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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<Fittingly, only Draco and Dreadstone made a high enough wisdom that I flat out give them advice, also, I mentally added a bonus to Draco's roll since he already roleplayed smartness beforehand>

Draco & Dreadstone:
You understand these things about your situation:

1) The enemy is already aware of your presence because of Tiberius and the voice that called out to you, making a distraction pointless
2) As Draco said, the enemies are luring you in by appealing to your heroic sensibilities
3) You only have one point of entry, and it is most likely being watched, meaning unless you are invisible (and have pass without trace), you will be seen going in
4) You have no idea what the room inside looks like or what the enemies are doing
5) You are currently safe, and they're not coming out for you

In short, Stricia's plan to "sneak in while Tiberius distracts" is bound to fail spectacularly given circumstances that you are already aware of.

<With that said, I can work with invisibility, but only to an extent. I want to keep things simple and have it affect where I put you on the map to start battle. If you're invisible I can put you inside to an extent, and if you're not, you'll be outside near the door.>
"Actually, invisibility is too risky, we'd just end up separated, allow the invisible ones to end up surrounded. Niko? Do you have anything big and flashy that could hurt them? Preferably a fireball, but anything that might stall them for a few seconds would be useful. Once you do that Leo can lead the charge and we can blitz them down. Hopefully."
Tiberious balks at Draco and Dreadstone's words.

"Someone PRETENDING to be in distress? That would be evil! Terrible! Just mean and cheating! No one would do such a thing. You are right about being ready to kill as soon as we go in though. Are we going?"


((I personally think that Stricia's plan was quite clever as the enemies don't know that the party is capable of stealth and not all like Tiberious, but whatever. It's your call KM))
<You also don't know what the enemy is capable of in return.

Now that I think about it, I can also put invisible people in front of the door if they wish to not go inside when placing you guys on the map..>


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Nothing damaging but I might be able to stun whatever is inside with some illusion magic. I'll cast haste and then that so we can rush in and take them with the advantage."

Unless there are any objections, Niko casts haste on the party once more and then shoots Glitterdust (Will save DC:20) into the room.

((range is 170ft so I figure that is enough to get it from where we are standing, correct me if I'm wrong))
<I'll let you cast haste, Glitterdust I'm gonna hold off until battle so that you have a grid. I assume nobody is objecting to the battle starting?>
((No objections here))

"Sounds like a good plan to me! We should kick the door in all synchronized like. You throw your glitter in there as soon as it's open, and then we charge!"

((If this doesn't work for mechanics or other reasons, ignore Tiberious))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63940]Initiative: 1D20 + 1 = [8]+1 = 9

((If the owlbear meat sickness has run its course by now, add +1 to that.))

Finally making way to gaze into the room, you see a rather inflated number of lizard-like creatures filling the room, and they gaze back, or at least gaze to your point of entry.

The little ones have cross bows, and the human sized lizard men carry large, crude swords with them... except for one. One of the Lizardman is decked out in glimmering plate armor and a longsword. When Dreadstone gets a chance to notice this, he'll find it a familiar sight tarnished by the rusted bronze cap it wears as a helmet. Strangely, bandages are wrapped around the shoulders and the chest of the plate armor, as if they were covering something.

To the back, a Drow person is thrown into a corner of boxes. Logically, it would be safe to conclude that this was in fact a trap due to a Drow in on it as bait.

Initiative List

Lizardman 2
Armored Lizardman
Kobold 4
Kobold 5
Lizardman 3
Kobold 1
Kobold 3
Kobold 7
Lizardman 1
Kobold 2
Kobold 6
Kobold 8


bitch I'm taking calls.
((What is possible given line of sight from our positions outside the room? Since we have a map of all the enemies in the room, is it reasonable to say the creatures on the map can be seen and thus targeted by spells or is the content of the room only being given by Stricia since she is in the doorway?))

((Either way, everyone is hasted already and Stricia & I both still have mage armor active))

((What I would like to do is cast Glitterdust on I4, with 10 ft radius how many enemies would that affect?))
<I most likely would have shown them on the map regardless of whether or not you were in front of the door, but yes you should still take cover and los into account if that matters at all.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((So the grayed out sprites are behind cover? How far can I move while still being able to take an action? Does 1 square of movement = 5 feet?))
<Yep, they're behind cover (thank goodness that was the first thing you thought, shown this map to a friend and he had the most asinine interpretation of the map.) Yes, each square is 5 ft.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Taking a peek inside the room, Niko quickly realizes the lethal nature of the trap set before them. "Yeah we just walked into an ambush. That's what we get for letting Tiberius take the lead. At least it wasn't a giant this time..." Scolding himself for his stupid assumptions beforehand, he quickly takes the initiative and begins to sort out a plan in his mind. He starts by taking a position on the left side of the entryway.


"I'll try to disable as many as I can on the right half, but I can't cast on the others unless I go inside. And in my robes I'll be turned into a pincoushin if I try to set foot inside first!"

Conjuring up another storm of bright glittering rain, the sorcerer casts Glitterdust on the right side of the room, in an attempt to blind as many of their reptilian foes as possible.

((I can't figure out where to place the spell exactly, just wherever on the right side (since that is my LOS) that will affect the most enemies with the 10 foot radius. I'm also assuming being behind cover will make at least one of the crossbow kobalds immune, feel free to correct if I'm wrong.))
((Pretty sure you can hit 4 on the right side(just missing the armored one). Cover shouldn't help them much in the case of glitterdust(if it were fireball or something, they might get a bonus to their reflex save.)))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Pretty sure you can hit 4 on the right side(just missing the armored one). Cover shouldn't help them much in the case of glitterdust(if it were fireball or something, they might get a bonus to their reflex save.)))
((EDIT: Just read KM's post, trying to figure out the right intersection))

((Intersection of I-8 and H-9. No matter how it shakes out I will still miss the armored Lizardman but I should be able to get all 3 kobalds and the other regular lizardman in the radius))
Stricia dashes in, connecting a strike against the Lizardman's armor... However; the armor is brilliantly constructed, walling her fist entirely with its magical defense.

She becomes visible.
As you take a closer look at the Drow in the corner, you notice that something seems different about him.

Most prominently, he is nearly naked, donning only a scant set of small clothes designed to fit under armour. Not particularly tall, this Drow has a lithe frame lined with well-defined, non-bulging muscles. His skin is a deep purple, as is expected for his kind, and his hair is snow white. It reaches all the way to the middle of his back, and is very well groomed.

His arms are also shackled behind his back, and a thin trickle of green blood can be seen running from the corner of his mouth; the surrounding creatures look to have been beating on him.

He peers past his aggressors and scans the party. His eyes widen when he notices the tiefling.

"The Scourge of the Narrows!? Here?" he exclaims, and and the voice sounds to be the same one that called out for Tiberious earlier. The accent suggests an origin of nobility. "I pray that I have not escaped the frying pan in favour of the flame..."

So saying, he turns his attentions to one of the adjacent kobolds, attempting to kick him in the gut.

Unarmed attack vs kobold (1d20+11=27, 1d3+4=7)


bitch I'm taking calls.


((Stricia's unarmed attacks are ki strikes now which should overcome magic, silver, and cold iron damage reduction, do those apply in this case?))
<Yes, if it were damage reduction, but you straight up failed to meet even its flat footed AC. It's obvious based on the other lizardmen that they normally don't wear armor like that.>


<Yes, if it were damage reduction, but you straight up failed to meet even its flat footed AC. It's obvious based on the other lizardmen that they normally don't wear armor like that.>
((Got it I thought I might get him due to Blinded penalties on AC at least. This guy is a heavy duty tank. ))
After being blinded, the Lizardman immediately hoists its large blade up protectively while attempting to remove the dust from its eyes. <Total Defense>

The armored creature answers the failed charge with two diagonal swings in succession against his aggressor with a blade that almost appears purely white in its blur, whirling softly through the air.

Full Attack vs. Stricia (1d20+9=28, 1d20+4=7)
Crit confirm (1d20+9=15)
Damage (1d8+3=10)


<Will continue on with my turns in another post. Gonna make them separate posts so that I don't lose post writing progress by accident.>
One of the Kobolds is rubbing its eyes, not ready to attack.

The one Lizardman guarding the Drow attempts to restrain him after noticing a small-ling injured by retaliation. <This provokes, can't roll until I know the result.>

A Kobold peeks around his cover and fires a shot at the door. <Vs. Draco, there is a line I can draw that reaches him without passing through the Lizardman. If that isn't enough, I can just move him before hand.>

Crossbow Attack vs. Draco (1d20+3=5)

When the bolt is released from the mechanism, it glows a light yellow and, whizzing past Draco's feet, sticks into the wall behind him and sparkles with electricity.

A Kobold that has been blinded jumps off of the crate and takes cover for the time being.

From the left wall, another shot is fired off at Draco while he is still exposed.

Crossbow Attack vs. Draco (1d20+3=19) <I have no idea if that hits, so I'll roll damage>
Weapon + Shock Damage (1d6+1d6=6)



<After this grapple is worked out Tiberius will be up>

Initiative List

Lizardman 2
Armored Lizardman
Kobold 4
Lizardman 3
Kobold 1
Kobold 3
Kobold 7
Lizardman 1
Kobold 2
Kobold 6
Kobold 8
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