oh well every little bit helps. Since Alf is on the bridge, would Stricia have to go around to get to the enemies?))
((Well, protection from evil gives +2 deflection, so that may be better then you ring, not to mention it also gives a +2 resistance bonus(...which wouldn't stack with a clock of resistence) which will be nice if you need to make a save. And you can walk through allies no problem, you just can't stop in the same square, though the enemies would get Attacks of Oppertunties if you are close enough, so be careful(unless you can rock some good acrobatic rolls)))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko winces at the word 'family' spoken by this man who is now his enemy and commands necromancy at will. Nevertheless, he presses on with his plan of attack. "Family? I just hope you don't plan on running away like a sullen uncle once we beat you down." He responds to the others. "Sharp as ever, Draco. I'll do what I can, I have some magic salve for your weapons to strike them. I'll see if I can conjure something to dull those spirit's attacks."

He casts "Protection from Evil" on Alf.

((Thought that was a better use of a first turn than haste, hopefully doesn't screw us.))
One of the dark wraths begins to approach the large beast, but stops just outside of its reach, sensing some kind of danger and instead finding a safer foe to feed from. It flies over the gap of water with ease and seeks out an easy target.

Melee Touch Attack vs. Draco, 1d6 Energy Drain, Constitution Drain (DC 17 Fortitude Save) (1d20+6=12, 1d6=6, 1d6=3)

Thrown to the ground harshly, Loinel lifts his torso up but doesn't quite attempt to stand up, he lifts his sceptre upward and uses it to emit a burst of black energy into the room around him.

Channel Negative Energy (30 ft. Radius, Will Save DC 17) (4d6=15)

<EDIT: Nvm. just had to google "30 ft template". Unless I am misinterpreting what "30 ft. radius" means (I feel like I am because it is so large), that should hit everyone except Lady>

Current map
((That channel will hit everyone but Draco and Lady(and of course Loniel and his two wraiths)... Also, I guess I get hit because flatfooted.))
((Edit: Its a 30' radius from the cleric, which will give you a much different aoe then a burst template))

Will: (1d20+6=13)
Fort: (1d20+2=21)
((thank you fort!... which is 1 less then it should be, but doesn't matter right now.))

((Since I just have to wait for gnaw, I'll go ahead and get my turn going after this))

((EDIT AGAIN: And then I looked at it again, and I guess it does hit me. god damn it.))
Draco takes a 5' step away from the wraith(and out of the channel aoe), downs his vial of mutagen, transforming his body into a slightly more elfish look, then studies the apparition in front of him. "Alright, alright. I'm almost ready for you."


((I think Nico was just resolving the Negative Channel attack. Edit: Oh ok, please disregard. I'll do mine now))

Will Save Negative Channel: 1D20+10 = [15]+10 = 25

Stricia grits her teeth as a wave of evil energy washes over her. It hurts her in ways that feels somehow wrong but she manages to withstand the worst of it ((Does she take 8 or 7 damage?)).

"No one is above morality" she spits out angrily. "No one is above justice"

((Since Lady and Gnaw can't hurt the wraiths I guess they'll have to go after the mayor (dude still isn't as bad as Mayor Ford let me tell you). That channel is vicious though))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Will save:  1d20+5=7
Gnaw Will save:  1d20+2=17

Dreadstone's dark heritage grants him not only his demonic visage, but resistance to the natural elements. It does not, however, grant protection from negative energy, despite his bloodline's origins. He crumples over in a gasp of pain, Gnaw whimpering in concern though the dog seems to have escaped the worst of it.

Eyes flashing in fury, Dreadstone stands tall once more.

D&#852;&#784;&#878;&#553;&#826;&#828;&#854;&#840;&#825;&#803;&#776;&#769;&#834;&#844;&#875;&#875;f&#839;&#840;&#848;&#875;&#829;&#794;&#860;ì&#794;l&#876;&#1161;&#793;&#800;&#811;e&#855;&#872;&#771;&#773;&#869;r&#822;&#790;&#786;&#838;&#787;&#780; &#854;&#854;&#806;&#778;&#855;&#778;&#848;&#830;&#830;&#778;o&#817;&#792;&#809;&#841;&#818;&#805;&#849;&#877;&#774;&#776;&#773;&#784;&#781;&#863;f&#808;&#817;&#851;&#798;&#814;&#796;&#826;&#879;&#782;&#837; &#806;&#781;&#850;&#868;&#770;t&#795;&#828;&#825;&#797;&#877;&#843;&#783;&#875;&#875;h&#785;&#875;&#830;&#7865;&#839;&#851;&#864; &#796;&#805;&#812;&#810;&#841;&#859;&#831;&#773;&#873;&#870;&#768;&#849;&#864;d&#792;&#851;&#790;&#791;&#817;&#840;&#830;&#850;&#867;&#283;&#834;&#879;a&#799;&#827;&#813;&#804;&#826;&#826;&#876;&#879;&#777;&#859;&#877;&#850;&#877;d&#798;&#803;&#858;&#840;&#805;&#853;&#834;&#783;&#878;&#850;!&#820;&#777;&#869; &#804;&#813;&#790;&#857;&#796;&#792;&#778;&#787;

he shouts, in his rage slipping into his native tongue,

I&#827;&#791;&#815;&#800;&#790;&#843;&#831;&#775;&#872;&#860;&#837; &#869;&#785;&#787;&#769;s&#857;&#830;&#867;&#874;&#868;&#837;h&#879;&#768;å&#847;l&#825;&#796;&#817;&#828;&#815;&#830;&#773;&#843;&#831;&#781;&#831;l&#822;&#839;&#857;&#793;&#825;&#858;&#772;&#867;&#877;&#831;&#768;&#787;&#779; &#857;&#852;&#804;&#806;&#781;&#859;&#870;&#873;&#782;&#849;&#837;s&#801;&#799;&#792;&#803;&#831;&#871;&#874;ê&#795;&#819;&#857;&#874;&#784;&#829;&#877;e&#849;&#785;&#875;&#829;&#769;&#794; &#807;&#811;&#816;&#803;&#793;&#839;&#798;&#810;&#872;&#780;&#842;&#768;&#871;t&#854;&#770;&#878;&#772;&#335;&#807;&#854;&#839; &#801;&#819;&#804;&#813;&#843;&#776;&#769;&#838;&#788;i&#847;&#812;&#806;t&#796;&#853;&#811;&#839;&#793;&#815;&#818;&#848;&#769; &#818;&#819;&#804;&#797;&#838;t&#824;&#790;&#797;&#803;&#811;&#799;&#851;&#785;h&#846;&#826;&#817;&#809;&#810;&#858;&#828;&#864;a&#814;&#803;&#798;&#796;&#781;&#782;&#775;t&#810;&#858;&#791;&#778;&#843;&#870;&#864; &#841;&#815;&#791;&#782;&#844;&#788;&#860;y&#841;&#817;&#815;&#816;&#805;&#799;&#829;&#831;&#876;&#869;&#869;&#831;&#862;o&#845;&#812;&#858;&#804;&#867;&#774;&#794;u&#817;&#789; &#826;&#798;&#792;&#806;&#804;&#792;&#792;&#770;&#867;&#770;&#870;&#864;j&#821;&#804;&#812;&#875;&#776;&#769;&#873;&#869;&#868;&#844;&#874;&#417;&#852;&#814;&#800;&#852;&#851;&#772;&#838;&#785;&#850;&#768;&#850;&#521;&#779;&#787;&#869;&#844;&#787;n&#815;&#803;&#793;&#849;&#879;&#831;&#788;&#786;&#850;&#873;&#769; &#776;&#769;&#782;&#850;&#855;&#847;&#804;&#799;y&#845;&#815;&#804;&#818;&#806;&#780;o&#854;&#800;&#817;&#787;&#831;&#876;u&#839;&#839;&#810;&#818;&#814;&#798;&#819;&#872;&#842;&#785;&#864;r&#810;&#810;&#853;&#874;&#849;&#874; &#774;&#774;&#842;&#783;&#772;&#1161;&#791;&#825;&#811;&#818;&#857;&#790;&#7747;&#876;&#867;&#776;&#769;&#879;&#768;&#837;i&#834;&#776;&#769;&#775;&#769;n&#849;&#771;&#785;&#873;&#775;&#873;&#794;i&#825;&#812;&#804;&#874;&#775;&#838;&#843;&#875;&#849;&#794;o&#841;&#790;&#858;&#818;&#790;&#815;&#878;&#849;&#878;&#868;&#775;&#794;n&#823;&#846;&#793;&#845;&#840;&#809;&#786;&#780;&#776;&#769;&#869;&#786;&#837;s&#823; &#844;&#773;&#867;&#870;&#785;&#838;&#875;&#865;i&#800;&#805;&#816;&#827;&#841;&#850;&#838;&#865;n&#828;&#781;&#838;&#842;&#862; &#812;&#840;&#815;&#852;&#857;&#787;&#770;&#784;&#770;&#868;&#788;&#869;&#789;t&#808;&#858;&#792;&#814;&#790;&#826;&#819;h&#839;&#851;&#828;&#875;&#830;&#783;&#849;&#843;&#794;e&#852;&#805;&#828;&#828; &#804;&#810;&#800;&#797;&#818;&#827;w&#811;&#786;&#780;&#771;&#842;&#875;&#877;&#867;&#866;o&#823;&#857;&#797;&#819;&#851;&#811;&#853;&#811;&#875;&#834;&#829;r&#816;&#804;&#876;&#773;&#780;&#855;&#785;&#772;&#879;l&#821;&#851;&#799;&#797;&#852;&#809;&#787;&#844;&#879;&#871;&#873;&#837;d&#808;&#853;&#814;&#774;&#877;&#838; &#872;&#781;&#1161;b&#828;&#796;&#858;&#798;&#805;&#848;&#777;&#783;&#789;&#7705;&#783;&#785;&#785;&#850;&#868;&#856;y&#785;&#774;&#867;&#831;&#775;&#780;&#860;&#559;&#844;&#769;&#783;&#769;&#328;&#792;&#828;&#790;&#812;&#806;&#826;&#848;d&#811;&#840;&#809;&#839;&#840;&#803;&#827;&#870;&#772;&#844;&#859;&#775;&#844; &#793;&#796;&#815;&#876;&#788;&#830;&#871;&#875;&#873;t&#847;&#792;h&#790;&#828;&#809;&#854;&#814;&#803;&#798;&#774;&#863;e&#804;&#817;&#799;&#846;&#857;&#814;&#817;&#859;&#879;&#870;&#787;&#850;&#769; grave!&#821;&#853;&#854;&#812;&#814;&#827;&#777;&#829;&#848;&#776;&#834;&#794;

Pointing at the necromancer, he commands,

"Gnaw! &#804;&#814;&#784;&#834;&#875;&#855;&#875;B&#858;&#796;&#771;&#874;&#780;&#878;r&#792;&#800;&#857;&#854;&#831;&#794;&#865;i&#784;&#772;&#859;&#1161;&#792;&#818;&#857;&#790;&#805;n&#822;&#787;&#780;&#770;&#778;g&#851;&#810;&#853;&#812;&#792;&#827;&#773;&#844;&#774;&#773;&#784;&#787;&#837; &#801;&#826;&#796;&#809;&#858;&#809;&#846;&#769;&#850;&#784;&#877;&#776;&#7747;&#823;&#817;&#815;&#800;&#813;&#876;&#776;&#769;&#784;&#788;&#850;e&#857;&#844;&#879;&#788;&#781;&#874; &#796;&#841;&#797;&#818;&#809;&#799;&#853;&#842;&#782;&#771;&#872;&#850;&#783;&#787;h&#838;&#775;&#875;&#788;&#780;&#794;&#847;&#812;&#840;&#793;&#857;&#811;&#804;i&#861;s&#827;&#782;&#849;&#773;&#872;&#848;&#861; &#805;&#800;&#782;&#829;&#838;&#842;&#837;&#283;&#795;&#826;&#858;&#853;&#818;&#799;&#782;&#874;&#782;n&#824;&#800;&#840;&#810;&#857;&#790;&#806;&#781;&#774;&#776;&#769;&#837;t&#800;&#840;&#849;&#768;&#831;&#874;r&#806;&#776;&#769;&#843;&#844;&#830;&#785;a&#813;&#858;&#806;&#788;&#838;&#7725;&#805;&#834;&#842;&#859;&#837;l&#816;&#853;&#875;&#856;s&#808;&#799;&#827;&#783;&#774;&#773;&#773;!&#811;&#798;&#852;&#839;&#810;&#775;&#848;"

Gnaw doesn't understand the words Dreadstone utters, but he comprehends the meaning behind them well enough. His friend wants this man with the hurting glow stick dead, and Gnaw is more than willing to oblige.

Darting through and around the other members of the party, the crazed dog makes a beeline for the prone Loinel and attempts to chew his face off.

Bite vs Loinel:  1d20+4=9
Damage:  1d4=1

((Bad doggie!))
<I think since we're going in order of initiative, I"m gonna introduce how group initiative works in that a group of players in-between the NPC enemies can go ahead and post their action even if it's out of turn order, to speed up battles a bit. Ex. Lady won't have to wait on Stricia, but Dreadstone will have to wait on the other Wrath.

Stricia and Lady are up.>
Alf's Will save for Channel Negative Energy (1d20+9=22)

Gritting his teeth at the expulsion of dark magicks, Alf is only mildly inconvenienced by their power, and is eager to press his attack.

Lady, still profoundly fearful of the undead creatures, yips in alarm as one of them comes way too close for comfort. She is not quite in a state of full-on panic, however, and wishes to help her pack leader. To that end, she bolts in a loose arc around the wraith, coming about to flank Loinel on the north side and sink her teeth into him.

Lady Attack Roll (incl. Flanking and bonus for hitting a Prone character) and Damage (1d20+11=29, 1d8+3=10)

In the middle of mauling the man's face, however, she realizes that another one of those scary ghost-things is less than 10 feet away, freaking her out and causing her to whimper frantically again.

((For what it's worth, KM, I would have had to be in the square directly south of Loinel in order to hit him, since I'm not supposed to have Reach. If it doesn't matter to you then it doesn't matter to me, though))


((Assuming that Gnaw is at E7))

Incensed at the outright evil being displayed by Lionel, as his summoning of wraiths and channeling of negative energy are by far the most repulsive actions she has ever seen, Stricia uses her ki to enhance her already formidable reflexes and slips past Alf to aim a hard kick at the side of the mayor's head.

((Spend ki to enhance AC by 4 SA, Effective AC is 27.Stricia moves up to D7 MA and performs a standard stunning fist melee attack on prone Lionel SA. Stricia really wishes she could charge but looked up the rules and she can't do that through Alf. :( ))

Stunning fist on prone mayor: 1D20+9 = [11]+9 = 20
(Fort Save 17 or Stunned)

((Edit: Does Stricia get the benefit of the flank as well? I have no idea myself but if she does than it's a 22 attack roll. Lol also forgot damage roll))

Stunning fist damage roll: 1D8+5 = [5]+5 = 10
((For what it's worth, KM, I would have had to be in the square directly south of Loinel in order to hit him, since I'm not supposed to have Reach. If it doesn't matter to you then it doesn't matter to me, though))
<I thought any large creature had extended reach so that would be my fault, so I'll let it slide this time.>
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