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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

As the battle breaks out, Tiberious charges into the room, drawing his flying blade and running into the chaos.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64440]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 17 = [11]+17 = 28


Whipping his flying blade in a great circle, Tiberious tries to behead one of the nearby lizardmen before it has a chance to act.

((Moving to L6 and making a power attack on Lizardman 1))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64441]Power Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [12]+11 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64442]Damage: 1D12 + 4 + 6 - 1 = [9]+4+6-1 = 18
Hissing as slicings carve soft pink markings into its hardened neck. It immediately moves in and makes attempt at the loud man's life with its crude but heavy greatsword.

<5 ft. step to K5>
Power attack vs. Tiberius (attack roll and damage) (1d20+5-2=22, 1d10+1d2+1+4=16)

Already having cover, another blind Kobold attempts to tend to himself for the time being, at least until an opportunity arises.



<BTW, if you are curious about the 1d2 in the weapon's damage, its sword is homebrew and is part of the weapon damage.>
((For the new page:

Initiative List

Lizardman 2
Armored Lizardman
Kobold 4
Lizardman 3
Kobold 1
Kobold 3
Kobold 7
Lizardman 1
Kobold 2
Kobold 6
Kobold 8

I think we're at Dreadstone now))

Mike M

Nick N
Somewhere in the back of Dreadstone's mind, it registers that this mysterious Drow captive has recognized him. That's an odd thing, for as far as he has known the only Drow he has ever encountered have been during the course of this conflict, and it seems unlikely that his exploits from years past would have carried on the wind of rumors to whatever underground dwelling the Drow called their home.

He'll worry about that later, however. Right now, his mind is focused only on putting down the forces arrayed against him and his team. The strange lizard man with the oddly familiar armor strikes him as the most immediate threat, so Dreadstone fires a single arrow to see if he can't lend assitance to Stricia.

((Moving to M8))
Attack vs. Armored Lizardman:
1d20+13+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)= 34

Damage:  1d8+5+1(Haste)+1(Point Blank)=13
<That hits.>

After a display of great fortitude, the pristine armor is finally broken through by an arrow stabbing into the lizard man's left shoulder. It scowls painfully.

The Kobold next to the prisoner pulls on a mechanism and points it at the Drow, screeching something threatening to him, but only sounding, and looking like a kitten hissing. <Ready an action vs, oh, I dunno an attack I guess, I've never been entirely sure what limitations are in place on what triggers I can specify which is why I rarely use it>

Another Kobold, one against the wall, moves downward to try and get an angle at another new intruder coming in, and fires a shocking bolt.

Crossbow attack vs. Dreadstone Plus Damage (1d6 Weapon + 1d6 Shock) (1d20+3=16, 1d6+1d6=5)
<Even without the +4 AC bonus from soft cover that misses.>


<Gnaw is up.>

Mike M

Nick N
Using his tail as a counterweight, Dreadstone twists his body like a contortionist to evade the incoming Kobold bolt. He raises an eyebrow as the projectile embeds in the doorframe behind him, hissing with a shower of electric sparks. Usually a notch above harmless and ineffectual, someone has outfitted these Kobolds with some dangerous toys. Not much of a threat to the tiefling and his abyssal resistance of the elements, but still some nasty work.

With a whistle and a swoop of his arm, he points at the lizardman engaging Leo in his Tiberius persona. Barking up a storm, Gnaw bounds between Dreadstone and Draco, bearing down on Leo's opponent with snarling teeth.

((Moving to L5))
Bite vs Lizardman: 1d20+7=18
Damage:  1d6+4=5


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Niko will move to L7 and cast Prayer, referred to in flavor text as 'Howl of the Wolf' since he inherited it from the time exposed to Yggdrasil. Affects every ally and enemy in a 40 ft radius around Niko.))

"Thanks Draco!" Stepping forward, Niko positions himself behind Stricia and Tiberius. Closing his eyes he focuses on summoning his strength. The memory of Odin, Lonewolf and Yggdrasil float in his mind, and the sorcerer taps into this connection to alter the waves of power into something different. Releasing a burst of energy, the sound of a howling wolf echoes through the chamber, radiating confidence in his allies and instilling fear into his foes. He has cast Howl of the Wolf.


Stricia 5 steps to the west to bring her into range of both lizards currently in melee and carries out a flurry on the lizard that Tiberious is fighting.

three flurry : 1D20+12 = [9]+12 = 21
1D8+2 = [1]+2 = 3
1D20+12 = [15]+12 = 27
1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5
1D20+12 = [16]+12 = 28
1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5

final flurry : 1D20+7 = [8]+7 = 15
1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9

If at any time that lizard goes down Stricia will switch her attacks to the heavily armored lizard that damaged her. Finally with her haste attack she will attempt an improved grapple on the heavily armored lizard to her northeast.

Improved grapple on heavily armored lizard: 1D20+15 = [16]+15 = 31

((one ki used for extra flurry attack. Done ))
((You can't normally grapple as part of a full attack, even as a monk. Gonna wait to see if that lizard dies before making my move i think.))
<Lizardman 1 took two of those hits to take out. If you switch that third attack to the armored lizardman, it misses.

Also, as far as I know from looking it up, it seems like you're limited to a single attack for initiating grapple because you have to maintain it, but if you're the one BEING grappled, then you're allowed to flurry.>
((While you can't grapple, I do think you could trip as a substitute for an attack. I'm not 100% sure about that though))

((EDIT: Now that I looked at it, I don't see where it says that grappling can't be done in a full-round attack. The grappler just wouldn't be able to make any more attacks after starting the grapple))
<Hmm, I think I know why what Draco said is true now. Combat maneuvers that you can do during a full attack are destignated as taking the place of a melee attack (and thus usually require you to make a successful attack roll), while something like grapple is a separate standard action which you can't do because you've already used a full action.

This was changed from 3.5.>
((Ah, that makes sense then. Yeah, grappling has always been convoluted and tricky. I was just thrown off by grappling being listed under standard actions, and since it's with the other combat maneuvers, I assumed it could be substituted for an attack like the rest of them, so long as it was the last maneuver done that turn.))
<I think he's tripped regardless of whether that hits, but I want to make sure.

EDIT: I just remembered, doesn't Prayer also incur a penalty on me?>
((Gonna take my turn now BC I don't know if I'll be able to later))

The arcane sorcerer's channeling of decidedly divine energies has not gone unnoticed by the Drow, as evidenced by the pointed glance he sends the young man's way.

With no time to comment, however, he decides to simply be grateful for the boon as he focuses on incapacitating his captors.

He throws a knee up at the kobold's rib cage. If it is still standing after that, he plans to finish it off with a headbutt; if not, he'll thrust his leg into a backward kick toward the lizard man.

Attack 1, Damage, Attack 2, Damage (1d20+12=16, 1d3+5=8, 1d20+7=15, 1d3+5=6)
In response the Kobold haphazardly fires a bolt at the captive once movement is seen.

<I'm assuming this is how readying works in that I can fire before the attack damage goes through>

Readied attack vs. Drow + Damage (1d20+3=8, 1d6+1d6=5)

But it is kicked out of the way and the bolt harmlessly juts into the crate.

With enough time to react, the Lizardman is able to grasp the leg, preventing it from connecting to his chest. <It misses.>



((even if so, Stricia's AC is 25 so it would still hit. So one lizard is dead and another is tripped right?))
<Gosh dang. I can't really complain about being tripped since those would've hit him at full AC.>

Quickly, the armored creature does the only thing it can to save its life, thrusting its blade to stop Draco's blade from continuing to penetrate the soft under of its jaw before he can manage to completely drive it through his skull entirely. It forces the blade out of its jaw, and it is now trembling painfully, though still alive.
A blind lizardman that Draco had moved next to attempts to strike at him, but only manages to lose momentum swinging his massive blade through the air, pulled by its weight.

Taken aback by the grave wound inflicted upon him, his jaw still trembling helplessly, the full armored lizard attempts to strike at the flesh creature in a last ditch retaliation, but it flails, only managing to turn over to its side.

A blind Kobold on a crate remains too afraid to make an attempt at shooting in his condition.

Eventually realizing that one of his comrades are down and that things are starting to look worse at the front of the room, the fourth Lizardman gives up trying to restrain the Drow and makes an attempt to help defend.

Charge Power Attack vs. Stricia (1d20+5-1+2-2=18, 1d10+1d2+1+4=16)

The blind Kobold that went behind a crate stays there.

One Kobold behind cover takes the time to load a new crossbow bolt, but doesn't have a clear target yet. Another loads a new bolt, but does have a clear target for himself, the most exposed that it can tell, the canine beast... but the little creature accidentally pulls the trigger before it can fully lift its weapon, shooting a bolt into the floor.

<Whew, that should be everything. If I didn't post a link to rolls it was an obvious miss.>

As the greatsword cuts into Tiberious, he reels back in pain, dramatically flailing his arms about and even flexing his chest to make blood spurt farther. This probably made the blow hurt more than it should have, but a man has to know when to sell. Upon reaching satisfaction with his response, he begins spinning back towards the lizard to strike it down... and finds that gnaw and Stricia have made short work of it. Scanning around for more targets, he sees two that stick out: the armored lizard who has fallen to the ground some time during his selling of the hit he took, and the lizard that just rushed Stricia. Spinning his flying blade around, he prepares to take action once more.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64513]Perform (act): 1D20 + 18 = [9]+18 = 27
"Foolish prisoner taking Orphans, you have made your final mistake! You think you can pray on the innocent while I am around? I am the torch of manliness that burns away villainy! I am death given flessh!! I am he who shall devour the moon!!! Your time of reckoning is at hand!!!!"

((I'm aware that Kobolds and Lizardmen are not Orphans. Tiberious, on the other hand, is not.))

Tiberious then launches into a flashy series of swipes, aiming to kill the the armored lizard and possibly the unarmed one as well.

((Full-round attack on the armored lizard. If he dies before all my attacks are used up, the rest are on the lizard at J5))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64514]Haste Attack: 1D20 + 14 = [2]+14 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64515]Attack 1: 1D20 + 14 = [15]+14 = 29
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64516]Damage: 1D12 + 6 = [11]+6 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64517]Attack 2: 1D12 + 9 = [8]+9 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64518]Damage: 1D12 + 6 = [6]+6 = 12

((Just realized that I've been adding the two-handed damage bonus to power attacks, but not the base damage. Whoops))
<I can't help but think Tiberius' loud dialogue would read better if they weren't all caps.>

While on the ground, the most well protected of the lizard men attempts to scoot backward at the threat of the blades, the flying movements scraping at the armor and slicing the bandages covering it before finally its neck is strung, trapping it into the movement of the blade clutching its neck. With a swift movement, the blade is pulled away and with it the neck is torn and twisted in an instant.

Bandages drift to the floor, unable to hide what was trying to be hidden. A symbol of Heironeus like have been seen in the blacksmith's workshop in Rosewood is prominently featured on the armor.

With the remainder of his effort, Tiberius manages to put a gash across the other lizardman's chest as well, though it is still somewhat healthy.
<The Blind Kobold is not going to do much, so I'm letting Dreadstone go ahead and act, as well as letting you guys react to my previous post.>
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