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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((Doesn't matter. With the -4 ac from prone you hit and I am out of the battle(unless you including it in there... I doubt it though.)))


<meanwhile Stricia and Niko are busy dreaming of alternate reality round ones. I will keep that crap attack roll but also the good reflex save and no stunning fist>

Stricia is surprised by Niko's speedy retreat. She is used to being the quickest combatant on the field but it appears the sorcerer is her equal if not better in that regard. She is even more surprised by the tremors at her feet which give her just enough time to hop aside leaving her safe from the sudden abyss.

Observing the sorcerer's retreat she realizes that though he is quicker, she is still faster and needs to close the gap. As such she charges right at him (experiencing some odd dejavu) closing the distance to 10 feet and hurls a shuriken at him which misses really badly.

Edit: <initiative for next round will wait for Niko's initiative to see who goes first. Also are these the semis KM? Want to edit in some flavour text for Stricia if that is the case>

<Sure, go ahead and assume semifinals if you want.>

<Yes, drinking a potion provokes AoO. So does standing up from a prone position.>

<Also, Mike M, a character is trying to have conversation with Dreadstone and it's starting to sound like you didn't notice.>

As the fight draws towards the end, the announcer's voice echoes through the stadium, "The wolves were thrown to Draco today, folks! He displayed quite a bit of footwork keeping on his toes, but it just wasn't enough to get away from the not-so-lone Wolf."

Marcallus, while watching hmphs, "I thought they didn't allow dogs in the arena. The other boy would've had him for sure otherwise," looking towards Dreadstone he asks, "I didn't invite you over to be quiet. Tell me, how's the wife and kids. Your duties must be paying off well to support them."
The vial with Draco's potion slips from his limp hand as he falls unconscious from the wound. Lone Wolf howls in victorious triumph and revels in the cheers and applause coming from the crowd; he then returns to his human form and casts a spell to rouse his fallen opponent to consciousness.

"Might be right about my name," he says amiably, offering a hand and helping Draco to his feet. "You are worthy opponent. Maybe not look close on surface, but if I give you even small time to get momentum, would not have beaten you."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Initiative: 1d20+7 &#8594; [16,7] = (23)

As the monk leaps over his pitfall, Niko is wavered by the stony determination in her eyes as she continues to rush towards him unabated. Tensing his muscles to run, he rushes through his options before settling upon the plan of action from his previous dream scenario. Smiling he cups his hands and unleashes another spell to test the monk's athletic abilities.

"Your acrobatics are simply elegant. Can you slide too?"

Grease (Reflex DC15)

If still she perseveres, Niko dodges the follow-up shiruken and runs another 30 ft in the opposite direction, feeling a woosh of air flow by his neck.


Reflex Save: 1d20+7=21

Stricia, now almost expecting something to show up at her feet at every turn, lowers her center of gravity and stays steady as a slippery sheen appears under her. Watching her adversary retreat again she carefully moves towards him through the slick.

Acrobatics Check: 1d20+9=27

<Alright question time, can I only move at half speed even with that kind of Acrobatics Save? Either way Stricia moves towards Niko again and does either a ranged or a melee attack>


Closing the gap to 20 feet Stricia sends another shuriken winging at Niko,

Attack Roll including -2 range penalty: 1d20+2-2=13 <I put in Dexterity Bonus and subtracted range penalty. Forgot my BAS of +3 so it's actually 16. I'm really confused by the +5 weapon attack bonus on my character sheet for shurikens. What is that for? Let me know so I don't make the mistake again either way>

*If* it hits

Damage Roll:1d4=4+3 =7<Maximum Damage!>

Edit: In any case init roll for Round 3. 1d20+6=14

Edit: <Edited in 1d4 as below. So to cut through the mess of a post above, attack roll of 16, damage roll of 7!. I think what's screwing me up is the YAPCG character sheet tries to help me by calculating the attribute bonus + BAB for me for each weapon, and that just confuses me with another number.>
<It would be +2 (Dex), -2 (Range Penalty), +3 (Base Attack Bonus).

Also, 1d2 is stupid. Roll a 1d4 instead, please. For this roll, if you get a 1, then just assume you rolled a 2.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Won't be necessary. 14 does not hit.))

R3 Initiative: 1d20+7 &#8594; [2,7] = (9)

A bit slow to the take this time, Niko winces as a shuriken flies in an arc straight towards him. Fortunately it bounces ineffectively off his ethereal armor, but it was still a bit too close for his liking. As he retreats back his full speed once more, he feels himself beginning to tire and sweat from the exertion of outrunning his tireless pursuer. The sorcerer casts another slick layer of grease at her feet.

Grease (DC15).

R4 Initiative: 1d20+7 &#8594; [15,7] = (22)


< Would 16 hit?>

Finally getting an edge Stricia manages to close into attack range before the sorcerer can conjure another puddle under her.
<Expending a Ki Point to get two unarmed strikes in. Both are attempts at Stunning Fist>

Attack Roll and damage rolls for both: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348550/]1d20+3+3=18, 1d8+3=5, 1d20+3+3=7, 1d8+3=4[/url]

Fort DC 15 to save Stun.

Reflex save for Grease:
And then immediately again has to steady her balance when Niko fires his spell again. Managing to stay on her feet again.
Round 4 Init: 
<I completely forgot: I don't know if the aformented 1d4 Shuriken hits, but if it did then the damage also includes strength modifier for being a thrown weapon.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Due to Mage Armor Niko's AC is 17))

Save vs Stunning Fist: 1d20+3 &#8594; [9,3] = (12)

As the warrior monk continues her pursuit, a moment of precognition dawns upon Niko's mind and his right eye turns blue. He watches both the present in his left eye and the future in his right as Stricia rushes towards him. His future vision speeds up, showing the monk close the gap between them with ease. Future-Stricia gracefully slides over the magic petroleum beneath her feet and to Niko appears to even use it to increase her momentum while his view of her in reality is only just encountering the grease. The future monk moves with inhuman speed to swing twice at the sorcerer's head. His vision of himself manages to dodge one of her blows before being hit square in the nose by a stunning right hook. Blood splatters onto his cloak and he falls to the ground, stars shining brightly in his eyes.

Blinking, he returns to the present just in time to see her second swing appear inches from his face. "Shit."

((Niko has no viable damage options at close range and there is very little chance for him to escape having failed the stun. So I'm going to call it here and say his is knocked out for the count rather than drag it on. Congrats.))


Stricia bends over in relief, the effort of keeping up with the nimble sorcerer and struggling through his many traps was not something that she could have kept up for much longer.

She offer a hand up to Niko. "If I had stumbled but once I believe our positions now would be reversed."

<I also updated post 226 with some flavour. Stricia actually shows some emotion guys. Stricia will also retrieve her shuriken from the arena floor>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone grunts as he drinks the regent's proffered wine. "Ex-wife," he corrects. "And just the one kid. They're both find, last time I checked up on 'em. Darla has a birthday comin' up next week, in fact."

Dreadstone turns the crystal goblet in his hand, running his calloused thumb over the faceted surface. "Dawn an' I haven't exactly been on what you might call friendly terms the past ten years," he mutters quietly.
"The premier martial artist of this tournament, Stricia, shows us once more why spellcasters should watch out for perfectly trained warriors! Niko was still impressive to make it this far, not being a student of our academy. Soon we'll have the match that will decide the tournament, between two unknowns we've gotten to know well so far: Stricia versus Lone Wolf!"

At this point Marcallus loses his interest in the fight that just went on as he hears about Dreadstone's family, "I see. So things have not been so smooth for you after all. Consider yourself lucky regardless. I've never heard of a woman that ever pined for those rangerly types," he half-jokes, trying not to be insensitive as he says it, "Being blessed with a child is something I've missed out on in life. I guess I'm too old for all of that now." He then takes a drink after saying that.

When the two finalists appear in the stadium, he tilts his head over, "In your experience on the field, who do you think would win? I would like to know your opinion."


Draco and Niko are now free to watch the match from the side and discuss it if they wish, though they will be discouraged from leaving the stadium before they're given their prizes for their places.

<As the announcer says, we have Lone Wolf vs. Stricia now. Reset your HP, spells per day (but not what spells you prepare), and your ki pool.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone crosses his arms and leans over the balcony. "I've known a couple in my time," he replies in an inaudible whisper to Marcallus's remark about women not pining for rangers.

Lost in a moment of quiet introspection, he eventually grows aware of the fact that the subject has changed. "Who do I think would win?" he repeats as he strokes the unshaven stubble on his chin. It's an almost ludicrous question, his "experience in the field" with these two amounts to a single battle against creatures that are scarcely more intelligent than beasts that lasted all of five minutes at most.

Still, it is not as though he is without any insight at all into the matter. The monk's style is one of precision and discipline, while the wolf man employs a wild abandon. In this battle, they would see a microcosm of the conflict between order and chaos.

"Both kids are good," he opines at last, "but Lone Wolf fights like nothing I've ever seen. Stricia's well equipped for conventional martial combat, but her style is rigid. Inflexible.

"Smart money is wolf boy breaks her."

((Sorry Azih. Heh heh.))
The regent lets out a smirk, "That good, huh? Is it really nothing you've ever seen, not even from your own hunting animal? Speaking of, where is your animal buddy anyhow? Did the tournament men not allow it entry even as a spectator too?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone wears an expression of confusion. "I fear you've got me at a disadvantage, friend. I never had any animal handlin' experience, either when I was in the ranger corp or after."
The vial with Draco's potion slips from his limp hand as he falls unconscious from the wound. Lone Wolf howls in victorious triumph and revels in the cheers and applause coming from the crowd; he then returns to his human form and casts a spell to rouse his fallen opponent to consciousness.

"Might be right about my name," he says amiably, offering a hand and helping Draco to his feet. "You are worthy opponent. Maybe not look close on surface, but if I give you even small time to get momentum, would not have beaten you."

Draco finds himself awake on the arena floor, Lone Wolf standing over him, "Well, that was my plan. Unfortunately for me your wolves were a bit more... wily then I expected." he grabs Wolf's hand and lifts himself up with his help. "Good fight my friend, and good luck in the next match."

Some time later, Draco finds himself in the stands awaiting the start of the next match... and his prize money.


Stricia frowns as she considers this final match of the day. Her prior bout had been a maneuver for first blood with her as a hurled spear and Niko as a primed cannon. She had just managed to reach him before he was able to blow her away. This on the other hand was going to be a brawl and Lone Wolf was no cannon but a full roiling tide of snarling and biting wolf flesh.

What could you do against the oncoming sea? Well you could build your fortifications to hold off the onslaught. In the preparation round Stricia downs another bottle of mage armor, and in the first round she drinks a potion of barkskin. She was still a spear though and a spear had to reach her target and so after this she closes the gap between her and Lone Wolf by moving in 40 feet, leaving only 20 between them.
((Hah, I wish. I'm pretty sick right now though so it'd be a bad idea for me to get that drunk right now. I'm spending New Years' Eve watching Battlestar Galactica.))

Lone Wolf is quite surprised to find that his opponent in the finals of this contest is Stricia - a female. One of the commonalities between wolf society and humanoid society is the general idea that women are the weaker sex, and to witness such a female ascend the ranks of the tournament is something of a shock.

Then again, perhaps it shouldn't be that much of a shock for him, having seen her display her combat prowess first-hand on the field of battle. He surmises that this ought to be quite a fight.

When Stricia foregoes her advantage in initiative by imbibing a potion (and what was it with humanoids and their fondness for potions, anyway?), Lone Wolf wastes no time in seizing the opportunity to come out ahead. He howls to the sky, and from the nebulous aether, a ghostly wolf materializes and charges Stricia, putting a rather significant obstacle between her and Lone Wolf.

Meanwhile, Lone Wolf himself strategically backs away 30 feet, just far enough away that Stricia would not be able to attack him this round and forcing her to deal with the summoned creature first.

((Round 1 Actions:

Standard: Cast Summon Nature's Ally 2 for a single Wolf. Move: Move back 30 feet, so that he and Stricia are 50 feet apart.

Attack Roll (including Charge), Damage Roll, and Trip Attempt (if attack hits) (1d20+6=20 vs AC, 1d6+3=5, 1d20+4=17 vs CMD)

Initiative for Round 2 (1d20+1=9)))


<happy new years guys>

Stricia had expected this but it doesn't make the situation any easier to deal with. She shifts away from the wolf's snapping jaws staying safe for the moment. <didn't beat AC>

init r2: 1d20+6=17

Maneuvering around the wolf to avoid an AoO back right, up right for 15 feet and then straight up two spaces for 25, up left twice for the full 40 essentially moving 20 feet straight ahead from where she was. 30 feet away from Lone Wolf with the wolf behind. She pops another potion for shield of faith and steels herself for what is to come. edit: as a swift action she expends a point of ki to enhance her ac by another 4.

Init r3:1d20+6=25


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko thanks Stricia with a whisper, still out of sorts from the stunning fist. "Glad we are not truly adversaries." In truth he is somewhat disappointed but his mood heightens when the monk and druid prepare to face off. If he was to lose he would have his conqueror be the best of them all.

"Beat him into the dirt Stricia!"
As Stricia erects a virtually impenetrable array of mystical barriers around herself, Lone Wolf realizes that he's not going to be able to win this by being aggressive, as he did against Draco. This is going to require a more patient approach.

He summons forth another, weaker canine ally, ordering it to charge forward, again placing it directly between himself and Stricia. Rather than attack, this time it seeks to distract her, such that the other, stronger wolf can perhaps make a lucky strike.

((Round 2 actions:

Standard: Cast Summon Nature's Ally 1 to call a Young Wolf. Move: Go back 30 feet, making the distance between them a total of 60.

Young Wolf 1 charges and does Aid Another:

Aid Another (w/ Charge) (1d20+4=6)


Summoned Wolf 1 Charges to Flanking position and attacks:

Summoned Wolf 1 attack, damage, and Trip attempt (1d20+8=17, 1d6+3=6, 1d20+4=23)

Also a miss.

Won't bother rolling initiative because I can't even get to 25, so Stricia goes first in Round 3))
<Just so people get an idea on how long this tournament has been lasting, each combat round is six seconds. At most, the tournament is maybe an hour or two long.>


<Bah on phone and lost a long post>. Stricia double moves to get to Lone Wolf taking the Aoo from the summoned wolves.

Acrobatics checks to avoid 1d20+9=10, 1d20+9=15

<I think I can apply the 15 to the wolf and 10 to the young wolf>

Finally face to face with her opponent she expends another point of ki as a swift action to make one attack, stunning fist attempt.

Attack and damage:

1d20+6=16, 1d8+3=5

Init for r4: 1d20+6=14
((FYI, moving at full speed with acrobatics is a +10 to the dc, which is the opponents cmd in PF... tumble is a lot harder to pull off then it was in 3.5.))
((Oh just remembered its even worse then that... the dc for tumbling also increase by 2 for each enemy after the first, so the second wolf you rolled against would have cmd+12 as the dc. honestly though, with their attack bonus, you are probably fine... i assume being a monk you have a decent CMD yourself? since you use you level instead of bab for combat maneuvers if i recall correctly.))
<Just took a look. They use their Monk level for CMB but not CMD. They still get a lot of CMD anyway because I'm pretty sure their Wisdom and Monk bonuses to AC also apply to it.>
((Posting on my phone where copy-paste is annoying, so suffice it to say that I failed both AoO's, my fortitude save, both regular Wolf attacks, and didn't beat Stricia's initiative roll. ::kicks Invisible Castle::))

Lone Wolf is caught off guard by Stricia's sudden approach, and doubly so by her precision strike to his temple, disorienting him severely. His summoned wolves rush in to try and help, surrounding her on both sides, but neither are able to put a dent into her defenses.


Shifting and dodging with grace Stricia flows like water around the leaps and bites of Lone Wolf's allies. Pushing herself to the absolute limit she manages to reach her elusive adversary and land the first blow of the match ducking and weaving to avoid the attacks of the pursuing wolves. Seeing her opponent stagger she tries to press her advantage.

Flurry with first being another stunning fist attempt.

1d20+5=14, 1d8+3=11, 1d20+5=22, 1d8+3=11


Expend Ki point for another attack which is a trip attempt.
<Done. I'm feeling dice guilt at the moment>
Just as Lone Wolf comes to his senses, he sees another punch coming his way. He narrowly avoids it, but isn't able to get out of the way of the follow-up hook, and a leg sweep sends him crashing to the ground.

Down but not out, Lone Wolf adopts a defensive posture as he has his allies run interference. Cautiously, he stands up.

((Wolf 1 Aid Another for AC bonus (1d20+6=18)

Gives me +2 AC

Young Wolf Aid Another for AC (1d20+4=14)

2 more AC

standard: total defense. Move: try to stand up. Current AC including penalty for being prone is 19))


<this is round 5 right? How long does the old wolf stay around? Rolling init to see if Stricia gets some hits in while Lobe Wolf is prone and unaided.>

Init r5: 1d20+6=16

Whether she has initiative or not Stricia will continue her assault on the wounded Lone Wolf but first the Aoo

1d20+6=10, 1d8+3=11

probably a miss
<this is round 5 right? How long does the old wolf stay around? Rolling init to see if Stricia gets some hits in while Lobe Wolf is prone and unaided.>

Init r5: 1d20+6=16

((Those actions were in the same round that you knocked me down, which was round 4. I'm just going to say you win every initiative roll from here on so that we go in the same order and its less confusing.

Your opportunity attack will be in round 4 on my turn, then your normal turn will be the start of round 5. The first wolf goes away at the end of round 5, so it gets one more turn))
<It just occurred to me that now's a great time to bring Dortumn back in, particularly to interact with Niko and Draco.>

As the finalists go at it, an equal display of strategy and pressure from both sides blazing, the Dwarven military man walks along the arena's inner circle, setting himself past the miscellaneous fighters that were eliminated from the brackets to meet the two he was expecting. Seeing them both, he smiles and greets, "Ah! You boys are still here. Good. I want to meet the four of you after this is all finished. How did you two do?"


Up on the balcony watch, Marcallus holds in a chuckle when he sees the garbed warrior press through the snapping animals and put down her opponent for even just a moment, "I agree with your assertion from earlier when it comes to most men, but it looks like our monk here is turning out to be a little more than just stiff and rigid." He reaches over to the saber leaning against the couch and draws the blade from it, but does so casually and without any other body movement from him, "The field marshal you met likes to tell me that the best made sword is incredibly sharp, durable, and not flimsy and yet," he takes the end of the blade between his fingers and tugs on it gently to show how the blade bends, "is still capable of bending without ruining the shape of the blade." He carefully releases the pull so that it isn't pwinging haphazardly, and in the blade's original state it still appears undamaged, "Even a man, or in this case a woman, can be a master of conventional combat and still bend just enough to overcome strange challenges."


Round 5.

Stricia grits her teeth as Lone Wolf struggles to his feet. Until now the match had been a matter of movement and maneuver but with blood drawn it had turned into the brawl she had feared. She wished Lone Wolf had stayed down but was not surprised at his resilience and tenacity.

Seeing Lone Wolf crouch in a defensive posture and the ghostly wolves throwing themselves in between them to defend him Stricia decides to not draw on her rapidly diminishing reserves and instead just attacks with a standard flurry.

Attack and damage rolls

1d20+5=16, 1d8+3=5, 1d20+5=6, 1d8+3=11

<wait I just understood you. Lone Wolf is back to normal at the start of round 5 right?>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Still rubbing his nose from where he was clocked, Niko gives a curt nod and shakes Dortumn's hand as the dwarf greets him. Though he is not opposed to the dwarf's presence, the majority of his attention remains fixed upon the fast-paced competition. He yells out from his spot as Stricia moves to strike. "Yes! Press the advantage while he's down!"

In response to the question, he glances sidelong at Draco before letting out out a sigh. "I suppose we did as well as we could given the dynamos you see before you now." He has accepted his defeat but is fixated now more upon the present than the past. "Traps and illusions can only take me so far, I see that plainly now."

He steps aside to allow the general purchase between where himself and Draco are standing. "Just what kind of business do you have with us Emerald Bay tourists?"
Dortumn answers, "Aye. Wondering if you would still be in the city after the tournament's done. I'm supposed to hold off on saying this until after the tournament, but sod it. Draco here already knows what's going on. Regent up there is looking for an extra hand." He moves between the two and turns around to look towards the fight, seeming relieved at what he sees, "Ah, they're going at it alright. Just what I like to see in a fight."
"Yeah, the girl is scrappier then I expected. But yes, I can stick around for a while, didn't really have any plans for after this anyways."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone nods at Marcallus's assessment. "She's more steel than iron after all," he agrees. "Got some serious sand to take on a pack of wild animals barehanded like that, too. Even if they are illusionary."

Secretly, he's not exactly displeased at Stricia's successful rally against Lone Wolf's phantasmal pack. As reflected in his choice of professions, his was a disposition that tended to favor law and order over anarchy and chaos. That Stricia could overcome Lone Wolf's unpredictable assault through the application of precisely calculated responses was a comforting thing to witness.
The phantasmal canines manage to keep Stricia from striking a fatal blow during Lone Wolf's moment of vulnerability, and when he gets to his feet, he growls and narrows his eyes.

Time seems to slow down as a flood of emotions filters through his mind. Anger at himself, for underestimating his opponent. A feeling of injustice, for her use of potions and outside magicks - something about it seemed unfair, even if it was allowed by the rules. Embarrassment, for very nearly being bested in front of all these countless people.

The only emotion he chooses to display on his face, however, is ferocity. Though he is at a disadvantage, Lone Wolf has not yet lost this battle, and the path to victory can be seen in his mind's eye.

Step one: Create a distraction to give him time to regain his bearings.

((Move action: Five-foot-step diagonally away from Stricia, in the direction of the Young Wolf. Standard Action: Cast Summon Nature's Ally 2, to summon 1d3 Young Wolves.

Number of Wolves Summoned (1d3=2)

The two additional young wolves appear directly in between Stricia and Lone Wolf, forcing her to move around them if she wants to get to him.

Wolf 1 Aid Another to add to LW's AC (1d20+6=16)

Young Wolves each use Aid Another to add to LW's AC (1d20+4=16, 1d20+4=14, 1d20+4=13)

Total of +8 bonus to AC this round - total AC of 23.

The first Summoned Wolf disappears))
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