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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's silver eyes grow wide as he's finally able to place the lizard's armor. That symbol on it, it's the same fist clutching a lightning bolt that ornamented the towers of the Ruby Keep cathedral in his youth, from the bygone days before the Fall.

"Gonna have all sorts of questions to sort out when we're done in here," he says, gathering another fistful of arrows.

"Mind yer heads," he warns before unleashing a flurry of arrows at multiple targets around the room.

((Taking a five foot step forward before attacking. Haste and Point Blank bonuses counter out Rapid Shot, so not calculating them in hit rolls.))

Attack 1 vs. Lizardman at J9
Damage:  2d6+14 (Manyshot+Haste+Point Blank)=25

Rapid Shot vs. Kobold at H10
Damage:  1d6+7=13

Attack 2 vs Kobold at L2
Damage:  1d6+7=9

Haste Attack vs. Lizardman at J5
Damage:  1d6+7=12

Still cowering behind the crate, the Kobold lets out a fright when his companion falls backward onto him, an arrow embedded through it. Another at the side of the room is pinned to the wall like a toy on display.

Not stopping at shooting puppy sized creatures, an arrow is embedded through one of the blind Lizard's eyes, ensuring he will never recover from his ailment, and another topples over the other.

After Dreadstone's cleanup, the remaining Kobolds frantically find some kind of cover to cower behind after seeing what was done to their friends, dropping their crossbows in the process.

<I'm going to end the battle. Your loot are three Shock Crossbow Bolts that the Kobolds never managed to use (6,000 gp worth that can be sold at half of that). Other notable items are the Lizardman Greatswords which are non-magical and are 1d10+1d2 damage, but have no magical or monetary value. The Armored Lizardman has a Full Plate +1, Heavy Steel Shield +1, and a Longsword +2, but of course that's not yours to take. Neither are the things in the chest in the corner.>
As the last of the enemies falls, the Drow takes a few steps toward Dreadstone, still tense, at the ready, and not yet relaxed, despite the battle's end. "Am I your quarry, sir?" he demands, firmly and without fear. "If it be so, I ask that you afford me a courtesy and tell me who it is that would put a bounty on my head."
((Generally, magical ammo is is priced 2000gp per 50... unless those bolt are really good. Also, can I use those bolts with my hand crossbow?))

Interrupts before Dreadstone can speak "Yes, this has been a long time coming, but you will finally pay for your crimes... although we may be a bit more forgiving if you are willing to provide us with some information about the Orphans."

Bluff: (1d20+7=25)
<Hmm, in that case I'll just throw in a 4,000 GP loot elsewhere to make up for it.

ThLunarian, you can roll an opposed sense motive, or I can just auto-fail the bluff if the metagame is too much to handle.>
As the combat ends, Tiberious walks towards the oddly colored elf, ready to free him from his bonds.

"Those Orphans were no match for us! Are you alri-"

Much to Tiberious's confusion, the elf ignores him to address Dreadstone, talking as if Dreadstone is out for him or something.

"Do you know this guy, Deadstone?"

((Also, I'll take one of the greatswords))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone instinctively raises his bow and points a black-tipped arrow at the eye of the Drow prisoner as he approaches.

"That's far enough, friend," he warns. "I don't have the foggiest notion who you are, but if you want to live to see the sunrise, you best start talkin'."

The string of the bow creaks as Dreadstone draws it to the limit. "'Course, as I understand it, you folk ain't too keen on seein' the sun to begin with. Where are the rest of your friends?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone squints as he stares at the mysterious Drow, trying to see if he can't place the face...

Local Knowledge check:  1d20+3=18
<Luckily that was an easy check, since you had first hand experience to go by>

Dreadstone's keen senses will notice that the Drow's eyes aren't exactly as striking as he remembers of the ones he has seen. Whereas one like Adel had strong coloration and glow to their visage and required shaded lens to be out in the open, this Drow's eyes seem to be less extreme in comparison, lacking the glow that other Drow and even himself as a Tiefling have in their eyes.
Tiberious's eyebrows raise as Dreadstone and Draco give the freshly rescued prisoner an interrogation. Seeing this makes him wonder if the oddly colored elf is evil or not. He decides to add a question of his own.

"You there! My friends seem to think something is off about you. Are you a villain?"

Deliberately not rolling sense motive, as Tiberious is dumb and naive. If he says he's not evil, that will be good enough for him. If you want me to roll sense motive anyway on whatever he says, I can edit it in. EDIT: well, guess I'm rolling it to pick up the bitterness, since that's unrelated to the whole good/evil thing.
The Drow relaxes considerably once Dreadstone confesses his lack of knowledge, going so far as to chuckle at Tiberious's query.

"Far from it, friend," he says. "I am Sir Thaddeus Birchwood, Junior Officer of the Ruby Keep City Guard, and on behalf of my station, I must thank you for rescuing me."

Thaddeus bows his head and takes a few breaths before continuing.

"Now if one of you would be so kind as to free me of these bindings, I should like to avail myself of my proper armaments. We are in the presence of a lady, and I am loathe to continue to present myself in such a sorry state."

Thaddeus turns to reveal his shackles, which are enchanted as to prevent an easy escape.

Sense Motive DC 15
There is the faintest hint of bitterness in Thaddeus's utterance of the word 'junior', though the bitterness is not present in the remainder of his speech.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Lizards exterminated! That went a lot better than I expected." Niko goes around subduing the remaining kobalds by removing their weapons and stacking the loot in a corner. He stops in his task to observe the strange prisoner who upon further examination appears to be Drow. "He was kicking and headbutting a few of the scaled ones earlier. Could the Orphans be trying to tie up loose ends?"

Ozzy sniffs the air cautiously around the Drow, keeping a safe distance. "Wait, he's with the Keep?" The sorcerer raises an eyebrow in confusion, waiting to see Dreadstone's reaction before he moves. However, he does make note of the shackles that imprison the Drow.

"Enchanted chains and lightning bolts...the Orphans either have some talented artisans on their employ or they are buying with from very well connected merchants."
even for your difficulties in the military, you still managed to outrank Junior Officer by managing Lieutenant. This Drow before you is essentially a grunt, if what he says is true.

Draco can easily undo the locks given enough time.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=64521]Sense Motive: 1D20 + 4 = [12]+4 = 16
"Well, that's good enough for me! Well met Thaddeus, it was a pleasure aiding you. Huh, I would have assumed you weren't junior anything, as well as you handled being a prisoner."

Turning to Draco, he addresses him in a matter that Thaddeus will likely be able to tell is significantly less filled with machismo.

"So, think you can get him out of those shackles? I'd hack them off, but I don't want to accidentally hurt him."
((Didn't notice Draco's bluff earlier, sorry))

"I know precious little of the Orphans, but that they endeavor to breed and transport monstrosities from this island to the mainland, and that their leader, one Dorthlenne Variel, is proficient in the use of firearms. While your motives are unclear to me, I promise you that if you assist me in the cessation of this operation, you shall be handsomely rewarded."
"...Alright. We just gonna trust this guy Dread? I can free him easily, but once I do, well, you probably have a good idea of the risks."

Draco will remove the bindings once Dread gives the go ahead(if?).
Taking only a moment to rub his wrists once the shackles are removed, Thaddeus wastes no more time. He first collects the armour, shield, and longsword from the fallen lizard and begins the process of equipping them himself.

He pauses uncertainly for a moment and looks at Stricia. "Perhaps the lady wishes to turn away for a moment?"

Whether or not she does, he'll continue the process, though with some small amount of self-consciousness if she does not. Those who are familiar with the process may note that he is surprisingly adept at doing so without the aid of a squire.

As he works, he takes great care in completely removing all traces of the bandages that were being used to conceal Heironeous's symbols.

"If you are not here to hunt me down, I can only surmise that you have come to bring down the traitors," he remarks. "If that is indeed the case, then I wish to join you in your effort. My loyalty to the throne is second only to my loyalty to Heironeous himself."

Fastening a buckle, Thaddeus stands up and gets to work on tying a knot behind his back. He looks to the tiefling once more. "I must apologize for my reaction to your appearance," he says. "I'm afraid the legendary Dreadstone's reputation precedes him, in particular among the rabble I am accustomed to dealing with. I certainly meant no disrespect."

He finally finishes putting his armor on, and the party may notice that it now gleams with an almost supernatural brilliance. This is doubly true for the sword, which was downright dull in comparison when wielded by the lizardman.

Thaddeus goes to the wooden chest at the back of the room and retrieves an amulet and a ring. He rolls his neck and sheathes his weapon. "Shall we proceed?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone lets out an involuntary snort at Thaddeus's profession of faith to Heironeous. Nothing against the god of law and order, mind you. As a former law enforcement officer himself, Dreadstone probably would have gotten along with him just fine. It's just that in his experience, he's found that dead gods have little use for devoted followers.

Arms crossed, he stands with his back to Thaddeus and whispers to Draco, "It's almost a bit too convenient, isn't it? But that armor is the genuine article, and he's... Different from the others so far. Somethin' 'bout his eyes. Still, if you were gonna plant a mole in the opposition, this is a textbook example how to do it. We don't let him outta our sight until we can get in touch with someone in command who can verify-- Ah hells, I'm an idiot."

Pivoting on his heel, he addresses Stricia ((Because I think she was the last to have them? I dunno who's got them)). "Bust out those scryin' stones. We need to let the brass know what we found."

Turning back to Thaddeus, he says, "We were dispatched to put a stop to the monster exportin' business ourselves. You, though, you're a long way from home. How'd you end up out here? And where's the rest of your unit?"
Thaddeus lowers his head slightly and takes a heavy breath.

"I was kidnapped," he says plainly. "The circumstances, I am ashamed to admit, are not entirely clear to me."

He pauses and looks up again, frowning slightly. "A moment before I continue."

Thaddeus closes his eyes and begins to mumble quietly. He steeples his hands in front of his chest, and a soft white glow emanates from them, extending outward and faintly illuminating a twenty foot radius around him.

"This," he explains, gesturing all around him, "Is a Zone of Truth, as I'm sure your sorcerer can confirm. Any living creature within this area cannot tell a lie, inclusive of myself as the caster. Though it is not absolutely fool-proof, perhaps it may provide some level of assurance as to the validity of my tale."

He nods, satisfied with himself. "One morning, some months ago, I awoke to find that I was not in my own bed. Rebellion sympathizers within the capital had caught wind that there was a Drow in the city, and, believing they were recovering an undercover operative I suppose, they stole me out of my home in the middle of the night.

"I was... less than cooperative, but the rebels found my heritage to afford me a certain level of hospitality. I used that freedom to secretly send messages back to the mainland, but last week, my espionage was discovered, and my privileged status was revoked. This facility is ill-equipped to house prisoners, so I've been under guard by this sorry lot ever since."

He watches with interest as Dreadstone retrieves the scrying stones. "If you have the means, I should very much like to relay my tale to my superior officers. I have no doubt that I have been marked as AWOL for some time now."
<Whenever I do have the Headmaster speak to you, I'm probably going to do a time skip to give them time to look into things. Is that alright? You can assume you have time to heal during the skip.>
<Not really, the chest in the corner contained Thaddeus' belongings that wasn't being used by the Lizardman. You are safe for the time being though.>


"It seems this the extent of the Orphan base here" Stricia says "I do not believe there will be any more smuggling"
<Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and say that you find the Kobold's supply of shock crossbow bolts in one of the crates that are in the room, 2000 gp worth. Also, I have no clue what Stricia means there.>
((Sounds like when Stricia asked if there was anything else to explore, you thought she meant in the room, while she meant in the entire underground base. That's where the misunderstanding was))
Leo rolls his eyes as the party goes through the process of vetting Thaddeus. As far as he's concerned, the guy has already established that he's good. Why would someone lie about that?

As they wait for Dortumn, Leo walks over to shake the new Guy's hand and strike up conversation.

"Welcome aboard friend! You'll have to excuse some of the others, they have trust issues or something. Or maybe they're just not as good at judging character! Once your superiors vouch for who you are, I'm sure they'll trust you more. Hmm, another warrior huh! Good, I have someone else to talk warriorly weapons with!"

((Me and some of my friends jokingly refer to Senator Thad Cochran as Thaddeus. It's going to take a while for me to imagine your character as anything besides an armored, purple Thad Cochran))
Once the scrying stones are clicked together, a voice speaks to everyone except Thaddeus...

Did you find their camp? Very well.. What is it that you need of us?

In a moment, you hear a new message,

Dortumn is next to me asking about, well, these are his words not mine, what in the hell a Drow is doing next to you. I believe he wants a through explanation.

After explaining Thaddeus' story, you are informed to hold your position and not to do anything to draw attention while Dortumn magically messages the Keep to get a file on Junior Officer Thaddeus Birchwood. By the time this is done, most of your self-enchantments will have worn off. This time, when you receive a message through the scrying, Thaddeus will be able to hear.

There seems to be no file whatsoever on a Thaddeus Birchwood as a citizen, nor is there any record of him ever being in the Keep military, and the last known person to carry the name "Birchwood" that was involved in Ruby Keep affairs... well... seems to have died well over a hundred years ago, before even the Queen was born.

He is saying that if you are in fact not bringing about deceit, then you may very well have been the subject of a large cover up as of recently.

Niko will be able to confirm that the Zone of Truth spell was real, and working as it should. In addition, he'll be able to recognize that Thaddeus' Paladin powers are very similar to Stricia's chi which is consistent with how mainstream Clerics and Paladins have continued to operate.


Stricia thinks but willing to give the newcomer the benefit of the doubt says. "Who is your commanding officer?"
((I can give each of you a Cure Light Wounds that will heal 15 HP, and a Lay on Hands to each of you will fill you up. RPing that would be difficult on account of what's happening right now, so we'll just keep that behind the scenes))

Thaddeus grows pale at this news - no small feat for one with dark purple skin. "I... I cannot believe they would... I knew that there were those in the military who disliked me on account of my Drow lineage, but to dishonor my name and the name of my family..."

He stumbles back a few steps and kneels, trying to keep his emotions under control. "You have rescued me from my imprisonment, and for that I am grateful. I am no fool, and I realize that you have little reason to trust a Drow you've only just met, when all outside evidence suggests that I am lying. If you'd prefer to leave me behind and have me fend for myself, I shall understand. But if you'll have me along, I swear it to you that we shall get to the bottom of this deception, and root out the rebels once and for all."

He regards Stricia's query. "My commanding officer... That would be Lieutenant Taban Grady. He oversaw the holding cells in which I was stationed before my capture."
((well, that was a great use of my mutagen for the day...))

Draco shrugs, "Well, having another to get hit instead of me sounds like a fine plan, and we certainly aren't leaving you behind. Just remember, I got my eye on you, drow..."
"Leave you behind? Not trust you? That would be cruel! Of course you're coming with us and we're getting this figured out! Well, if Deadstone allows it, at least."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone lets out a dry chuckle. "Guess the advantage of havin' a family name without any honor to begin with is that no one can do any further dishonorin' of it."

Dreadstone let's out a short whistle and summons Gnaw to heel. "The truth spell in here means you're either tellin' the truth, or think you are at the very least, and that's close enough for me. Fall in, we got ourselves a monster shop to shut down."
Soon you receive orders...

Dortumn will get in contact with the commanding officer mentioned. Until then feel free to continue on exploring. Whether or not you trust the Drow is Dreadstone's decision, and... Dortumn feels the Drow's safety should be the lowest priority until we know your own safety isn't compromised in return. Remember, a Paladin's powers no longer come from a deity, so you cannot be certain how closely they will follow conduct as written by the current Order.


<With that said, ThLunarian will now be playing Thaddeus and is now a main member of the party. I'm going to AFK for a little bit.>
"They very well might, if it comes to it," says Thaddeus. "By and large, Drow are a cowardly, awful race. It is only by the grace of my human parents - Heironeous rest their souls - that I did not turn out the same. It is also why I do not blame those who would judge me by appearance alone. Truth be told, the Drow have earned such a stigma."
"Oh, so all of the Orphans are Drow, which is what you are? That means that- OH.... ok, I see why they didn't trust you now. Kind of racist, but at least I get it. Sorry to hear your race is a bunch of monsters, but you don't seem like how you describe them, and I'm sure the others will get over your appearance soon too. I mean look at Deadstone! He looks like some kind of horrible monster sent out into the night to eat children, but he's a real good guy and we all trust him completely."
Thaddeus smiles. "It gladdens me to know that I have so quickly earned your trust, Tiberious Thunderfist. I vow to you that I shall not squander it."

He subconsciously places one hand on his scabbard, as if to draw comfort from it.

"Tieflings may have an unsettling appearance - no offense intended, Sir -, but they have not earned an unsavory reputation as the Dark Elves have. Tieflings are as varied in disposition as human beings and dragons.

"The Drow, on the other hand... They plot and conspire in the shadows, constantly at war with the surface world. They cull their newborns, discarding any who do not meet the standards of a 'proper' Drow. My appearance is a reminder of that reputation in the eyes of many, and I have learned that there is no use fighting against it. All I can do is live a virtuous and righteous existence, and hope that my actions might sway the opinions of those I come across."
"Thunderfist? It's Thunder- actually, I like Thunderfist, it has a nice ring to it. I'm going to have to come up with a special move called the Thunder Fist now. Thanks Thaddeus!"

"Huh, so all Drow look alike? That will make a reputation. Still, something about assuming someone's evil because of their race doesn't sit right with me. People make it obvious if they're good or evil really quickly. The whole treating you bad because almost all other Drow are bad thing just seems unnecessary."

Leo then starts wondering if he can attach some of the electrified bolts they just found to his cestus. A thunder fist sounds like a great way to spice up combat.

((KM, I don't actually expect you to let me do that, but if there is somehow a way to make that work, even as a one-time attack or something, let me know.))
Thaddeus is quiet for a fashion, looking forward as he ruminates on what Tiberious said.

Finally he looks at the gladiator. "You've more faith in them than I do, then," he says sadly, and looks ahead again. He is clutching his scabbard tightly now.
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