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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


Stricia's neck muscles tense with frustration. How many wolves can Lone Wolf summon? Worse instead of attacking in a berserk mob they are instead working as a pack and implementing some greater strategy that she can't discern.

Round 6
her eyes widen as she remembers how lone wolf healed the injured cart driver and realizes he has created enough space for him to do that to himself. Becoming a bit reckless Stricia burns another point of ki and launches three shuriken at him...

1d20+5=7, 1d4+3=5, 1d20+5=19, 1d4+3=7, 1d20+5=16, 1d4+3=7

they all miss.

Stricia whole body tenses as she prepares for the packs aoo and possible counterattacks
((You would have been able to do a 5-foot-step back and avoid having to take opportunity attacks while throwing the shurikens, so unless you'd rather not, let's assume you did that :) ))

Lone Wolf is not terribly familiar with shurikens, other than seeing Stricia employ them during her bout against Niko, but her aim seems to be slightly off, and he doesn't even need to move in order to evade them.

Step two: Damage control. Lone Wolf takes a deep breath and raises his arms, and a faint, minty-green glow envelops him, mending his cracked bones and undoing much of the damage that Stricia dealt to him.

((Move action: Go back 30 feet, putting him 40 or 45 feet away from Stricia, making sure to keep the wolves blocking a direct path to him.

Standard action: Cast Cure Light Wounds.

Cure Light Wounds (1d8+4=12)

The three Young Wolves all advance on Stricia. Two of them are going to attempt to Aid Another on the third, and that third is going to attempt to Trip her.

Two Young Wolves try an Aid Another to help the third one hit (1d20+4=8, 1d20+4=24)

The third is going to get a +2 to his Trip attempt:

Trip attempt (including Flanking) (1d20+ 6=25 vs CMD)

After all this, one of the Young Wolves disappears, leaving Stricia prone and flanked by the two remaining))


<dice guilt gone, that was a pretty great roll>

Round 7
Stricia finds herself exactly where she did not want to be. Lone Wolf has recovered and completely stolen the initiative from her. All she can do is try and prepare for it.

Fighting defensively she gets up trying to keep an eye on the wolves surrounding her as well as what Lone Wolf seems to be planning.

<AC is 22>
Both Young Wolves' Attacks of Opportunity as Stricia gets up (1d20+4=19, 1d6+1=3, 1d20+4=5, 1d6+1=4)

The Young Wolves nip at Stricia, but her fortified defenses are enough to keep them at bay.

This doesn't interfere with the plan, however....

Step Three: Bulk up.

Lone Wolf roars - something that wolves normally don't do. He undergoes his transformation into wolf form, but this time there's something different. His canine body seems bigger and more muscular this time, and his eyes are locked onto the monk with a scary determination that was not there before.

As his loyal allies engage the enemy, he prepares to charge.

((Standard Action: Cast Bull's Strength on myself.

Move Action: Activate Wild Shape to turn into a Wolf.

Young Wolves both attack normally:

Young Wolves attack (1d20+4=15 vs AC, 1d6+1=2, 1d20+4=23 vs AC, 1d6+1=6)

If your AC is 22 then it looks like the second one hits. I've been rolling pretty well these past two rounds; I guess it evens out over time :) ))


Round 8

Stricia winces when a wolf finally manages to catch her with a bite on her thigh as she fends of an attack from the other while flipping back to her feet. Both sides have drawn blood.

Shrugging off the pain she focuses on Lone Wolf as he roars. In terms of pure martial prowess she reasons that they are now both evenly matched with Lone Wolf seeming to have the edge in offense, while she, defense.

It's a battle she can fight one on one and maybe win but this is not a one on one fight and the pack she is facing has shown itself adept at supporting one another to get through her bulwark. The old wolf she had successfully avoided had disappeared, the young wolf that had been the one to finally trip her, snarling in triumph as he had done so, had turned to mist and vanished as well. The two that remained, one of whom had her blood on his ghostly fangs, would not last forever either.

The tables had turned, and she would turn with it. For now the pursuer would become the pursued. She runs.

<80 feet full withdrawal, 125 distance from Lone Wolf, 80 feet from the wolves, (how big is the arena anyway?) AC back to 24

Can you cast spells in Wolf form? How much have you got left anyway?>
One of the wolves is able to get off an attack of opportunity as Stricia maneuvers past it (according to the Withdraw action, only the square you start off in is unthreatened). He will attempt to Trip her rather than doing a normal attack:

Trip attempt (1d20+2=12)

Lone Wolf witnesses his foe flee, and bolts after her; his allies follow suit. He finds it more difficult to think logically in this form; not that it's impossible, but it will definitely take practice.

The two phantasmal allies follow their leader's example and chase after Stricia, slowing just enough to allow Lone Wolf to get slightly ahead of them. The three of them converge on Stricia, with one Young Wolf circling around to get behind her, and the other Young one plus Lone Wolf charging straight at her.

((Wolves have 50 feet of movement so this is possible. Lone Wolf will do a Full Run action to get adjacent to Stricia.

Young Wolf 1 double-moves to get on the other side of her (flanking position with Lone Wolf).

Young Wolf 2 will Charge Stricia, using Aid Another to boost Lone Wolf's AC this round.

Aid Another to boost AC (1d20+4=18)

Lone Wolf gets +2 to AC this round.

I can't cast spells in Wolf form until next level when I pick up a new feat. I'm also completely out of Level 2 spells now. How many Ki points and Stunning Fists do you have left?))


< 2 ki, 2 stun, summon nature's ally lasts for one round per level right? So is the final round for the two young wolves since they came in Round 5?>

Round 9

Chased down but running far enough that she is not attacked Stricia whirls around as she is surrounded by snarling and leaping wolves. Facing the almost monstrous creature that Lone Wolf has turned into, the strength of a bull combined with the deadly grace of the wolf that he is, she five foot steps away to get the wolf behind her to her side instead and, blocking out Lone Wolf's menacing growl, instead focuses on his and his allies movements. She steadies herself into a total defense and burning another point of ki to enhance it hones her defensive instincts and reflexes to an almost supernatural degree. She's done this before in this match but her circumstances now are far more dire.

<relying on you for the grid but I think it means that it's like this
- L Y
- - -
S Y -

It won't do much but at least I think LW will have to burn a move action to get back into flanking position.

+6 AC from total defense (acrobatics rank > 3) +4 AC from Ki (one ki point left). AC 34.

If you get a 20, I will cry

EDIT: WAIT, dammit my AC last round was 26, and it's now 36.. during the prone round it was 24. I messed up the -4+2 calculation in that round. Do you mind my not taking the bite from Round 7> >
((36 AC? That sounds really high to me, even with all your bonuses. From what I can tell, there's 10 + 4(Mage Armor) + 2(Barkskin) + 2(Shield of Faith) + 1(Monk level 4 bonus) + 4(Ki point) + 6(Total Defense) + 3 or 4(Dex and Wisdom), which would put you at 32-33. If I missed anything then so be it... but man, 36 AC at level 4 is just staggering))

Unperturbed by Stricia's efforts at turtling herself, Lone Wolf backs up and charges for her throat.

((Your diagram is how I pictured it, yeah. The Y next to you will five-foot-step behind you and Aid Another to give me an attack bonus; the other Y will charge at your side for the same purpose.

Young Wolves Aid Another (1d20+4=16, 1d20+6=15)

Both succeed, so I get +4.

I'm going to five-foot-step back and then Charge into flanking position at you.

Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Trip Attempt (1d20+18=28, 1d6+7=12, 1d20+10=13)

That's a miss regardless. The Summoned Wolves disappear))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sorry but I can't help but laugh at the monk and druid antics possible in Pathfinder combat. Looks like Mike, Phoenix and I can just chill out most battles and let you two do the heavy lifting.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry but I can't help but laugh at the monk and druid antics possible in Pathfinder combat. Looks like Mike, Phoenix and I can just chill out most battles and let you two do the heavy lifting.))


<I've got 10+2(dex)+1(Dodge feat)+4(wisdom and monk level)+1ring+4mage+2bark+2shield+6total+4ki=36. The dodge feat, the ring, and the +5 from dex+wis is what you're missing. She's basically a stone wall though with no attack at all and burning through gold and ki like paper. The Young Wolves disappear right?>

Lone Wolf's charging attack, fast and deadly and precise as it is, makes his approach predictable enough to Stricia's enhanced senses that she whips around in a blurring motion shifting to the side just enough to allow him to pass without contact ignoring the attempts of the ghostly wolves to distract and harry. She gains some grim satisfaction as she feels them disappear. She had survived the storm now... can she survive Lone Wolf himself?

Round 10

Drawing on her final reserves Stricia goes into a full attack, expending a ki point to make it three swings. First is a stunning fist attempt:

Attack rolls and damage, DC15 Fort to save stun:

1d20+5=21, 1d8+3=7,
1d20+5=9, 1d8+3=10,
1d20+5=9, 1d8+3=7

<I think the one on one nature of this is making this crazier than it should be. Edit: Plus, this is the only fight of the day so if KM wants to spring a surprise attack Stricia and Lone Wolf will be passed out in the center of the arena for it>
((If that Ring is a Ring of Protection, then its Deflection bonus shouldn't stack with Shield of Faith, which would mean your AC is 1 less, which would mean that the Wolf actually would have hit you the other round. If it's a different ring then I could be wrong))

Fort save (1d20+6=24)

Lone Wolf takes a kick to the chin and shakes it off, weaving around the monk's other strikes and counterattacking with one of his own.

Attack, damage, Trip attempt (1d20+10=18, 1d6+7=13, 1d20+10=22)


<Got it, AC is 25>

Round 11

Grunting with effort Stricia shifts back, avoiding Lone Wolf's attack, and responds with another flurry, first is a stun:

1d20+5=17, 1d8+3=10, 1d20+5=9, 1d8+3=8

She tries to go for an extra attack but can't, completely drained of the mystical life force that she has been relying on.

<Rule lawyer type question, if the first blow is a stun and lands, wouldn't that mean the AC for later blows is lower? Don't think it matters here>
<AC at minimum is always at least 10 even when flatfooted or touched (EDIT: Unless you have penalties up the wazoo), so your hits would miss regardless.>
"This has been a very tense final match between the Monk and what seemed like an entire pack of wolves! For both to have lasted over a minute is simply amazing! And because the match has been a minute means that we're going into sudden death clause!"

Around Lone Wolf and Stricia, a ring of light forms on the ground around them. It is roughly 40 feet in diameter. The announcer explains, "At this point, whoever steps outside the ring is declared the loser, and will grow smaller by five feet every few seconds."

<It would actually be 35 ft. after round 11, but yeah I can't let this go on too long.>


<How much hp left? HOW MUCH?>

Lone Wolf's lunge forces Stricia to roll out of the way, his bite barely missing her midsection.

Round 12

Facing him again she goes into another flurry hoping to end it:

1d20+5=22, 1d8+3=6, 1d20+5=20, 1d8+3=4

<This really is a brawl now though KM, I don't think there are any maneuvers left.>
Another kick to the chest forces Lone Wolf to the ground, and he lets out an angry howl before collapsing into unconsciousness. He returns to human form against his will, sprawled out on the floor of the arena.

((I only had 4 HP left after last round, so any hit would've put me out))


Stricia falls to her knees next to Lone Wolf utterly exhausted as the shield of faith she imbibed in Round 2 flickers and dies. She hangs her head for a long moment taking deep breaths to recover and then raises her head to smile. She has won.

She leans over to check on Lone Wolf, hoping that the magic of the arena really will restore him to full health.


Feeling her strength come back and watching Lone Wolf's eyes flicker open she thumps her fist against her chest, holds it there and bows low from the waist as the highest salute she can give to a fellow warrior. Then she holds out her hand hoping that they would be able to help each other up off the floor.
He wakes up suddenly, seeing the female standing over him. It's strange to think about what happened while he was in his canine form - almost like a dream, remembering something that someone else went through.

Remember he does, however, and he stands up, somehow unharmed once more. He nods at Stricia, struggling to remember the right word.

"Congratlates," he says uncertainly. "Maybe best you win. I don't know how to lead pack of... thousands? Don't know how many people here."

Inside, he is seething with rage and embarrassment. As soon as he is able, he goes to find Lady and nurse his emotional wounds.
"And those last hits are a K-O! Our newest up and coming star, Stricia, has won the first place priiiiize!"

A roar of the crowds fill the arena, the crowd excited by the outcome of the tournament and the strength proven by Stricia that day.

Marcallus grins and says to Dreadstone, "She's the real deal, ain't she? You don't see that many traditional monks anymore. Men and women of strict conduct have been falling out of style over the years as everyone thinks of new inventions of battle."

When Lone Wolf is leaving the center of the arena, Dortumn intercepts him and grasps around his shoulder like a brother as a friendly gesture, very cheerful in the aftermath, "What are you feeling down for? It was damned good coordination what you did with those dogs back there. Could learn a thing or two about tactics from you, I bet."


"Don't start packing your handy haversacks yet folks! We still got one more match for you today, and it's a special match. Our first place winner is going to face off against our previous champion! Stricia, when you are ready, please step out onto the field again. There will be no penalty for losing this match, it's all for good show!"

The crowd's emotions very expectant when they hear of a returning champion coming to have a guest fight with the new first place winner.
Between Lone Wolf's inner turmoil, his impulse to dislike this dwarf, and the apparent sincerity of the compliment just paid toward him, he has absolutely no idea how to respond.

He looks down at the dwarf, opens his mouth to speak, and then closes it again. The whole thing ends up looking like a shrug. "I.... the female... uh... fighted.... fought... well," he finally says, less sincerely than he means to. He mostly maintains eye contact, but is suddenly very eager to get back to Lady as soon as possible.
"That she did.. that she did," Dortumn responds, not seeming to pick up behind the implications behind the words, "Come now. Why don't you watch the last match with us. Not like there's anything better to do until then."


Stricia is surprised by the cheers of the crowd. She had forgotten that there was even an audience at all.

Getting up slowly she brushes herself off suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. She is following Lone Wolf out of the arena when she hears the announcement. Another match? Even though her physical strength and abilities are replenished she is starting to feel mentally tired and emotionally drained after the exertions of her last two matches and going up against two warriors that she had previously fought with.

Wanting to get things over with she heads back to the field for the exhibition match retrieving her shuriken as she goes and trying to remember what she had found out about the previous year's champion.

<Are Mage Armor and barkskin still active? If not she will drink another Mage Armor potion>
Before Lone Wolf can respond, suddenly Lady finds him, jumping up on him affectionately and nuzzling his hand, and now he can't think of an excuse to bail out. He supposes that he'll need to stick around to claim his prize, anyway.

He merely nods and follows the dwarf to where Draco and Niko are already waiting, though he isn't really paying much attention to what's going on around him, preferring to stay lost in his own thoughts.

"Need to find Lady," is his only reply to the dwarf, walking away and seeking to reunite with her as soon as possible.
<Normally both buffs would still be active because it takes forever for buffs to wear off, but the arena will dispel them.>

suddenly Lady finds him, jumping up on him affectionately and nuzzling his hand, and now he can't think of an excuse to bail out. He supposes that he'll need to stick around to claim his prize, anyway.
<Lady probably wouldn't even be allowed in the stadium>
Though Lone Wolf tries to leave early, he's stopped by some attendants who want him to stay until the prize money is given out and the ceremony is made after the special match.

For now, he and Lady are separated.

Mike M

Nick N
Absent-mindedly rolling a pinch of his pungent tobacco in a slip of paper, Dreadstone watches the riotous battle play out below. Though his gleaming silver eyes can track the action below, he has his doubts that his body could follow suit these days.

"Excitin' stuff," he remarks dryly when the glowing circle encompasses the combatants as the competition enters the final phase, shielding a match behind a gnarled hand as he lights his cigarette.

There's not much fight left to be had though, as Stricia ends the match decisively. "Well, guess it's a good thing I'm not a bettin' man," he says to Marcallus as he exhales a pungent cloud of smoke. "Though I ain't so sure it'd be quite so resounding 'gainst some of those new innovations you spoke of. They got contraptions these days that you can just point at a man and drop 'em cold. Not very sportin', mind, but effective."

He watches Lone Wolf exit the arena and tries to put a name to what he feels. He'd pegged him to win, but somehow feels a deep twinge of satisfaction that the kid had been roundly defeated. That's right unbecoming, he mentally chides himself, kid never did you no wrong.

Sure, he was more than a little odd, but that's no reason to begrudge a man. Lone Wolf seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, as though his ability to assume human form was a burden instead of a blessing. Dreadstone reminds himself that such a predicament wouldn't necessarily be a desirable state of affairs for anyone else, and that he has no business holding it against the shape-shifting druid.

Besides, Dreadstone thinks as he takes another drag on his cigarette, Lone Wolf and he aren't so terribly far apart as all that. Dreadstone's got a touch of wild magic in him too. Maybe if he were a couple decades younger he might try and see if he couldn't accomplish a similar effect.

If if if. A lifetime of if.

Dreadstone attempts to banish such thoughts and return his attention to the upcoming match. "Who's she facin' in the final?" he asks, though he doesn't particularly care.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko is elated as he watches his conqueror seize victory, feeling his previous defeat justified. "Stonewall Stricia! YEAH!" Grinning he turns to continue cheering and spots Lone Wolf walking in. The sorcerer quickly wipes the smile off his face and adopts a solemn look. "She's faster and more fierce than anything I've ever seen of natural physical prowess." He looks back to the arena where Stricia prepares for the final exhibition match.

"Gozhou must be a mighty nation indeed."
Marcallus responds in agreement, "I did mean to say that war has been innovated since those kinds of mindsets have been left to the dust in battle.. of course, it's war. You know how people feel about that. This city's history has been a clashing of magic and axe, but now we're seeing alchemy introduced as a viable form of combat, giving a new angle to the already rickety balance of power between the roles of war," he takes a sip of his wine, and further explains, building on what Dreadstone had said, "Those contraptions, pistols, you speak of are right now just a rich man's toy. An expensive price for a kill. I am fully aware of their power, but right now it is just not viable to give each member of the army a four-digit priced weapon because of the scarcity of the powders they use and the cost of importing when a bow is much cheaper and offers far superior range, and, as you know, can kill a man just fine enough. A bow also won't blow up in your face because the dead gods decided to spite you that day. Needless to say, I wouldn't worry about losing your day job anytime soon, Demon of the Keep." As a regent and in the know of military affairs, it seems that Marcallus has been able to keep up to date on relevant subjects such as war technology. Though with how well he was able to describe the situation it seems like it could actually be something of personal interest to him.

Once asked the question of who she is gonna face, Marcallus just falls apart in disappointment and obvious distaste, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. His style is the most stupid, unbelievable.. Just... you'll see."
"Oh yeah, that was a hell of a show. Pretty much went how I hoped my match would have. Once you get past his wolf pack, a lone wolf just isn't that scary. Though still plenty dangerous, don't get me wrong."

((Don't worry guys, at higher levels ranger(quick suggestiong, get the spell that makes any enemy count as a favored enemy asap) and sorc generally scale amazing, though druids do pretty well to. monks on the other hand... lets just say its an uphill battle.))


((Don't worry guys, at higher levels ranger(quick suggestiong, get the spell that makes any enemy count as a favored enemy asap) and sorc generally scale amazing, though druids do pretty well to. monks on the other hand... lets just say its an uphill battle.))

<Yeah, from everything I'm reading online it seems like Monks have problems. I just really enjoyed playing one in BGII! This may be Stricia's finest hour.>
<Yeah, from everything I'm reading online it seems like Monks have problems. I just really enjoyed playing one in BGII! This may be Stricia's finest hour.>

((Oh yeah. Monk was my character in BGII as well. however a lotta things changed from 2nd ed to 3.5 and then PF. They aren't as bad as some people make them out to be, but they do have some funky mechanics and if they weren't worried about compatibility with 3.5, monk would probably have been reworked completely by now.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I've got Hunter's Howl on tap, don't you fret none about that : )

I'd always had the impression that Monks were essentially a hard mode/Dan-Tier class while Druids were broken as shit, so I was just watching this with my jaw agape the whole time. So many conditional modifiers, I thought my archery shit was going to be tough to keep track of...))
<I actually expected Stricia to do fairly well since a PVP 1 vs 1 setting plays towards Monk's strengths, at least IMO. Lone Wolf's character is incredibly optimized though, as evidenced by him being the most PMs sent to me on whether he was allowed to optimize his character in certain ways and take certain things. So Stricia not only won as what's considered a weaker class, but against somebody who's playing his class to the fullest.

And I'm glad for Stricia's win, because I envisioned a Monk PC in this last match you are about to see.

Nethack has the best Monk I've played, btw, because of being good at hitting things, being decent spellcasters, and because of special gameplay conducts that encourage real world Monk-like behavior like never eating meat (which changes you how approach the game), though I haven't played the Baldur's Gate games.>


"Ladies and gentlemen of all races, we are ready to begin our last fight of the day! Out in the arena we have our new champion, Stricia, no last name.. and coming out onto the arena to face her is the campion of the past few years, and being given a chance to be a guest fight for a new champion... Jake! Come out onto the battleground!"

The gate at the opposite end of the arena rises, a relic of when it might have been used as a violent colloseum used to pit man against beasts much like Stricia's trial against Lone Wolf that day. Just to give the illusion of foreboding, opaque smoke drifts from the opening within, and a shadowy figure unfades into view, completely draped in a cloak that hides the man known as 'Jake' beneath. The movement in the cloak is staggered, almost elderly and crippled as he approaches. In fact, everyone.. Stricia, the audience, everyone watches in anticipation of how long it takes for Jake to reach the spot for the battle to begin. After several grueling moments of his struggle to move to the right spot, nearly drifting off another direction, the hood lifts up to show a chin and mouth, a shadow obscuring the eyes.

With.. barely any motion at all.. the cloak drops to the floor, revealing a mostly naked everywhere except the loin wrapping and the shirt wrapped around his waist, skin barely draped over his bony figure, and a mostly unthreatening face. It is the homeless alchoholic Stricia and Lone Wolf saw. He is the champion.

His legs tremble as he struggles to keep his composure. He holds out his flask, and beckons out in a slurred, almost indescribable voice, "chheeahs!" With how ragged his eyes are, and now poor condition he seems to be, he's had plenty to drink this time (possibly because of Lone Wolf's over generous donation, no doubt). He holds the mug over his face, opening his mouth to catch the liquid inside, but it only serves to splash over his body carelessly, "Hhhahh, thhuhat's 'h stuff." He looks over Stricia with those tired eyes, and points over with a twitching finger, "Your th' guyee that.. uh... taughht me hhhunnut.. no? Guyee thuhat gave oneh one coine.."

<Just so that we set the proper tone here... The difficulty of this battle is determined by how you reacted to him in the city.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko waits with baited breath for the storied champion of the last few years to reveal himself. He idly comments on his mysterious appearance and slow, uneven gait towards the middle of the arena. "He must be a wizard or mage of some kind...." He takes a sip of ale before his eyes widen in disbelief as the cloak drops to the ground.

Niko spits out an entire mouthful of ale, bursting into a fit of laughter as what appears to be an elderly drunkard toasts the crowd. "Truly this must be a jest? What the fu-ahahahahaha!" The sorcerer doubles over and his sides aching at the ridiculousness that has materialized before them.


<Did Lone Wolf turn this guy into the most Drunken Master? Nooooo!>

Stricia is confused to say the least by the man she sees in front of him. He's a champion? How could that be? Stricia's mind churns.... even in her isolated monastery she had heard rumours of a fighting style driven by.... no it couldn't be.

Init roll:

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's cigarette falls from his lips, his jaw going slack as the reigning champion takes to the field.

"You gotta be kiddin' me..."


It is a testament to how seriously Stricia takes things that she doesn't take this as a joke. Appearances can be deceiving after all. If he is what he seems then it would be a mercy to end it quickly. If he was something else.... Well either way her first move would be the same.

Charging attack stunning fist attempt. Editing in roll

1d20+8=25, 1d8+3=9

((AC 22 due to charge. Switching back to () as easier on phone.))
Saving throw (1d20+7=26)

Stricia's opponent topples and spins on his feet at the hit she just gave him, but suddenly his upperbody swings around the momentum, his body twisting and winding at his center of gravity as he shows the master of his balance. He smirks, "Nish shhot.. It hurts, maammy!" He then swings back a bit and laughs heartily at his own voice. It seems like he doesn't even try to respond to her attacks, just his body jolting around in a disjointed fashion.

<Total Defense this round. +4 to AC>

EDIT: <Init for next round: Initiative (1d20+3=6)>
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