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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<With the total defense, even the first attack misses>

Jake swings his arm upward in a graceful motion, not only deflecting her punch but forcing her balance to turn away from him. The drunkard lets his fall in the continued motion, only to catch himself with his other hand on the ground, and then follows up by tumbling over onto his other side to face Stricia again, appearing to lounge on the ground.

When he receives the question, he answers, "To twain 'be holmless... Loze ahll to get per... pahsphectiff." He hics.

While he is on the ground, he decides to bring the girl with him... but not in a romantic way. Like pulling the chair on a leg, he grasps Strcia's angle, and attempting to use one of his legs to help pull her off balance, tugs in an attempt to make her fall down to the ground.

Trip attempt (1d20+13=18)

<Oh, and because I can't be deceptive, Jake is not currently considered prone.>

Initiative for Round 3 (1d20+3=22)

Seeing as the previous attempt didn't work, he'll twist his body around to extend a new limb that can attempt to throw her off balance to get the trip in.

Trip Attempt (1d20+13=27)

Initiative for Round 4 (1d20+3=7)


Init r3 1d20+6=11
Round 3
Stricia is sure now that she's dealing with a true master as she knows how good her first strike was and how perfect his trips are. Fighting defensively she stands up. And then takes a five foot step back.

((ac 22 I believe))


Init r4 1d20+6=11

((man don't trip me again as an aoo, will just make this real confusing))
Round 4

She knows she is out classed at close range so Stricia tries a ranged assault . Another ki point burned and three metal stars wing their way at the lounging drunk master.

1d20+5=17, 1d4+3=4, 1d20+5=22, 1d4+3=4, 1d20+5=22, 1d4+3=6

"I have never felt at home anywhere, and I don't have much to lose anyway. What is the next step master?" she responds feeling incredibly loose .

initiative r5 1d20+6=8
After the twist of his body to bring her down to the ground, he continues to spin his body on the ground, placing a foot close to him so that he can propel his lower body upward to make for a swift kick to her side once she attempts to get up just quickly after being knocked down.

AoO Attack (1d20+9=25, 1d10+3=8)

After his kick, he pulls himself backward from the movement pattern he just made to reverse himself after stopping his momentum. This time, he sets himself down on the ground, cross legged with his hands at his legs. "Hmph," he answers when called master, scoffing the notion, "Loosh this masder too. Live free!" He takes the mug from the ground next to him and holds it up cheerfully.

When she begins throwing the shurikens at him, he easily tilts his head at the first one, but the next one sticks into him. He quickly reaches the mug he has over to block the last shuriken thrown at him.

<Went ahead and used Deflect Arrows to deflect the third shuriken, since I'm not sure that using a swift action to spend a ki point to increase AC is a legal action, as cool as it would be to deflect all three shurikens with a mug.>


Round 4

Jake propels himself back onto his feet, saying, "If ya theh guy withh bawket off coins.. I would let you win."

He then steps towards her and wildly swings his limbs at her.

<Time to end this battle, goofed around enough.>

Flurry of Blows (1d20+9=18, 1d20+9=21, 1d20+9=20, 1d20+4=18, 1d20+4=20) - <These all miss>


Initiative (Round 5) (1d20+3=16)

Flurry of Blows (1d20+9=25, 1d20+9=11, 1d20+4=22, 1d20+4=5)

<For the first attack that hits, expend a drunken ki to add 1d6 damage.>

Damage rolls (1d10+3+1d6=19, 1d10+3=4) <Max damage on first roll>


Round 6 initiative (1d20+3=19)


((Got 2 hp left after *that* let's just call it. Editing in a write up))

Round 4
Knowing the level of the opponent she faces Stricia no longer expects to win but she is still surprised by the sudden lunging assault thrown at her. Jake scampers forward like a monkey... A drunk monkey... fists flying in a flurry that put hers to shame. She backs up, matching his footwork perfectly, palms flying in a blur as she parries them all just barely whap whap whap whap

Round 5

Just as she thinks he's done he suddenly ducks under her guard and leaps up, whirling in a complete circle like a fully coiled spring unleashed and uses the momentum to smash her right in the nose with the back of his fist, leaning into it with the full strength of a drunk.

Stricia sees black and then a pounding red as pain explodes through her radiating from her broken nose in waves through her entire body.

Stumbling back Stricia somehow avoids Jake's lazy twirling follow up punches and barely feels the final smarting kick on her ankle. Staggering she spits out a mouthful of blood and slurs "then i did right.. If i'd given more then wouldn't have seen... a fight.. like this.." She goes into a final flurry working on autopilot....

1d20+5=14, 1d8+3=8, 1d20+5=18, 1d8+3=9, 1d20+5=11, 1d8+3=11

and falls over mumbling "one gold coin. Verrrr generous"
The crowd cheers the talent displayed by the performance artist, the other in the arena acting as a canvas to create movement from, deflecting her attacks all the while responding with a winding movement whenever she dodges a hit of his own.

When he finally does put a hit in, the truth behind his power is revealed when ki is added to the force of his blow, giving an equivalent feel of getting hit by charging bull. He steps back and watches the girl now, sickened by the pure pain of his punch, and he laughs and laughs, amused by what he's seeing. He is definitely cruel, and says, pointing with a hagged slur still in his voice, "Naw yourr druk too!"

Once she attempts one last flurry on him... All he does is place his hand on her and pushes her, knocking her down, and he starts laughing one more time. <All of those attacks miss.>

<Aaaaand, I literally can't transition to the next part at this point. Go ahead and react to this part but we're calling the match done.>


As the healing magic of the arena does it work Stricia picks herself up off the floor. The unnecessarily mean ending to the fight did bring up some bad memories of her years growing up constantly bullied in the monastery but Stricia is used to ignoring such emotions and lets go of them as much as she can. In any case she has been on the other end of such displays throughout the tournament and it good to be put back in her place. She has much to learn and losing, she thinks, has been a much a better teacher to her than winning.

Putting her palms together she bows low in the manner of a pupil before her instructor and comes up smiling. "I will remember this for a very long time I think."

<I think the fight kinda shows a monk weakness,sure Stricia is hard to hit, but one crit or one good damage roll gets through and she got hurt really bad.>
Lone Wolf is loathe to remain apart from Lady, particularly because of how much the tournament loss affected him, but he begrudgingly stays inside the walls of the arena for now, pacing impatiently as he awaits his money.

Though the exhibition match isn't particularly of interest to him, he does note that the smelly, hairless man fights much like an oversized monkey.

Having never engaged in battle with a monkey due to his inability to climb trees in wolf form, he finds himself wondering whether such a form would lend itself well to combat.

As if by instinct, he feels his body attempting to morph into the form of a primate. Though the attempt does not succeed because of how spent his body is from two intense rounds of combat, he makes a mental note to try again later. Perhaps "form of wolf" and "form of human" weren't the end of it.
Draco has no words. That was quite the fight, thankfully he didn't have to face it himself. The tourney finally over, gets up and heads to wherever they are suppose to receive their rewards and then meet up with the rest for whatever mission they are to be given.

Mike M

Nick N
"Well, that was certainly... somethin' I ain't had the privilege of witnessin' before," Dreadstone says, struggling to encapsulate the absurd spectacle he has just witnessed. Watching a drunken vagrant ruthlessly dismantle Stricia's ardent defenses as though they were not even there seemed a ringing endorsement of ranged combat if he'd ever seen one. Even then you'd have to fire mighty fast to overwhelm those reflexes fast enough to snatch shurikens from the air like that.

If it ever came to an in-close fight like that, Dreadstone was trained in the use of a greatsword, but such a weapon seemed laughably ponderous in a fight such as he just witnessed. He would never land a single blow against opponents who moved like that.

"So, now that the dog an' pony show has concluded," the freelance ranger says, rolling another cigarette to replace the one lost over the edge before the match, "what say to an' I talk some business?"
The fowl man only walks away from Stricia, scrawling on his feet back whence he came to where the arena gifted him a grand entrance. He completely ignores her respect and admiration for him.

"While we officially have a new champion, it looks like the past title holder is still the best in exhibition! Thank you for the after tournament match, Jake! The people love ya! Those that have made it in the top 8, please step onto the arena one more time!"

Two rows of lights on the floor illuminate several squares, one row with the numbers 4, counting up to 8, and the other three squares marked 2, 1, 3 in that order. The winners and runners up are asked to move toward what place they made in the tournament. After a brief ceremony celebrating these men, they are given prizes.

Stricia is given a golden medal, and a golden block, carved with intricate details, intended to be used as equivalent currency to a large amount of gold pieces.

Lone Wolf, Draco, and Niko are given similar, but Lone Wolf's is smaller and less elaborate, and Draco and Niko's are closer to marked doubloons.

<I am not at my home computer, so I can't actually give you the exact values I wrote for the gold pieces you get until later. This is why I had to bail out earlier today.>

Once it is all over, the noise of the crowd and their presence begins to dissipate, as well as the excitement of the day. Marcallus looks over and nods, "Very well. The Field Marshall will be asking some of the talent to come up here as well. I know I asked you to personally come up here, but I admit the job profile doesn't suit you perfectly, being a potential team effort. I hope that is okay with you."

Dortumn, already having spoken to Draco and Niko, walks up to Stricia, saying to her, "Don't let that bastard get to you. He's never gonna do anything good with that hogwash he calls fighting. Would you have time tonight to join us, Draco and Nicholas here, for a proposition in store for you?" When he sees Lone Wolf moping around, he asks him, "How about you? Could mean some extra coin for you."
Lone Wolf grunts affirmatively at the dwarf, and begins to wonder how he's supposed to act around the monk who bested him. Having literally never been defeated before in his entire life, he has precious little context from which to draw. He keeps his expression neutral and opts to stay quiet, keeping in with the rest of the group and listening carefully to their interactions.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the match carries on Niko's mirth is replaced by disbelief, then eventually by disgust as the round is completed. As the competitors gather after the award ceremony, he bows gracefully before Stricia. "You are the only champion in my eyes. The secrets of his mastery will surely perish with him...in the bottom of a gutter...soured by a pickled liver." Smirking he turns about-face and follows the others towards the mysterious meeting promised by Dortumn.
<It would be inconsiderate for Dortumn not to wait on Stricia's answer, but now I'm at home so I can give you guys your prizes.

Stricia gets 8,500 gold
Lone Wolf gets 6,250 gold
Draco and Niko each get 2,800 gold

You can split this gold at a later time (right now the tournament wouldn't allow #collusion but this will be worked around).

Also, everybody except Dreadstone gains a level up. This will put everybody (including Dreadstone) at level 5.>
<Oh yeah... I was supposed to give Stricia a new trait for winning the tournament too.

Champion of Emerald Bay, Year 30AF
Your name is now written in the log of men and women of varying races that have achieved the highest victory at Emerald Bay.

Effect: A +3 modifier to base Charisma whenever you interact with somebody that recognizes you as the winner of the Emerald Bay tournament of 30AF.​

Also because of your impressive strategy against Lone Wolf's walling, I'll give you a second one as well.

Like a well melded sword
Though your fighting style is orderly and conventional, trickery was not enough to overcome it thanks to just the right level of flexibility.

Effect: +2 to Acrobatics checks​

Dortumn gathers everyone now, and leads them up around the stadium. By the time he is having them walk the top perimeter just as he walked with Dreadstone at the start, most everybody is gone. When you look around the arena, the magical barrier has been dispelled, returning the sky to its flat gray. At the arena ground, far off from where you are now, there are tables and crates being carried out onto the area.

The field marshal leads them around the same hallway, and with his crowd the guards have to step out of the way to make room for their arrival. Once everyone has been cleared to enter, they step into the viewing box, a room made for luxurious comfort for the various VIPs to watch the events from a better angle than the audience could bargain for. Inside, they see the acting ruler of Ruby Keep, Marcallus Billem sitting in one of the chairs, and opposite of him is Dreadstone, the tiefling archer seen during the goblin attack on the group the other day.

Marcallus looks over and smiles to Dortumn, "You managed to talk the finest today into coming up! That's good. Field Marshal, you can stay in the room this time, I'll want you to listen in now that this is going to be business." He nods over at Dreadstone as he says that. Addressing the individual members, including Dreadstone, he asks, "How would you like to be hired for a job that will put to use the skills you've demonstrated today?"

<I also want to give Dreadstone a trait for sticking around and chatting with Marcallus, but I'll have to think of an appropriate one.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Achievement unlocked: Back In My Day...: Chewed the fat with Ruby Keep's famous bachelor.))
"Seems like I would be a strange choice, but I suppose as long as I don't have to fight more then one wolf at a time I should do fine. Anyways, I could always use some extra cash, so yes, I'm interested. Though I'd like to know what exactly we are suppose to be doing before I agree to anything, if that is alright."
"Yes. We will brief you, and since you are not a part of the army we cannot obligate you to stick around even if you do say that you agree. This is a freelance operation."

<On a tangent, Cracked.com just had an article on fantasy tropes I'm guilty of not mixing up enough.>


Stricia is a bit confused by Dotumn's commiseration; Being beaten by someone far more experienced is not only not embarrassing but expected. She accepts it regardless as well as his invitation. She is a bit rudderless at the moment anyway with only a vague idea of visiting the Wormwood or tracking down the Muunfae to continue in her mission.


She returns Niko's courtly bow with a deep martial one of her own. She comes up grinning "Did you see that? He was far more advanced than me but I still got through his defence.. Twice!"

Besides Stricia thought that she might have learned something from the uncouth champion. ((thanks generous dm))


She feels Lone Wolf's discomfort towards her and that makes her feel uncomfortable in turn. Winning or losing was almost besides the point for the monk, but it seemed like it was very important to Lone Wolf.
When Lone Wolf sees Dreadstone, an upwelling of bitterness and embarrassment threatens to surface. The Hunter had no doubt witnessed his humiliation down below. He manages to keep his composure, but only barely.

There's something odd about this Marcallus fellow, but Lone Wolf can't pinpoint it. He notices that the man is being evasive about the details of this 'job'; it seems that he's waiting for everyone to agree to it first.

"I go with Pack Leader," he says, obviously looking at Stricia. It was only natural to follow the leader, after all.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason.

Mike M

Nick N
As the tournament combatants enter, Dreadstone glances over his shoulder to them, but otherwise remains silent. Introductions had already been made, and Dreadstone loathed repeating himself. Curling tendrils of tobacco smoke waft out over the railing of the viewing box as he turns back to gaze out over the vacant arena, waiting for the regent to conclude the small talk and discuss more pertinent matters.

He lets out what might either be a cough or a snort of derision when he hears Lone Wolf refer to Stricia as "pack leader."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko casually walks in and introduces himself politely to the steward of Ruby Keep. "Good afternoon. You must be who Dortumn is working for. And by extension it is us who are to take on that role as well, yes?" Finished with the preliminaries, he pours himself a drink and raises an eyebrow at Lone Wolf's behavior. His excuses his staring by downing his glass before going for another. Before he can he becomes distracted when he spots the dark archer from earlier.

"Dreadstone." With a twinkle in his eye, Niko slips through the group and takes a seat next to him. The sorcerer fixedly watches the smoke tendrils wafting from his cigarette, the dark clouds almost as dark as the skin of the tiefling himself. He wonders why the ranger did not take part in the tournament. 'Is it possible he is far too advanced in his prowess and was thus banned from competing?' He scracthes the stubble on his chin. 'Or maybe he has some dark dealings with Marcallus, tracking the crime lords of Ruby Keep??' A million other questions of the dark one's origins bubble in Niko's head, but he banishes them for now.

He tilts his chair backwards as he considers the offer for work. "Well...I didn't quite find what I was looking for in Emerald Bay." He lets the legs of his chair fall back to the ground, but instead of clacking against the floor, the sound of a gong emanates. Jumping to his feet he nods. "But what I did find was very entertaining! So make clear what you want and what you plan to give in return. I shall lend you my ear."
The official doesn't take well the noise that was made so mysteriously, but it mainly shows in his features when it happens. Only after Niko helps himself to the wine that he says, "Yes, everyone have a seat and help themselves to a drink. I'm sure everyone is more than thirsty by now."

He finally explains, "You all are wondering why we haven't been earnest in telling you everything before hand. Quite frankly, we weren't even sure you would even come to this room to begin with, or if you would be the talent Dortumn brought in. We could be talking to a different group of people entirely. Even Dreadstone who is related to our military could have chosen not to come."

Catching one of the remarks about pack leaders, he chimes in, "A little early to decide who is leader, don't you think? I was actually hoping that I would get a group that didn't need a leader and could work together on their own. Dortumn tells me that a certain set of participants at the tournament were capable of doing well without need of a commander." He seems a bit cheeky on that last note.

"Anyway.. now that I know most of you are interested in the job at hand, I have to tell you a bit of background," he begins, finally starting to get into the meat of the discussion, "I'm sure you know well of the attacks on our kingdom that have been taking place recently by a growing number of rebels and supporters. 'The Orphans' we know them by, a collection of traitors to our land allying themselves with a number of Drow that have surfaced over the years." He starts to feel weighted both by what he is saying and the drinking, "A couple' decades ago, and we wouldn't have had a problem fighting a war with a group of their size.. but over the years we have gradually lost our place as a military powerhouse on the continent; our army acting little more than a glorified militia these days." He pauses to take a drink of his wine, finishing the last sip. He sets the glass down and then continues, "We were also humiliated by our own men. Not long ago, just as the rebel attacks had begun to escalate more frequently, one of our divisions had just promoted a new general, a woman named Lucretia Sapphire. Her first task bringing a unit on the field was to rout a known rebel camp.. but instead we get wind of a message about a man that escaped, telling us that a coup had occurred, and the general had joined the rebels and took a good number of Ruby Keep uniforms with her." Once he had introduced this name, he requests looking at Dortumn, "Her portrait, please."

Dortumn reaches into his belt to pull out a scroll, and without interrupting Billem's words, he has the picture passed around for everyone to see.


Visibly frustrated, he elaborates, "We were made fools that day. We believed in her talents. Lucretia rose though the ranks like a star falls from the sky, nearly instantly yet making an impression on many. She was able to foster morale among the men and motivate them to become strong," he looks to Lone Wolf in particular, "Lucretia is.. in your words, the very essence of a pack leader.. and she turned her pack against us. Who knows what she is doing now and what she wants with the Drow that make up a large portion of the rebels," soon his mind enters another path, "We actually don't even know what the Drow themselves want, or why they would target us specifically. It's all very strange."

Marcallus would let the group have a moment to process this back story before he continues on to more specific matters.


Stricia sputters at Lone Wolf's description of her. "I'm no pack leader. You can do whatever you want Lone Wolf!"

To Marcallus: "I find myself in the same position as Niko, and if what you say is true and this place is as dangerous as you say, then travelling with a group would be wise. If I find your cause to be unjust however I will leave"

"I have heard of the drow" she continues "they are creatures of darkness, yes?" Stricia recalls the warnings of a sleeping darkness from the strange bard.
"So, we hunt pack much bigger," says Lone Wolf, understanding immediately. "Can do this, but need special tactics. Must approach carefully." Immediately he gets excited, in a way that he hasn't since entering the world of humans; this was an honest-to-goodness HUNT - a battle of wits, not just a trip to the dinner plate.

To Stricia, Lone Wolf shakes his head. " If we go on mission together, we are pack, and you prove self as strongest among us. For what I want? I choose to follow. Much to learn from one who defeats me. And unless Dreadstone wants challenge you, you pack leader to me."

While Lone Wolf's verbal communication skills are subpar, he is very alert to nonverbal cues, and as such he picked up immediately on the sound the tiefling made. He looks expectantly at the Hunter, interested to see if another contest develops.


Stricia shakes her head nonplussed by Lone Wolf's logic. He is right though; someone should be in charge.

Draco is a mystery to her, and Niko, confident as he is, seems too young and brash. Her own age counts against her and she knows very little of this place to be effective in any case. It occurs to her that Lone Wolf might in fact be best suited as a leader, but of wolves and not of people... Not yet anyway.

She glances over at Dreadstone, the thiefling seems if anything even more of a loner than she. But he has experience on his side and seems like he knows the situation, the people and the place the best of all of them.

"I may be strong in a one on one contest, but it does not mean I would be a good leader. It was an artificial contest anyway. I fought only half of you, if you had been fighting complete with Lady then it would have been very different. Strength in arms is not very important and I know nothing of this place, or these orphans, or the drow and for these reasons would be a poor choice."

She looks over at Dreadstone, he is the eldest as well and that counts for a lot to her also. "Master Assassin, you seem to know the most of all of this. Would you provide direction?"

Switching to Marcallus, "what do you expect us to accomplish? Unearth the truth behind the rebellion and your traitor?"
Marcallus catches something the Monk mentions, and interjects into her conversation with who he assumes is a Druid, "I can tell you that The Orphans are anti-Ruby Keep, and that they've been exceptional at keeping their activities away from the public eye. Besides that, we have never received any kind of demand or direct statement from them. All I can tell you about the Drow is that they typically live underground, and that they have been enemies with surface Elves for who knows how long. What reason they have for being part of the rebels, I don't know. That'll be up to you to find out."

Now he answers the question that was directed towards him, "We will be hiring you to look into leads we have of possible activity on this western side of the continent. Ruby Keep is on the Eastern side of the continent, complete opposite of this city we're standing in now, and the west side of the continent does not have a strong military presence other than Emerald Bay's arena and magician training. If you can find out their home base through these leads and capture Lucretia, then you will be well rewarded for it, but even just putting a harm to their activities would be worthwhile as well."

He waits for other possible questions and statements about what he had explained so far before moving on to the first lead they have.
Draco ignores the talk of 'pack leader' for now, that is a conversation better left for when they know who will actually be accepting this mission and after they have a better idea of what they are all capable of. He does however respond to Marcallus "Following leads huh? Sounds like I'll be kept busy at least. So where should we start? Looking for elves with dark skin who avoid looking into the sun light? Or maybe just finding out what their name means..."
((That was in-character, haha. Sorry for the confusion; just didn't want to use a whole bunch of text but I wanted to add some flavor into the post with my HP roll. It was in response to Stricia basically giving away her "pack leader" status. I probably should have waited to do all that in a longer post))
The regent's expression fumbles as he continues to hear bickering about who is and isn't a leader. At this point, he's not happy that his information that he's providing is playing second fiddle over a petty dispute. He finally looks over to Dortumn, and speaks his title, in a manner that implies request, "Field Marshal."

Dortumn steps forward and moves in front of Lone Wolf and Stricia, visibly peeved with a hint of bitterness in his gruff voice, "This isn't the time to be peddling about who and who isn't head of the household. I'll decide who your leader is and right now it is the former heir to the throne. Understood?" he doesn't wait for a response, "Good."

Once Dortumn is done, Marcallus takes a drink. He addresses Draco, "Yes. We are about to start briefing on the start we have in mind. I want to make sure Dreadstone and the Wizard sitting by him understood the briefing thus far as well before we continue."

<If it isn't apparent by now, I try to give everybody a chance to post before moving on to another big post to make it less likely they'll accidentally skip over an important post. If I'm dodging questions and denying information, it's because I don't want to RP twice as much as you guys are only for somebody to pop in occasionally.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry, away from the computer since yesterday. Just wishing I'd picked Drow as a favored enemy, even though it probably would not have made much sense from a character perspective. Also...

Lucretia Sapphire

Dreadstone's face as he turns and regards Stricia's entreaty is flat and impassive. It's impossible to say one way or the other how he feels about the prospect of acting in any sort of leadership capacity over this capable, yet wildly diverse group of combatants. He just smokes his cigarette with a well-honed poker face, letting plumes of smoke unfurl from beneath and between his pointed teeth.

When Marcallus sics Dortumn on the lot of them to hold them to attention and subsequently chides them for apparent lack of attention shoots the regent a look of curiosity. "You're in posession of my undivided attention, sir," he says as he snubs what remains of his expended cigarette on the railing and flicks the butt out into the open air. "Wasn't aware you were waitin' on my approval to continue. I'm no stranger to voicin' my opinion when it strikes me, as I'm sure Dortumn and his file on me can attest."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'll level up later today))

Niko rolls his eyes at the leadership antics and simply waits for Dortumn to finish. Before speaking his mind to the group, he whispers in Dwarven to the Field Marshal.

"I do not envy your position, strong one.Your patience is admirable."

"The Drow? Dark elves so they say." Niko ventures a quick look at Draco before continuing. "Not certain I've heard much about them in my travels..." The sorcerer retrieves the leather bound journal he keeps in his cloak and waves his arm underneath it. A ghostly force appears to suspend it in mid-air as each page turns over on its own accord.

Niko stands before the floating book and scours the pages for mention of Drow in historical context by song, poem or story:

Knowledge Roll: History
1d20+1 &#8594; [8,1] = (9)

"Aha! Just as I suspected." The book snaps shut and falls into Niko's waiting hand to return to his cloak. "I've not heard much, but anything I can discover I'll share. I'm not overly keen on patriotism to the Keep, but if what you say is true there must be something they seek in their attacks."

He begins to pace a bit around his chair as he thinks. "And they might hold the key to some hidden magics if they have managed to sway an entire regiment and their leader. Who can say what powers of old they influence or are influenced by?" A smile creeps onto his face. "Yes I think something can be arranged. I for one would be happy to investigate on your behalf. Suitable payment pending, of course."
<The girl that was singing in the city also has an L name, and I've neglected stupidly to put up a sign saying what (was probably her stage name was). If somebody wants to PM me (yes, PM only for this one) a Knowledge Local then I'll tell you if you're curious.>

Dortumn gives a brief glance to Niko, responding,
"Can't say I envy yours either. Just trying to shut some people up."

Once the Dwarf is finished, he walks back to the corner to stand ready. Niko would know about as much as Marcallus had just told him on the Drow. Once the subject returns to rebel related matters, Marcallus answers, "Yes. We're primarily a human nation, so we've rarely had any hostilities with the Drow."

When Niko points out the possibility of magicks and the effects, he states, "Interesting theory, but not every person let themselves in on her fun according to the soldier that escaped and told us through a sending." Once he is sure Lucretia and the Drow are a subject well known amongst his audience, he continues on, "The first place which we'll be wanting to send you is a prison that the rebels have taken over and was the stage for the coup that took a number of our men from us. The Field Marshal can brief you in detail."

Dortumn steps forward and addresses the party, "A scout later looked at the place and came back telling us that he thinks most of the persons there have moved to a new location, but is sure some have stayed behind to keep watch on the spot. Coming from the man that got away, it sounded like the ex-General might've just tossed the stubborn into the cells and called it a day instead of killing them outright, but it's something we aren't certain until somebody sneaks in. No doubt they recruited the criminals already there too. If our men are still in that prison, we want them back. We also want to know what they're up to."

Marcallus nods, "If you can find any success, we will pay you handsomely. And from now on, Dortumn will be giving you briefing on future endeavors and will handle your payment which is why I had him come all of this way as well. For my safety I will need to disappear after this meeting. You will be reporting to Dortumn."


Stricia nods slowly. "Rescuing people unlawfully imprisoned is a worthy task and would allow us to learn more of the group". She will also ask for a map of the areas in question because she has no idea of the continent other than the port she came in on and the journey from there to Emerald Bay.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko's eyes light up at mention of their direct orders. "A prison infiltration mission? Haha, this is turning out to be just as entertaining as I anticipated." Listening to Stricia's words he nods hastily in agreement.

"Of course, rescuing wrongly imprisoned souls is a noble endeavor as well." His voice takes on a hallow quality, his eyes glazed over as if his true thoughts lie elsewhere. "Truly it is worthy of our efforts and such to release them from their bondage and bring the perpetrators to justice and so on and so forth..." Once the others speak up in response, he begins to mutter to himself quietly. Those who listen hear him attempting to devise all manner of tricks and illusions to help sneak into the complex via manners of stealth, distraction and entrapment.

When he finally comes to his senses he is impatient to return to the inn and prepare his belongings to travel. "So shall we move out by morning?"
Lone Wolf quickly recovers from his shock as the details of this mission are laid out. He can feel his heartbeat quicken with excitement at the prospect of infiltrating an enemy stronghold. "Will rescue men from prison," he declares with conviction. "We leave tomorrow, unless there is reason to wait. Spend today preparing for j...the journey. How long is trip to prison?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's face screws up into one of serious contemplation as he studies the flyer bearing the image of the turncoat general. One doesn't just turn an entire regiment of troops against the throne unless unless you have got some mighty powerful incentive to leverage.

The fact that the powers that be are operating in the dark--and not the sort of darkness the tiefling can see in, unfortunately--is perturbing, but at least they have sense enough to try and liberate the holdouts from this prison first rather than charging blindly into the subterranean depths beneath the earth.

"Never thought I'd see the day I'd be endeavorin' to get men out of prison," he says as he returns the flyer. "I suppose we're fortunate they're built to keep folk in, not out."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Raising an eyebrow at Dreadstone's words, the sound of a small bell emanates from above Niko's head. He pauses his planning to make a request of Dortumn. "Field Marshall, would you mind if we took the drawing with us or would you allow me to make a copy before we leave?" He also asks Marcallus of Lucretia's details. "What color hair or eyes did Ms. Sapphire have? Do you know how tall she was?" He jots down as many details as he can. "I understand the importance of discretion but it could help us, consider I have an idea for how it may be used later on..."
Dortumn runs through the questions asked so far, fully embracing his given role as the supplier of their missions and other matters related to their needs, "'Afraid we don't have a real map of the prison, believe me we asked around, but from what I know of the place it's an above ground prison; not like the underground dungeon at the keep. If you mean a map to get to the prison, don't you worry about it. You'll have a driver that has the maps on hand. She'll know how long it'll take to get there."

At Niko's question, he simply hands over the picture they have already, "Aye. This is the copy in fact. We keep originals locked away when we can." Dortumn, when asked for closer details, tries to remember, "Aaahh. If I remember right her file said she was a blonde. Brown eyes. No doubt taller than I am."

As everyone decides they want to rest for the night, Dortumn says to them, "We were just setting up outside in the arena, but I suppose there's no hurt in waiting for morning to deal with that. I'll come get you tomorrow and we'll take you to our supplier."

Mike M

Nick N
The menagerie of sound effects seemingly conjured from the ether to accentuate Niko's every action finally induces Dreadstone to inquire about them. The phantom soldiers had ended the battle at the wrecked carriage, but the gong and bells seems a bit... Excessive. The ranger is not sure if the young sorcerer is showing off, or if the sounds are just some effect intrinsic to his magical nature.

"Son," he asks, with a faint note of exasperation, "does everythin' you do make such a racket? Seems to me like the proposition before us might be requirin' us to be movin' unheard and such. Awful hard to sneak up on someone if they hear you comin'."
<I am assuming most of you will be going to the inn shortly after you guys finish up conversation in this room, which I'll just post this blurb to go by.>

Whenever you would opt to return to the inn, Lady will be nowhere to be found. No matter where Lone Wolf decides to look, he won't be able to find her and it will be too late to get everyone else to help with the search. He'll be sleeping alone tonight.
Lone Wolf will not go to sleep and will spend literally the entire night searching, even if he finds absolutely no sign of her. He is excessively worried and upset about this troubling turn of events. He will be around the inn come morning, even if he doesn't find any sign of her.
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