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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Well, I guess we should keep pressing forward then! Down the hall we go!"

Before charging off, he turns around to make sure Dreadstone signs off on it. "Shall we get moving, Deadstone?"
<I'm just gonna push you along since there's nothing dangerous ahead, at least for the time being.>

Stepping out into a new room, the party finds themselves in a hallway built into the canyon. Ioun torches float near the ceiling, giving modest light to what almost seems like a mine shaft at first, wooden bracing spaced to help keep the corridor stable, but lacking in a cart track and any hint of mining activity, suggesting otherwise. The place you are in is very makeshift and non-architectural, and the materials you have just left behind may have been intended to help fortify construction.

<If you don't have an Ioun torch, now is the time to nab one.>
With the go ahead, Tiberious blazes forward, further into the place, and finds... nothing to kill. Disappointed, he ceases the theatrics for the time being, saving them for when the time is right. Seeing an Ioun torch, he grabs it. "I really wish I had a torch earlier, I could have cooked that owlbear meat on the go."

After spending a moment to think on his folly, he looks down this new shaft...
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63727]Perception: 1D20 + 4 = [3]+4 = 7
...or starts to, before being distracted by the pretty, shiny nature of the torch


((They are just stones aren't they? Stricia can carry seventy more pounds and has a sack. I can't find any weight listed for them on pfsrd))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko declines to take any of the Ioun torch. "Talk about a waste of time. I have spells enough for that." He uses the spell Light to illuminate anything the party wishes so they can move on.
((in my first game i dmed, the dungoen had ever burning torches everywhere, so the players took them all. i just had them stop working once they left the building "Congradulations, you now have 50 pounds of sticks". Also, I already track my weight very closely, its why i have a handy haversack and still avoid picking up anything, gotta be at light load at all times.))
((Yeah, I'm coasting the light/medium line myself, so I try and watch that. Luckily, the people I've DM'd over are very hack and slash prone, so I never really had to bust out weight tracking on them.))
<I try not to be too harsh on weight penalties because it's very easy to circumvent anyway, and there are many opportunities to get food, but I need to draw the line somewhere if character actions start to reflect the need for it.

And apparently that isn't enough. I already calculated the amount of money you would get selling stuff you find here, but the ioun torches are not part of that. I'm probably gonna complain a bit but I want to be able to describe a room's visuals as I desire and even give a bit of a freebee (a permanent light source for you guys like the permatorches from the previous game) without turning the game into taking everything that isn't nailed down.>
<I'm probably gonna complain a bit but I want to be able to describe a room's visuals as I desire and even give a bit of a freebee (a permanent light source for you guys like the permatorches from the previous game) without turning the game into taking everything that isn't nailed down.>

((*Notes to buy a nail remover next time the party's in town*))

((Kidding of course. Pissing off GM's usually leads to characters finding themselves in the deepest reaches of the Abyss))
<With that out of the way... don't bother with perception or stealth, scripted event coming up. In fact I will reward Tiberius for being loud in response to what I come up with.>
<Just don't go too crazy with it.>

As the party moves along, their newly obtained lights soon cast shadow against small creatures, only for their forms to scurry around the corner and dart off.
((I'll try to not shout the cave down around us))

Seeing little creatures scurry around the critter, Tiberious turns back to the party and remarks "Those didn't looks like Orphans, did they? I figured that Orphans would look more evil."

Tiberious will try to get the small creatures to come back the only we he can think of, by calling for them.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63729]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 17 = [12]+17 = 29
"TINY CREATURES OF THE SUBTERRANEAN! IF YOU ARE NOT EVIL, YOU NEED NOT FEAR US!! RETURN HENCE AND WE SHALL COLLABORATE ON OVERCOMING THE ORPHANS, LIKE TRUE MEN!!" Should this not bring them back, Tiberious will get the go-ahead from the party to round the corner and try again.

Upon rounding the corner, he strikes a fabulous pose, throwing one hand over his face while leaning back at a 60 degree angle and throwing the other hand across his waist. "I, TIBERIOUS THUNDERFACE, AM A CHAMPION OF GOOD! YOU ARE SAFE NOW IF YOU'RE NOT BAD GUYS, REVEAL YOURSELVES!"
As the party turns the corner to trail Tiberius, everyone finds themselves in an extension of the dug corridor they were in.

At the end of this path, are shadows rummaging in a confined light peeking out of the side, activity brewing within a lit room in a brief distance. Suddenly, a voice calls out in answer to the careless boasting, faint from the distance you hear from...

"Tiberious Thunderface, I am being held prisoner! I am under guard by kobolds and lizardmen, at least ten in number! Please, I-"

The voice is interrupted by a sharp movement in the shadows against the light followed by anger made vocal by a non-common language yelled with a slithering tongue.
Tiberious is caught slightly off guard by the voice being cut off. "Have no fear! You will be rescued in no time! PREPARE FOR DEATH, EVILDOERS!!"

Turning to the party, he says "We have to save whoever that is! That sounded bad. Besides, 10 kobolds and lizard people doesn't sound to bad, that's like two and a half for each of us."


"Agreed, someone needs help there." Stricia says prepared to run to the rescue as Leo so badly wants to do.
Draco doesn't notice any traps in the general vicinity. He can confirm that the room itself is a trap and he is convinced that they're acting strongly to get on their good graces including silencing the voice, and it has worked well on the easily impressionable Tiberius.

<Sorry, Tiberius, but Paladin mindset doesn't work well in situations where they're being screwed with.>
"Yeah, this is too obviously a trap. Question is how do we turn it around on them? ...Tiberous, do not say, yell, or even whisper anything to them."


Heeding Draco's advice Stricia considers the situation and whispers "Those of us who can, sneak in to the room perhaps with invisibility spells ahead of Tiberious who marches in slowly and loudly. With them focused on him the rest of us could surprise them for a change. They already consider us, justifiably, as clumsy and foolhardy. Let us use that against them."

((Can we tell with a detect magic what could be in that room?))


((Just worried that an invisibility spell would be very unstealthy if someone in the room sees magical auras wandering in. Is that even possible?))
<I've decided that once I show you a map of the area that the battle will start, so if Stricia goes into the room, I also want everyone nearby as well. You don't have to go into the room, but I do want you close enough to where I can put you on the map.>


((I was thinking that maybe all the stealthy characters make the move in while Tiberious is stomping down the corridor. So I think that's Dreadstone, Stricia, and Draco moving in with Tiberious as distraction not very far away and Nico behind Tiberious maybe doing something flashy as well to make it sound like the party is actually all behind Tiberious. Does that sound like a reasonable plan?))
((Typing up a post in accordance with the plan, though not having him actually enter the room until the others post))

Tiberious can barely hold himself back, but he manages to do so long enough for Draco and Stricia to do some planning.

"Slow and loud without talking anymore, huh? I don't know why we need to be stealthy about a rescue attempt, but sure, why not?"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63792]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 17 = [6]+17 = 23
Tiberious begins stomping down the hall in a wildly exaggerated fashion, making his armor clang as much as he can. He occasionally stops to do flips off of the walls and to jump up and hit the ceiling.
Everything Tiberius did, resulted in nothing and in fact probably just ensured that the prisoner is in worse shape than before with time wasted.

<Seriously, guys. Do I need to give Draco an intuition here as a freebee?>


((But the plan is for Tiberious to do that while the others are getting into position via stealth and hopefully help them get inside while Tiberious distracts... I just posted the plan to get everybody's feedback))
((The allure of Tiberious somehow being the only one to realize this is a bad idea is too strong. Here goes nothing))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=63794]Wisdom: 1D20 + 1 = [8]+1 = 9
((Well, that was appropriate))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Ozzy hops up and down on the sorcerer's shoulder, clearly incensed by the creatures they have seen and not fooled by the occupied room before them. Raising an eyebrow both at Tiberius antics and the idea of sneaking into a room full of alerted and waiting enemies, Niko's confused countenance is replaced by a look of determination. "Good effort, T. Time to pull up the curtain and start the opening act!"

EDIT: ((I don't understand what we are approaching. You describe some kind of light and creatures peering out of the side of something, is it coming from the underside of a door?))
<No creatures were peering out. You saw shadows, as in literally shadows against a light coming from an OPEN ROOM. Not creatures that looked like shadows, not heads popping out that you can barely make out, just an indication that stuff is going on in a room you can't see directly in, and said room is on your right down the hall.

When I said roll wisdom, that was not optional, so roll wisdom Jackben.>
Wisdom: (1d20+1=11)
((inb4 the dc is 2.))

"Damn it Leo, there is no one to rescue, they are lying to you to lure us into a trap. Your antics stop being funny as soon as they start putting us into danger. Anyways... I have an extract of of invisibility prepared, so I or some one else could join you. What do you think Dreadstone? I know you aren't gonna fall for this crap."

Mike M

Nick N
((Jesus christ, I didn't even miss out on making a post yesterday and you guys go nuts : O I deserve this for running up the post count in the previous game.))

Dreadstone Wisdom Check:  1d20+3=17
Gnaw Wisdom Check:  1d20+1=3
((Gnaw's not very bright, apparently))

Dreadstone unslings his bow and grabs an arrow. "Think 'bout it," he says. "The Orphans are here to set up their monster exportin' business. Who would even be on the island for 'em to capture, 'cept maybe Baldur's extended family back the way we came? An' I don't recall them mentionin' anyone gone missin'."

He nocks his arrow in the bow. "Hit 'em fast, hit 'em hard."
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